Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Saturday, December 28, 2019
Had a solid workout today, nothing too crazy, lower intensity day, but enjoyed all of it and left the gym feeling refreshed.
-Complete, 53# KB for the get-ups, 2 x 25# DB for the curls ... could possibly gone heavier on the get-ups, but overall 53# was tough enough, especially on my left arm. Looking forward to getting strong at these.
F) Bicep Pump conditioning (not part of the program):
Every 3 for 9 (3 sets) of:
15 Supinated Grip Lat Pull-Downs (100#)
15 DB Hammer Curls (2 x 35# DB)
-Complete, great finisher, just threw this in there myself at the end, got a massive bicep pump out of this.
3 Sets @ 85% Effort
Row 200/175m
6 Burpee Box Jump Step Down 24/20"
rest 75sec
Row 200/175m
6 Burpee Box Jump Step Down 24/20"
rest 75sec
3 Sets @ 85% Effort
Row 200/175m
10 Toes to Ring
Row 200/175m
10 Toes to Ring
A1) Muscle Clean
3,2,2; rest 60sec
A2) Knees to Bar
40X0; 5-7reps; rest 90-120sec x 3
-Complete ... went 185# x 3, 205# x 2, 215# x 2 ... the sets at 215# may have been power cleans, slight rebend, especially on the second one ... knees to bar were tough, had never done these before, but they were a good core exercise.
-Complete ... went 185# x 3, 205# x 2, 215# x 2 ... the sets at 215# may have been power cleans, slight rebend, especially on the second one ... knees to bar were tough, had never done these before, but they were a good core exercise.
B) Clean Complex
1 Segment Clean Deadlift 3131
3 Segment Clean Pull (only 1 pause below knee)
rest 2-3mins between complexes x 4
-Complete ... went 225#, 275#, 295#, 315#
3 Segment Clean Pull (only 1 pause below knee)
rest 2-3mins between complexes x 4
-Complete ... went 225#, 275#, 295#, 315#
C1) Glute Ham Raise
31X1; 4-5reps; rest 30sec x 2
C2) Dumbbell Cross Body Muscle Snatch
6-8/arm; rest 90sec x 2
-Complete, 70# DB for the snatches
-Complete, 70# DB for the snatches
D) Row
20sec @ 97% (full effort pulled back a touch for control)
rest 1:40 x 4
-Complete, was getting 13-14 calories each interval
rest 1:40 x 4
-Complete, was getting 13-14 calories each interval
E) 3 Sets NFT
3 Turkish Get Up/arm TOUGH
6-8/arm Seated Alternating Dumbbell Curl @ 3011
60sec Side Plank/side
6-8/arm Seated Alternating Dumbbell Curl @ 3011
60sec Side Plank/side
F) Bicep Pump conditioning (not part of the program):
Every 3 for 9 (3 sets) of:
15 Supinated Grip Lat Pull-Downs (100#)
15 DB Hammer Curls (2 x 35# DB)
-Complete, great finisher, just threw this in there myself at the end, got a massive bicep pump out of this.
Today was a great session. I was a bit nervous getting into the gym today because of how much DOMS was in my quads/hamstrings from the sets of 8 back squats the other day ... Once I warmed up I felt great though. Worked through the DOMS and tried to push myself today. Had a great time... really good way to start my Saturday.
