Well I'm actually sad to say that I just finished my 12 week training cycle... it was extremely productive, I have zero aches and pains and my body composition and strength are way up since the marathon. This was a very fun and different way to train... but I must say it was perfect for me. I'm going to transition over the coming few weeks into a more olympic weightlifting focused program, but I am excited for the opportunity to do another functional body building program. I learned a ton and will continue to incorporate many of these concepts into my future training.
15mins Easy Warm Up
1min Row
1min Bike
1min Run
1min Single Unders
1min Plank on HandsWarmup:
15mins Easy Warm Up
1min Row
1min Bike
1min Run
1min Single Unders
A) Power Clean
build to a 1RM for the day
B) Pendlay Row
build to a 5RM
-135#, 185#, 205#, 225# ... probably could have squeaked out a bit more here, but my form was getting a little iffy on the last couple reps at 225# ... overall felt good, just shut it down there.
-135#, 185#, 205#, 225# ... probably could have squeaked out a bit more here, but my form was getting a little iffy on the last couple reps at 225# ... overall felt good, just shut it down there.
C) EMOM x 16mins
1st - 3 TGU R
2nd - AB 15/12 Cals
2nd - 3 TGU L
3rd - 14 Alternating DB Curls (Choose a moderate weight)
-Complete ... used 72# KB for the get-ups and 2 x 50# DB for the curls ... this was difficult given the weight on the get-ups ... I have gotten MUCH better these over the course of this cycle ... during the third set of left arm get-ups I spilled into the next minute and I was about :30 seconds behind on each interval after that ... but finished overall around 16:30 ... fun/difficult conditioning
2nd - AB 15/12 Cals
2nd - 3 TGU L
3rd - 14 Alternating DB Curls (Choose a moderate weight)
-Complete ... used 72# KB for the get-ups and 2 x 50# DB for the curls ... this was difficult given the weight on the get-ups ... I have gotten MUCH better these over the course of this cycle ... during the third set of left arm get-ups I spilled into the next minute and I was about :30 seconds behind on each interval after that ... but finished overall around 16:30 ... fun/difficult conditioning
D) Row
60sec for Max Meters
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