Saturday, January 25, 2020

2/3, 2/4 & 2/5

Complete Rest / first three days off in since starting the previous training cycle 12 weeks ago.


Well I'm actually sad to say that I just finished my 12 week training cycle... it was extremely productive, I have zero aches and pains and my body composition and strength are way up since the marathon. This was a very fun and different way to train... but I must say it was perfect for me. I'm going to transition over the coming few weeks into a more olympic weightlifting focused program, but I am excited for the opportunity to do another functional body building program. I learned a ton and will continue to incorporate many of these concepts into my future training. 

15mins Easy Warm Up
1min Row
1min Bike
1min Run
1min Single Unders
1min Plank on Hands


A) Power Clean
build to a 1RM for the day

-after warm-up sets, singles went 255#, 275#, 285# ... overall felt good okay on these, but didn't feel super snappy or strong ... hopefully will get back to 300# in the near future. Much better than my post-marathon 255# and miss at 275# prior to starting this cycle. 

B) Pendlay Row
build to a 5RM

-135#, 185#, 205#, 225# ... probably could have squeaked out a bit more here, but my form was getting a little iffy on the last couple reps at 225# ... overall felt good, just shut it down there.
C) EMOM x 16mins
1st - 3 TGU R
2nd - AB 15/12 Cals
2nd - 3 TGU L
3rd - 14 Alternating DB Curls (Choose a moderate weight)

-Complete ... used 72# KB for the get-ups and 2 x 50# DB for the curls ... this was difficult given the weight on the get-ups ... I have gotten MUCH better these over the course of this cycle ... during the third set of left arm get-ups I spilled into the next minute and I was about :30 seconds behind on each interval after that ... but finished overall around 16:30 ... fun/difficult conditioning

D) Row
60sec for Max Meters

-38 Calories (compared to 37 calories at the beginning of the program) ... not sure what to make of this, was attempting to get 40, but just wasn't there today. 


This morning was a great workout... have had some insane life/work stress and it has been affecting me mentally and emotionally... training has been the last thing on my mind ... not sure why, but life always seems to get insane around times when I have to test my 1 RMs and other fitness tests, but such is life. With the two rest days yesterday it was nice to let my body physically recover even if I have been completely mentally overstressed and overworked ... anyway, traveling for work (high profile, very complicated felony trial) and was fortunate enough to get in the entirety of my programmed session at a gym I dropped into prior to trial prep. 

5min Easy Assault Bike
3 Sets NFT
20 Seated Banded Abductions
15 Scapular Push Ups on Elbows
8 Single Arm Ring Rows/arm 20X0


A) Back Squat
build to a 1RM for the day

Singles went 350#, 375#, 395#, 410# ...  I was really happy with this. Prior to the marathon and T-spine injury my PR was 430# (lifetime PR of 460# from 2014) but 410# for right now is a good place to be. When I came off the marathon and tested my back squat it was at 350#... great to get under some heavier load and feel confident with weight on my back. I was a bit nervous about the 410#, but it went up no problem. 

B) Back Squat 
Take 85% of the total weight lifting in part A max - then perform 1 set of Max Reps at a Strict 30X0 Tempo
- Max Squat Part A = 100kg
- Load 85kg on the bar and perform 1 set for max reps
- Tempo reads as follows:
3 seconds Down
0 seconds Pause at bottom
X Up as fast as you can
0 seconds Pause at top
*most key is that you maintain the tempo on the way down and you absolutely cannot stop moving with a pause at the top. If you pause even slightly at the top the set is over. - Total reps listed

-350# ... only got 3 reps... that tempo rocked me (compared to 280# for 5 reps at start of program) 

C) For Time @ 90% Effort (compare to 11/03/19)
Bench Press (165#)
Strict Pull-ups 

-10:27 ... compared to 18:45 from the start of the program ... I was extremely surprised by how well this went, almost did it twice as fast... all of the sets were unbroken or in 2 sets at most ... which was much better than at the start of the program... overall enjoyed this and enjoyed improving. 

