Tuesday, October 31, 2023


Today was a solid session, especially for an at-home crossfit session ... got a lot of intensity out of the conditioning piece. 


2-3 Sets

10 Toes Elevated Dumbbell Jefferson Curls

*Move one vertebra at a time before hinging from the hip and stretching through the posterior chain. 

10 Sumo Stance Dumbbell RDL

*Hinge as far as possible to stretch through the hips and hamstrings without allowing the low back to round. 

10 Standing Calf Raise

*Elevate the toes if possible. Control lower. One sec pause at the top and bottom. 



3-4 Sets  - TOUGH EFFORT

8 Burpee Lateral Hop

8 Dumbbell Deadlifts

12sec Assault Bike SPRINT @ 97%

rest walk 60-90sec between sets

-Complete, 3 sets, 2x50# DB


Every 60sec x 10-12sets

1 Segment Power Clean

1 Power Clean

*drop the bar after each power clean and reset for the next rep

**build weight with every set

*Your first sets are meant to be light and you will build with each set ending your 10th set around an 80% effort level.

-135# x 2 sets, 185# x 2 sets, 205# x 2 sets, 225# x 2 sets, 235# x 2 sets, 245# x 1 set, 250# x 1 set ... cleaning is start to feel a lot better, fun stuff. 


4 Sets: 

Deficit Clean Deadlift @ 3131 Tempo x 2 reps

right into

Deficit Clean Pull x 2 reps

rest 2mins 

-185# across 


5-6 Sets

3 Power Clean @ 135/95lbs

2 Hang Squat Clean @ 135/95lbs

4 Box Jumps @ 24/20" 

6 Bar Facing Burpees

rest 30-45sec and repeat


rest as needed after completing all 5-6 sets above before moving to the next part:

5-6 Sets

8 Sprawls 

8 Goblet Squats (53/35# KB) 

4 Hang Squat Clean @ 135/95lbs

rest 30-45sec and repeat

-Complete ... went 10 sets (5 sets of each) and went straight through with a set every :90 (15 minutes total) 

Monday, October 30, 2023


This afternoon was a decent workout, got a nice pump and stayed consistent on the aerobic conditioning. 


2-3 Rounds

200 Single Unders (use a weighted rope if you have one) or cardio of choice x 2 minutes 

20 Band Pull Aparts

*Initiate the movement with the posterior shoulder muscles and do not allow the shoulders to shrug up toward the ears. 

10 Single Arm DB Cuban Press R

10 Single Arm DB Cuban Press L

*Drive the elbow straight up. As you rotate the arm back do not allow the elbow to drop lower. 



3 Sets

1. Side Plank Powell Raise x 10-12/arm

2. Tuck L-Sit (on rings) x 30sec

3. Single Arm Ring Row; 2020; 8/arm

rest as needed between movements and sets 

-Complete, 5# Powell Raise


Bench Press


Rest 2-3 minutes

-190# across, no misses


3-4 Sets

1. Close Grip Bench Press; 21X1; 5,5,4,4

rest 45sec

2. Glute Bridge Single Arm Dumbbell Bench Press; 30X0; 6-8/arm 

rest 45sec

2. Wide Grip Strict Pull up; 8-12reps NO TEMPO

rest 90-120sec and back to 1

*close grip - hand placement inside shoulder width / wide grip - hand placement outside shoulder width

*use a band if needed to assist you in achieving the top end of the rep range for the pull ups

-Complete, 4 sets ... 140# on bench, 50# on DB bench and BW on pull-ups


EMOM x 15mins

1st - 12 V-ups

2nd - 12 Alternating Dumbbell Power Snatch (75#)

3rd - Bike 12/9 Cals

straight into...

EMOM x 15mins

1st - 5 Strict Dips + 10sec dip support at the top

2nd - 10 Single Arm DB Push Press/arm (50#)

3rd - Row 12/9 Cals


Sunday, October 29, 2023


Got in the class workout this AM.

EMOM 10:
2 Clean and Jerks @ 60-75% (185-225#) 

-Went 185# for 5 sets, 205# for 4 sets and then 225# for 1 set ... felt pretty decent throughout this, got lots of good reps. 

DB Front Squats*
*8 Push-ups on DB after each set of squats 

-18 + 7 Front Squats into set of 20 

Saturday, October 28, 2023


Today was an okay workout ... a bit tired from traveling/parenting ... hard to focus and overall I just didn't feel good. 


Cardio of Choice x 3-5 minutes 


2-3 Rounds 

1. Shinbox Goodmorning + Rear Hip ER x 5/side

*Try to maintain a straight spine position as you fold forward. Torso may rotate toward the back leg as it opens up. 