3 Sets NFT
6 Filly Z Press/arm
6 KB Rack Yo-Yo Squats (3 Positions)
20 Hip Lift Weight Plate Psoas March
3 Sets NFT
6 Filly Z Press/arm
6 KB Rack Yo-Yo Squats (3 Positions)
20 Hip Lift Weight Plate Psoas March
Scapular Positional Strength and Active Mobility Work
Kneeling Lat Stretch With Band and PVC 10 reps x 3 sets - 3sec negative, 5sec hold in bottom
Scapular Positional Strength and Active Mobility Work
Kneeling Lat Stretch With Band and PVC 10 reps x 3 sets - 3sec negative, 5sec hold in bottom
A) KB Complex
3 Single Arm Kettlebell Snatch
3 Single Arm Kettlebell Push Press
3 Single Arm Kettlebell Overhead Squats
3 Single Arm Kettlebell Push Press
3 Single Arm Kettlebell Snatch
3 Single Arm Kettlebell Push Press
3 Single Arm Kettlebell Overhead Squats
3 Single Arm Kettlebell Push Press
3 Single Arm Kettlebell Snatch
*Build quickly to a max on each arm
-Went 35, 53, 72 with each arm ... felt strong, would be fun to try to 80 or 88 with this
-Went 35, 53, 72 with each arm ... felt strong, would be fun to try to 80 or 88 with this
B) Back Squat
30X1; 3 Reps Every 3:30 x 4 sets
*Building from last weeks loads
-275#, 315#, 335#, 345# ... felt strong on these
-275#, 315#, 335#, 345# ... felt strong on these
C) 3 Sets NFT
Dual KB Rack Rear Foot Elevated Split Squats (rear foot on bench) 20X1 x 6/leg
rest 15sec
Alternating KB Strict Press 20X1 x 6/arm
rest 15sec
Strict Ring Dips AMRAP in 20sec
rest as needed between exercises - perform with quality
rest 90sec before next set
-Complete with 2 x 35# for the squats, 2 x 53# for the press and went 16,14,15 for the dips
rest 15sec
Alternating KB Strict Press 20X1 x 6/arm
rest 15sec
Strict Ring Dips AMRAP in 20sec
rest as needed between exercises - perform with quality
rest 90sec before next set
-Complete with 2 x 35# for the squats, 2 x 53# for the press and went 16,14,15 for the dips
D) 3 Sets @ Tough Effort
Row 500/450m
15 C2B Pull Ups
12 Alternating KB Thrusters 53/35
9 Strict HSPU
45 Double Unders
rest walk 3mins between sets
15 C2B Pull Ups
12 Alternating KB Thrusters 53/35
9 Strict HSPU
45 Double Unders
rest walk 3mins between sets
Had a great workout this morning, enjoyed being in the gym today.
3 Sets NFT
10 Single Leg Hip Lift 20X0 R
10 Single Leg Hip Lift 20X0 L
rest 15sec
15m Extended Crab Walk
rest 15sec
20-25sec L-Sit Wipers
rest 15sec
10m Lunge/RDL Walk
rest 60sec
5 KB Snatch L 70/53
20sec Ring Dip Support
30 Double-Under
rest 3mins
6 mins @ 75% Effort
2 Wall-Walks
15sec Wall Facing Handstand Hold (top of last wall walk)
10 Goblet Reverse Lunges 70/53
15 Russian KBS 70/53
3 Rounds
2 Rounds + 5 KBS
3 Sets NFT
10 Single Leg Hip Lift 20X0 R
10 Single Leg Hip Lift 20X0 L
rest 15sec
15m Extended Crab Walk
rest 15sec
20-25sec L-Sit Wipers
rest 15sec
10m Lunge/RDL Walk
rest 60sec
A) Frog Stance Deadlift
21X1; 3,2,1,3,2; rest 2-3mins
*wave load
-315# x 3, 335# x 2, 385# x 1, 335# x 3, 365# x 2
-315# x 3, 335# x 2, 385# x 1, 335# x 3, 365# x 2
B1) Narrow Grip Bench Press
20X1; 5,4,3; rest 15sec
B2) Archer Ring Push Ups
30X0; 6/arm; rest 15sec x 3
B3) Banded Pendlay Row
20X1; 8-10reps; rest 2mins x 3 sets
-Bench went 185# x 5, 195# x 4, 205# x 3 ... rows across at 115# with 1 blue band
-Bench went 185# x 5, 195# x 4, 205# x 3 ... rows across at 115# with 1 blue band
C1) Single leg Cross Body DB RDL
30X0; 6/leg; rest 60sec x 2
C2) Kettlebell Clean + Pressing Windmill
6/arm; slow and controlled throughout range of motion; rest 60sec x 2
-Complete with 50# DB and 35# KB
-Complete with 50# DB and 35# KB
D) Conditioning
6mins @ 75% Effort
6mins @ 75% Effort
4 Kettlebell Man Makers 53/35
20m KB Rack Carry 53/35
8 Kettlebell Squat Clean Thrusters 53/35
20m KB Farmers Carry 53/35
20m KB Rack Carry 53/35
8 Kettlebell Squat Clean Thrusters 53/35
20m KB Farmers Carry 53/35
rest 3mins
6mins @ 75% Effort
40 Double Unders
10 Neutral Grip Ring Pull-ups
20 Cal Row
2 Wall Walks
40 Double Unders
10 Neutral Grip Ring Pull-ups
20 Cal Row
2 Wall Walks
rest 3mins
6 mins @ 75% Effort
5 KB Snatch R 70/535 KB Snatch L 70/53
20sec Ring Dip Support
30 Double-Under
rest 3mins
6 mins @ 75% Effort
2 Wall-Walks
15sec Wall Facing Handstand Hold (top of last wall walk)
10 Goblet Reverse Lunges 70/53
15 Russian KBS 70/53
*75% Effort - We are working on sustainable paces for the work moving forward. Continue to think about the grinder paces from weeks past and stay consistent.