D) 3 Rounds for Time
Assault Bike 1600m/1200m
21 Dual KB Push Press Press 53/35
12 Dual KB Front Rack Squats 53/35

-12:53 ... good aerobic conditioning, unbroken except the third set of Push-Press which went 11/10. 




Further Complete Rest ... was going to train today, but couldn't fit in the time with a crazy work/travel schedule. 


Complete Rest


Today was a solid workout... albeit my 5th day on and I am looking forward to sleeping in and resting tomorrow. 

3 Sets
6 Half Kneeling Bottom Up Kettlebell Press/arm
12 Side Plank Rotations/arm
16 Banded Hip Thrusts


A) Banded Deadlift 
02X1; 2 reps @ 60-65% every 45sec x 12 sets 

-Went across at 305# and 1 red band 

B) Close Grip Bench Press
Build to a 1RM

-185# x 5, 205# x 2, 215# x 1, 225# x 1, 235# x 1 ... didn't have a spotter here and went through this quickly ... 235# was 10# over where I was at during the start of the cycle and this felt much easier than the 225# I hit at the beginning of the cycle ... I have always sucked at benching and even sucked more at close grip benching... overall still happy with this. 

C) Renegade Row
5mins AMRAP @ 53/35# KB 

-32 Reps ... I think I lost count here, I really don't remember ... I kind of blacked out and just went as hard as I could. Big pump. 

D) Unbroken For Time
Kettelbell Swing 70/53
*must put the bell down between every set and every set must be unbroken to continue on.
*scale back to 53/35 if needed

-3:35 ... this is :20 faster than when I hit this at the beginning of the cycle ... very grippy

E) 3 Sets:
40m KB Fron Rack Carry (2 x 72# KB)
Strict Toes-to-Bar x 6 reps 
Rest 2:00 

-Complete ... there was supposed to be a 20 minute aerobic conditioning piece here, but I was so beat up I just cut it down to some accessory work and called it a day. 


This morning was a surprisingly taxing workout ... I was bummed about the snatching... didn't feel particularly strong there, but on the pistols and the aerobic test at the end I felt great. 

10min Assault Bike Easy
*every 2mins get off and perform
5 Kneeling Jumps (scale to tall box jump)
15sec Ring Plank

-Complete ... great warm-up 

A) Seated Box Jump
build to a max height in 10 attempts

-Went up to a 24" box with 4 x 45# plate and 1 x 25# plate

B) Power Snatch
in 12mins build to a max for the day

-185#, 205#, 215#, 225# (fail) - I am really bummed to miss 225# ... this is a 3 RM power snatch for me and something well within my comfort zone, but my shoulders are feeling beat up and I haven't snatched heavy in ~5 months ... looking forward to getting back into some heavy lifting over my next training cycle. 

C) Back Squat
Speed Based - 10X1; 2,2,2,2; rest 3mins - These should be Fast and Snappy!

-325#, 335#, 345#, 355# ... all reps easily

D) 3min AMRAP 
Alternating Pistols Squats
*substitute box pistols if you still don't have this skill down 

-82 Reps (improved over 61 reps when initially tested in November) ... huge improvement here, pistols felt great 

E) For Time
Row 100/80 Cals
100 Wall Balls 20lbs/14lbs to 10/9'
50 GHD Sit Ups
100/80 Cal Assault Bike
*ATS 1 Benchmark

-20:32 ... 5 minutes for the row, another 5 minutes for the wall-balls (30/20/10/10/10/10/10) ... ghds were by far the worst part ... got to the bike at 13:30 ... definitely could have biked faster, but was fairly gassed at that point and tried to maintain a 62-68 RPM. Overall great aerobic training. 



