Tuesday, November 30, 2021


Today was a solid workout. Fairly enjoyable and not too taxing. Felt good overall and I am looking forward to training tomorrow. 


2-3 sets 

1. Shinbox Switch x 6-8/side 

*Try to minimize movement through the low back. Move the first leg as far as possible before moving the trail leg. 

2. Dumbbell Jefferson Curl x 5reps 

*Move one vertebrae at a time before fully hinging at the hip, reverse out of the movement the same way you went into the movement. 

3. Elephant Step x 10-15/side 

*Straighten the knee and stretch through the hamstrings as much as possible. 

4. Leg Swings x 10/side 

*Get those legs ready for some explosive movements to come in training.

*Intention: Prep the hamstrings and posterior chain in preparation for hinging.



EMOM x 9-12mins 

1st - 8-10 Hamstring March Steps (Light DBs in hands) 

2nd - Bike Erg 20-30sec @ high Effort 

3rd - Burpee Broad Jump x 3-5 Reps for Distance

-9 Minutes (3 sets) ... 2x25# DB for the marches 

B) Absolute Strength - Hinging

Snatch Grip Deadlift; 3030; 5,5,4,4; rest 2mins

*Increase loading slightly from last week - Lifting Straps are encouraged to support a stronger grip.

-185# x 5, 195# x 5, 205# x 4, 215# x 4 

C) Speed Strength - Hinging

Snatch High Pull 4,4,3,3; rest 2mins

*Increase loading slightly from last week - Lifting Straps are encouraged to support a stronger grip.

-185# x 4, 195# x 4, 215# x 4, 225# x 3 

D) Functional Pump Conditioning - Increasing Effort Mixed Oly Lifting

5 Rounds 

6 Hang Power Clean Below Knee 

6 Bar Facing Burpee 

10 Box Jump Over 24/20" 

15/12 Cal Assault Bike 

rest 60-90sec between rounds

*Build your pace with every set. See the increase on the Burpee and Box Jump speed and Bike Pace - pace yourself accordingly on the first sets so you have enough room to step up your pacing.

-Complete ... used 185# for the cleans ... didn't time the rounds, just the rest ... got a lot of good intensity out of this and had fun. 


FBB Middle Split Cooldown

On all stretches. FOCUS, breathe deep, exhale slowly and sink into the stretch. I am sure the 30-60 sec of the stretch will require some fidgeting, but once you find a good spot relax deeply.

1) Frog Stretch x 1-2 minutes. 

*Continually rock backwards into this position, continue to widen the knees if possible.

2) Middle Split x 2 minutes 

*Use stationary object to hold onto in front of you. If more comfortable you can lean forward from your hip onto the object in front of you. Similar to the demonstration, except he is holding onto the ground.

3) Middle Split Knee Bends x 10-15 

*This may require you to bring the feet in a little closer to a more reasonable middle split position. With the knee bends, try to take tension on and off in the hamstrings.

4) Bottom of Squat Hold x 2 minute 

*Hold onto stationary object for improved position.

-D/N complete 

Monday, November 29, 2021


AM Workout (0715)

Had a solid workout this morning ... felt surprisingly good and "back to normal" after all the travel / crazy life stress. 

Explanation: 600m w/ 3min rest, 200m w/ 2min rest, 500m w / 3min rest, 200m w/ 2min rest, 200m (fast pace), 15sec rest, and 200m (sprint).

Run 600 Meter for 00:01:58

Rest for 00:03:00

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:35

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 500 Meter for 00:01:38

Rest for 00:03:00

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:35

Rest for 00:02:00

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:39

Rest for 00:00:15

Sprint 200 Meter 

-Complete ... ran 2:01 on the 600 and 1:40 on the 500... was a few seconds slow on each of those ... hit all the 200s on pace and then hit a :32 for the final 'sprint' 200m. Great workout ... lower volume, but high intensity. Great to feel fit running. 

PM Workout (1500)

Cardio of Choice x 3-5 minutes 

2-3 sets 

1. Scapular Push Ups x 6-8reps 

*Keep elbows straight. Initiate the movement by retracing the shoulder blades. 

2. Bar Dip Stretch x 30 sec 

*Sink the body as low as possible. You can GENTLY press in and out or shift side to side to make this stretch dynamic. 