2. Shoulder Extension Bridge x 5

*Start with legs straight, push through the  floor, then use the legs to pull yourself forward. Only go as far as comfortable for the shoulders/elbows. 

3. Russian Babymaker x 5

*Hold end stretch positions for 2-3 seconds each. Try to keep arms inside of knees. 

4. Goodmorning Jump x 3

*Stretch through the posterior chain and then squeeze the glutes and explode. 

*Intention: Lengthen the glutes and posterior chain, grease the groove of the shoulder joint. Move through these like a giant superset.



3 Sets

10 Single-Arm Landmine Z Press/arm

15 Single Arm Landmine Meadow Row/arm

20 Tall Kneeling Landmine Goblet Press Out (10/side)

Rest as needed between movements and sets

*Keep Loads Light and take only as much rest as needed. Stay focused and get a good shoulder pump headed into an upper-body intensive day.

-Complete, 35# bar, no rest 


2 Muscle Snatches

1 Power Snatch

1 Hang Power Snatch

rest 60sec x 8 sets - building with each set

-105# x 2 sets, 125# x 2 sets, 135# x 2 sets, 145# x 2 sets 


3-4 Sets

1. Weighted Strict Dip; 21X1; 4,4,4,4 

rest 45sec

2. Strict Handstand Push Up or Pike Strict HSPU; AMRAP in 20sec

rest 45sec

3. Dumbbell Elbowing Row 10X0 x 12-15/arm

rest 90sec and back to 1

-4 Sets ... BW on dips and 15# on DB row and then 7,7,6,6 on SHPSU 


3-4 Sets

10 Strict Pull-ups

5 Wall-Walks

10 Bar-Facing Burpees 

10 Hang Power Cleans 135/95lbs

500/400m Row (increase pace per set)

Rest 2mins between sets

-Complete, 3 sets ... 4:40, 4:45, 5:38 ... gassed on by the last one, broke up the pull-ups, WW and just rowed slow, called it at 3 sets. 

Friday, October 27, 2023


Complete Rest / travel back to MD. 


Today was a solid workout ... got this in during the afternoon while on the road ... modified some stuff due to equipment issues, but still got in a really good session. 


Cardio of Choice x 3-5 min OR Reverse Sled Drag x 5 minutes 


2-3 Sets

10 Hand Supported Single Leg RDL/leg

*Stretch through the hamstrings without allowing the low back to round. 

10 Patrick Steps Level 3

*Let the knee travel as far forward over the toe without letting the heel come off the ground. See Level 1/2 for regression. 

10 Single Leg Pike Leg Lift/side (hold 1-2sec on each rep at the top)

*Squeeze the quad and lift the legs. Try to NOT lean back as you raise the legs. 



3 Sets:

400m Run (on treadmill) @ 6-7 RPE 

5 KB Sumo Deadlifts + 5 KB Hang Cleans R+L + 5 KB Goblet Squats (50#) 

10 Burpees

Rest :60 



1-1/4 Back Squat; 3,3,2,2 (add load with each set and finish at 90% effort); rest 2-3mins

90% Effort - consider this on the RPE scale, not your 90% max all-time lifts.

-275# for both sets of 3, then 295#, 305# 


3 Sets

1. Seated Good Morning; 2111; 10-12reps

rest 60sec

2. Goblet Kickstand Pistol Squat; 30X1; 6-8/leg; 

rest 60sec and back to 1

-95# on GM, 35# DB for the squats 


3 Sets

15 Smith Machine Calf Raises (2x45# plates)

Rest :60

6 Turkish Get-ups (3 L, 3 R) - 50# 

Rest :60



3 Sets

10 Russian KB Swings 

rest 15sec

10 Hollow Rocks

20-30sec Tuck L-Hang

rest 15sec

10 KB Rack Curtsy Squat

rest 60-90sec

-Complete, 50# KB for both movements 


E2 For 10 (5sets ) of:

20 Rope Tricep Push-downs

20 Cable Curls 

-Complete, across at 37.5# ... great way to blow out the arms 

Tuesday, October 24, 2023


Today was a decent workout... combined a couple workouts due to the crammed week of coming off my illness and not training Monday and the travel I have this week. Overall got a good session out of this, EMOM at the end was fun.


Cardio of Choice x 3-5 minutes 


2-3 Sets

30 Elephant Walk Steps 15/leg

*Straighten the knee as much as possible to stretch through the hamstrings. 

10 Seated DB Good Mornings

*Hinge as far as possible without allowing the lower back to round.



3-4 Sets 

Row 150m

10 Split Stance Dumbbell RDL Right

5 Burpee Broad Jumps

10 Split Stance Dumbbell RDL Left

Row 150m

rest walk 60sec

-Complete, 3 sets, 25# DB


Every 60sec x 8-10 sets 

1 Hang Power Clean Below Knee (pause 1sec below the knee)

1.1 Power Clean

*drop the bar after each power clean and reset for the next rep

*Your first sets are meant to be light and you will build with each set ending your 10th set around an 80% effort level.

