Cut the warm-up short due to time/space issues, but still had an overall solid workout. I was surprised how strong I felt on everything given I had fasted about 16 hours prior to this, with 7 hours of that being awake (woke up at 0500 and trained at 1200). Overall very enjoyable day in the gym, looking forward to training tomorrow.
A) Clean Complex
1 Power Clean
2 Hang Power Clean
rest 2-3mins between complexes x 5
*build load but keep the footwork clean
-225#, 235#, 245#, 255#, 265# ... all sets unbroken, felt strong
2 Hang Power Clean
rest 2-3mins between complexes x 5
*build load but keep the footwork clean
-225#, 235#, 245#, 255#, 265# ... all sets unbroken, felt strong
B1) Clean Grip Deadlift No Hook Grip
2020 x 8,6,4 reps; rest 30sec
B2) Dual Russian Kettlebell Swing
10-12reps; rest 2mins x 3
-275# x 8, 315# x 6, 325# x 4, swings with 2 x 53# KB
-275# x 8, 315# x 6, 325# x 4, swings with 2 x 53# KB
C) 3 Sets NFT
45sec Side Plank/side
rest 30sec
30m KB Cross Body Carry/side
rest 30sec
10 Dual Hammer Curls 20X0
rest 30sec
-Complete, 2 x 72# KB for the carries, 2 x 40# DB for the curls
rest 30sec
30m KB Cross Body Carry/side
rest 30sec
10 Dual Hammer Curls 20X0
rest 30sec
-Complete, 2 x 72# KB for the carries, 2 x 40# DB for the curls
D) Conditioning
8mins @ 75% Effort
8 KB single Arm Suitcase Deadlift 70/53 R
8mins @ 75% Effort
8 KB single Arm Suitcase Deadlift 70/53 R
8 KB single Arm Suitcase Deadlift 70/53 L
30m Farmer's Walk
50 Double-Unders
Rest 2 minutes
8mins @ 75% effort
1 Wall Walk
20sec Wall Facing HS Hold
6 Single Arm KB Turkish Sit-ups R
6 Single Arm KB Turkish Sit-ups L
14 Box Step Ups 24/20"
-5 Rounds
-3 Rounds + :20 wall facing handstand hold
-5 Rounds
-3 Rounds + :20 wall facing handstand hold
E) Row
50sec @ 95%
rest walk 5mins x 2
-29 Cals, 29 Cals
rest walk 5mins x 2
-29 Cals, 29 Cals
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