3. Beast to Alternating Leg Through x 8/side 

*Stay smooth on your transitions from side to side 

4. Single Arm Turkish Sit Up x 5/side 

*Reach up toward the ceiling and allow the shoulder to rotate naturally.

*Intention: Prep the scapula and thoracic spine in preparation for upper body pressing and pulling.


A) Landmine PreFatigue

3 Sets for Quality 

10 Tall Kneeling Landmine Goblet Press Out R 

10 Tall Kneeling Single Arm Landmine Press R 

10 Single Arm Landmine Row R 

rest 30sec 

10 Tall Kneeling Landmine Goblet Press Out L 

10 Tall Kneeling Single Arm Landmine Press L 

10 Single Arm Landmine Row L 

rest 30sec and back to the right

*Keep the load light and focus on quick precise reps to get blood flow to the shoulders

-Complete, 60# across 

B) Absolute Strength - Bench Press

Close Grip Bench Press; 31X1; 5,5,4,3; rest 2mins

-165# x 5, 185# x 5, 195# x 4, 200# x 3 

C) Strength Effort Conditioning - Full Body

For Time @ Strength Effort 


Dumbbell Chainsaw Row per arm 

Dumbbell Incline Bench Press 

Dumbbell Suitcase Lateral Box Step Over 16-24"

*DB Loading is meant to be challenging but please choose a load you can complete for all 12 reps unbroken on the first round.

*place a bumper plate or two under the bench for a makeshift incline

-8:29 ... 50# DBs + 20" step-overs

D) Muscle Endurance Intervals - Push and Pull

3-4 Sets 

8 Strict HSPU or Pike Strict HSPU 

rest 15sec 

10 Kipping Toes to Bar 

rest 15sec 

12 Body Rows 

rest 15sec 

Ski 200/160m (consistent pace throughout) 

rest walk 1:30-2mins

*This is a SKILL bias conditioning format that gives you ample time between each movement to recover and execute outstanding techniques to improve your overall efficiency and capacity. If rests feel long that is OK!

-4 Sets ... didn't time this, just timed the rest and got quality reps ... big pump 


On all stretches. FOCUS, breathe deep, exhale slowly and sink into the stretch. I am sure the 30-60 sec of the stretch will require some fidgeting, but once you find a good spot relax deeply.

1. Passive Hang x 1 minute 

*Support the feet to take load off of the shoulders. You may also use lifting straps to make it easier on your grip and you can fully relax into the stretch.

2. Supianted Passive Hang x 1 minute 

*Support the feet to take load off of the shoulders. You may also use lifting straps to make it easier on your grip and you can fully relax into the stretch.

3. Seated Shoulder Extension with Barbell OR Shoulder Extension on Floor x 2 minutes 

*Find a comfortable positions for the shoulders. Keep your shoulders down and back during the stretch.

4. Prayer Stretch x 2 min or 1 min/side 

*Perform on the bench as demonstrated, or put one elbow against the wall and lean into it.

-D/N complete


Today was an okay workout... felt extremely tired/exhausted/fatigued by life and stress when I woke up this morning ... happy to at least get this in, despite feeling like shit and not really pushing the intensity. 


Cardio of choice x 3-5 minutes. 

2-3 sets 

1. Dynamic Adductor Stretch x 10/side  

*Do NOT allow the low back to round as you sink back into the stretch position. 

2. Assisted Low Switch Cossack Squat x 5/side 

*Stay low and try to keep both feet planted firmly on the ground to maximize the stretch through the adductors (groin). 

3. Patrick Step x 10-15/leg

*This movement should be painfree. Drive the knee forward as far as possible without letting the heel come up. 

4. Side Lying Thoracic Rotations x 10/side

*Keep your hips and knees at 90 degree angles

*Intention: Open up the groins and hips. Activate the quads and glutes in preparation for squatting. 



