Friday, April 29, 2022


Traveling for a wedding and I'm in Albany, NY. Dropped into a local gym (Crossfit Beyond) and did the class workout ... had no idea what it was going to be and I was game for anything. It ended up being a fun/longer conditioning piece. Nothing too complicated, butgot a nice sweat and had a really fun time ... it was great to do crossfit again and feel fit.

For time:
50 Cal Row
50 Pull-ups
40 Air Squats
40 Power Cleans (135/95#)
30 Cal Row
30 Hand-Release Push-ups
20 Air Squats
20 Shoulder-to-Overhead (135/95#)
10 Cal Row
10 Burpee Pull-ups

-This took about 19 minutes... didn't get the exact time ... beat everyone's time the previous class and the class I was in ... paced everything out... sketchiest part for me was the set of 50 pull-ups ... went 5x10 with a planned rest ... overall fun conditioning piece 

Every 2 for 6 (3 sets) of:
15 Unbroken Toes-to-Bar

-Complete ... added this in after the class... just wanted to do some T2B ... can't do these at home due to low ceilings ... they felt good. 

Thursday, April 28, 2022


Today was a solid/quick session , kept things light and short due to work/life stress and other obligations. Looking forward to some rest this weekend and different training over the next few weeks. 


2-3 Rounds

1. Knee Over Toe Split Squat x 5/side

*Elevate the foot or use assistance to achieve the best position possible. Knee in line with toes, heel flat,  upright torso. 

2. Dumbbell Pullover x 5 reps

*Keep spine straight. 2-3 second lower, 5 sec hold in end position. 

3. Squat Thoracic Rotations x 3/side 

*Elevate the heels to achieve a more comfortable position if necessary. Sit deep during the entire movement. 

4. Jump Squat x 5 

*Jump high and get that core body temperature up! 

Intention: Open up the thoracic spine and shoulders in preparation for overhead movement. Achieve deep single leg squat positions in preparation for double leg or single leg squatting. 




5 Rounds For Time

4 Single Arm KB Russian Swing Right

4 KB Split Snatch Right

4 KB Single Arm Overhead Squat Right

20 Steps KB Overhead Carry Right

4 Single Arm KB Russian Swing Left

4 KB Split Snatch Left

4 KB Single Arm Overhead Squat Left

20 Steps KB Overhead Carry Right

*UNBROKEN - Give it a shot today and attempt to perform all 5 Rounds without putting the KB down or taking a break. Challenge yourself with your weight selection.

-35# KB, unbroken, didn't catch the time, but this really burned my scapula 



Back Squat; 3,2,1,1 (add load with each set - make your last set TOUGH); rest 2-3mins

-365# x3, 395# x2, 415# x1, 425# x1 



3 Sets

1. Goblet Low Switch Cossack Squat; 2121; 10 reps (5/leg)

rest 45sec

2. Parallette Plank Support Dumbbell Row; 20X1; 6-8/arm

rest 60-90sec back to 1

-35# cossack squats ... 50# for the rows 



For Time

500m/400m Row

40 Russian Twists (25# plate)

30 Goblet Squats (53# KB)

20 Burpee Strict Pull Up

30 Goblet Squats (53# KB)

40 Russian Twists (25# plate)

500m/400m Row


Wednesday, April 27, 2022


AM Workout (0700)

Lighter track session this morning, which was needed after the 3 Mile TT on Tuesday ... felt pretty decent on this, but the paces were relatively easy, fun/short session ... great way to start the day. 

8 Sets: 

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:53
Jog 200 Meter

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:53
Jog 200 Meter

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:53
Jog 200 Meter

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:51
Jog 200 Meter

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:51
Jog 200 Meter

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:51
Jog 200 Meter

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:50
Jog 200 Meter

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:50
Jog 200 Meter

-Complete ... ran all of these fasts ... spread was between :48-:44 seconds each 200

PM Workout (1200)

Had an okay workout today... was interrupted by a furniture delivery and modified/called short the workout a bit. Still got a solid pump and fun pressing workout. 


2-3 Rounds

1. Shinbox Thoracic Rotation x 5/side

*Reach as far as possible holding the end position for 2-3 seconds 

2. Dumbbell Pullover x 10

*Keep spine straight. 2-3 second lower, 5 sec hold in end position.

