Today was a decent workout ... last of the training cycle. Overall its been a fun 18 weeks, but with this workout my functional bodybuilding trainer block is over and I am going to switch into an 11 week powerlifting block. Looking forward to the change and hopefully hitting some PRs at a lower body weight than last spring.
2-3 sets
1. Banded Face Pull x 12-15reps
*Keep the elbows high and wide and attempt to squeeze your shoulder blades together with each rep.
2. Cossack Squat x 5/side
*Drive strongly through the foot into the ground, and try to maintain a straight low back position during the entire movement.
3. Squat Hip Rotations x 10-15reps
*Elevate the heels if necessary to make this position more comfortable. Option 1) move the knees in and out with your hands. Option 2) move the knees in and out without the hands. Option 3) Move the knees in and out with the hands and add some resistance from the legs.
4. Full Squat Burpee x 10 reps
*Sit into the squat position on the way up and down. Wake the body up!
*Intention: Open up the groin and hips in preparation for lower body training.
2-3 Sets
20 Double Leg Seated Calf Raise
20 Plank Psoas March
20 Double Leg Banded Hamstring Curl
REST AS NEEDED between exercises and sets
-Complete ... 2 sets ... 2x35# on the calf raises, 1 blue mini band for the psoas and 1 black band on the hamstring curls
3-4 Sets
1. 1-1/4 Front Squat 3,3,3,3
rest 15sec
2. KB Rack Drop Lunge x 4-6/leg
rest 15sec
3. KB Rack Wall Sit 30-40sec
rest 90-120sec and back to 1
-205#, 235#, 255# ... 2x35# KB for the other movements
2-3 Sets
30sec Side Plank R
30sec Side Plank L
30sec Adduction Bias Side Plank R
30sec Adduction Bias Side Plank L
50sec Ring Plank
*rest as needed between movements and sets
-Complete, 2 sets
12min AMRAP
Back Squat 225/175 (from Rack)
Weighted DB Sit Ups 50/35lbs
Single Arm DB Overhead Step Up 20/16" 50/35lbs
Candlestick Roll Up
-Finished in the middle of the round of 6 ... was good movement, but with the exercises in this workout there wasn't much intensity, just a flow that built up a little sweat. Nice way to end out the cycle. Looking forward to some strength sessions in the coming weeks!
1) Supine Hamstring Stretch x 1 min/side
*Keep a slight arch in your low back during this stretch.
2) Half Kneeling Anterior Line Stretch x 1 min/side
3) Front Split Progression: Start in the couch stretch position. Perform 10-15 rocks in and out of the front leg (as demonstrated). Walk out the front leg and then perform another 10-15 rocks. Use an object to hold onto (paralletes or yoga blocks). Then try to straighten the front leg (while holding onto the stationary objects), and stretch the the hamstrings without allowing your torso to rotate. Spend a total of 2 minutes per side on this drill.
4) Front Splits x 2 min/side
-D/N Complete