Saturday, September 29, 2018


Today was a pretty solid workout... much better than yesterday.

Snatch + Hang Snatch
2 sets x 1+1 reps @ 90% (215#) 
1 Snatch + 1 Hang Snatch from above the knee at 90% of your one rep max hang snatch. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x2@30% (75#), 1x2@40%(95#), 1x2@50% (135#), 1x2@60%(165#), 1x2@70%(175#), 1x2@75%(185#), 1x2@80%(195#), 2x2@85% (205#). This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!

-Complete ... missed my last hang snatch at 90% ... it was a good miss though, went behind me, not in front. I rushed these reps due to time/space in our gym, overall happy with how this went though. 

Hang Pull Snatch Below the Knee
3 sets x 4 reps @ 110% (275#)
110% of your one rep max snatch. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 2x4@90% (225#), 2x4@100% (250#). This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!

-Complete ... this, was tough. 

Bench Press
6 sets x 3 reps @ 85% (215#) 
85% of you one max rep bench press.


Strict Press
4 sets x 6 reps
Perform with more weight and more difficulty than last time.

-Used 135# for two sets and then 145# for two sets ... this was rough after benching.

Sit Ups
3 sets x 30 reps
Staggered Stance KB RDL (2 x 72# KB)
3 sets x 10 reps


Thursday, September 27, 2018


Today was a good workout... but holy crap I got extremely nauseous after part C. This almost never happens to me... not sure what was up... got through everything but it was a struggle. Not sure if it was the five beers I had last night, the large meal I ate right before this training session, or how hard I went on the airbike... but I thought I was going to yack all though part D and E. Glad I didn't... tomorrow is another day.  

Hang Power Snatch Over the Knee
2 sets x 2 reps @ 85% (205#) 
85% of your one rep max hang power snatch. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x3@30%, 1x3@40%, 1x3@50%, 1x3@60% (145#), 2x2@70% (165#) 2x2@75% (180#), 2x2@80% (195#). This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!


Clean Pull
4 sets x 2 reps @ 100% (335#) 
100% of you one rep max clean. You must try to lift forcefully and move the bar with speed, it isn't a deadlift.


Five rounds for max calories/reps of (15 minutes):

30 seconds of Rowing
Rest 30 seconds
30 seconds of Double-Unders
Rest 30 seconds
30 seconds of Assault Bike
Rest 30 seconds

-Complete; don't remember my cals, but went super HAM and got 33 bike cals on the first interval ... was all downhill from there. 

Back Pull-Ups (one blue band) 
4 sets x 8 reps
If you cannot do body weight, do banded Back Pull-Ups.
Strict Ring Dips
4 sets x 10 reps


Banded Speed Deadlifts (225# + 1 green band) 
3 sets x 15 reps

-Complete ... huge pump in the glutes/hamstrings 

3 Super-Sets:
GHD Back Extensions x 8 (35#)
Landmine Oblique Twists (barbell + 55# plate) x 10 reps
Rest as needed between sets

-Complete ... kept the weights light here, was pretty smoked by this point. 

Bird Dogs
1 set x 30 reps



Today was a really fun workout; put in a bunch of crossfit workouts today. I definitely didn't feel quite as aerobically fit as I have in the past, but I felt very strong with the barbell movements. Overall happy with this session, was a very fun change of pace. 

Row 300m 
Handstand Walk 20 Feet 
10 KB Front Rack Squats (5 right arm, 5 left arm) @ 35#
Handstand Walk 20 Feet  

-Complete ... don't remember my rounds, but this was a great warm-up. 

Clean and Jerk
4 sets x 2 reps @ 80% (255#)
80% of your one rep max clean&jerk. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x3@30%(135#), 1x3@40%(155#), 1x3@50%(185#), 1x3@60%(205#), 1x3@70%(225#), 1x3@75% (235#). This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!

-Complete ... all sets felt great, very manageable numbers. 

