Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I slept 7 hours; felt decent in the morning. My hamstrings were tight from yesterday so I did a thorough warm-up. The workout today was long; I added to it by doing a little pull-up work before hand. After my warm-up I then proceeded to do: 20-15-10 of DH pull-ups and wall-balls with a 200m run between each set to get the soreness out of my legs. Then the real workout began as RxD:

Power snatch + hang snatch 2 x 2 @ 50% (65 lb), 2 x 2 @ 60% (80 lb), 2 x 2 @ 65% (85 lb) of 1RM snatch

3 sets of:

3 - muscle snatch @ 60% (45 lb - never performed a muscle-snatch before, technique work)
12 - reverse leg swings

3 sets of:

3 -Heaving snatch balance @ 60% (95 lb)
6 - Psuedo pushups (google it)
12 - Reverse hyper ext.

3 sets of:

8 - ring pullups
8 - ring dips
8 - skin the cats (I had never done these, I was really nervous as to whether I could actually perform them, ended up being much easier than I thought)


snatch pulls from blocks, 6 @ 85% (95 lb), 6 @ 95% (115 lb), 6 @ 105% (135 lb)
clean pulls from blocks 4 @ 85% (135 lb), 4 @ 95% (175 lb), 4 @ 105% (195 lb)

This workout took a while. It was great and very taxing on my shoulders. It was really fun and a very nice change to train in a different way. Olympic lifting is something I really need to work on and its great to work on my technique. It feels strange to only to 2 days of training and then taking a day off. But I've got a lot of training coming up starting in two weeks, once I start doing track workouts. So I basically need to realize that I need to rest to improve and be smart about my training.

Meal 1 (pre-workout) - Whey Protein, Flax Oil, 1/2 Banana (Total: 180 Cal, 6.5g F, 14.5g C, 13g P)

Meal 2 (post-workout) - Whey Protein, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter, 2 Slices WW Bread, 1/2 Banana (Total: 545 Cal, 19g F, 64g C, 39g P)

Meal 3 - 1 Chicken Breast, 2 Cups Broccoli, 10 Strawberries (500 Cal, 12g F, 28g C, 46g P)

Meal 4 - 1 Chicken Breast (360 Cal, 8g F, 0g C, 39g P)

Daily Total (medium/low carb): 1585 Cal, 45.5g F, 106.5g C, 137g P*

*This is way below my typical intake level, even for a rest day. I had some unexpected work responsibilities that made me skip a few meals. I was extremely upset about this, but sometimes these things happen.

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