Wednesday, July 29, 2020


This was the worst I've felt while exercising in a long time (years)... or perhaps equivalent to the back-side of marathon, post mile 20. I had zero energy, zero motivation and have felt generally fatigued the last two days. The lack of real food is really catching up to me and is affecting me mentally, emotionally and physically... I am really looking forward to a week from now when this shit is over with. Today was a complete slog, tomorrow is another day.

6 RFT:
10 Jumping Split Squats
10 Hand Walkout, from toes
10 Cross-Body Single-Leg Deadlift (53/35#)
10 Push-up, with torso rotation
10 Cal Assault Bike
10 Side Lunges, with overhead reach
10 Strict HSPU
10 Burpees

-38:45 (slow than last week)


Complete Rest / 50 minutes NEPA - Walking


AM Workout (1100)

Overall had a decent workout today, back squats and bench were a bit taxing... but once I got through those pieces the workout was mostly refreshing and fun. Had a good time today... but diet is slogging along ... another week and I'm going to switch things up.

Back Squat x 25 reps (with 4-5 RM) 
Rest :30 each time you break up the reps

-280# ... went 8/7/5/5 ... not a true 4-5 RM, but haven't been squatting heavy lately, so went off of feel with a lesser loading 

Bench Press x 25 reps (with 4-5 RM) 215#+ 
Rest :30 each time you break up the reps

-215# ... 6/4/4/3/3/3/2

Supinated Grip Pull-ups x 25 reps (with 4-5 RM) 35#+ 
Rest :30 each time you break up the reps

-35# ... 8/4/3/3/3/2/2

Seated Unsupported DB Press x 25 reps 
Rest :30 each time you break up the reps

-2 x 50# ... went 8/7/5/5/5 ... overall good to switch it up... just didn't want to do another set of single-arm DB push-presses with the 75#... getting bored of it ... this was nice variation/challenge 

3 Sets
Ski 125m
15 Anchored Sit-ups
Ski 125m
15 Anchored Sit-ups
Ski 125m
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets

-Complete ... didn't time the intervals, just the rest

3 Sets:
15 Single-Arm Banded Tricep Push Down - R
15 Single-Arm Banded Tricep Push Down - L
Rest 30 seconds
15 DB Shoulder Lateral Raise
15 DB Shoulder Front Raise
Rest 30 seconds
15 DB Zottman Curls
Rest as needed

-Complete, used 1 red band 2 x 10# DBs ... surprisingly tough

3 Sets:
15 KB Curls (53#)
15 Ring Push-ups
Rest :60

-Complete ... fun pump finisher

PM Workout (1730)

50 Minutes NEPA

30 Minute Walk


EMOM 10:
6 Strict Pull-ups, 12 Push-ups, 18 Squats

-Complete ... this was surprisingly difficult... those few extra reps add up

3 Rounds
20 PVC Sit-ups
10 Strict Hanging Leg Lifts
10 Alternating V-ups
Rest :60

-Complete ... also surprisingly difficult... really thrashed my core


Complete Rest  ... was supposed to do 50 minutes of NEPA today... but there was crappy weather and I just didn't want to ride the bike or ski for 50 minutes... not the end of the world for skipping this, just didn't have it in me today.


AM Workout (1230)

Today was a decent workout ... didn't workout right away, but had a chill day to myself and overall had a low stress time in and out of the gym, which was very nice. Overall a solid workout.

3 Sets:
2 Wall-Walks
12 Ring Rows
12 Scapular Push-ups


Strict Weighted Pull-up x 40 reps (with 8-9 RM) - 35#+
Rest :30 each time you break up the reps

-45# ... went 7/4/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/3/2

Incline DB Bench Press x 40 reps (with 8-9 RM) - 2 x 75# DB
Rest :30 each time you break up the reps

-75#s ... went 20/7/6/4/3 

Deadlift x 40 reps (with 8-9 RM)
Rest :30  each time you break up the reps

-315# ... went 10/8/7/5/5/5 ... this isn't a true "8-9 RM" (went much lighter), but still got good intensity out of this ... haven't been deadlifting heavy and didn't want to risk injury or extreme DOMS here 