-Result =
1 Round + 3 Squat Clean Thrusters
1 Round + 10 Cal Row 3 Rounds
2 Rounds + 5 KBS
This morning was a great session ... was a bit nervous given the hangover yesterday... always rough to shake off the dust, but once I got warmed up and moving in the gym I felt great on everything. This was the first session without a tough tempo on the back squat, really happy to hit a set of 8 at 300# with ease. Great stuff, looking forward to training tomorrow.
EMOM x 12-15mins
1st - 22X0 Single Arm KB Rack Cossack Squat x 3-4/leg
2nd - 4 Burpee Broad Jumps MAX DISTANCE
3rd - 15-20sec Row HARD (build up to sprint pace)
1st - 22X0 Single Arm KB Rack Cossack Squat x 3-4/leg
2nd - 4 Burpee Broad Jumps MAX DISTANCE
3rd - 15-20sec Row HARD (build up to sprint pace)
3-4mins Lower Body Mobility
Pistol Squat Flow
-Complete, used a 35# KB for cossack squats
Pistol Squat Flow
-Complete, used a 35# KB for cossack squats
A) Snatch Complex
2 Muscle Snatch
2 Hang Power Snatch
rest 90-120sec x 4 sets
-145#, 145#, 165#, 165# ... each set unbroken TnG ... looking forward to moving onto full power snatches/snatches not coupled with muscle snatches ... it is a big limiter on the total weight moved.
2 Hang Power Snatch
rest 90-120sec x 4 sets
-145#, 145#, 165#, 165# ... each set unbroken TnG ... looking forward to moving onto full power snatches/snatches not coupled with muscle snatches ... it is a big limiter on the total weight moved.
B) Back Squat
Speed Based - 10X1; 8,8,8,8; rest 2-3mins
*Focus has to remain on moving the bar fast today! Do not go heavy to the point of the bar slowing down. Remember that Friday is our heavier squat day.
-225#, 255#, 280#, 300# ... all sets done easily, fun to be moving some load without a wicked tempo limiting the load
*Focus has to remain on moving the bar fast today! Do not go heavy to the point of the bar slowing down. Remember that Friday is our heavier squat day.
-225#, 255#, 280#, 300# ... all sets done easily, fun to be moving some load without a wicked tempo limiting the load
C) Kettlebell Cross Body Reverse Lunge to Step Up
3-5/leg x 3 sets rest 60sec between legs
-2 x 24# KB with a 20" box, 3 sets of 5 each leg
-2 x 24# KB with a 20" box, 3 sets of 5 each leg
D) 4 Rounds for Time
15 Wall Balls 30/20 lb
10 No Push Up Burpees
15 Toes to Rings
Row 20/16 Calories
10 No Push Up Burpees
15 Toes to Rings
Row 20/16 Calories
*Attempting still to increase you pace as you go
-13:01 unbroken ... figured this would be around 12 minutes, happy with a time of 13:01. Good/crossfit conditioning
Complete Rest / hangover ... was planning on training today... but brought the New Year in last night and didn't have it in me to train today.
This morning was a great workout, one of the best I've had in a while. Looked super simple on paper, but part C gave me a massive pump and I really enjoyed it. Felt fit. Great stuff, looking forward to training tomorrow / the rest of the week.