2-3 Sets

10 Slant Board Single Leg Calf Raise Right

10 Slant Board Single Leg Calf Raise Left

10 Standing Banded Single Leg Psoas March Right

10 Standing Banded Single Leg Psoas March Left

10 Banded Hamstring Curls Right

10 Banded Hamstring Curls Left

REST AS NEEDED between exercises and sets



3-4 Sets

1. 1-1/4 Overhead Squat; 5,5,5,5

rest 15sec

2. Goblet Pistol Box Squat; 4-6/leg

rest 15sec

3. Split Stance Isometric 20sec/leg

rest 2 mins and back to 1

1-1/4 Overhead Squat is 5 reps per set

-125#, 135#, 145# on the OHS ... 25# for the goblet pistols 


For Time


Front Squat 165lbs/105lbs (from rack)

Burpee C2B Pull Ups

rest 2mins

For Time


Body Rows

Jumping Goblet Squats (53/35# KB)

-Complete ... didn't get the times, just went through this at a consistent pace 


2-3 Sets

Dumbbell Windmill x 5/side

Dumbbell Side Bends x 10/side 

Pike Leg LIft Over x 15 reps

-2 Sets ... 35# for the KB windmills ... 72# for the side bends 


1) Middle Split x 2 min 

*Use stationary object as necessary to improve positions and comfort. 

2) Front Split x 1-2 min/side 

*Use stationary objects as necessary to improve positions and comfort. Allow the front knee to bend to regress this movement. 

3) Bottom of Squat Hold x 2 minute

*Use stationary object for assistance or lean against wall to comfortably sit in the bottom position.

-D/N complete

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Friday, November 26, 2021


Today was a solid workout... lots of weird life stress going on right now (while traveling), but happy to get this in and feel good. 


Cardio of choice x 3-5 minutes 

2-3 sets 

1. Supinated Passive Hang x 30sec

*Move hands out for more stretch through the lats. 

2. Dumbbell Pullover x 10reps with 2-3sec hold 

*Tuck the ribcage to minimize movement through the low back. 

3. Yoga Pushup x 6-8reps

*Press into the floor to stay active through the shoulder blades. 

4. Split Stance Pressing Windmill x 5/side 

*Reach up toward the ceiling and allow the shoulder to rotate naturally.

*Intention: Prep the scapula and thoracic spine in preparation for upper body pressing and pulling.  



Every 2 minutes x 6 sets (keep loads around 70% effort)

5 Bench Press 

10 DB Shrugs 

-185#, 205# x 4 sets, 225# ... 75# DBs across on the shrugs  ... felt strong here ... always fun to bench 


3-4 Sets

1. Push Press; 31X1; 5,5,4,3

rest 30sec

2. Strict Handstand Push-up Negative; 4sec Lowering; 3-5reps

rest 90sec and back to 1

-4 Sets ... went 135# x 5, 155# x 4, 155# x 4, 165# x 3 ... 4x3 on the HSPU negatives 


3-4 Sets

6 Burpee Strict Pull-Ups

12 American KBS 53/35lbs

Run 400m @ 75-80-85-90% (increase effort each round)

rest walk 90-120sec

-4 Sets ... didn't time the intervals, but the rest, overall enjoyed this ... kept the 400m at 10 MPH across on a treadmill 


2-3 Sets

1. Dumbbell Pull Over; 21X1; 6-8reps

rest 30sec

2. Heel Sit DB Press; 2111; 6-8/arm

rest 30sec

3. Rope Face Pull; 2111; 8-10reps; 

rest 60sec and back to 1

-3 Sets ... 40# for the pull-over and presses ...  27.5# on the rope face pulls 


1) Cat Cow x 10reps with 2-3sec hold in each end position. 

2) Cobra Stretch x 10reps with 5-10sec hold. 

3) Bridge Pose x 2 min 

*To regress this movement, place a towel around the front of the ankles and hold each end of the towel with the hands. 

4) Pike Stretch x 2 min 

5) Standing Forward Fold x 1 minute

-D/N Complete 

Thursday, November 25, 2021


Today was a decent workout... I ate so much food last night I had extreme gas today, making exercise a bit tough, but got through it. 


Cardio of choice x 3-5 minutes 

2-3 sets 

1. Worlds Greatest Stretch x 5/side 

*Aim to keep the back leg straight sinking into the front hip as you lower the elbow to the floor. Rotate primarily through the upper/mid back as you reach toward the ceiling. 

2. Goblet Heel Sit or Reverse Nordic x 10reps

*This movement should be pain free. Drive the tops of your feet and your shins into the floor as you lower and to initiate the return. 

3. Knee Over Toe Split Squat x 6-8/side  

*Use hand support if necessary. Aim to get your knee as far forward over the toe as comfortable while simultaneously stretching through the front of the trail leg. 

4. Jump Squat x 5reps 

*Control into the squat position and explode out of the squat position.

*Intention: Open up the front of the hips and legs in preparation for squatting.