3. Russian Babymaker x 5

*Hold end stretch positions for 2-3 seconds each. Try to keep arms inside of knees.

4. Goodmorning Jump x 3

*Stretch through the posterior chain and then squeeze the glutes and explode. 

*Intention: Lengthen the glutes and posterior chain, grease the groove of the shoulder joint.




3 Sets

10 Single Arm Landmine Z Press/arm

10 Landmine Snatch High Pull/side

20 Tall Kneeling Landmine Oblique Twists (10/side)

Rest as needed between movements and sets




Bench Press

3 sets x 5 reps, challenging sets of 5

-235# across, no spotter, kept these moderate 



Pause Board Bench Press (1 second pause on chest) 

3 Sets x 6-12 reps – choose a weight challenging for 3 x 6-12 

-3x8 with 205# ... again, kept light with no spotter, but lots of quality reps 




10 Strict Dips 

10 Gorilla Rows (Tough for you, 1+1 = 1 rep) 

-Complete, unbroken sets, used 2x72# KB ... took about 60 seconds rest between rounds 


3 Sets: 

Tricep Rock N Rolls x 15 (2x35# DB)

Rest :60 



3 Sets: 

EZ Bar French Press x 10 (75#) 

Rest :60 



3 Sets:

Bulgarian Ring Row x 10 

Rest :60




2 sets

1) Thread the Needle x 1 min/side 

*Lean into shoulder to stretch through the backside of the shoulder. 

2) Mixed Grip Passive Hang x 1 min

*Support the feet to take load off the shoulders as necessary. 

3) Passive Ring Hang x 1 min 

*Support the feet to take load off the shoulders as necessary. 

-D/N Complete

Tuesday, April 26, 2022


This morning was a solid/fun workout ... was fun to push the deadlift effort and the conditioning was crossfity/really fun. 


2-3 Sets

10 Toes Elevated Dumbbell Jefferson Curls

*Move one vertebrae at a time before hinging from the hip and stretching through the posterior chain. 

10 Sumo Stance Dumbbell RDL

*Hinge as far as possible to stretch through the hips and hamstrings without allowing the low back to round. 

10 Standing Calf Raise

*Elevate the toes if possible. Control lower. One sec pause at the top and bottom. 




3-4 Sets  - TOUGH EFFORT

6 Burpee Box Jump Over 

10 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pull

14sec Row SPRINT @ 97%

rest walk 60-90sec between sets


*97% - refers to effort; this should be an all out sprint while still maintaining some control

-Complete, 4 sets, 20" box, 53# KB, tried to pull 2500 cal/hr for each interval 




Build up to a heavy set of 2, add 0-20 lbs over last week’s 5x3

-455#, 485#, 500# ... I think this is a 2 RM PR



For Time @ strength effort:


Power Clean @ 185/135lbs

Front Squat @ 185/135lbs

Deficit Strict Handstand Push Up (3.75 inches (45# bumpers)) 

Rest as 5 minutes then... 

For Time @ sustained effort:


Hang Power Clean @ 165/115lbs

*After each Round:

6 Bar-Facing Burpees 

12 Air Squats 

-7:31 / 6:29 ... first part was tough... deficit SHSPU were not fun had to break up the last two sets ... second part was more fun, HPC unbroken 



3 Super-Sets:

10 DB Hammer Curls (2x35# DB)

10 BB Curls (45#) 

Rest :60



1) Cat Cow x 10 with 2-3 sec hold in each position. 

*Progress to segmented cat cow if possible. 

2) Childs Pose Reach Through x 5/side with 5-10 sec hold. 

*Stretch through the backside of the shoulder and rotate through the spine as much as possible. 

3) Sidelying Thoracic Rotation with Reach x 5/side with a 10-sec hold. 

*Keep knee pinned to the foam roller. You can also keep knees pinched together at 90 degrees if no foam roller. 

4) Seated Pike Stretch x 2 min 

*Pull torso to the legs. 

5) Pancake Stretch x 1 min over L Leg, 1 min over R leg, 1 min over Center.

*Elevate the butt if necessary to increase stretch sensation.