3 Rounds @ 75%
250m Row (build pace each round)
8 Elevator Dumbbell Press (1sec pause at each position)
12 Seated Sled Drag Face Pulls (sub ring face pulls)
3 Rounds @ 75%
250m Row (build pace each round)
8 Elevator Dumbbell Press (1sec pause at each position)
12 Seated Sled Drag Face Pulls (sub ring face pulls)
Shoulder Mobility
Quadruped Shoulder CARS - 6reps/side x 2-3set
*notes - hold tension throughout your body by tightened you core and lower body while moving. Move slowly and deliberately and make one revolution of the arm in about 10 seconds
Quadruped Shoulder CARS - 6reps/side x 2-3set
*notes - hold tension throughout your body by tightened you core and lower body while moving. Move slowly and deliberately and make one revolution of the arm in about 10 seconds
A1) Dynamic Load Strict Press
3111; 6,5,4,4; rest 45sec
A2) Single Leg Barbell Hip Thrust
20X1; 6-8/leg; rest 90sec x 4
-95# x 6, 115# x 5, 135# x 4 x 2 sets; 95# across for the thrusts
-95# x 6, 115# x 5, 135# x 4 x 2 sets; 95# across for the thrusts
B1) Deficit Kipping Handstand Push Up
31X1; 3-6reps; rest 60sec x 3 sets
*Adjust deficit such that you stay within the 3-5rep range unbroken (should be able to go deeper this week with the KIP support to the top)
*Scale back to Regular Kipping HSPU or Pike Strict Handstand Push Ups
*Adjust deficit such that you stay within the 3-5rep range unbroken (should be able to go deeper this week with the KIP support to the top)
*Scale back to Regular Kipping HSPU or Pike Strict Handstand Push Ups
B2) Mixed Grip Pull Up
31X2; 3.3; rest 15sec/rest 90sec x 3
*6 total reps per set with a 15sec break after 3 reps at which point you switch grip
*Advanced athletes can load this so long as tempo is maintained
*6 total reps per set with a 15sec break after 3 reps at which point you switch grip
*Advanced athletes can load this so long as tempo is maintained
C) 3-4 Sets @ 75% Effort
20sec Tuck L Sit on Parallettes
10 See Saw KB Press (2 x 53#)
8 Ring Push Ups 20X0
rest 30sec
10 Elbow To Tall Plank
8 C2B Pull ups
6 Hindu Push Up
rest 90sec
-Complete, 4 sets ... great pump, really fun workout.
10 See Saw KB Press (2 x 53#)
8 Ring Push Ups 20X0
rest 30sec
10 Elbow To Tall Plank
8 C2B Pull ups
6 Hindu Push Up
rest 90sec
-Complete, 4 sets ... great pump, really fun workout.
Thursday, December 19, 2019
This morning was a great workout. Longer session overall, but felt much today than I did yesterday... the last 14 minute conditioning piece was from a few weeks back, but I had missed that workout while traveling and had done a Crossfit gym's class workout instead. Happy to get it in and enjoyed myself throughout this session. Rest tomorrow and then going to knock out 5 days of workouts in a row, which I am looking forward to.
3 Sets @ 85% Effort
Assault Bike 16/13 Calories
7 Box Jump Step Down 24/20"
rest 75sec
Assault Bike 16/13 Calories
7 Box Jump Step Down 24/20"
rest 75sec
3 Sets @ 85% Effort
Assault Bike 16/13 Calories
10 Ring Rows
rest 75sec x 3
Assault Bike 16/13 Calories
10 Ring Rows
rest 75sec x 3
A1) Muscle Clean
4,4,4; rest 60sec
A2) Strict Toes to Bar
3110; 6-9reps rest 90-120sec x 3
-185#, 195#, 195# for the cleans, 6 reps each time for the TTB... rough.
-185#, 195#, 195# for the cleans, 6 reps each time for the TTB... rough.