Wednesday, January 15, 2020


In retrospect, today was a great training/testing session... I was pretty bummed given my strict press didn't increase over this training cycle, but I did improve everything else. Although I haven't weighed myself, my body composition has improved and I've definitely lost some weight, so having said that, I am as strong as I was at the beginning of this cycle, but at a lighter weight. Anyway, overall a great day in the gym, looking forward to more workouts this week. 

For Time @ 75%
Row 1000m/850m
25 Push Ups
25 Ring Rows
25 BJSD 24/20"


A) Strict Press
Build to a 1RM

-95# x 5, 135# x 3, 155# x 2, 175# x 1, 185# x 1 (fail) - didn't get the rep at 185# ... probably should have done more warm-up sets and not taken such big jumps, but I was amped to hit this. 175# is the same weight I hit 12 weeks ago for a single 

B) Weighted Strict Pronated Pull-Up
Build to a 1RM

-72#, 88#, 106# ... this is an 18# improvement over 12 weeks ago 

C) For Max Reps

3mins AMRAP
Strict Pull Ups
rest 2mins

3mins AMRAP
Strict Handstand Push Ups
rest 2mins

3mins AMRAP
Kipping Pull Ups
rest 2mins

3mins AMRAP
Ring Push Ups

-Result = 
40 Strict Pull-ups (35 previous PR) 
30 Strict HSPU (21 previous PR) 
80 Kipping PU
50 Ring Push-ups  ... at the start of the cycle there were no tests of the Kipping PU or Ring Push-ups, but I improved my strict gymnastics movement quite a bit, which was nice to see ... my time for 100 kipping pull-ups is 3:40, so I feel as though I could have PRed this with 80 done at 30/20/20/10 coming off a strict weighted pull-up and the max 3 minute interval of strict pull-ups. Overall great to see progress here and feel fit on this stuff 

D) EMOM x 15mins FUN
1st - 50 Double Unders
2nd - 10 Dual KB Snatch (choose an unbroken weight)
3rd - 12 Dual KB Push Press (every 3reps perform a 5m front rack carry before continuing)

-Complete, used 2 x 35# KB for the snatches, used 2 x 53# for the push-press and carries ... that was WAY harder than I thought it would be ... had to brea cup the push-press and carries on the 3/4/5 set ... great conditioning, fun stuff.


Cut the warm-up short due to time/space issues, but still had an overall solid workout. I was surprised how strong I felt on everything given I had fasted about 16 hours prior to this, with 7 hours of that being awake (woke up at 0500 and trained at 1200). Overall very enjoyable day in the gym, looking forward to training tomorrow.

A) Clean Complex
1 Power Clean
2 Hang Power Clean
rest 2-3mins between complexes x 5
*build load but keep the footwork clean

-225#, 235#, 245#, 255#, 265# ... all sets unbroken, felt strong 

B1) Clean Grip Deadlift No Hook Grip 
2020 x 8,6,4 reps; rest 30sec
B2) Dual Russian Kettlebell Swing
10-12reps; rest 2mins x 3

-275# x 8, 315# x 6, 325# x 4, swings with 2 x 53# KB

C) 3 Sets NFT
45sec Side Plank/side
rest 30sec
30m KB Cross Body Carry/side
rest 30sec
10 Dual Hammer Curls 20X0
rest 30sec

-Complete, 2 x 72# KB for the carries, 2 x 40# DB for the curls 

D) Conditioning 
8mins @ 75% Effort
8 KB single Arm Suitcase Deadlift 70/53 R
8 KB single Arm Suitcase Deadlift 70/53 L
30m Farmer's Walk
50 Double-Unders

Rest 2 minutes

8mins @ 75% effort
1 Wall Walk
20sec Wall Facing HS Hold
6 Single Arm KB Turkish Sit-ups R 
6 Single Arm KB Turkish Sit-ups L
14 Box Step Ups 24/20"

-5 Rounds
-3 Rounds + :20 wall facing handstand hold 

E) Row
50sec @ 95%
rest walk 5mins x 2

-29 Cals, 29 Cals 


This morning was a fairly decent workout. I've had one of the toughest work weeks I've ever had... but I won my case on Thursday and got all my other work in this week... essentially didn't stop 'working' from the middle of Monday until 9 pm last night... only breaks were for sleep and squeezing in my workouts... this was pretty horrible, but I made it through the week, looking forward to relaxing over today and tomorrow. 