-135# x 2 sets, 165# x 2 sets, 185# x 2 sets, 205# x 2 sets, 225# x 1, 235# x 1


Front Squat; 21X1; 5,5,4,4

rest 2-3mins between sets

-185#, 195#, 205# for both sets of 4


Deficit Clean Grip Deadlift @ 3131 x 3 reps

Deficit Clean Pull x 1 rep

rest 2mins x 4 Sets

*no rest in between movements

-155#, 175#, 195#, 195#


3 Sets

1. KB Goblet Cossack Squat; 20X1; 6-8/leg

rest 45sec

2. Single Arm Dumbbell Floor Press; 20X1; 6-8/arm;

rest 45sec

3 Quadruped Plank KB Row; 20X1; 6-8/arm

rest 60-90sec back to 1

-35# KB for BK movements and 50# DB for floor press


3-5 sets

1 Power Clean @ 155/105

2 Hang Squat Clean @ 155/105

4 Bar Facing Burpees

-rest 30-45sec between sets

Complete all 3-5 sets above and then move onto 


3-5 sets

1 Power Clean @ 155/105

2 Hang Squat Cleans Below Knee @ 155/105

6 Strict Dips

-rest 30-45sec between sets

Complete all 3-5 sets above and then move onto 


3-5 sets

3 Burpee Strict Pull-Ups

2 Touch and Go Power Cleans @ 155/105

3 Box Jumps 30/24"

-rest 30-45sec between sets

-Complete ... 5 sets of each movement, went through this as a 15:00 EMOM, nice sweat.

Monday, October 23, 2023


Today was not a great workout, but I am grateful that I at least felt well enough to move and sweat. Still have a small bit of a sore throat/congestion, but I feel a bit stir-crazy and wanted some activity and sweat. Have had a lot of life/work stress and it was difficult to focus or enjoy myself.


2-3 Rounds

50' Bear Crawl Slow or cardio of choice x 60 sec 

10 Prone Trap 3 Raise

*Lift the shoulders and feet away from the surface you are laying on. Try to minimize the shoulder blades shrugging up toward your ears. 

10 DB External Rotation Elbow on Knee R

10 DB External Rotation Elbow on Knee L

*Keep the weight light and do not allow the shoulder blade to move as you rotate the shoulder. 



3 Sets

1. Supinated Band Pull Aparts x 15-20reps

2. Plank; 30sec

3. Bulgarian Ring Row; 2020; 8-10reps (opt for a body angle that allows for you to get a large range of motion)

rest as needed between movements and sets



Bench Press

4x10 @ RPE 7-8

Rest 2-3 minutes

-Complete, across at 185# ... added this in, just wanted to bench.


3-4 Sets

1. Barbell Strict Press; 21X1; 5,5,4,4

rest 45sec

2. Alternating Dumbbell Push Press; 31X1; 8-12 total (4-6/arm)

rest 45sec

3. Strict Pull Up; 21X1; 1.1.1 (rest 5-10sec between reps)

rest 90-120sec and back to 1

-Complete, 3 sets ... 95# on the press, 2x35# DB for the PP and 25# weighted on the pull-ups


Every 3:00 x 5 sets

10 V-ups

8 Hang KB Snatch @ 53/35lbs R

8 Hang KB Snatch @ 53/35lbs L

500/400m Bike

rest as needed before moving on to part D


Every 3:00 x 5 sets

8-10 Parallette Push Ups @ 21X1 Tempo

12 Dual Hang KB Clean 53/35lbs

500/400m Bike

-Complete ... did D and E straight through on a 30:00 clock


 Still sick ... but feeling a tiny bit better ... I am really amazed at how tough this illness has hit me and how little rest I've been able to get during this time. 

Sunday, October 22, 2023


 Further Complete Rest ... still feel like shit ... terrible sore throat. 

Friday, October 20, 2023


Complete Rest / sore threat is terrible today... I thought I was on the mend, but I think the workout yesterday was too much for me. Feeling like shit. 

Thursday, October 19, 2023


I was still feeling a bit sick today... sore throat / congested, but I'm definitely getting better overall. I was on the fence about working out, but overall I felt good enough to try and I'm glad I did. I didn't go hard today, but it was good to move and sweat after days of inactivity and feeling like complete shit. 



6 Box Jump Over (Low Box)

8 Russian Swings Heavy

10sec SKI SPRINT @ 97%

rest walk 60-90sec between sets

-Complete, 72# KB


Every 60sec x 8-10 sets 

Slow Pull Power Clean

Hang Power Clean Below Knee (pause 1sec below knee)

*Your first sets are meant to be light and you will build with each set ending your 10th set around an 80% effort level.

