AM Workout (0530)
This morning was some solid training, nothing maximal or crazy, but lots of quality reps.
This morning was some solid training, nothing maximal or crazy, but lots of quality reps.
Bench Press Prep
1-2 sets x 10-15 reps @ 50-75%
Perform Upright Rows @ 50-75% intensity for 1-2 sets of 10-15 reps. You will find "Bench Press Prep" at the start of every Bench Press dominant day in Hybrid Push Only. The goal of integrating these movements into our warm up exercises is to increase activation in muscle groups that improve scapular stability, which is extremely important while performing heavy pressing movements. Improving scapular stability will mean healthier, stronger, more stable shoulders and bigger pressing numbers!
-Complete, 2 x 15 with 45# bar
-Complete, 2 x 15 with 45# bar
Bench Press
3 sets x 3 reps @ 80% (210#)
80% of your one rep max bench press.
-Complete, very easy.
-Complete, very easy.
Strict Press
3 sets x 4 reps @ 70-75% (135-145#)
70-75% of your one rep max strict press.
-Complete, 3 x 4 @ 145#, very easy
-Complete, 3 x 4 @ 145#, very easy
Half Kneeling Single Arm Kettlebell Press
3 sets x 12-15 reps
The goal is to reach near failure without actually failing within the given rep range in all 3 sets. 12-15 reps per arm.
-Complete, across at 3 x 15 reps with 40# KB
-Complete, across at 3 x 15 reps with 40# KB
Tricep Extensions
3 sets x 8-10 reps
Aim to reach failure, within the given rep range. These can be any form of cable pull-downs or banded pull-downs. If needed, you can substitute for overhead dumbbell tricep extensions.
3 x 'Durante Core' (10 hollow-rocks, 10 v-ups, 10 tuck-ups, :10 hollow-hold)
-Complete, 3 x 10 with 75#
3 x 'Durante Core' (10 hollow-rocks, 10 v-ups, 10 tuck-ups, :10 hollow-hold)
-Complete, 3 x 10 with 75#
Land-Mine Twists
3 sets x 8-10 reps
The goal is to reach near failure without actually failing within the given rep range in all 3 sets.
-Complete, 3 x 10 with 115# ... this was the toughest part of the workout!
Getting caught up on work after a busy few days... had a lull in the day, so took the opportunity to go sneak in a workout... wanted to feel out some posterior chain stuff, no pain, everything felt solid.
-Went 135# x 10, 225# x 8, then 5x5 at 315# ... all reps were very easy, no pain on any of these reps.
'Helen' (in the wrong order)
3 RFT:
400m Run
12 Pull-ups
21 KBS (53/35#)
-8:40 ... this was on a track, went about 80-85% effort on this, got through everything without pain, was fun to move fast-ish again ... as I am writing this now I realize I did the KBS after the pull-ups... which is the wrong order of traditional 'Helen'
3 Sets:
GHD Plank Hold x :40
Rest 1:20
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