AM Workout (0700)
Today was one of the best workouts I've had in a very long time. Worked out in a super nice crossfit gym while back home visiting my family. Had plenty of space, great equipment and we had a lot of time not to rush through this workout. Felt great and had a lot of fun workout out, really cool to incorporate things I've missed while working out in our basement gym (rowing, muscle-ups, double-unders, handstand walk) ... but all of these movements felt pretty fluid and good despite not incorporating them much over the last yearish of time. Great day in the gym, looking forward to getting another workout in tomorrow.
Optional 5min Easy Bike or Reverse Sled Drag
Ankles and Hip Flexors
2-3 Sets
15 Tibialis Raises
15 Double Leg Seated Calf Raise
15 Tuck Up in Dip Support + 15sec Tuck L Sit
Snatch Grip Pattern
1 Set
2 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press
2 Overhead Squats (21X1)
rest as needed between sets
2-3 Sets
1 Snatch Grip Behind the Neck Push Press
1 Overhead Squat (21X1)
rest as needed between sets
-1st set at 155#, sets 2-4 went 175#, 195#, 205# ... tempo felt good, definitely more there
Back Squat 11X1; 3,3,2,2,1,1; Every 2mins
*Continue to build upon previous weeks and make these sets tough without losing your commitment to you full range of motion and a strong pause at the bottom.
**If your squats are feeling good today and you want to try for a PR or some heavy singles outside of the tempo, go for it. If today's not the day and the bar is moving like mud, stick to the numbers above and have a good time.
-315# x 3, 335# x 3, 345# x 2, 355# x 2, 365# x 1, 375# x 1 ... rested about 3-4 minutes then hit a single with no tempo at 405# ... this single didn't feel great, but its the heaviest I've ever done without a belt ... called it there.
Every 90sec x 6-8 Sets
1st - 60sec AMRAP - 3-5 Muscle Ups + AMRAP Double Unders in time left over
2nd - 60sec AMRAP - 8 Burpees + Max Distance HS Walk in time left over
-Complete ... hit 5 muscle-ups + ~60 double-unders each round and then 10-15m handstand walk each set ... really fun conditioning/skill piece
3-4 Sets @ Sustainable Pace
8 Hang Power Clean
6 Push Press
4 Thrusters
Row 10-12 Cals
rest 30sec
Row 10-12 Cals
4 Thrusters
6 Push Press
8 Hang Power Clean
rest 90-120sec between sets
Dumbbell vs Barbell Optional - you can choose how you want to load yourself today. If you choose to use Dumbbells then an Rx load would be 50/35lbs and if you choose a barbell then an Rx load would be 115/75lbs.
-Complete, barbell ... 3 sets ... this was fun, each set was between 3:10-3:30.
1min Per Station x 2 Rounds
1st. Thread the Needle R
2nd. Thread the Needle L
3rd. Anterior Chain Stretch R
4th. Anterior Chain Stretch L
Once complete with the above 4 stations for 2 Rounds, move onto the following.
2mins Bench Shoulder Flex with Thoracic Mobilization
-D/N complete
PM Workout (1030)
Track workout explanation: 25min at an easy aerobic run. Plus, 5x80m flat ground sprints with 90sec rest between reps. You can substitute hill sprints for the flat ground sprints. Hill must be steeper than 10% grade.
Easy Run for 25:00
Rest 5 minutes then…
5x80m sprint (hill or flat)
Rest 1:30
-Result = Ran 42:30 easy in the Boise foothills ... ran longer than I was supposed with lots of big elevation changes, rolling hills ... didn't feel the need to incorporate the sprints afterward ... great run, one of my favorite routes with perfect early fall conditions.