3 Sets NFT
6 Half Kneeling DB Banded Press/arm
8 Dual KB Rack Cyclist Squats @ 30X0
20 Wall Psoas March (10/leg) - Slow and Controlled
Scapular Positional Strength and Active Mobility Work
Prone Controlled Articular Rotations x 4/reps (15sec to complete one rep) x 2-3 sets; rest as needed
*Hold tension throughout the body and try to inrease range each rotation


A) Back Squat
20X1; 1.1; rest 15sec between 1's; Every 3:30 x 4 sets 
*Continue to build if you feel good. Execute great reps throughout.

-355#, 365#, 375#, 385# ... felt very strong, definitely more there ... looking forward to testing my 1 RM soon

B1) Barbell Front Rack Walking Lunge
20X0 x 8-10 steps; rest 60sec x 3
B2) Tall Kneeling DB Arnold Press
30X1; 4-6reps; rest 60sec x 3

-Complete, across at 135# for the lunges and 2 x 50# DB for the press ... kept these on the lighter side to move through them quickly ... still great accessory work 

C) 8mins Continuous Effort
2-4-6-8-10-12....continuing adding 2 reps per round
Strict Ring Dips
*10sec Pull Up Isometric Hold (chin over bar) between every set of dips. 

-Round of 16 dips + 10 dips ... this was a massive pump sash... really fun 

D) 3 Sets @ Tough Effort
Row 30/25 Cals
25 Wall Balls 20/14lbs
10 Burpee C2B Pull Ups
rest walk 2mins between sets

-Complete, didn't time the interval, only the rest ... felt very good on this, rowing and wall-balls were very easy 


Was going to rest today... but my buddy was coaching a Crossfit class where I was traveling, so jumped into the class and did whatever was on the board ... not a super tough workout, but overall got an arm pump out of this and enjoyed starting my day with some movement. 

BB Row 

135# x 15, 155# x 12, 175# x 10, 195# x 8, 215# x 5 x 3 sets 

3 Sets of:
Single-Arm KB Row x 15 reps (each arm)

-Across at 53# KB

For time:

straight into...

Dual Hang KB Cleans (2 x 53#)

-9:20 ... very grippy, but was fun variation from what I've typically been doing these days. 


Complete Rest / court all day


Heavily modified the warm-up... currently on the road and had to get a quick workout in and get out of the gym... probably the worst workout I've had in months... life/work stress is 10/10, coupled with traveling, I have zero focus and was not present at all in the gym. Modified/changed this workout so much it probably doesn't even count as the workout I was supposed to do... but got in what I could and added in D-F to get a nice arm pump... excited to wrap this week on the road up and get some real training in this weekend. 

A1) Deadlift
Concentric Only; 02X1; 2.2.2 reps @ 55-60% rest 15sec/90sec x 3
A2) Close Grip Bench Press
20X1; 1.1.1 x 1, 1.1 x 2; rest 10sec/rest 2mins x 3

-Complete, deads went 225#, 275#, 325# bench went 185# for the triples and 205# for the doubles ... went light on everything and moved quickly through this with about :60-:90 rest on each

B) 2 Rounds Not For Time
6-8/leg Banded Single Leg Dumbbell RDL 30X0
20 Dual Kettlebell Hollow Rock

-70# for the DB RDL and 2 x 15# for the hollow rocks 

C) For Time @ 90%
Incline Bench Press (135#) 

Bent-over Barbell Row (135#) 