-D/N Complete 

Saturday, April 23, 2022


AM Workout (1200)


Pull-ups: 24 (100 points) 
Crunches: 115 (100 points) 
3 Mile Run: 20:36 (85 points)

Score: 285 ... ran over a minute faster than last year, which was nice ... I was hoping to run a 19:40 for a score of 290, but I was overly optimistic ... still happy with this, 285 is a solid score ... this is a 6:52 mile pace and a 21:20 5K pace ... not too shabby for a 210# person. 

PM Workout (1600)

Had a solid afternoon session ... this morning didn't tax me much at all, felt good throughout this workout ... mentally happier in the gym now that the PFT is off my plate. 


2-3 Rounds

200 Single Unders (use a weighted rope if you have one) or cardio of choice x 2 minutes 

20 Band Pull Aparts

*Initiate the movement with the posterior shoulder muscles and do not allow the shoulders to shrug up toward the ears. 

10 Single Arm DB Cuban Press R

10 Single Arm DB Cuban Press L

*Drive the elbow straight up. As you rotate the arm back do not allow the elbow to drop lower. 




3 Sets

1. Dumbbell Elbowing Row x 10-12/arm

2. Planche Lean 30-45sec

3. Single Arm Ring Row Hold 20-30sec/arm

rest as needed between movements and sets




Bench Press 3x3 @ - add 0,5,10 lbs over last week

-255# across for 3x3 ... same weight as last two weeks, but have been doing this without a spotter, so I am not pushing the loading. 



3 Super-Sets:

DB Bench Press  x 10-12 reps 

Barbell Row x 10-12 reps
Rest as needed 

-DB Bench went 100#s x6 ... then dropped down to 2x10 with 75#s ... rows across 3x10 with 185# 



On a 35:00 running clock: 

EMOM x 15mins

1st -  10 Strict Ring Dips 

2nd - 16 Anchored Sit Up

3rd - 12/8 Calorie Assault Bike


Rest 5 minutes then... 


EMOM x 15mins

1st - 1 Dumbbell TGU per arm at tough load (used 75#) 

2nd - 10 Alternating DB Snatch (75/50#) 

3rd - 12/8 Calorie Row

-Complete ... second part was tough ... really fun/solid conditioning piece ... toughest TGU I've done in a long time. 



1. Passive Hang x 2 min

*Keep your feet on the a surface if you can not hang for the entire time.

2. Supinated Passive Hang x 1 min 

*Keep your feet on the a surface if you can not hang for the entire time.

3. Seated Shoulder Extension x  2 min 

*Keep your chest and head up, shoulder blades back and down.

4. Childs Pose with Lat Stretch x 1 min/side

-D/N complete

4/24 & 25/22

 Complete Rest / taper for tomorrow's PFT

Friday, April 22, 2022


AM Workout (0900)

Had a great track session this morning ... all of the 200s and 300s were fast, 400s and the 500 were right on pace ... overall a really fun session, just enough volume and didn't leave me wrecked. Last running session before the PFT on Tuesday. 

Run 200 Meter for 00:00:42
Rest for 00:01:00
Run 200 Meter for 00:00:42
Rest for 00:01:00
Run 200 Meter for 00:00:42
Rest for 00:01:00
Run 200 Meter for 00:00:42

Rest for 00:03:00

 Run 300 Meter for 00:01:03
 Rest for 00:01:00
 Run 300 Meter for 00:01:03
 Rest for 00:01:00
 Run 300 Meter for 00:01:03

Rest for 00:03:00

Run 400 Meter for 00:01:24
Rest for 00:01:00
Run 400 Meter for 00:01:24

Rest for 00:03:00

Run 500 Meter for 00:01:51


PM Workout (1600)

Had a solid afternoon session ... lighter/lower volume ... tapering down for the PFT on Tuesday. 


Cardio of Choice x 3-5 min OR Reverse Sled Drag x 5 minutes 


2-3 Sets

10 Hand Supported Single Leg RDL/leg

*Stretch through the hamstrings without allowing the low back to round. 

10 Patrick Steps Level 3

*Let the knee travel as far forward over the toe without letting the heel come off the ground. See Level 1/2 for regression. 