EZ Bar Curl x 40 reps (with 8-9 RM)
Rest :30 each time you break up the reps

-75# ... 12/10/10/8

3 Super-Sets:
Paralette Push-ups x 10 reps; 3011
DB Hammer Curls (2 x 35# DB)
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets


Every 3 for 15 (5 set) of:
'Durante Core' (10 hollow-rocks, 10 v-ups, 10 tuck-ups, :10 hollow hold)


PM Workout (2000)

50 Mintes NEPA ... this evening was maybe a bit more than just NEPA... but after the walk 20 minutes of just biking sounded really boring, so put something together on the spot and moved through it at a casual pace.

30 Minute Walk

straight into...

EMOM 10:
Min 1 - 10 Cal Assault Bike
Min 2 - :10 Ring Dip Support Hold + :10 Top of Ring Row Hold

straight into....

EMOM 10:
Min 1 - 10 Cal Ski
Min 2- 10 Burpees



Complete Rest / 50 Minutes NEPA (30 minute walk, 20 minutes super easy assault bike)


AM Workout (0800)

Overall a less taxing day today ... felt pretty decent overall. Conditioning piece was fun/ a bit of CrossFit ... was nice to get in, but didn't beat me up.

3 Sets
8 Half Kneeling Band Pull Aparts/knee
12 Lateral Box Step Overs
:30 Quadruped Shoulder Taps


Bent-Over Row x 20 reps (with 4-5 RM) 225#+ 
Rest :30 each time you break up the reps

-6/5/4/3/2 with 225#

DB Overhead Squat x 20 reps (each arm with 4-5 RM) 50#+
Rest :30 each time you break up the reps

-20/20 with 50#

Strict Dip x 20 reps (with 4-5 RM) 35#+ 
Rest :30 each time you break up the reps

-5/4/3/4/2/2 with 53#

Ab Wheel Roll-Outs x 20 reps
Rest :30 each time you break up the reps


3 sets (15 minute clock):
Ski 20 Cals, in time remaining:
2 Alternating KB Gorilla Rows (53/35#)
2 Dual KB Hang Squat Clean (53/35#)
2 Alternating KB Thrusters (53/35#)
Rest 2 minutes

-Complete ... each round was 5 rounds + 2 reps ... kept a very consistent pace on these



PM Workout (1700)

50 Minutes NEPA

On a 50:00 Clock:

EMOM 20:
Min 1 - 10 Cal Ski
Min 2 - 1 Round of Strict Cindy (5 strict pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 air squats)

straight into...

Super Easy 30 minute assault bike

-Complete ... first part was fun ... the weather was shitty and I couldn't go for a walk and just biking or skiing for 50 minutes sounded horrible... this was a good way to break up the time. 

Tuesday, July 28, 2020


Complete Rest / 40 Minutes NEPA Walk


Today was a really rough workout ... I fasted until about 1000 and then worked my way through this ... I was really hungry and fatigued going into this... got through it rather slowly, but got it done.

6 RFT:
10 Jumping Split Squats
10 Hand Walkout, from toes
10 Cross-Body Single-Leg Deadlift (53/35#)
10 Push-up, with torso rotation
10 Cal Assault Bike
10 Side Lunges, with overhead reach
10 Strict HSPU
10 Burpees

-This took about 35 minutes ... didn't get the exact time... everything unbroken

Wednesday, July 22, 2020


Workout 1 (1400) 

Was tired and hungry when I started this... but once I got warmed up and rolling I felt great ... solid session in the gym. Felt good throughout.