Run 12mins @ continuous steady pace

At minutes 3,6,9, and 12 get off the rower and perform

10 Bodyweight Cyclist Hack Squats

10 Strict Knees to Elbows or Hanging Knee Tucks

-Complete. .. this was a great warm-up 

Back Squat

32X1; 6,6,5,5,4; rest 2-3mins (focus on great positions this week - maintain strict tempo)

-185# x 6, 205# x 6, 235# x 5, 245# x 5, 265# x 4 ... probably more here, but these were tough tempos, fun to back squat, the last 6 week cycle was entirely front squats 


3-4 Sets

1. DB Suitcase Knee over Toe Split Squat; 30X1; 4-6/leg; 

rest 30sec

2. Tripod Dumbbell Elbowing Row; 30X1; 4-6/arm

rest 30sec

3. Heel Sit Landmine Press; 30X1; 6/arm

rest 60-90sec and back to 1

-Complete ... 3 sets ... 2x35# for the DB suitcase lunges ... 50# for the rows and 70, 75, 80# on the presses 


For Time 

Row 500/400m



Sit Ups

Bodyweight Walking Lunges

Row 500/400m



Plate Russian Twist (both sides = 1 rep) 10-35lbs

Floor Lying Plate Pull Over 10-35lbs


Row 500/400m

-15:40 ... 35# ... fun/easier conditioning, moved through this at a consistent 80% aerobic effort 


1) Couch Stretch x 1 min/side 

*Keep your butt against the heel for a more quad dominant stretch OR shift your hips forward for more of a hip flexor dominant stretch, 

2) Cobra Stretch x 10 with 5-10 sec hold. 

3) Reclining Hero Pose x 2 min 

*Use an object to place under the upper back to regress this position. 

4) Bottom of Squat Hold x 2 min

*Hold onto stationary object for assistance OR lean against a wall to sit in the bottom of the squat comfortably.

-D/N complete 

Tuesday, November 23, 2021


 Thanksgiving 4 Miler. 

-Result = 28:16 

-Splits =


13:30 (6:59) 

21:01 (7:29) 

28:16 (7:15) 

-Overall happy with this pace ... average mile time of 7:04 for 4 miles is good for me. This running program worked out really well, it was fun to feel fit. Great conditions, no wind and not too cold, about 40. I think given this 4 mile pace I could go sub 20 on my next PFT if I keep up with this running program. Great way to start the day, really enjoyed getting this in. 


 Complete Rest / travel for Thanksgiving 

Monday, November 22, 2021


AM Workout (0700) 

Explanation: 5x (400m fast followed by a 100m easy recovery run). No rest b/t sets


Run 400 Meter for 00:01:19 (79)

Run 100 Meter

-Result = 





80 ... all over the place with these paces ... this was one of the toughest track workouts we have done ... very little rest and a moderately hard pace ... tried to get quality intensity out of this and really had to push the last couple intervals. Fun workout... was a bit less fun given it was below zero today, but got this in and enjoyed myself. 

PM Workout (0915)


Optional Bike/Ski/Run/Row x 3-5 minutes 

2-3 Rounds 

1. Shinbox Thoracic Rotation x 5/side with 5 sec hold

*Reach as far as possible, maximizing rotation through the thoracic spine and stretching the front leg glutes. 

2. Toes Elevated Dumbbell Jefferson Curl x 5reps

*Move one vertebrae at a time before fully hinging at the hip, reverse out of the movement the same way you went into the movement. 

3. Banded Hamstring Curl x 20-30reps 

*Try to minimize movement from the hip. Initiate the movement with control. 

4. Good Morning Jumps x 5reps 

*Stretch the glutes and hamstrings and then explosively transition into the jump.  

*Intention: Prep the hamstrings and posterior chain in preparation for hinging. 



EMOM x 12mins

1st - 8-10 Single Leg Good Morning/leg 

2nd - Bike Erg 20-30sec @ high Effort

3rd - Seated Box Jump x 5reps

-Complete, used 45# bar for the good mornings 


Snatch Grip Deadlift; 3030; 6,6,5,5; rest 2mins 

*focus on great positions and proper tempo control

-155# x 6, 175# x 6, 185# 5, 195# x 5


Snatch High Pull 5,5,4.4; rest 2mins

-195# x 5, 195# x 5, 205# x 4, 205#x 4 


5 Rounds

10 Hang Power Snatch (load with something you can confidently cycle for all 10 reps for all rounds)

20sec Tuck L-Sit

8 Bar Facing Burpees

Bike Erg 500m (attempt to increase your pace each round)

rest 60-90sec between rounds

-Complete, used 95# for the HPS and each round was between 2:10-2:30 


1) Cat Cow x 10 with 2-3 sec hold in each position. 

