This morning was a decent workout... on the road for work, had to modify some stuff, but still got a great workout out of this. Looking forward to being home tonight and getting in a workout tomorrow.
3-5 Rounds NFT
Row 200/175m (build pace each round)
10 Seated Alternating KB Press Bottom Up 30X0 (5/arm)
10m Reverse Quadruped Crawl
3-5 Rounds NFT
Row 200/175m (build pace each round)
10 Seated Alternating KB Press Bottom Up 30X0 (5/arm)
10m Reverse Quadruped Crawl
Shoulder Mobility
Side Lying Thoracic Rotation x 12/side - 2-3 sets/side
-Complete, 3 sets
Side Lying Thoracic Rotation x 12/side - 2-3 sets/side
-Complete, 3 sets
A1)Strict Press
4121; 5,4,3; rest 45sec
A2) Single Leg Barbell Glute Bridge
40X0; 6-8/leg; rest 90sec x 3
-95# x 5, 115# x 4, 135# x 3 on press... that tempo rocked me
-115# across for bridges
-95# x 5, 115# x 4, 135# x 3 on press... that tempo rocked me
-115# across for bridges
B1) Incline Bench Press
21X1; AMRAP (-2); rest 30sec x 3
*Ensure a pause at the bottom and top of every single rep - Lots of Control!
*Ensure a pause at the bottom and top of every single rep - Lots of Control!
B2) Strict Pull Up
31X1; 3-5reps; rest 30sec x 3
*for athletes that are strong in this position - add weight between your legs
*for athletes that are strong in this position - add weight between your legs
B3) Weighted Ring Body Saw
2020; 8-12reps; rest 90-120sec x 3
-Complete ... used 135#, 5 unweighted reps for pull-ups, 8 unweighted body saws ... this was tougher than I thought it would be, no need to add weight with those tempos
-Complete ... used 135#, 5 unweighted reps for pull-ups, 8 unweighted body saws ... this was tougher than I thought it would be, no need to add weight with those tempos
C) 3-4 Sets at Sustainable Effort
8 Dual KB Push Press 40X0
20m Kettlebell Overhead Carry
rest 30sec
8 Dips 20X0
8 Diamond Push Ups
rest 90sec
20m Kettlebell Overhead Carry
rest 30sec
8 Dips 20X0
8 Diamond Push Ups
rest 90sec
-Complete, 3 sets, went 2 x 55#, then 2 x 45#, then 2 x 35# for the push-press + overhead carry... the 4 second eccentric rocked my triceps, made the dips/push-ups terribly difficult
D) 3 Super-Sets:
Hammer Strength Bicep Curl Machine (100#) x 8-10 repsIncline DB Skull Crushers x 8-10 reps (2 x 30# DB)
Rest :60
-Complete ... just threw this in there for fun/to get a pump finisher in...this was not part of the program ... but enjoyed this as an end to the session.
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