3 Sets
10 Single Leg Glute Bridge + :15 isometric hold at top of last rep - R
10 Single Leg Glute Bridge + :15 isometric hold at top of last rep - L
12 Scapular Push-ups
12 Goblet Squats (light)


Front Squat x 25 reps (with 4-5 RM) 250#+ 
Rest :25 each time you break up the reps

-260# ... 8/5/5/3/2/2

Bench Press x 25 reps (with 4-5 RM) 215#+ 
Rest :25 each time you break up the reps

-215# ... 6/3/3/3/3/3/2/2

Supinated Grip Pull-ups x 25 reps (with 4-5 RM) 35#+ 
Rest :25 each time you break up the reps

-35# ... 8/5/4/3/3/2 

Single Arm DB Push-Press x 25 reps (each arm with 4-5 RM) 75#+ 
Rest :25 each time you break up the reps

-75# ... 25 unbroken for the right arm ... 15/10 for the left

3 Sets @ tough effort
Assault Bike 14/12 Cals
10 Alternating KB Gorilla Rows (72/53#)
10 Dual KB Sumo DLs (72/53#)
Assault Bike 14/12 Cals
Rest 2-3 minutes

-Complete ... only timed the rest interval, but got good intensity out of this ... fun to do some interval conditioning

3 Sets
10 Neutral Grip Curls w/ 3 second eccentric (50#)
10 Banded Reverse Crunch w/ 2 second eccentric
10/arm Single Arm DB Tricep Kickback (25# DB)
Rest as needed

after the last set of kickbacks do one max unbroken set of neutral grip curls with 50#

-Complete, max set was 30 unbroken reps ... fun finisher

Workout 2 (2000)

40 Minutes NEPA Walk



Complete Rest / 40 minute NEPA

-Complete ... went 40 minutes super easy on the assault bike


AM Workout (0700)

40 Mintes NEPA ... went 20 minutes easy aerobic assault bike and 20 minutes easy aerobic ski erg.

PM Workout (1430)

I was a bit tired/unmotivated to workout and didn't really feel very good having only had protein shakes the entire day up until this time... but once I got warmed up and rolling through this workout I felt surprisingly good and got a great pump out of this.

3 Sets:
20 Alternating Tall Plank Shoulder Taps
12 Bent Over Reverse DB Fly (light)
:30 Ring Row Hold


Strict Weighted Pull-up x 40 reps (with 8-9 RM) - 35#
Rest :25 each time you break up the reps


Incline DB Bench Press x 40 reps (with 8-9 RM) - 2 x 75# DB
Rest :25 each time you break up the reps


Double-Overhand RDL x 40 reps (with 8-9 RM) 225#
Rest :25 each time you break up the reps


Barbell Curl x 40 reps (with 8-9 RM) 75#
Rest :25 each time you break up the reps

-10/8/7/5/5/5 ... lowered the weight down on this movement ... used 95# last week ... it was manageable, but painful on my elbows/tennis elbow ... 75# was much better and still got a pump

Strict Ring Dips*
*:10 Chin-Over-Pull-up Bar Hold after each set

-Round of 9 Ring Dips

Every 3 for 12 (4 set) of:
'Durante Core' (10 hollow-rocks, 10 v-ups, 10 tuck-ups, :10 hollow hold)



Complete Rest / 40 Minute NEPA on the Assault Bike - kept it a very easy aerobic pace


AM Workout (0830)

This morning was as solid session... I felt fairly smashed once I got through part E... happy to train hard today. Cut is going well... still to the program fairly easily, albeit requires effort, but overall it isn't as bad as I thought it would be.

3 Sets
Yoga Push-up x 12
Scapular Ring Row x 12
DB Side Plank Rotations 8-10 per side


Bent-Over Row x 20 reps (with 4-5 RM) 205#+ 
Rest :25 each time you break up the reps

-225# ... went 5/5/4/3/3

DB Overhead Squat x 20 reps (each arm with 4-5 RM) 50#+
Rest :25 each time you break up the reps

-50# ... went 12/8 each arm

Strict Dip x 20 reps (with 4-5 RM) 35#+ 
Rest :25 each time you break up the reps

-35# ... went 7/5/4/4

3 Sets
Ski 200m @ 85%
15 Knees-to-Elbows
18 Tuck-ups
Ski 200m @ 95%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets

-Complete ... all reps unbroken .... didn't time the intervals, just three minutes rest

3 Sets
20 Banded Push-ups
10 Single-Arm DB Preacher Curl/arm
20 Banded Upright Rows
Rest as needed

-Complete, 1 red band for the banded stuff and 35# DB for the preacher curl

PM Workout (2000)

40 Minutes NEPA Walk


Saturday, July 18, 2020


Complete Rest / 30 Minute NEPA Walk


This morning was a long aerobic bout... overall felt okay on this, just went through it at a relatively consistent pace, was a sweat, but not much of a strain. Felt like a long active recovery piece.

