Today was a solid workout... much needed change from the powerlifting stuff. It was nice to just move and sweat and not be stressed about hitting %s, new PRs etc. Had a great time, this was exactly what I needed.
2-3 Rounds
60sec Ski
10 Prone Trap 3 Raise
*Lift the shoulders and feet away from the surface you are laying on. Try to minimize the shoulder blades shrugging up toward your ears.
10 DB External Rotation Elbow on Knee R
10 DB External Rotation Elbow on Knee L
*Keep the weight light and do not allow the shoulder blade to move as you rotate the shoulder.
3 Sets
1. Banded Pull Aparts x 15-20reps
2. Plank; 45-60sec
3. Ring Row 2020; 8-10reps (opt for a body angle that allows for you to get a large range of motion)
rest as needed between movements and sets
Bench Press 3x3 @ 85% (240#)
3 Super-Sets:
Close Grip Bench Press x 6-12 reps
Strict Weighted Pull-ups x 4-6
Rest as needed
-6 Reps on each movement, 205# CGBP and 53#
Every 3:00 x 5 sets
8 DB Hang Snatches R 50/35lbs
8 DB Hang Snatches L 50/35lbs
8-12 Knees-to-Elbow
10-16 Calorie Ski
Rest 2-3 minutes then…
Every 3:00 x 5 sets
6 DB Hang Clean and Jerk R 50/35lbs
6 DB Hang Clean and Jerk L 50/35lbs
10 Push Ups @ 20X0
10-16 Calorie Ski
-Complete ... I was nervous going into this... 30 minutes seemed like a very long time given I haven't been doing much cardio ... got through everything and got a nice sweat.
On all stretches. FOCUS, breathe deep, exhale slowly and sink into the stretch. I am sure the 30-60 sec of the stretch will require some fidgeting, but once you find a good spot relax deeply.
1. Passive Hang x 1 minute
*Support the feet to take load off of the shoulders. You may also use lifting straps to make it easier on your grip and you can fully relax into the stretch.
2. Supianted Passive Hang x 1 minute
*Support the feet to take load off of the shoulders. You may also use lifting straps to make it easier on your grip and you can fully relax into the stretch.
3. Seated Shoulder Extension with Barbell OR Shoulder Extension on Floor x 2 minutes
*Find a comfortable positions for the shoulders. Keep your shoulders down and back during the stretch.
4. Prayer Stretch x 2 min or 1 min/side
*Perform on the bench as demonstrated, or put one elbow against the wall and lean into it.
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