Front Squat
2 sets x 3 reps @ 75% (275#)
75% of you one rep max front squat.

-Complete, very light, beltless

On a running clock:
Thrusters (135/95#)
Bar Muscle-ups

At 10:00 begin…

Thrusters (95/65#)
C2B Pull-ups

at 20:00 begin... 

60 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
30 HPSU 

-5:17 ... thrusters were UB, Bar MU went 10/2 ... 5/4 ... UB
-6:01 ... thrusters went UB ... 10/5 ... UB ... C2B went 12/9 ... 10/5 ... UB ... ROUGH after all the above work.
-~7:00 (?) ... didn't catch my exact time on that last one, was completely smoked by this point ... Wall-Balls were 20/15/15/10 ... HSPU went 8/7/5/5/4/1 ... total shit-show. This was the toughest part for me... completely gassed out. 


Had a great workout today; felt very strong on everything.

4 sets x 2 reps @ 80% (205#)
80% of your one rep max snatch. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x3@30%, 1x3@40%, 1x3@50%(155#), 1x3@60%(165#), 1x3@70%(175#), 1x3@75% (187#). This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!


Back Squat
2 sets x 4 reps @ 75% (315#)
75% of you one rep max back squat.

-Complete, belt-less, very easy 

Dumbbell Shoulder Press
4 sets x 8 reps
Perform with more weight than the last time you did this exercise.

-Across at with 2 x 60# DB 

Weighted Strict Pull-Ups
3 sets x 8 reps

-Across at 53# 

Hip Thrusts (225#)
3 sets x 10 reps
Perform as circuit with Bulgarian Split Squat
DB Bulgarian Split Squats (2 x 50# DB) 
3 sets x 10 reps


Tuesday, September 25, 2018


Had a solid workout this morning, felt strong throughout on the lifts and accessory work was fun. 

Power Snatch
1 set x 3 reps @ 85% (205#)
85% of your one rep max power snatch. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x3@30%, 1x3@40%, 1x3@50%, 1x3@60%(155#), 1x3@70% (175#), 3x3@80% (195#). This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!


Power Clean and Jerk
1 set x 3 reps @ 85% (255#)
85% of your one rep max power clean. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x3@30%, 1x3@40%, 1x3@50%, 1x3@60%, 1x3@70% (210#), 3x3@80% (240#). This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!


Barbell Bicep Curl
4 sets x 8 reps
Choose a challenging weight.

-Complete with 88# barbell

Single Arm DB Bench Press - Neutral Grip
3 sets x 10 reps

-Complete with 70# DB

Half Kneeling Windmill (53#)
3 sets x 5 reps
Perform with Rows
Double DB/KB Rows (2 x 53#)
3 sets x 12 reps


Sunday, September 23, 2018


Today was a decent workout, was a bit tired from traveling back from Lubbock today... had to wake up at 0300 for a 0500 flight. Despite that, once I got in the gym I felt solid on everything.

Power Clean + Clean
2 sets x 2+1 reps @ 90% (275#)
2 power clean + 1 full clean at 90% of your one rep max power clean. Sets leading up to working sets should be as follows... 1x3@30%, 1x3@40%, 1x3@50%, 1x3@60%, 2x3@70% (210#), 2x3@80% (240#), 2x3@85% (255#). This will ensure you are warm enough for your working weight!

-Complete ... felt very strong on these. 

Front Squat
2 sets x 3 reps @ 85% (315#)
85% of your one rep max front squat.


GHD Back Extensions
4 sets x 8 reps
Choose a comfortable weight.

-45# plate 

Side Planks
3 sets x 30 reps
Perform as circuit with Suitcase Carries and Lunges
Suitcase KB Carry (72# KB) 
3 sets x 45 reps
45 seconds
Reverse Lunge - Contralateral Load (72# KB) 
3 sets x 8 reps (each leg) 
8/side hold the KB on the side opposite to the leg that is stationary

-Complete, solid accessory work.