Thursday, July 14, 2011


Today was a great workout. It looked like this:

Front Squat - 6 x 2 @ 90% (260 lb) - these sets were heavy, but manageable

Clean Halting Dead-lift with full Squat Clean - 3 sets @ 225 (2 dead-lifts to mid-thigh, on third dead-lift explode into a full squat clean) - 225 is my previous squat clean PR, these felt easy, I'm stoked to PR soon.

Metcon, for time:

5 Rounds:
7 Overhead Squats @ 135 (power snatched from floor)
9 Burpees
12 Toes to Bar
200m Run



Time: 20:30. The 5 rounds were challenging, but they were easier than I thought they would be. I was able to easily power snatch the 135 each time. I also did all the reps unbroken of every exercise. Previously I struggled with snatching 135 while fatigued, but I felt strong today. This was a great feeling. I'm getting more comfortable with heavy weight in the OH/Snatch-grip position. The hardest part of this workout was the 20 HSPU chaser. The 20 reps literally took me 5 minutes to complete. I blew through all the reps of the 5 rounds, but my shoulders could only handle 6 HSPU unbroken. Then it was doubles and finally singles all the way to 20. This was rough and really exposed my biggest weakness. In my opinion, HSPU are now my biggest weakness as an athlete. These are something I need to hammer out every week and get good at. I've been improving my O-lifting and muscle-ups a ton, which is awesome, but at this point I need to improve my HSPU more than anything else. Overall a good day, excited to train again soon.

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