6 RFT, with a partner:
20 Jumping Split Squats
20 Hand Walkout, from toes
20 Cross-Body Single-Leg Deadlift (53/35#)
20 Push-up, with torso rotation
20 Cal Assault Bike
20 Side Lunges, with overhead reach
20 Strict HSPU
20 Burpees

-Took a little over 50 minutes, don't remember the exact time ... we went 10/10 on all the movements except the walkouts and burpees which went 5/5/5/5.




AM Workout (0730) 

I didn't feel very good today... perhaps the cut is catching up to me (currently on my 5th day... haven't deviated from the plan at all) ... but got everything in ... this workout left me crushed more than the previous two workouts. 

3 Rounds Not for Time
10 Goblet Squats @ 31X1 Tempo
rest 30sec
10m Monster Band Walk/side
rest 30sec 

12 Scap Push-ups
Rest 30sec
Ski 60sec @ increasing effort every 15sec
rest 2mins


Front Squat x 25 reps (with 4-5 RM) 
Rest :30 each time you break up the reps

-Used 250# ... slightly lower than my true 4-5 RM, but was still very hard ... went 8/5/4/4/4 

Bench Press x 25 reps (with 4-5 RM) 
Rest :30 each time you break up the reps

-Used 215# ... slightly lower than my true 4-5 RM, but was still very hard ... went 6/3/3/3/3/3/2/2 

Supinated Grip Pull-ups x 25 reps (with 4-5 RM) 
Rest :30 each time you break up the reps

-#35# ... went 7/5/5/4/4 

Single Arm DB Push-Press x 25 reps (each arm with 4-5 RM)
Rest :30 each time you break up the reps

-75# DB ... went 15/10 on each arm ... this is the heaviest DB I currently have... obviously I could have used little heaver DB for this piece ... still got some good intensity out of this though. 

3 Sets
10-12 DB Upright Row @ 2121
10-12 Ring Body Saw @ 3010
10-12 Lying DB Tricep Extensions @ 30x1
Rest as needed between sets

-Complete, 3 x 10 for all movements, used 2 x 15# DB for each movement

PM Workout (2000)

30 Minute NEPA Walk



Rest Day

AM Workout (0730)

15 Minutes Easy Assault Bike
15 Minutes Easy Ski Erg 

-Complete ... this was a replacement for my missed NEPA walk yesterday. 

PM Workout (1700)

30 Minute NEPA Walk



This morning was a solid workout... after the rest day yesterday and a lower volume training session on Monday I was eager to get into the gym this morning. Overall had a good time, I added in the warm-up and parts E and F ... I plan to continue to do these sort of additions to the program. Seemed manageable and the entire session only took 80 minutes.  I was a bit more aggressive today with the loading because I feel like I short-changed myself on Monday ... today was more challenging. 


3 Rounds Not for Time 
Quadruped Crawl 12m SLOW 
rest 15sec 
12 Scapular Pull Ups 
rest 15sec 
6-8/arm Half Kneeling Bottom Up KB Press 
rest 15sec 
60 seconds assault bike @ easy pace 
rest 90sec

Strict Weighted Pull-up x 40 reps (with 8-9 RM)
Rest :30 each time you break up the reps

-35# ... went 10/5/5/4/4/4/4

Incline DB Bench Press x 40 reps (with 8-9 RM)
Rest :30 each time you break up the reps

-2 x 75# DB ... went 12/8/7/7/6

Double-Overhand RDL x 40 reps (with 8-9 RM)
Rest :30 each time you break up the reps

-225# ... 10/8/8/7/7

Barbell Curl x 40 reps (with 8-9 RM)
Rest :30 each time you break up the reps

-95# ... 10/8/6/6/5/5 ... this might have been too heavy... last few sets were definitely "cheat" curls

AMRAP 6 Minutes:
Strict Pull-ups
:15 Ring Dip Support Hold after each set of pull-ups

-Round of 7 Pull-ups + :15 seconds support hold ... this was tough after parts A-D ... overall enjoyable though.