10 Single Leg Pike Leg Lift/side (hold 1-2sec on each rep at the top)

*Squeeze the quad and lift the legs. Try to NOT lean back as you raise the legs. 




EMOM x 12mins

1st - Row 30sec @ moderately tough effort

2nd - 5 KB Complexes (KB Sumo Deadlift + KB Clean from Floor + KB Rack Squat) 

3rd - 4 Burpees + 4 Sprawls 

*every round increase pace on either row, burpee speed, or load on KB complex

-Complete, 2x35# KB 


Tricep Extensions
3 sets x 12-15 reps

-3x15 with 45#, cable push-downs 
Pull Ups
3 sets x 12 reps


Cross Over Symmetry Pulldowns 
3 sets x 15 reps

-Complete, 15# bands 
One Arm Dumbbell Row 
2 sets x 10 reps 

-Complete, 75# DB
Dumbbell Side Raises or Cable Side Raises
2 sets x 10-15 reps
You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-2x15# DB for 2x10
Dumbbell Bent-Over Side Raises
2 sets x 10-15 reps
You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-2x15# DB for 2x10
2 sets x :60



*On all stretches. FOCUS, breathe deep, exhale slowly and sink into the stretch. I am sure the first 15-30 sec of the stretch will require some fidgeting, but once you find a good spot relax deeply. 

1) Weighted Ankle Stretch x 1min/side

*Keep knee in line with the middle of the foot. 

2) Low Dragon Stretch x 1 min/side

*Move feet away from each other to maximize stretch. 

3) Saddle Pose x 1 min 

*Progress to reclining hero pose if easy.


Thursday, April 21, 2022


AM Workout (0730) 

For time, at a consistent aerobic pace:


Cal Bike Erg
Cal Row
Cal Ski Erg

-41:59 ... kept the pace consistent from start to finish, was nice aerobic movement. 

PM Workout (1600)


Cardio of Choice x 3-5 minutes 


2-3 Rounds 

1. Shinbox Goodmorning + Rear Hip ER x 5/side

*Try to maintain a straight spine position as you fold forward. Torso may rotate toward the back leg as it opens up. 

2. Shoulder Extension Bridge x 5

*Start with legs straight, push through the  floor, then use the legs to pull yourself forward. Only go as far as comfortable for the shoulders/elbows. 

3. Russian Babymaker x 5

*Hold end stretch positions for 2-3 seconds each. Try to keep arms inside of knees. 

4. Goodmorning Jump x 3

*Stretch through the posterior chain and then squeeze the glutes and explode. 

*Intention: Lengthen the glutes and posterior chain, grease the groove of the shoulder joint. Move through these like a giant superset.




2 Sets

10 Heel Sit Single-Arm DB Press/arm

10 Ring Rows (hold 2sec at top of each rep)

5 DB Windmill/side

Rest as needed between movements and sets

-Complete, 25# DB



Bench Press

3 sets x 5 reps

-Across at 235# ... didn't push the loading here, was working out alone 



Board Bench Press 

3 Sets x 6-12 reps – choose a weight challenging for 3 x 6-12 

-Across at 225# for 3x6 ... again didn't push the load here, but got in good reps at 225#




1.1. Weighted Strict Dip; 21X1

immediately into

10 Strict Ring Dips - NO TEMPO

rest 30sec

12 Ring Rows

6 Strict HSPU 

rest 90sec between sets

-Complete, 3 sets ... 72# for the dips



3-4 Sets

400/320m Row (increase pace per set)

9 Strict Pull Ups

9 DB Snatch 75lbs

9 Burpees 

Rest 2mins (decrease rest time by 30sec each set = 2:00, 1:30, 1:00)

-Complete, 3 sets ... didn't time, just timed the rest interval ... high intensity/short finisher 

Tuesday, April 19, 2022


AM Workout (0700)

Today was as solid workout ... ran all of these in 1:30-1:36 ... felt good aerobically, this was great training for my PFT next week

4 Sets of: 
Run 400 Meter for 00:01:39
Rest for 00:00:30
Run 400 Meter for 00:01:39
Rest for 00:00:30
Run 400 Meter for 00:01:39
Rest for 00:05:00


PM Workout (1530) 

Had a decent session this afternoon... squatting felt a bit heavy after the 12x400m this morning... but got everything in and had a good time. Looking forward to training tomorrow. 