B1) Segmented Clean Deadlift
3131; 3,2,2; rest 45sec
B2) Clean Pull
5,5,5; rest 2mins
-225#, 275#, 325# for the segmented deads and then 225#, 275#, 275# for the pulls
C1) Glute Ham Raise
30X1; 5-6reps; rest 30sec x 3
C2) Single Arm Dumbbell Muscle Snatch
6-8/arm; rest 90sec x 3
C3) Alternating Dual KB Windshield Wipers 12 reps; rest 30sec x 3
-Complete, 70# for the DB snatch and 2 x 53# for the wipers
D) Row
10sec @ 100%
rest 1:20 x 5 sets
-Complete, was getting 7 cals each interval
rest 1:20 x 5 sets
-Complete, was getting 7 cals each interval
E) 3 Sets NFT
5 Mixed KB Rack Overhead Tall Knee to Standing R
5 Mixed KB Rack Overhead Tall Knee to Standing L
10 Ring Body Saw
Hammer Curl Drop Set 6.6.6 @ 20X0
*18 total reps - start heavy and after every 6 reps drop to the next lighter DB
-2 x 53# KB and 50s, 40s, 30s # DBs for the curls, fun/difficult pump
5 Mixed KB Rack Overhead Tall Knee to Standing L
10 Ring Body Saw
Hammer Curl Drop Set 6.6.6 @ 20X0
*18 total reps - start heavy and after every 6 reps drop to the next lighter DB
-2 x 53# KB and 50s, 40s, 30s # DBs for the curls, fun/difficult pump
F) 14 Mins Continuous Work Grinder
5 Single Arm Turkish Sit Up R
5 Single Arm KB Z Press R
3 Wall-Walks
5 Single Arm Turkish Sit Up L5 Single Arm KB Z Press R
3 Wall-Walks
5 Single Arm KB Z Press L
100m Run
-4 Rounds with a 35# KB ... this was WAY harder than I thought it would be. Great workout, fun stuff.
Had a solid workout this morning... this was probably one of the most difficult workouts I've done on this program... lots of squatting and the DB hang squat cleans were the hardest thing I've done on this program. Didn't feel particularly fit... but travel/weird diet have definitely affected me. Overall, just happy to be back in the gym and hitting it hard. Looking forward to training tomorrow.
3Sets NFT
6 Single Arm Dumbbell Arnold Z Press/arm
6 KB Rack Elevator Squats (3 Positions - 2sec hold each)
20 Kettlebell Psoas March
6 Single Arm Dumbbell Arnold Z Press/arm
6 KB Rack Elevator Squats (3 Positions - 2sec hold each)
20 Kettlebell Psoas March
Scapular Positional Strength and Active Mobility Work
Yoga Push Up 6-8reps x 3 sets - Move Slow and Controlled
Scapular Positional Strength and Active Mobility Work
Yoga Push Up 6-8reps x 3 sets - Move Slow and Controlled
A) 5 Rounds KB Flow
5 Dual Arm Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift
5 Dual Arm Kettlebell Clean
10 Alternating Kettlebell Push Press
30m Mixed Rack Overhead Carry (switch arms half way)
*rest as needed between rounds or go continuous
-Complete, across at 2 x 53# ... rested about :60 - :90 between each set... surprisingly difficult
5 Dual Arm Kettlebell Clean
10 Alternating Kettlebell Push Press
30m Mixed Rack Overhead Carry (switch arms half way)
*rest as needed between rounds or go continuous
-Complete, across at 2 x 53# ... rested about :60 - :90 between each set... surprisingly difficult
B) Back Squat
30X1; 4 Reps Every 3:30 x 4 sets
*Removing the pause at the bottom this week. refer back 3 weeks ago and build on week 4 weights
-275#, 275#, 295#, 315#
-275#, 275#, 295#, 315#
C1) Contralateral KB Rack Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
31X1; 6/leg; rest 30sec x 3 sets
*box height is 10-14"
*box height is 10-14"
C2) Single Arm Dumbbell Incline Bench Press Top Down
40X0; 3-5/arm; rest 30sec x 3 sets
C3) Diamond Push-Up
10X0 (burn out set - go until you feel that burn but don't hit failure); rest 2mins x 3
-Complete, 35# KB for the split squats, 70# DB for the bench, getting about 8-10 reps each set of push-ups
-Complete, 35# KB for the split squats, 70# DB for the bench, getting about 8-10 reps each set of push-ups
D) 4 Sets @ Tough Effort
Assault Bike 600/500m
10 DB Push Press (50/35#)
8 Pull Ups
8 Toes to Bar
10 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans (50/35#)
Rest 90sec (decrease rest by 15sec each set - 90sec, 75sec, 60sec)
-Complete ... didn't time any of these, just the rest ... went unbroken and then the final two sets of squat cleans were 6/4 and 5/5 ... tough times, solid interval training
10 DB Push Press (50/35#)
8 Pull Ups
8 Toes to Bar
10 Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans (50/35#)
Rest 90sec (decrease rest by 15sec each set - 90sec, 75sec, 60sec)
-Complete ... didn't time any of these, just the rest ... went unbroken and then the final two sets of squat cleans were 6/4 and 5/5 ... tough times, solid interval training
Still traveling, but got in a decent workout at a crossfit gym today. Got in pretty much everything as the workout was written, overall a good day in the gym.