Every 3 for 12 (4 sets) of:
'Durante Core' (10 hollow rocks, 10 v-ups, 10 tuck-ups :10 hollow hold)

-Complete ... last set was tough... usually only train 3 sets of this... but towards the end of this program I intend to hit 5 sets with this work/rest scheme 


Complete Rest / 30 Minute NEPA Walk


AM Workout (0630) 

Had a good workout this morning ... for this program I will be adding in my own warm-ups... which I did today. Parts and A-C were the programmed workout... I added/change the core work (originally was 20 reps of hanging knees to elbows) ... overall happy with how this session came together despite adding a bit of stuff. 

3 Sets NFT
20sec/leg Single Leg Glute Bridge Hold
rest 15sec
Reverse Plank Bridge 20sec
rest 15sec
Tuck L-Sit 20sec on Parallettes
rest 15sec
10 PVC Pipe Overheard Squats
rest 60sec 


Bent-Over Row x 20 reps (with 4-5 RM) 
Rest :30 each time you break up the reps

-205# ... reps went 7/5/4/4 ... guessed as to my 4-5# RM on this... was still a challenge 

DB Overhead Squat x 20 reps (each arm with 4-5 RM) 
Rest :30 each time you break up the reps

-Used a 50# DB for 12/8 on each arm ... went a bit too light, but my goal here is to hit the 75# by the end of the program, in regular shoes, not lifters 

Strict Dip x 20 reps (with 4-5 RM) 
Rest :30 each time you break up the reps

-35# ... went 5/5/4/3/3 ... thought I was being conservative/light on the weight... but this was a challenge ... haven't been doing this movement much lately. 

3 Sets
10 Knees-to-Elbows
20 Anchored Sit-ups
Assault Bike 750m @ 90% effort
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets


3 Sets
20 Banded Tricep Push Downs
20 Banded Bicep Curls
20 Banded Face Pulls 
Rest as needed


PM Workout (2000)

30 Minute NEPA Walk

-Complete, 32 minutes 


Complete Rest ... body is generally thrashed ... not much DOMS, but fatigued and tired from the last few days of training.


Today was a fun workout ... put together something that would take about 60 minutes and be similar to an aerobic 'murph' effort ... if we would have done kipping pull-ups this workout would have been much closer to 60 minutes, but overall still very happy with how this came out. Fun morning in the gym. New training block starts Monday, last time I'll do something this intense for a while.

For time, with a partner, each partner wearing 20/14# vests:
3000m Ski
50 Pull-ups (strict)
100 Push-ups
150 Air Squats
Assault Bike 200 Cals
50 Pull-ups (strict)
100 Push-ups
150 Air Squats
2000m Ski
50 Pull-ups (strict)
100 Push-ups
150 Air Squats
Assault Bike 100 Cals

-73:24 ... for the most part, split up the reps 1:1 ... this was a fun workout, big effort.



Wednesday, July 15, 2020


Quick workout in the AM at home before a long day in court.

For time:
Deadlift (295#)
Bench Press (195#)
DB Squat Clean (2 x 50# DB)

Rest about 10 minutes then....

For time:
Barbell Curls (85#)
Skull Crushers (85#)

-25:34 ... used the 2018 regional weights for the DL and bench press... but only have two barbells at home, so used DB for the squat cleans ... got all the DLs unbroken... broke up the set of 9 on the squat cleans... otherwise all other sets unbroken ... the bench was broken up into two sets for 10-6 and then unbroken from 5 ... overall did not feel in shape for this workout, but tried to push myself the best I could... the squat cleans rocked me... would have much rather done these with a barbell. Tough workout, but haven't been training like this much, so I am not surprised by this.