-135# for 2 sets, 165# for 2 sets, 185# for 2 sets, 205# for 2 sets, 225# for 2 sets 


Front Squat

33X1; 3 Reps; rest 2-3mins x 4 sets

-135#, 155#, 175#, 185# 


Deficit Clean Deadlift; 3131; 4 reps; rest 2mins x 3-4 Sets

-155#, 175#, 185#, 185# 


3 Sets

1. Goblet Kickstand Pistol Squat; 20X1; 6-8/leg

rest 45sec

2. Alternating Dumbbell Push Press; 21X1; 6/arm

rest 45sec

2 Dumbbell Pull-Over; 20X1; 8-10reps

rest 60-90sec back to 1

-Complete, 35# KB for goblet squats, 2x35# DB for PP and 25# DB for pullover 


5-6 Sets

4 Box Jump Over 30/24"

1 Turkish Get Up R

3 Hang Power Cleans 155/105lbs

1 Turkish Get Up L

rest 30-45sec and repeat


rest as needed after completing all 5-6 sets above before moving to the next part:


5-6 Sets

9/7 Cal Ski 

3 Deadlifts 185/135lbs

2 Bar Facing Burpees

1 Power Clean 185/135lbs

rest 30-45sec and repeat

-Complete, 5 sets of each movement 


3 Sets:

20 Fat Bar Curls (45#)

Rest :60

-Complete ... added in this pump finisher as my arms feel deflated from being so sick/not eating/working out

Wednesday, October 18, 2023


Further complete rest ... still unfortunately under the weather ... terrible sore throat. Hopefully better tomorrow. 

Tuesday, October 17, 2023


Further Complete Rest ... I was hoping to train today... but I'm still really sick. 

Monday, October 16, 2023


I was supposed to train today... but developed a bad sore throat last evening while taking a midterm exam ... been under lots of school/life stress and I was pretty sick today. 


AM Workout (0545)

Jumped into the crossfit class, got some good cardio out of this and it was fun to lift a heavy-ish thruster.

Every 2 for 10 (5 sets) of:
Thruster x 2 - build to a heavy double over 5 sets

-185#, 195#, 205#, 215#, 225# 

2 Sets of:
3 Rds:
12 Thrusters (95/65#)
12 Toes-to-Bar
48 Double-Unders
Rest 3:00 between sets 

-7:15 ... definitely gassed out on that second set... but tried to push it, had to break up the TTB quite a bit on the last few sets ... fun stuff, tough crossfit conditioning ... lungs feel good, but muscular endurance isn't great right now. Getting back in shape is always rough!

PM Workout (1230)


2-3 Rounds

200 Single Unders (use a weighted rope if you have one) or cardio of choice x 2 minutes 

20 Band Pull Aparts

*Initiate the movement with the posterior shoulder muscles and do not allow the shoulders to shrug up toward the ears. 

10 Single Arm DB Cuban Press R

10 Single Arm DB Cuban Press L

*Drive the elbow straight up. As you rotate the arm back do not allow the elbow to drop lower.



3 Sets

1. DB Powell Raise; 10-12/arm

2. Side Plank; 30-45sec/side 

3. Ring Face Pull; 2020; 8-10reps (opt for a body angle that allows for you to get a large range of motion)

rest as needed between movements and sets

-Complete, 10# plate for Powell raises


3-4 Sets

1. Close Grip Bench Press; 30X1; 6,6,6,6

rest 45sec

2. Glute Bridge Single Arm Dumbbell Floor Press; 30X0; 6-8/arm 

rest 45sec

3. Supinated Strict Pull; 31X1; 4-6reps

rest 90-120sec and back to 1

-3 Sets ... 135#, 35# and BW


EMOM x 15mins

1st - 10 Alternating KB Snatches From Floor 53/35lbs

2nd - 14/10 Calorie Bike Erg (stop at 40sec if you haven't reached target calories)

3rd - 3-5 Burpee Ring Muscle Up or 6-8 Burpee Chest to Bar Pull Ups

*Choose rep schemes that will allow you to finish each movement in approximately 40sec to provide adequate rest before the next minute/movement.


EMOM x 15mins

1st - 8 Dual KB Clean and Push Press From Floor @ 53/35lbs

2nd - 14/10 Calorie Bike Erg (stop at 40sec if you haven't reached target calories)

3rd - 3 Wall-Walks

*Choose rep schemes that will allow you to finish each movement in approximately 40sec to provide adequate rest before the next minute/movement.

-Complete ... this was nice cardio, not too taxing, but still got a nice workout from this.