3 Sets NFT
6 Single Leg Hip Thrust R 30X0
6 Single Leg Hip Thrust L @ 30X0
12 Double Leg Hip Thrust FAST
rest 15sec
15m Crab Walk with Hip High
rest 15sec
20sec L-Sit Flutter Kicks
rest 15sec
30' Curtsy Walk
rest 60sec
3 Sets NFT
6 Single Leg Hip Thrust R 30X0
6 Single Leg Hip Thrust L @ 30X0
12 Double Leg Hip Thrust FAST
rest 15sec
15m Crab Walk with Hip High
rest 15sec
20sec L-Sit Flutter Kicks
rest 15sec
30' Curtsy Walk
rest 60sec
A) Frog Stance Deadlift
21X1; 4,3,2,4,3; rest 2-3mins
*wave load
-295# x 4, 315# x 3, 345# x 2, 315# x 4, 325# x 3
-295# x 4, 315# x 3, 345# x 2, 315# x 4, 325# x 3
B1) Narrow Grip Bench Press
21X1; 3-5 x 3; rest 15sec x 3
B2) Med Ball Offset Push Up
20X1; 6-8/arm; rest 15sec x 3
B3) Pendlay Row
31X1; 4-6reps; rest 2mins x 3 sets
-Complete, 165#, 185#, 185# for the bench press, 135# arose for the rows
-Complete, 165#, 185#, 185# for the bench press, 135# arose for the rows
C1) Dumbbell Single Leg Romanian Deadlift
30X1; 4-6/leg; rest 60sec x 2
C2) Side Plank x :60 (:30 each side)
-Complete, 2 x 50# DB
-Complete, 2 x 50# DB
D) 3-5 Rounds Increasing Effort
4 Hang Power Cleans (ok to increase load here as you go)
6 Thrusters
8 Bar Facing Burpees
12 Kipping Toes to Bar
Row 18/15 Calories
rest walk 2mins between rounds
6 Thrusters
8 Bar Facing Burpees
12 Kipping Toes to Bar
Row 18/15 Calories
rest walk 2mins between rounds
*Every set increase your pace on the Rower
*Same as weeks past. Terminate after set 3 or 4 if quality or pacing is falling off
*Same as weeks past. Terminate after set 3 or 4 if quality or pacing is falling off
-Complete, across at 135#, only got in 3 sets ... probably could have done more, but called it at 3 sets given the traveling/lack of consistent rest.
Had a decent workout today... wasn't too crazy ... but we were fairly tired from traveling to Boise... went to a gym that was extremely busy, probably the busiest gym I've ever worked out at, but we patiently moved around people and got in what we needed to... glad we got this in despite being the road/the adversity of having to train in a strange gym.
