Today was a solid session, especially for an at-home crossfit session ... got a lot of intensity out of the conditioning piece.
2-3 Sets
10 Toes Elevated Dumbbell Jefferson Curls
*Move one vertebra at a time before hinging from the hip and stretching through the posterior chain.
10 Sumo Stance Dumbbell RDL
*Hinge as far as possible to stretch through the hips and hamstrings without allowing the low back to round.
10 Standing Calf Raise
*Elevate the toes if possible. Control lower. One sec pause at the top and bottom.
8 Burpee Lateral Hop
8 Dumbbell Deadlifts
12sec Assault Bike SPRINT @ 97%
rest walk 60-90sec between sets
-Complete, 3 sets, 2x50# DB
Every 60sec x 10-12sets
1 Segment Power Clean
1 Power Clean
*drop the bar after each power clean and reset for the next rep
**build weight with every set
*Your first sets are meant to be light and you will build with each set ending your 10th set around an 80% effort level.
-135# x 2 sets, 185# x 2 sets, 205# x 2 sets, 225# x 2 sets, 235# x 2 sets, 245# x 1 set, 250# x 1 set ... cleaning is start to feel a lot better, fun stuff.
4 Sets:
Deficit Clean Deadlift @ 3131 Tempo x 2 reps
right into
Deficit Clean Pull x 2 reps
rest 2mins
-185# across
5-6 Sets
3 Power Clean @ 135/95lbs
2 Hang Squat Clean @ 135/95lbs
4 Box Jumps @ 24/20"
6 Bar Facing Burpees
rest 30-45sec and repeat
rest as needed after completing all 5-6 sets above before moving to the next part:
5-6 Sets
8 Sprawls
8 Goblet Squats (53/35# KB)
4 Hang Squat Clean @ 135/95lbs
rest 30-45sec and repeat
-Complete ... went 10 sets (5 sets of each) and went straight through with a set every :90 (15 minutes total)