ROM Drills
5 Rounds, little to no rest:
10 Dead-hang Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
10 Squats
Rest 5 minutes then:
Complete as many rounds in 20 minutes as you can of:
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
Run 400 meters
Max rep Handstand push-up
100 Marine Corps PFT style crunches, then 15 minutes light jogging after. I was marking distances from the gym with my GPS watch. The gym just relocated and I got out and backs for 100m, 200m and 400m and then rechecked them and sort of just strolled around.
On the WOD I got 8 rounds. My HSPU suck, I just learned them this year. I'm happy to get 13 legit. My last PR was 12 in January, but they were not full range of motion. I felt good overall. The running and rope climbs felt really fast. Good day to get back into training, not too taxing. I'm ready and excited for Friday.
Meal 1 - Whey, Flax (180 Cal, 10g F, 2g C, 18g P)
Meal 2 - Turkey Sausage (200 Cal, 14g F, 0g C, 23g P)
Meal 3 (pre-workout) - 1/2 Chicken Breast, 10 Strawberries (300 Cal, 10g F, 12g C, 30g P)
Meal 4 (post-workout) 1.5 Scoops Whey, 1 Banana, 12 Almonds (415 Cal, 10g F, 33g C, 45g P)
Meal 5 - 3 Eggs, Turkey Sausage (470 Cal, 35g F, 0g C, 51g P)
Daily Total (low carb): 1565 Cal, 79g F, 47g C, 167g P
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