EMOM x 12-15mins
1st - 30X0 Goblet Cossack Squat x 3-4/leg
2nd - 10-12 Russian KBS Heavy
3rd - 6 Burpees
EMOM x 12-15mins
1st - 30X0 Goblet Cossack Squat x 3-4/leg
2nd - 10-12 Russian KBS Heavy
3rd - 6 Burpees
3-4mins Lower Body Mobility
Squat Flow Movements
Squat Flow Movements
A) Muscle Snatch Complex
1 Muscle Snatch
2 Hang Muscle Snatch Below Knee
rest 90-120sec x 4 sets
2 Hang Muscle Snatch Below Knee
rest 90-120sec x 4 sets
B) Box Squat
21X1; 3,2,1,2,3; rest 2mins
*Make the second set of 2 and 3 tougher than the first. Set of 1 should be the heaviest set of the day. These are meant to be TOUGH SETs
*Make the second set of 2 and 3 tougher than the first. Set of 1 should be the heaviest set of the day. These are meant to be TOUGH SETs
C) Dual Kettlebell Rack Russian Step Up
11X1; 6-8/leg x 3 sets rest 60sec between legs
-Complete, 2 x 45# KB
-Complete, 2 x 45# KB
D) 3-5 Sets Increasing Effort Per Set
5 Dumbbell Man Makers (2 x 50/35#)
rest 15sec
25 Tuck Ups
rest 15sec
15 Wall-Balls (20/14#)
rest 15sec
10 Burpees
rest walk 2mins (decrease rest by 15sec every set) (2:00, 1:45, 1:30, 1:15)
-Complete, only got in 3 sets
Friday, December 13, 2019
Had an okay session today... nothing too crazy... had to change some stuff around due to traveling... but overall still got some good movement out of this.
3 Rounds NFT
10 Standing Alternating KB Press Top Down 30X0 (5/arm)
10 Incline Bench Press (45#)
3 Rounds NFT
10 Standing Alternating KB Press Top Down 30X0 (5/arm)
10 Incline Bench Press (45#)
Quadruped Shoulder CARS - 6reps/side
A1) Strict Press
4141; 3-5reps; rest 45sec x 4 sets
A2) Single Leg Barbell Glute Bridge
3111; 4-6/leg; rest 90sec x 4
*increase load from last week
-95#, 95#, 105#, 105# ... kept these very light... tons of TUT ... used 75# across for the bridges
*increase load from last week
-95#, 95#, 105#, 105# ... kept these very light... tons of TUT ... used 75# across for the bridges
B1) Incline Bench Press (145#)
30X0; 3-5reps; rest 60sec x 3
B2) Wide Grip Strict Pull Up (10# weight)
21X1; 2.2.2; rest 15sec/rest 90sec x 3
*6 total reps per set with a 15sec break after every 2 reps
*6 total reps per set with a 15sec break after every 2 reps
C) 3-4 Sets at Sustainable Effort
20sec Ring Dip Support
6 Single Arm KB Clean and Push Press R
20m Single Arm KB Rack Carry R
10 Strict Pull ups
6 Single Arm KB Clean and Push Press L
20m Single Arm KB Rack Carry L
rest 90sec
6 Single Arm KB Clean and Push Press R
20m Single Arm KB Rack Carry R
10 Strict Pull ups
6 Single Arm KB Clean and Push Press L
20m Single Arm KB Rack Carry L
rest 90sec
-Complete, 4 sets ... used a 65# DB instead of a KB... didn't have any heavy KBs. Got a good workout out of this while using a DB ... this was the funnest part of the day.
Active Recovery ... super easy 4 mile run ... didn't get the total time, just went easy and enjoyed myself ... was a tiny bit hungover, glad to get a little activity in.
Had a decent workout today, had to modify a couple things due to not having equipment / enough weights, but made the best of it and still got it in a good session.
2 Rounds - CNS PREP
5 Kneeling Jumps
5 Single Leg Box Jump/leg
2 Rounds - CNS PREP
5 Kneeling Jumps
5 Single Leg Box Jump/leg
3 Rounds - Build pace a little each round
10 Dumbbell Power Clean and Jerk
Row 200m
rest 60sec
10 Dumbbell Power Clean and Jerk
Row 200m
rest 60sec
4 Rounds - Slow Down and Control
10 Rower Pike Ups 2020
10 Seated Banded Rows 2020
10 Rower Pike Ups 2020
10 Seated Banded Rows 2020
A1) Muscle Clean
5,5,5; rest 60sec
A2) Strict Toes to Rings
3110; 6-10reps rest 90-120sec x 3
-Cleans went 135#, 145#, 145#
-Cleans went 135#, 145#, 145#
B) Segmented Clean Deadlift
3131; 4,4,3,3; rest 2-3mins
*TEMPO - 3 seconds on the way up stands for 3 x 1sec pauses as demostrated in the video. For the lowering phase do not pause, just lower in 3 seconds.