-Complete, didn't time it, just took enough rest to get each set unbroken 

D) 3 Sets:
Tricep Cable Push-Downs 
Rest :60 


E) 3 Sets:
Standing Straight Arm Lat Pull-Downs 
Rest :60 


F) 3 Sets:
EZ Bar Bicep Curls (70#)
Rest :60 



This morning was a solid session ... felt strong squatting and fit on the conditioning... my left lower back was a bit tight today for the first time in months... have had a ton of life stress and have been driving a ton  for work (and have another 5+ hour drive today) ... hips/back tight likely due to this... worked through it and still got a lot of intensity today. Looking forward to training the rest of the week and finishing out this FBB cycle. 

3 Rounds @ 75% effort (breath and move)
Assault Bike 500/400m
10 Alternating Goblet Curtsy Squats
5 Single Leg Box Jumps R (low box)
5 Single Leg Box Jumps L (low box)
2mins Upper Mobility - Supine Shoulder Flexion With Thoracic Mobilization
90sec/side Lower Mobility - Banded Ankle Mobilization


A) Snatch Complex
2 Snatch High Pull
1 Power Snatch
every 2mins x 5 sets

-155#, 176#, 186#, 191#, 195# ... felt strong on all of these, fun to snatch again 

B) Back Squat
Speed Based - 10X1; 3,3,3,3; rest 2-3mins
*continue to build on previous weeks loads only if your speed remains HIGH
*Do not go heavy to the point of the bar slowing down. 

-315#, 335#, 345#, 355# 

C) Weighted Pistol
31X1; 3-5/leg x 3 sets rest 60sec between legs

-Complete, across at 35# KB

D) 2 Rounds for Time
30/25 Cal Assault Bike
20 KBS 70/53
10 Toes to Bar
30/25 Cal Row
20 Wall Ball
10 Toes to Bar
*Attempting still to increase your pace as you go on each round. being sure to pace from the beginning.

-12:53 unbroken ... felt so good during this that I had to stop during the middle of the wall-balls to see if I actually had a 20# ball... it felt so light I figured it was a 10 or 14# ball. 



Thursday, January 9, 2020


This morning was a great workout... was a bit tired this morning from a very busy weekend, but once I got warmed up and moving I felt very strong and fit during this workout. 

3 Rounds For Time @ 75% 
Row 300m (build pace each round) 
6 Single Arm Bottoms Up Kettlebell Press L 
12 Banded Face Pulls
6 Single Arm Bottoms Up Kettlebell Press R
*control your pace and focus on quality of each movement

-Complete ... used a 26# KB and 1 red band 

A1) Strict Press
22X2; 4,3,2; rest 30sec
A2) Filly Push Press
40X0; 3-5/arm; rest 30sec x 3
*KB Rack can be heavier than the dumbbell pushing arm
A3) Chest to Bar Pull-Up
AMRAP Unbroken Strict; Max Reps in 1 set; rest 2-3mins x 3

-135# x 4, 145# x 3, 165# x 2 ... 3 sets of 5 each arm with a 50# DB and 53# KB ... C2B went 12/9/9 

B) 3-4 Sets Not For Time
10 Split Stance Dual Russian Swings R 
10 Split Stance Dual Russian Swings L 
rest 15sec 
AMRAP Strict Handstand Push Ups Unbroken 
rest 15sec 
4 Dead Hang to Inverted (lower as slow as you can back to the bottom) 
rest 90sec

-2 x 35# KB for the swings, HSPU went 10/9/10 ... never done a dead hang to inverted before, this is definitely a new skill to put in some work on 

C) For Time @ 80-85-90%
Ring Push Up 
Box Jump Step Down 24/20" 
*AB 10/8 Cals After Each Set 
rest walk 2mins x 3 Sets

*Each set you will perform the full 12-9-6 workout meaning each movement gets 27 reps each with 3 cycles on the bike 
*Every set increase your speed and shorten your total time

-Complete ... didn't get the time on these intervals, but got each set unbroken in under approximately 3 minutes ... good/simple conditioning 




Complete Rest


Had a solid workout today... part D was yesterday's conditioning, but got it in without issue. Overall enjoyed this session, got a solid pump and some good conditioning. 

