Still traveling, but got in a decent workout at a crossfit gym today. Got in pretty much everything as the workout was written, overall a good day in the gym.
3 Sets NFT
6 Single Leg Hip Thrust R 30X0
6 Single Leg Hip Thrust L @ 30X0
12 Double Leg Hip Thrust FAST
rest 15sec
15m Crab Walk with Hip High
rest 15sec
20sec L-Sit Flutter Kicks
rest 15sec
30' Curtsy Walk
rest 60sec
3 Sets NFT
6 Single Leg Hip Thrust R 30X0
6 Single Leg Hip Thrust L @ 30X0
12 Double Leg Hip Thrust FAST
rest 15sec
15m Crab Walk with Hip High
rest 15sec
20sec L-Sit Flutter Kicks
rest 15sec
30' Curtsy Walk
rest 60sec
A) Frog Stance Deadlift
21X1; 4,3,2,4,3; rest 2-3mins
*wave load
-295# x 4, 315# x 3, 345# x 2, 315# x 4, 325# x 3
-295# x 4, 315# x 3, 345# x 2, 315# x 4, 325# x 3
B1) Narrow Grip Bench Press
21X1; 3-5 x 3; rest 15sec x 3
B2) Med Ball Offset Push Up
20X1; 6-8/arm; rest 15sec x 3
B3) Pendlay Row
31X1; 4-6reps; rest 2mins x 3 sets
-Complete, 165#, 185#, 185# for the bench press, 135# arose for the rows
-Complete, 165#, 185#, 185# for the bench press, 135# arose for the rows
C1) Dumbbell Single Leg Romanian Deadlift
30X1; 4-6/leg; rest 60sec x 2
C2) Side Plank x :60 (:30 each side)
-Complete, 2 x 50# DB
-Complete, 2 x 50# DB
D) 3-5 Rounds Increasing Effort
4 Hang Power Cleans (ok to increase load here as you go)
6 Thrusters
8 Bar Facing Burpees
12 Kipping Toes to Bar
Row 18/15 Calories
rest walk 2mins between rounds
6 Thrusters
8 Bar Facing Burpees
12 Kipping Toes to Bar
Row 18/15 Calories
rest walk 2mins between rounds
*Every set increase your pace on the Rower
*Same as weeks past. Terminate after set 3 or 4 if quality or pacing is falling off
*Same as weeks past. Terminate after set 3 or 4 if quality or pacing is falling off
-Complete, across at 135#, only got in 3 sets ... probably could have done more, but called it at 3 sets given the traveling/lack of consistent rest.
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