2) Childs Pose Reach Through x 5/side with 5-10 sec hold. 

3) Sidelying Thoracic Rotation with Reach x 5/side with a 10-sec hold. 

4) Seated Pike Stretch x 2 min 

5) Pancake Stretch x 1 min over L Leg, 1 min over R leg, 1 min over Center.

-D/N complete, no time 

Sunday, November 21, 2021


Today was a decent workout overall... but I have an extreme amount of work/life stress that is pushing me towards my limits ... overall fatigued and unfocused today, but tried to get as much out of this as I could. 


Cardio of Choice x 3-5 minutes

2-3 Rounds 

1. Scapular Pull-ups x 6-8

*Keep elbows straight. Initiate the movement by retracing the shoulder blades.

2. Shoulder Extension Bridge x 6-8

*Keep your shoulder blades down and back (chest up) during this entire movement. 

3. Yoga Pushup x 6-8

*Press into the floor to stay active through the shoulder blades. 

4. Kettlebell Windmill x 5/side 

*Reach up toward the ceiling and allow the shoulder to rotate naturally. 

*Intention: Prep the scapula and thoracic spine in preparation for upper body pressing and pulling. 



3 Sets for Quality

10 Landmine Meadows Row R

10 Landmine Upright Row R

10 Landmine Strict Press R

rest 30sec 

10 Landmine Meadows Row L

10 Landmine Upright Row L

10 Landmine Strict Press L

rest 30sec and back to the right 

*Keep the load light and focus on quick precise reps to get blood flow to the shoulders

-70# across 


Close Grip Bench Press; 31X1; 6,6,5,4; rest 2mins

-145# x 6, 165# x 6, 175# x 5, 185# x 4 


3-4 Sets

1. Weighted Strict Pull Up; 21X1; 2-3 reps

rest 30sec

2. Weighted Strict Dip; 30X0; 4-6reps

rest 90sec

-3 Sets ... 35# for 3x3 on the pull-ups and 3x6 unweighted on the dips 


For Quality


Dumbbell Bench Press 50/35lbs

Dumbell Gorilla Row (R + L = 1rep)



Suitcase Walking Lunges

Strict Knees-to-Elbows

Time Cap - 15:00


*DB bench press will be the limiting factor here. Choose a weight that is challenging but still allows you to move through the bench press unbroken.


1. Passive Hang x 1 minute

*Support the feet to take load off of the shoulders. You may also use lifting straps to make it easier on your grip and you can fully relax into the stretch.

2. Supinated Passive Hang x 1 minute

*Support the feet to take load off of the shoulders. You may also use lifting straps to make it easier on your grip and you can fully relax into the stretch.

3. Seated Shoulder Extension with Barbell OR Seated Shoulder Extension on Floor x 2 minutes

*Find a comfortable position for the shoulders. Keep your shoulders down and back during the stretch.

4. Prayer Stretch x 2 min or 1 min/side

*Perform on the bench as demonstrated, or put one elbow against the wall and lean into it.


Saturday, November 20, 2021


 Much Needed Complete Rest ... this has been a crazy week with MCMAP and the CFT in there ... but I am proud of myself for pushing through this week and working around the clock each day and not missing any workouts. 

Friday, November 19, 2021


AM Workout (0700)

Currently doing a MCMAP course ... had a 4 mile hike today where we stopped 3 different times for ground fighting (3 x 2 minuet rounds each time) ... I've been doing this MCMAP course for the last couple weeks, but this was the first session we've had that was enough to actually log as physical training... overall an enjoyable way to spend the morning ... definitely satisfying to get a few tap-outs today. 

PM Workout (1500) 


Row x 3 minutes

2-3 Rounds

1. Shinbox Thoracic Rotation x 5/side

*Reach as far as possible holding the end position for 2-3 seconds 

2. Dumbbell Pullover x 10

*Keep spine straight. 2-3 second lower, 5 sec hold in end position.

3. Russian Babymaker x 5

*Hold end stretch positions for 2-3 seconds each. Try to keep arms inside of knees.

