1 Mile Run
100 Pull-ups (strict)
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
Today was a good workout ... first time back and able to workout with my wife. It was really nice to workout together, had a much better time in the gym with her than I did working out alone.
Wall Sit with Band Hip Abductions x 20reps
Curtsy Step Down x 8/leg
Bird Dog with Cross Body Knee/Elbow Touch x 10/side
x 2-3sets
A1) Front Foot Elevated DB Suitcase Split Squat: 30X0; 6-8/leg; rest as needed x 3 - pre-fatigue reps
• 2-4" Step for Front Foot
• Still keep the loads moderate to light, but you can increase a little from last week
A2) Sumo Stance Good Morning: 20X0; 8-10 reps; rest as needed x 3
-2x25# to 1 45# bumper plate for the SS for 3x6/leg and 45# for 3x10 on the SSGM
B) Back Squat: 20X0; 5,4,3, 5,4,3; rest 2:00
• Wave Load - this loading sequence goes as follows. There are 6 total sets and the first 3 should
increase as the reps decreases. On the last 3 sets, the reps return back to 5 and then down to 3.
Your loads for the second wave should be higher than the loads used for the same rep scheme
from earlier.
• Tempo is quicker this week and there should be ZERO pauses!
-275# x 5, 300# x 4, 325# x 3 (no belt)
-305# x5, 325# x 4, 350# x 3 (belt)
C1) Death March: 30X0; 4-6steps/leg (8-12reps total); rest 60sec x 3
C2) Barbell Hip Thrust: 20X1; 10-12reps; rest 60sec x 3
-2x50# DB. for the death march and 235# for the hip thrusts
D1) Ring Body Saw: 3030 x 8-10reps; rest 60sec x 3
D2) Kettlebell Front Rack Wall Sit: 30-45sec rest 60sec x 3
• TOUGH loading - Aim for an unbroken 30-45sec set at the heaviest load you can.
-3x8 on the body saw ... 2x35# KB for the wall-sit
6 Sets of:
AB 90sec @ 85% Aerobic pace;
Rest walk 60 seconds
Row 90sec @ 85% Aerobic pace;
Rest walk 60 seconds
-Complete ... good stuff, kept these fairly comfortable, but was a good sweat
Today was a good workout... cut out of the cardio and benched instead ... had a long day given my work schedule and got this in during the evening.
Bottoms Up Kettlebell Side Plank x 20sec/arm
Scapular Push Up on Elbows x 12
Elevator Ring Row x 3 reps (hold 3-4sec at each position - bottom, middle, top, middle, bottom)
x 2-3 Sets
A1) Z Press Complex: Barbell Z Press 30X1; 3,2,2; rest 15sec + Single Arm KB Z Press 20X0; 5-6/arm;
rest 60sec x 3
A2) Chainsaw Row: 20X0; 10-12/arm; rest 60sec x 3
-95# x 3, 115# x2, 135# x2, 35# Kb for 3x6/arm, and 50# DB for 3x12 rows
B1) Single Arm Dumbbell Floor Press: 20X0; 10-12/arm; rest 60sec x 3
B2) Zottman Curls: 3030; 10-12 reps; rest 60sec x 3
-50# DB for the press for 3x12/arm and 2x15# for zottman curls
C1) Bottoms Up Kettlebell Turkish Get Up: 3 Bottom Up Turkish Get Up R + 3 Bottom Up Turkish Get
Up L; rest 30sec x 3
C2) Semi Supinated Strict Ring Pull Up: 30X0; 7-10reps; rest 30sec x 3
• If you feel strong with your bodyweight to get the Rx reps and tempo - you can add a little weight
to your body in the form of a DB between the legs.
C3) Bent Over DB Side Raises: 20X0; 12-15reps; rest 90sec x 3
-53# across for the get-ups ... 3x7 unweighted on the pull-ups and 2x10# DB for 3x12 on the side raises
Bench Press
-185# across ... got in some comfortable reps here, just wanted to bench and did not have interest in the long cardio session after a really tough week at work
Complete Rest ... feeling a bit tired from the hiking trip/time change ... it is catching up with me.
This was a good workout, got in the lifting, had to push the intervals to the PM. Overall felt okay, but didn't really push a ton of the loading given I'm just coming off a big/tough hiking trip.
