Tuesday, February 27, 2018


This morning was a great workout. I was a little stiff in my hamstrings/lower back and still very sore in my shoulders, but once I got warmed up everything felt really great. I felt good on everything today... burpees were by far the worst part. Barbell and rings were fun though. I have really enjoyed training this week... now tapering down over the next two days for whatever 18.2 might bring.

3-Position Squat Clean and Split Jerk
On the 1:30 x 5 Sets:
1 Set @ 60% (190#)  / 105#
1 Set @ 65% (205#) / 115#
3 Sets @ 70% (220#) / 125#

-Complete, very light, felt fast and strong

Every 3 for 15 (5 sets) of:
Push Press x 5 reps + 30% Max Ring Muscle-ups = 6 reps (Doug), 3-4 (Alex)

-Complete, PP was 185#, 195#, 205#, 215#, 220#, muscle-ups all unbroken

6 Squat Clean Thrusters (115/80#)
6 Barbell-Facing Burpees

rest 3 minutes

4 Squat Clean Thrusters (135/95#)
6 Barbell-Facing Burpees

rest 3 minutes

2 Squat Clean Thrusters (155/105#)
6 Barbell-Facing Burpees

-3 Rounds + 4 Squat Clean Thrusters
-3 Rounds + 2 Squat Cleans Thrusters
-4 Rounds + 2 Squat Clean Thrusters


-Complete ... felt amazing with working out five days in a row. 


I was a bit sore when I woke up this morning... definitely in my core and shoulders... but overall once I got moving I felt pretty solid on everything. Lower volume day overall today, starting to lower down the volume to be recovered for 18.2 this weekend.

EMOM 20 (5 sets):
Min 1 - 15/12 Calorie Bike
Min 2 - 15/12 Unbroken C2B Pull-ups
Min 3 - 60 Double-Unders
Min 4 - Rest

-Complete ... good aerobic / C2B skill work. Not too taxing.

Rest 10 minutes then...

Dead-lift x 5 reps @ 50% (245#)
Max Kipping HSPU until the clock reaches :30 each minute

-16,12,10 ... next 5 sets were all 6-8 reps... total of 66 reps. This was pretty tough, overall good/different training that I enjoyed getting in.



Sunday, February 25, 2018


Today was one of the toughest training session's Ive had in a long, long time. On a positive note,  I dealt with the volume well and got a lot out of this; I felt very fit. This session was very different from what I would typically program, but after having finished everything, I got a ton out of it. Great training.

EMOM 12:
Odd Minutes: 20 GHD Sit-ups
Even Minutes: 3-3-2-2-1-1 Power Snatch

-165# x 3, 185# x 3, 205# x 1 (failed second rep), 205# x 2, 215# x 1, 225# x 1 ... 120 GHDs later I was still able to hit 225# and it felt very comfortable. Great stuff.

Rest about 10 minutes then...

EMOM 12:
Odd Minutes: 20/16 Calorie Row
Even Minutes: 3-3-2-2-1-1 Overhead Squat

-185# x 3, 215# x 3, 225# x 2, (skipped second double), 235#, 255# ... skipped the second double on OHS... I was just too gassed out, sat out that minute. This was very tough training with little time to recover at all between sets.

Rest about 10 minutes then...

3 RFT:
40 Wallballs (30/20#)
30 Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
20 Calorie Assault Bike
10 Overhead Squats (185/135#)

-21:07 ... WB were 25/8/7 and then 4 sets of 10 for the other sets ... BJO and Bike were at consistent paces... OHS all sets unbroken. This was huge for me, for most of the time I've done crossfit 30 reps at 185# would not have happened this quickly. Great to see some progress here. This was a bitch and a half of a workout, great stuff.


-Complete ... felt amazing after all the above work. 

Saturday, February 24, 2018


Today was a great workout. Got a lot of intensity out of the conditioning pieces; I felt good on the running and HSPU. Overall really fun day in the gym. Looking forward to some more workouts this week and whatever the Open throws my way on Thursday.

Tempo Front Squat
Every 3 for 18 (6 sets):
2 Tempo Front Squats + 3 Front Squats*

*On the tempo front squats, 5 second negative to find the
bottom position. Stand with speed. On the following 3 front
squats, regular speed on descent and ascent.