3 Sets @ 85% Effort
AB 18/15 cals
6 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20"
20sec Ring Dip Suport
rest 90sec


A) Clean Complex
1 Segment Power Clean
1 Power Clean
1 Hang Power Clean
rest 2-3mins between complexes x 5 sets

-215#, 235#, 245#, 255#, 265# (fail - didn't attempt hang clean after losing my hook grip on the power clean) ... up to 255# for this complex is 'good' for me right now... getting back into cleaning after injury/marathon training has been fun... looking to get back to heavier weights in the coming months 

B1) Axel Bar Overhand Deadlift
2020 x 4-6reps; rest 30sec x 3
B2) Dumbbell Power Clean
10-12reps; Touch and Go Style; rest 2mins x 3

-235# across for the dead, 3 x 10 reps with 2 x 70# DB for the cleans... DB power cleans gave me a massive pump 

C) 3 Sets NFT
30sec DB Star Plank/side
rest 30sec
1 HEAVY Turkish Get Up R
1 HEAVY Turkish Get Up L
30m Dual KB Rack Carry
rest 30sec
6-8/arm Single Arm Dumbbell Preacher Curl @ 3030
rest 90sec

-Complete, went 40# DB for the planks and curls, 72# for the get-ups and 2 x 72# for the rack carries ... great accessory work 

D) 3 Sets @ Tough Effort
Ski 18/14 Cals
8 C2B Pull Ups
6 Man Makers 50/35lbs
8 C2B Pull Ups
Ski 18/14 Cals
rest walk 3mins between sets

-Complete ... didn't time the intervals, but all sets unbroken, got some solid intensity out of this 

E) Row
40sec @ 95%
rest walk 4:00 x 2

-Complete, 25 cals on the first interval, 24 on the second




This morning was a great workout... although I didn't feel particularly great... have had a very long/tough week at work and it has caught up with me... tried to get in what I could, ended up cutting out some of the conditioning and will hopefully get it in tomorrow. 

4 Sets NFT
6-8 Farmers Press/arm 20X0
10 Goblet Squats @ 2010
20 Ring Mountain Climbers (10/leg) - Slow and Controlled
Scapular Positional Strength and Active Mobility Work
Standing Controlled Articular Rotations x 6/arm (10sec to complete one rotation) x 2 set/each arm
*Hold tension throughout the body and try to inrease range each rotation

-Complete, 2 x 50# for the press, 1 x 50# DB for the squats 

A) Back Squat
20X1; 1.1.1; rest 15sec between 1's; Every 3:30 x 4 sets 
*Continue to build if you feel good. Execute great reps throughout.

-295#, 335#, 355#, 360# ... got all these in, not the best I've felt squatting 

B1) Barbell Front Rack Drop Lunge to Knee Lift
20X1 x 4-6/leg; rest 60sec x 3
B2) Tall Kneeling Kettlebell Press
31X1; 4-6reps; rest 60sec x 3

-Went 95#, 115#, 115# for the lunges and 2 x 53# KB for the presses 

C) 7mins Continuous Effort
1-2-3-4-5-7-8....continuing adding 1 rep per round
Strict Ring Dips
*10sec Pull Up Isometric Hold (chin over bar) between every set of dips. 
*This workout can be performed with Ring Push Ups in place of Strict Ring Dips

-Complete, Round of 9 + :10 hold ... this was fun, really enjoyable conditioning 

D) 3 Sets @ :60-90 rest 
8-12 DB Tricep Rock n Rolls (2 x 45# DB)
8-12 DB Seated Curls (2 x 35# DB)

-Complete, big pump finisher ... did this instead of some crossfit intervals