Monster Band Walk 25'/forward and backwards
Single Leg Hip Lift x 12/leg
KB Rack 1/4 Squat Pulse x 20-30sec
x 2-3 sets
A) Seated Wide Stance Good Morning: 3010; 10-12 reps; rest 60sec between sets x 3
-3x10, 45#, 45#, 65#
B) Front Squat: 40X0; 3,3,3; rest 3mins each set building in weight - make your final sets quite TOUGH
-225#, 265#, 280# ... rough tempo, probably more there, but got in quality reps
C1) Deficit Landmine Single Leg RDL: 20X0; 8-10/leg; rest 60sec x 3
• Stand on 2-4" plates for added ROM this week
• Increase load from last week a touch
C2) Single Arm DB Cross Body RDL: 2010; 8-10/arm; rest 60sec x 3
-3x8/leg, went 85#, 90#, 95# and then 3x8/leg with 50# DB
D1) Single Arm Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge: 10X0; 10-12 steps/arm; rest 30sec x 3
D2) Ab Wheel Rollouts: 10X0; 10-12 reps; rest 30sec x 3
D3) Banded Face Pull: 20X2; 10-12 reps; rest 90sec x 3
-50# DB for 3x10/leg, rollouts 3x10, face-pulls 3x10
Today was a good workout ... did the lifting as Rx and then modified the conditioning to ease back into training ... thankful to be lifting weights again after the big trip.
Tall Plank Theraband Lateral Walk 20'/side
Single Arm Trap 3 Raise w/ DB Isometric x 10/
arm Light Slow
Scapular Ring Rows x 10 (pause 1sec at top)
x 2-3 Sets
• 2 reps then switch grip and do 2 more (4 reps each set)
• Scale back to Lean Away Negatives - 3-5 second lowering
B2) Push Up Complex: AMRAP Strict HSPU Unbroken without Pauses;
rest 30sec + AMRAP Clapping Push Ups Unbroken without Pauses;
rest 90sec before B1 x 3 sets
-Complete ... 14/10 ... 14/10 ... 11/10
C1) Glute Bridge Single Arm DB Bench Press: 20X1; 10-12/arm; rest 30sec x 3
C2) KB Cross Body Carry: 25m/arm; rest 60sec x 3
-Complete, 50# DB for 10/arm and 2x53# for the carry
On a 20:00 Clock:
Partner Strict 'Cindy' (alternating full rounds with a partner)
5 Strict Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
Alternating stations with a partner:
Partner 1:
300/250m Ski
Partner 2:
15sec Star Plank L
15sec Star Plank R
10 Alternating Box Step-ups (24/20")
-Complete ... don't remember the rounds, but just moved through this 20 minutes at a consistent pace, was a nice sweat.
AM Workout (0600)
Felt much better than yesterday... last normal workout prior to Friday's PFT.
Monster Band Walk 25'/forward and backwards
Single Leg Hip Lift x 12/leg
KB Rack 1/4 Squat Pulse x 20-30sec
x 2-3 sets
A) Seated Good Morning: 2011; 12-15 reps; rest 60sec between sets x 3
-45# bar for 3x15
B) Front Squat: 20X0; 1.2.3; rest 2:30 x 3
• Drop Sets: 1.2.3 = 1 rep Heavy, rest 15sec, 2 reps lighter, rest 15sec, 3 reps even lighter = 6
total reps for the first set. 3 total sets today - increase loads on each set if you can
-235# x1, 215# x 2, 185# x 3
-275# x1, 225# x 2, 205# x 3
-305# x1, 275# x 2, 225# x 3
C1) Deficit Landmine Single Leg RDL: 20X0; 10-12/leg; rest 60sec x 3
• Stand on 2-4" plates for added ROM this week
C2) Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift: 10X0; 12-15 reps; rest 60sec x 3
• Fast reps - keep DB in front of legs
-75# for 3x10/leg on the LMRDL and 2x50# DB for 3x12 on the DB RDL
D1) Single Arm KB Overhead Lunge: 20X0; 10-12/side; rest 30sec x 3
D2) Ring Body Saw: 2-3 reps with extended tempo (5sec out, 5sec hold, 5sec in, 5 sec hold); rest
30sec x 3
D3) Face Pull: 3011; 10-12 reps; rest 90sec x 3
35# KB for 3x10/leg on the lunges ... 2 body saws each set and 10 face-pulls with 1 red band each set
E) Bike 2000m @ 85% Aerobic Pace: rest walk 2:30
x 5 Sets
• With the increased distance this week we are going to
lower the volume of total sets back down.
-Complete ... felt okay on these... was hitting right around 3:10 on each interval ... didn't really push the effort very high, but got it done.
PM Workout (1800)
Feeling extremely stressed with life/work, but got this in quickly... didn't feel great and I'm probably decently overtrained at the moment... looking forward to a few days off.
1 @ | 130 | x 10 |
1 @ | 190 | x 5 |
3 @ | 220 | x 5 |
1 @ | 90 | x 10 |
1 @ | 130 | x 5 |
3 @ | 150 | x 5 |
Cut out the cardio today due to generally feeling tired/fatigued ... haven't taken a day off in over a week due to some schedule/time constraints and having to throw in a 75 minute run in on a day that should have been a rest day... anyway, got a nice pump from this bodybuilding stuff and was in/out of the gym in less than an hour.