*Intention: Lengthen the glutes and posterior chain, grease the groove of the shoulder joint. Move through these like a giant superset.



3-4 Sets

3-5 Wall Facing Strict HSPU 

rest 15-30sec

5 Half Kneeling Bottoms Up KB Press R

5 Half Kneeling Bottoms Up KB Press L

rest 15-30sec

10 Half Kneeling KB Chop and Lift R

10 Half Kneeling KB Chop and Lift L

rest as needed and restart from the top

*loading - light to moderate

-Complete ... 3 sets ... 3x5 on the HSPU ... 26# KB for the bottom up press and 35# KB for the chops


For Time, with a partner, 1 partner working at a time: 


Deadlift 315/265lbs

Wall Walks


Directly into



Deadlift 275/215lbs

Strict Dips


Directly into


Deadlift 225/175lbs

Hand Release T Push-Up

-Result = 13:50 ... went 1:1 on these, had fun 


15min AMRAP, with a partner, 1 partner working at a time: 

1k/800m Ski

30 Box Jump 24/20”

30 Burpees

-Can't remember the rounds/reps, but just flowed through this at a consistent aerobic pace 


3 Sets

5 Single Arm Turkish Sit-Ups R

5 Single Arm Turkish Sit-Ups L

12 Lat Pull-Downs 

10 Single Arm Standing DB High Pull R

10 Single Arm Standing DB High Pull L 

*rest as needed between sets and movements

-Complete ... 53# for the sit-ups, 125# for the lat pull-downs and 35# DB for the high pulls 


3 Sets:

12 Tricep Rope Push-Downs (45#)

10 DB Curls (2x35#) 

Rest :60

-Complete ... added in a drop set on the last set of DB curls ... 10x25#s, 10x15#s and 10x10#s ... fun pump finisher 


1. Passive Hang x 2 min 

2. Shoulder Extension Stretch on Floor x 1 min

*Keep your chest and head up, shoulder blades back and down. 

3. Pike Stretch x 2 min 

4. Front Split x 2 min per forward leg 

-D/N complete 

Thursday, November 18, 2021


Today was a solid workout... was rough getting started... worked out at 5:30 pm on a Friday after an extremely long week ... I have been putting in a ton of work at the Naval Academy this semester ... really looking forward to some down time with Thanksgiving next week. 


Bike x 3 minutes

2-3 Rounds

1. Half Kneeling Weight Shift x 8/side

* Knee in line toes. Vertical torso facing straight forward.

2. Shoulder Extension Bridge x 5 reps

*Keep spine straight. 2-3 second lower, 5 sec hold in end position.

3. Squat Hip Rotations x 10

*Elevate the heels to achieve a more comfortable position if necessary. Sit deep during the entire movement.

*Intention: Open up shoulder extension in preparation for deep pulling positions and prepare specific squat positions.



Speed Front Squat 

Every 15sec for 3mins perform 1 rep

rest 3mins x 2-3 sets

*Load barbell with 64% of 1RM - this is up about 10-15lbs from last week

*Your SPEED up from the bottom is most critical so don't overload this

-2 sets ... 215#, 225# ... 10# over last week's sets ... felt surprisingly good 


1. 3-4 Sets

1 Clean Complex


1 Hang Clean

1 Clean

rest 30sec

2. Pistol or Plate Pistol; 31X1; 3-5reps/leg 

*we have progressed to the floor this week but feel free to revert back to box pistols 

rest 90sec and restart

-3 Sets ... went 225#, 235#, 245# ... went 3x3/leg on the pistols 


Complex Skills

10min AMRAP

2 Strict L-Sit Muscle Ups

4 Strict HSPU

8 Alternating DB Hang Power Snatch 50/35lbs

12 Sprawls 

-5 rds + 2 reps 



For Time

40 Jumping KB Goblet Squats (53/35#) 

15 Burpees 

Assault Bike 60/48 Calories

rest walk 2mins

For Time

30 Burpees 

40 American KBS (72/53#) 

Assault Bike 60/48 Calories


-9:36 ... difficult aerobic work here... lots of time on the assault bike 


1. Supinated Passive Hang x 2 min

2. Childs Pose Lat Stretch x 1 min/side

3. Half Kneeling Anterior Line Stretch x 2 min/side

4. Bottom of Squat Hold x 2 min

-D/N complete