Cardio of Choice x 3-5 minutes 


2-3 Rounds

10 Knee Over Toes Calf Raise R

10 Knee Over Toes Calf Raise L

*Bring the knee as far forward over the toe as possible without letting the heel come up to find your start position. Then raise the heel. 

15 Standing Banded Psoas March R

15 Standing Banded Psoas March L

*Bring the knee forward as far as possible to activate the hip flexors. Minimize rounding in the low back. 



14mins Continuous Movement

3 Turkish Get Ups R

4 Single Arm KB Overhead Reverse Lunge R

5 Single Arm KB Windmill R

200/160m Bike 

3 Turkish Get Ups L

4 Single Arm KB Overhead Reverse Lunge L

5 Single Arm KB Windmill L

200/160m Bike

-Complete with 35# KB ... 4 rds plus a few reps 



Back Squat 

4x5, add 0-20 over last week’s set

-385# for 4x5  (10# over last week) 



3 Sets

1. Box Pistol; 20X1; 6-8/leg

rest 45sec

2. Bent Over DB Lateral Raises x 10 reps 

rest 45sec

3 Dumbbell Pull Over; 20X1; 10-12 reps

rest 60-90sec back to 1

-Complete ... 2x15# for the lateral raises, 25# DB for the pull-overs 



For Time

20m Cross Body KB Carry (switch arms halfway)

16 Alternating Goblet Curtsy Squats

40m Cross Body KB Carry (switch arms halfway) 

12 Double Push Up Burpees

60m Cross Body KB Carry (switch arms halfway) 

16 Alternating Goblet Curtsy Squats

80m Cross Body KB Carry (switch arms halfway) 

12 Double Push Up Burpees

100m Cross Body KB Carry (switch arms halfway) 

16 Alternating Goblet Curtsy Squats

120m Cross Body KB Carry (switch arms halfway)

-This took about 11 minutes with 2x35# KB ... went lighter and moved through this at a quicker pace ... double push-up burpees are WAY worse than regular burpees. 


 Complete Rest 

Monday, April 18, 2022


I cut some of the workout out today... just wasn't feeling like doing any crossfit/cardio stuff... have had a big amount of life/work stress and just didn't want to do it. Felt strong in the deadlifts and got a huge pump from the pull-up finisher. Was nice/low stress. 


Cardio of Choice x 3-5 minutes 


2-3 Sets

30 Elephant Walk Steps 15/leg

*Straighten the knee as much as possible to stretch through the hamstrings. 

10 Seated DB Good Mornings

*Hinge as far as possible without allowing the lower back to round. 




4 Sets 

10 Box Jump Overs 24/20"

6 Alternating Single Arm Devils Press

Bike 600/480m

rest walk 60sec

-Complete ... didn't time this, just the rest, was a nice warm-up




5 sets of 3, add 0-20 lbs over last week’s 4x5

-470# for 5 sets of 3 (20# over last weeks 4x5 with 450#) 



Max Strict Pull-ups

1 Set of 20# 

1 Set of 14# 

1 Set of Unweighted 

Rest 2-3 minuets between sets 

-Result = 

16 @ 20#

16 @ 14#

17 @ BW ... massive bicep/lat pump out of this, nice way to end the session.


Didn't feel particularly great today... weights felt heavy and I was a bit mentally unfocused... this is always a habit of mine after a night of drinking, but once I got rolling I got everything, even while feeling not 100%.


2-3 Rounds

50' Bear Crawl Slow or cardio of choice x 60 sec 

10 Prone Trap 3 Raise

*Lift the shoulders and feet away from the surface you are laying on. Try to minimize the shoulder blades shrugging up toward your ears. 

10 DB External Rotation Elbow on Knee R

10 DB External Rotation Elbow on Knee L

*Keep the weight light and do not allow the shoulder blade to move as you rotate the shoulder. 