Tall Plank Theraband Lateral Walk 20'/side
Single Arm Trap 3 Raise w/ DB Isometric x 10/arm Light Slow
Scapular Ring Rows x 10 (pause 1sec at top)
x 2-3 Sets
A1) Standing Landmine Press: 20X1; 7-9reps/arm; rest 30sec x 3
• Building load from last week
A2) Tuck L-Sit on Parallettes: 30-40sec; rest 30sec x 3
A3) Dual KB Bent Over Row: 11X2; 8-10 reps; rest 90sec x 3
-105# for 3x8/arm ... :30 for each L-sit and 2x35# KB for 3x10 on the rows
B1) Strict Pull Ups: 21X2; 3-5 reps; rest 30sec x 3
B2) Push Up Complex: 3-5 Strict HSPU; 31X1; rest 15sec + 7-9 Ring Push Ups; 2020; rest 90sec before B1 x 3 sets
-Complete ... HSPU went 5/5/3 and 7 ring push-ups each set
C1) Alternating Dumbbell Bench Press (Top Down): 2020; 8/arm; rest 30sec x 3
C2) Filly March: 25 steps/arm; rest 60sec x 3
-2x50# DB for the bench and 2x53# KB for the marches
Today was a good workout, overall a solid session.
Seated Banded Hip Abductions x 20 reps
Box Step Down x 8/leg
Quadruped Hip CARs x 4/leg (10sec/rep)
x 2-3sets
A1) Snatch Grip Romanian Deadlift: 3110; 8-10 reps; rest as needed x 3 - pre-fatigue reps
• Still keep the loads light, but you can increase a little from last week
A2) Barbell Glute Bridge: 10X1; 15 reps; rest as needed x 3
-65# for the SGRDL... 45# for the bridges
B) Back Squat: 4441; 5,4,3; rest 2:30
• Longer Tempo this week than last - attempt to hit similar loads as last week with the longer tempo
and fewer reps. Go up if you feel good.
-185# x 5, 205# x 4, 240# x 3
C1) Split Stance Good Morning: 4111; 6-8/leg; rest 60sec x 3
C2) Kettlebell Front Rack RNT Split Squat: 20X1; 8-10/leg; rest 15sec between legs; rest 60sec x 3
-95# for 3x6/leg in good mornings ... 2 x 35# for the split squats for 3x10/leg
D1) Dumbbell Side Plank Rotation: 15/arm; rest 60sec x 3
D2) Dual KB Rack Squat: 33X1; 6-9 reps; rest 60sec x 3
• Moderate loading - ensure you hit the tempo perfectly and hold a very active position at the
bottom of the squat. Do not sit passively at the bottom of the squat
-15# for the side plank rotations, 2x35# for 3x6 on the squats
6 Sets of:
Ski 2:00 @ 80% Aerobic pace
rest walk 60 sec
Bike 2:00 @ 80% Aerobic pace
rest walk 60 sec
-Complete ... not the best I've felt ... was getting 30 cals on the ski and 25-30 cals on the bike ... feeling beat up from the week/no rest days.
AM Workout (0600)
Couldn't get the cardio in this AM due to time constraints... still got a nice bodybuilding/pump workout from this... given the long round yesterday my aerobic system probably needs the rest anyway.
Single Arm Bottoms Up KB Carry x 10m/arm
Scapular Push Ups x 10
Passive Ring Hang x 30sec
x 2-3 Sets
A1) Z Press Complex: Barbell Z Press: 30X0; 4-6/reps; rest 15sec +
Single Arm DB Z Press: 20X0; 8/arm; rest 60sec x 3
A2) Alternating Incline Dual Dumbbell Prone Row (Bottom Up): 30X1; 6-8/arm; rest 60sec x 3
-95# for bpzp ... 35# for dbzp ... rough
B1) Alternating Dumbbell Incline Bench Press Top Down: 31X0; 6-8/arm; rest 60sec x 3
B2) Zottman Curls: 2020; 10-12 reps; rest 60sec x 3
-2x50# for the bench press ... 2x15 for the zottman curls
C1) Turkish Get Up Complex: 2 Single Arm Turkish Sit Up R + 1 Turkish Get Up R x 2 Rounds
+ 2 Single Arm Turkish Sit Up L + 1 Turkish Get Up L x 2 Rounds; rest 30sec x 3
C2) Side Plank DB Powell Raise: 30X0; 8-10/arm; rest 30sec x 3
C3) Strict Knees to Elbows: 30X1; 8-10reps; rest 90sec x 3
-35# for the sit-ups/get-ups ... 10# for the powell raises ... did 3x8 on the knees-to-elbows, but could not maintain a 3 second eccentric... was closer to 2 to 0 for the eccentric... still very hard.