-Part B took about 10 minutes


Today was a solid session ... wasn't too taxing, but got some good intensity out of everything. Fun to try some different movements/eccentric gymnastics work.  New training block starts on Monday.

Snatch Grip Strict Press

-105#, 105#, 115#, 115#, 125#

Single Arm Cuban Press with 2 second eccentric
3 sets of 8-10 reps (each arm)

-10#, 15#, 15# for 3 x 10

HSPU Negative with 3 second hold at the top of the rep, 5 second eccentric, 1 second come off of wall and kick back to top of rep
3 sets of 4-5 reps at :45 rest

-Complete, 4 reps each set

Pronated Pull up Negative with 3 second hold at the top of the rep, 5 second eccentric, 1 second come off of bar jump back to top of rep
3 sets of 4-5 reps at :45 rest

-Complete, 4 reps each set

Two sets, each for time, with 50/35# DB
30 Sit-ups
15 DB Shoulder-to-Overhead - R
15 DB Shoulder-to-Overhead - L
20 Burpees
15 DB Shoulder-to-Overhead - R
15 DB Shoulder-to-Overhead - L
30 Sit-ups
Rest 4 minutes

-5:02 ... unbroken movements, pretty slow burpees ... overall a fun/short workout.


Today was a lower volume/lower intensity day ... it was overall a nice transition back from an extremely stressful work trip. Not taxing, but got a sweat.

Clean Grip Deadlift, 2020 - 8,6,4
Rest :30
Dual Russian KBS x 12 reps
Rest 2:00

-Went 225# x 8, 245# x 6, 275# x 4 and across with 2 x 53# KB for the swings

3 Sets of:
:45 Side Plank (each side)
Rest :30
30 Steps KB Cross Body March (each side) with 2 x 53/35# KB
Rest :30
10 DB Hammer Curls, 2020
Rest :30

-Complete, used 2 x 25# DB for the curls

EMOM 12 (3 sets) of:
Min 1 - 3 TGU Right (53/35#)
Min 2 - 12/10 Cal Bike
Min 3 - 3 TGU Left (53/35#)
Min 4 - 12/10 Cal Bike

-Complete ... was a nice sweat, haven't been doing as many TGU lately as I would like to.

Friday, July 10, 2020

7/13 & 7/14/20

Complete Rest


Overall had a good workout today ... had a few beers yesterday and I wasn't 100% today ... but still tried to bring the intensity throughout this session. Overall happy with my reps on the bench and my effort on the conditioning piece.

3 Sets:
Max Reps Bench Press (bodyweight for men, 75% BW for women) 
Max Strict Pull-ups (20/14# vest)
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets

-Bench was at 200# ... reps went 13,10,9 ... strict weighted pull-ups went 12,10,9

EMOM 24 (6 sets) of: 
Min 1 - 10 Strict Ring Dips 
Min 2 - 15/12 Cal Bike 
Min 3 - 10 DB Hang Muscle Clean and Strict Press (2 x 35/25#) 
Min 4 - 12/10 Cal Ski

-Complete ... this was MUCH more difficult than I thought it would be... maybe because I am slightly hungover from yesterday... but idk... proud of myself for getting through this... I was spilling into the next minute on each movement for the last set... finished at 24:20 ... great upper body endurance / aerobic conditioning. 




Today was a good squat/burpee day... overall enjoyed my time in the gym ... tough lower body lifting and crossfit day. Heaviest squatting I've done since the 8 week FBB cycle... didn't push the loading too much, but felt good on everything. Looking forward to another day like this tomorrow.

Front Squat

-195#, 225#, 265#, 285#

Back Squat

-300#, 315#, 330#, 340#

3 Sets of:
KB Goblet Step-up
6-8 reps per leg at 31x1, box height to just below knee*
*Prioritize the forward leg and not driving up off the back leg
Dual KB Flutter Kicks x :30 seconds

-Complete, went 18#, 26#, 35# for 3 x 8 on all sets for the step-ups ... 2 x 35# KB for the flutter kicks

For time:

DB Thrusters (50/35#s)

Rest 5 minutes

3 RFT:
15 Burpees
15 DB Power Snatch (50/35#)

Rest 5 minutes

DB Thrusters (50/35#s)

-4:08 ... unbroken DB movements on all three parts ... tons of burpees for me, tough towards the end.