C1) Hamstring Curl Machine
3012; 5-8reps; rest 30sec x 3
C2) Below the Knee Single Arm Dumbbell Muscle Snatch
8-10/arm; rest 30sec x 3
C3) Barbell Preacher Curl
3131; 6-8reps; rest 90-120sec x 3
-Complete ... 65# DB for the snatches ... don't remember the other weights
-Complete ... 65# DB for the snatches ... don't remember the other weights
D) 3 Sets NFT
10 Dual KB Overhead Tall Kneeling to Standing (5/leg)
3 Top and Bottom Loaded KB Windmills/side
10 Dual KB Turkish Sit Up
3 Top and Bottom Loaded KB Windmills/side
10 Dual KB Turkish Sit Up
-Complete, 2 x 20# KB ... this was the heaviest pair the gym had, went through this 3 rounds with no rest, got quality movement in and enjoyed myself
E) Burnout Set
1 set of 50 reps of Cable Curls**start at 50# and drop 5# every time you hit failure until you accumulate 50 total reps
-Complete ... I think I ended at 25# ... got a big pump finisher out this. Not part of the program, just added it in.
Today was a solid workout, got in and out of the gym quickly, but got a great workout. Enjoyed the squats and the Crossfit style intervals at the end.
3 Sets NFT
6 Single Arm KB Z Press/arm
30sec Kettlebell Rack 1/4 Squat Pulse
20 Psoas March
3 Sets NFT
6 Single Arm KB Z Press/arm
30sec Kettlebell Rack 1/4 Squat Pulse
20 Psoas March
Scapular Positional Strength and Active Mobility Work
Seated 45 Degree Incline Shoulder Abduction (45 Degree Incline Band Pull Aparts) - 8-15reps (2sec hold each rep) x 2-3 sets
-Complete, solid warm-up
Scapular Positional Strength and Active Mobility Work
Seated 45 Degree Incline Shoulder Abduction (45 Degree Incline Band Pull Aparts) - 8-15reps (2sec hold each rep) x 2-3 sets
-Complete, solid warm-up
A) 10 Rounds KB Flow
2 Single Arm Kettlebell Suitcase Deadlift
2 Single Arm Kettlebell Snatch
2 Single Arm Kettlebell Clean
2 Single Arm Kettlebell Push Jerk
*switch arms every round, 5 rounds/arm
-Complete, 2 sets with a 53# KB and 3 sets with a 72# KB ... fun stuff
2 Single Arm Kettlebell Snatch
2 Single Arm Kettlebell Clean
2 Single Arm Kettlebell Push Jerk
*switch arms every round, 5 rounds/arm
-Complete, 2 sets with a 53# KB and 3 sets with a 72# KB ... fun stuff
B) Back Squat
31X1; 1.1 Reps; rest 15sec between 1's; Every 3:30 x 4 sets
*Cluster Set - 2 total reps but you will stop after 1 rep and place the bar back on the rack and then after 15sec pick back up and continue for the last two sets
*On your last couple sets try to build from last week
C1) Rear Foot Elevated Split Squat
DB Suitcase Loaded; 21X1; 6-8/leg; rest 30sec x 3 sets
*box height is 6-8"
*box height is 6-8"
C2) Alternating Dumbbell Incline Bench Press Top Down
22X0; 6/arm; rest 30sec x 3 sets
C3) DB Skull Crushers
10X0 (burn out set - go until you feel that burn but don't hit failure); rest 90sec-2mins x 3
-Complete ... used a 50# DB for split squats, 70# DB for incline bench and 2 x 25# for DBs
-Complete ... used a 50# DB for split squats, 70# DB for incline bench and 2 x 25# for DBs
D) 4 Sets @ Tough Effort
Row 20/18 Calories
14 Dumbbell Front Squats 50s/35s
12 C2B Pull Ups
12 Ring Dips
rest walk 90sec between sets
14 Dumbbell Front Squats 50s/35s
12 C2B Pull Ups
12 Ring Dips
rest walk 90sec between sets
-Complete, didn't time the intervals ... just the rest periods, enjoyed this, really fun stuff.
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