PM Workout (1500)
Bench Press
1 @ | 130 | x 10 |
1 @ | 190 | x 5 |
1 @ | 220 | x 3 |
3 @ | 245 | x 3 |
1 @ | 90 | x 10 |
1 @ | 130 | x 5 |
1 @ | 150 | x 3 |
3 @ | 170 | x 3 |
Long Run ... today was supposed to be complete rest, but had to go out for a long run prior to taking my semi-annual height/weight... had to drop a bit of water weight. Total run time of 75 minutes ... felt great until 40 minutes and then a noticeable decline and the last 15 minutes slowed to a crawl... definitely not aerobically fit for such a long run. Fun/different training, at least the weather was good.
6 x 3 minutes max distance
Rest :45
-Complete ... hit 700m each interval ... overall felt really good on this workout ... maybe could have pushed the pace slightly, but I was happy with the consistency and how good I am feeling aerobically.
This morning was a good workout ... long workout, but got everything in and felt good overall.
Lateral Band Walk 25'/side
Glute Bridge x 15reps (pause 1sec at top)
Wall Sit 30sec
x 2-3 sets
A) Wide Stance Banded Hip Thrust: 10X1; 15-20 reps; rest
60sec between sets x 3
-Complete, 1 red band
B) Front Squat: 20X0; 3.3.3, 2.2.2, 1.1.1; rest 10sec/rest 2:30
• Clusters - 3.3.3 = 3 reps, rest 10sec, 3 reps, rest 10sec, 3 reps
= 9 total reps for the first set. 3 total sets today.
-225# for the triples, 275# for the doubles, 315# for the singles ... felt strong, but a bit rough on my T-spine ... no direct pain, but some tightness.
C1) Single Leg Landmine Romanian Deadlift: 20X0; 8-10 reps/
side; rest 60sec x 3
• Increase load from last week
C2) Banded Hamstring Curls: 2020; 12-15 reps; rest 60sec x 3
-105# for 3x10/leg on the RDL ... 1 purple band for 3x15 on the curls
D1) Kettlebell Rack RNT Reverse Lunge: 10X0; 8-10/leg x 1 set;
6-8/leg x 2 sets; rest 30sec
• Increase loads from last week
D2) Ring Body Saw: 10-12reps; rest 30sec x 3
D3) Bodyweight Row Hold: 30sec; rest
90sec x 3
-2x35# for the first set of lunges for 3x10/leg ... 2x53# for 2x6/leg for the 2nd and 3rd set ... 3x10 body saw and :30 for each row
Bike 1500m @ 85% Aerobic Pace: rest walk 2mins x 6 Sets
• The aim this week is to match the same split times as last week, only this week 1 more set than
last. Volume increase without intensity increase. Utilize the breaks to keep quality high.
-Kept all of these right around 2:20 ... felt consistent and aerobically fit
AM Workout (0600)
Yoga Push Up x 10
Prone Snow Angels x 10
Scapular Pull Ups x 10
x 2-3 Sets
A1) Standing Landmine Press: 2011; 8-10/arm; rest 30sec x 3
A2) Weighted Plank: 45-60sec; rest 30sec x 3
A3) Dumbbell Elbowing Row: 20X1; 6-9/arm; rest 90sec x 3
-95# for 3x10/arm on the presses ... :50 with a 35# plate for the planks ... 50# for 3x8/arm on the rows
B1) Strict Ring Pull Up: 21X1; 6-8 reps; rest 30sec x 3
B2) Strict Handstand Push-up: 21X1; 6-8 reps; rest 90sec x 3
-6 reps for all 3 sets on both exercises... big pump on this
C1) Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press : 30X0; 7-9/arm; rest 60sec x 3
C2) Mixed KB Rack Overhead Marches: 25 steps/arm; rest 60sec x 3
-75# for 3x7/arm ... 2x35# KB for the marches
10 Sets of:
Ski 250m
Bike 10 Cals
30 sec L sit
rest walk 1min
• Scale L-Sits Back to Tuck L-sit or Hollow Hold
-Complete ... scaled back to hollow holds ... just was not in the mood to touch the parallettes today... got all the sets unbroken, but still got a lot of intensity/challenge out of this. Good stuff, took about 35 minutes total.
PM Workout (1800)
Bench Press
1 @ | 130 | x 10 | |
1 @ | 190 | x 5 | |
1 @ | 220 | x 3 | |
1 @ | 245 | x 2 | |
4 @ | 270 | x 1 |
1 @ | 90 | x 10 |
1 @ | 130 | x 5 |
1 @ | 150 | x 3 |
1 @ | 170 | x 2 |
4 @ | 185 | x 1 |