Thursday, July 9, 2020


Today was a good workout ... in and out of the gym in 60 minutes ... just put together some benching movements together on the spot. Overall a low stress session in the gym, had a good time.

Bench Press Prep
2 sets x 10-15 reps @ 50-75%
Perform Face Pulls @ 50-75% intensity for 2 sets of 10-15 reps. 


Bench Press
4 sets x 8 reps @ 65% (175#) 
65% of your one max rep bench press.


Bench Press
3 sets x 10-12 reps
Choose a weight that will have you reaching failure within the given rep range.

-Complete, 3 x 12 at 165# 

Close Grip Bench Press
3 sets x 10-12 reps
Aim to reach failure within the given rep range.

-Complete, 3 x 12 at 135# 

Tricep Rock-n-Rolls
3 sets x 12-15 reps
'Durante Core' (10 hollow-rocks, 10 v-ups, 10 tuck-ups, :10 hollow hold) 
3 sets 

-Complete, 2 x 25# DB

Dumbbell Side Raises
3 sets x 12-15 reps
Come as close to failure as possible with out actually failing, within the given rep range.
Parallette Plank 
3 Sets x :45 seconds 

-Complete, 2 x 15# DB

Dumbbell Bent-Over Side Raises
3 sets x 12-15 reps
Come as close to failure as possible with out actually failing, within the given rep range.

-Complete, 2 x 15# DB 

7/8 & 7/9/20

Complete Rest


7.66 Mile Run ... total running time of about 72 minutes ... went out and back on a hot morning ... left about 0945 and it was already over 70 degrees and humid. Enjoyed getting this in... fun way to start the day and this is one of my favorite runs to get in.


Visited a gym this morning for open gym... tried to get in some movements that we couldn't at the home gym. Overall got a good workout out of this, had fun and we were in and out of the gym in about an hour. 

EMOM 20: 
Odd: 10 GHDs
Even: 3 Clean and Jerks (building) 

-165# x 2 sets, 185# x 2 sets, 205# x 2 sets, 225# x 4 sets 

Rest 10 minutes then... 

3 RFT: 
50 Double-Unders 
10 Hang Power Clean (115/75#) 
10 Overhead Squats (115/75#) 


3 sets: 
20 DB Rows (10 per arm) with 100# DB 
:60 Side Plank (:30 per side) 
Rest as needed 



Complete Rest


Put together something on the spot for this workout... it wasn't too taxing, but was a good way to start the day. 

Amrap 7 
8 toes-to-bar 
4 strict pull-ups 
12 pushups 

Rest 3 

Amrap 7 
1 strict dip, 2 jumping lunges, 2/4, 3,6 etc. 

Rest 3 

Amrap 14: 
Parter 1 runs ~400m while partner 2 completes amrap:
12 Deadlifts (2 x 40# DB)
9 Hang Muscle Clean (2 x 40# DB)
6 Strict Press (2 x 40# DB)
10 Burpees

-Complete ... don't remember the rounds or reps for any of this, but got a good sweat. 

3 sets of: 
20 overhead dB tricep extensions (40#) 
Rest 60 seconds 


3 sets of: 
Alternating DB bicep curls w/ opposite static db curl hold (2 x 20#) 
Rest 60 seconds 


Friday, July 3, 2020


Did a lot more squatting today... haven't done a workout like this in a while, but once I got warmed up and got moving I felt relatively fit.

2 Pause Front Squat (2 second pause)

-Took these all from the floor, did two sets at 95#, 115#, 135#, 155# ... went very light on these ... used this as a warm-up for the conditioning piece.

5 RFT:
10 Front Squats (155/105#)
15/12 Cal Bike

-7:57 unbroken ... tried to keep a 75 RPM on the bike and get all the squats unbroken ... my legs were still extremely sore from the back squatting a few days ago, but overall I felt good on this.

