Thursday, October 12, 2023


Snuck in most of the workout today at home early in the AM. Had to cut out the conditioning due to time constraints. 


2-3 Rounds 

1. Shinbox Goodmorning + Rear Hip ER x 5/side

*Try to maintain a straight spine position as you fold forward. Torso may rotate toward the back leg as it opens up. 

2. Shoulder Extension Bridge x 5reps

*Start with legs straight, push through the  floor, then use the legs to pull yourself forward. Only go as far as comfortable for the shoulders/elbows. 

3. Russian Babymaker x 5reps

*Hold end stretch positions for 2-3 seconds each. Try to keep arms inside of knees. 

4. Goodmorning Jump x 3reps

*Stretch through the posterior chain and then squeeze the glutes and explode. 

*Intention: Lengthen the glutes and posterior chain, grease the groove of the shoulder joint. Move through these like a giant superset.



3 Sets 

10 Half Kneeling Single Arm Landmine Press

10 Landmine Snatch High Pull/side

10 Push up to Alternating Pike Toe Touch

Rest as needed between movements and sets

*Keep Loads Light and take only as much rest as needed. Stay focused and get a good shoulder pump headed into an upper-body intensive day.

-Complete, used an empty BB


Segment Snatch Pull 

Muscle Snatch

Hang Muscle Snatch

rest 60sec x 8 sets - building with each set if you can

-105#, 115#, 125#, 135# x 5 sets ... kept it at 135# to get good reps in.


3 Sets

1. Weighted Strict Dip; 21X1; 4-6reps

rest 45sec

2. Deficit Handstand Push Up Negative; 5sec lowering x 4-6reps

rest 45sec

3. Powell Raise; 30X0; 6-8/arm

rest 90sec and back to 1

*use a band to assist your dips to achieve the rep range and prescribed tempo

-Complete, BW on the first two movements, 5# for the Powell Raises

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