3 Sets

1. Bent Over Band Pull Aparts x 15-20reps

2. Side Star Plank; 30sec/arm

3. 8 Bulgarian Ring Rows + 8 Ring Rows

rest as needed between movements and sets




Bench Press 3x3 @ - add 0,5,10 lbs over last week

-Used 255# (same weight as last week) 



3 Super-Sets:

Seated Strict Press x 6-10 reps 

Strict Weighted Pull-ups x 6-10 reps
Rest as needed 

-145# for 3x8 on the presses ... 45# for 3x6 on the pull-ups 



On a 35:00 clock: 

Every 3:00 x 5 sets

18 Calorie Row

10 Knees-to-Elbows 

8 Dual KB Hang Clean 53/35lbs

8 Dual KB Push Press 53/35lbs


rest until 20:00 and then begin: 


Every 3:00 x 5 sets

18 Calorie Row

10 DB Bench Press (2x75# DB)

10 Sprawls 

-Complete ... the first part was tough on the grip... fun aerobic conditioning, felt solid on the rower.



1. Passive Hang x 1 minute 

*Support the feet to take load off of the shoulders. You may also use lifting straps to make it easier on your grip and you can fully relax into the stretch. 

2. Supianted Passive Hang x 1 minute

*Support the feet to take load off of the shoulders. You may also use lifting straps to make it easier on your grip and you can fully relax into the stretch. 

3. Seated Shoulder Extension with Barbell OR Shoulder Extension on Floor x 2 minutes

*Find a comfortable positions for the shoulders. Keep your shoulders down and back during the stretch. 

4. Prayer Stretch x 2 min or 1 min/side

*Perform on the bench as demonstrated, or put one elbow against the wall and lean into it. 

-D/N Complete

Friday, April 15, 2022


Complete Rest ... was planning on training today, but had a too few many last night and decided to just rest / recover instead ... first bit of a hangover since my sister's wedding last October.


 Complete Rest 

Thursday, April 14, 2022


Today was a solid session, had to shorten the volume a little bit due to time constraints, but still got a solid workout.


2-3 Rounds

1. Shinbox Thoracic Rotation x 5/side

*Reach as far as possible holding the end position for 2-3 seconds 

2. Dumbbell Pullover x 10reps

*Keep spine straight. 2-3 second lower, 5 sec hold in end position.

3. Russian Babymaker x 5reps

*Hold end stretch positions for 2-3 seconds each. Try to keep arms inside of knees.

4. Good Morning Jump x 3reps

*Stretch through the posterior chain and then squeeze the glutes and explode. 

*Intention: Lengthen the glutes and posterior chain, grease the groove of the shoulder joint.




3 Sets

10 Half Kneeling Single Arm DB  Press

10 Single Arm DB Upright Row/arm

5 DB Turkish Sit-Up/arm

Rest as needed between movements and sets

-Complete, 25# DB across 



Bench Press

3 sets x 2 reps @ 90%, 0-10 lbs over last week 

-Used 260# (5# over last week) across for 3x2 ... felt way better thank last week, got these reps comfortably. 



Bench Press 

3 Sets x 6-12 reps – choose a weight challenging for 3 x 6-12 

-225# across ... went 10, 7, 6... rough. 



3-4 Sets 

1.1.1 Weighted Strict Dip; 21X1 Tempo

immediately into

3 Wall Walks or 6 Inchworms

rest 30sec

5 Strict HSPU or Pike Strict HSPU

15 Bulgarian Ring Rows

rest 90sec between sets


*1.1.1 = cluster set, one set is 1 rep, rest 10 seconds, 1 rep, rest 10 seconds, 1 rep

-Complete, 3 sets ... used 53# for the dips 



3-4 Sets

400/320m Bike

6 Burpee Strict C2B Pull Ups

12 KBS (72/53#) 

6 Burpees

400/320m Bike

Rest 1:30 (decrease rest time by 30sec each set = 1:30, 1:00, :30)

-Complete, 3 sets .... didn't get the times, just timed the rest intervals 



2 sets

1) Thread the Needle x 1 min/side 

*Lean into shoulder to stretch through the backside of the shoulder. 

2) Mixed Grip Passive Hang x 1 min

*Support the feet to take load off the shoulders as necessary. 

3) Passive Ring Hang x 1 min 

*Support the feet to take load off the shoulders as necessary

-D/N Complete