Sets – 55% (205#) - 57% (210#) - 59% (215#) - 61% (225#) - 63% (230#) -65% (235#)

-Complete ... those tempos were difficult, a 5 second descent is a LONG time. Fun/different training.

On a running clock:

For Time:
400m Run
21 Front Squats (135/95)
21 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
400m Run
15 Front Squats (135/95)
15 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
400m Run
9 Front Squats (135/95)
9 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
400m Run

When the clock reaches 30:00 begin... 

Every 7 for 21 (3 sets):
15/12 Calorie Assault Bike
50 Double Unders
20 Kipping Handstand Push-ups
50 Double Unders
15/12 Calorie Assault Bike

-Result =
B = 13:39
C = 3:10 / 3:20 / 3:45 ... all sets HSPU unbroken, which was the goal going into this. Bike slowed a bit... a lot on the third set. But overall this was a great conditioning piece.

Three sets of:
Single-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press (50#) x 20 reps (10 each arm)
Rest as needed
Single Arm KB Row (72#) x 20 reps (10 each arm)
Rest as needed
Plank x 60 seconds
Rest as needed



Gave the first Open workout a run through this morning. Highly doubt I will re-do this workout. I may have been able to complete the dumbbell reps of the 13th round, but I doubt I could have gotten into the 14th round. I really tried to push as much as possible and was happy with my effort, spent very little in transition and couldn't have changed much about how I approached this.

8 Toes-to-Bar
10 Dumbbell Hang Power Clean and Jerk (50/35#)
14/12 Calorie Row

-12 Rounds + 2 DBHPCJ = 394 reps ... overall I was happy with this score. This is a very aerobic workout and I stuck to my game-plan and was very consistent throughout the workout. Unbroken on all the movements... I couldn't have changed much. The only way to be better at this would have been to just have a bigger aerobic capacity and row consistently at a faster pace. Really fun morning in the gym with everyone, it was really fun to see everyone in the gym give their best effort. Really looking forward to getting in some training tomorrow.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

2/22 and 2/23

Complete Rest / tapering down for the Open workout on Saturday

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


I was really tired when I woke up this morning and felt generally sluggish in the gym. I was glad today was a lower volume / easier session. Tapering down for the first Open workout on Saturday. 

Iron Scap


Power Clean + Split Jerk
On the :90 Seconds x 6:
3-Position Power Clean + Split Jerk
1 Complex @ 60% (185#)
1 Complex @ 63% (195#)
1 Complex @ 66% (205#)
1 Complex @ 69% (215#)
1 Complex @ 72% (225#)
1 Complex @ 75% (235#)

-Complete ... didn't feel great, but the loads were light and easily got all the reps.

Push Press
4 sets of 6 @ 70% (195#)
Rest as needed

-Complete ... these felt very easy.

On the Minute x 16 (4 Rounds):
Minute 1 – 18/14 Calorie Row
Minute 2 – 6 Power Cleans (185/135#)
Minute 3 – 15/12 Calorie Bike
Minute 3 – 50 Double Unders

-Complete ... this was good cardio, built up a good sweat. This would be tough for more sets, but 4 rounds of it was just enough that was manageable today.



Monday, February 19, 2018


Lower volume session today, lots of breathing.

Every 2 for 20 (10 sets):
300m Run

-Complete ... fastest / slowest = 1:11 / 1:18 ... fairly sore in my legs from yesterday, but this was a good warm-up / sweat.

Power Snatch + Squat Snatch
On the Minute x 10: 1 Complex
Minutes 1-2 @ 60% (155#)
Minutes 3-4 @ 65% (165#)
Minutes 5-6 @ 70% (175#)
Minutes 7-8 @ 75% (185#)
Minute 9 @ 80% (195#)
Minute 10 @ 85% (205#)

-Complete... felt very good on these, all sets TnG, no misses, much more there.

For Time:
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20")
30 Power Snatches (95/65#)
40 Overhead Squats (95/65#)
50/35 Calorie Assault Bike

-10:18 ... much worse than it looks on paper... good burner on the legs/lungs. 

Sunday, February 18, 2018


AM Workout (0630) 

Had a solid workout this morning. I was surprised how great I felt on everything... coming off the vacation and lots of weird food I figured I wouldn't be feeling great. On the flip side of that, this week I have been sleeping a lot more and training less. I think that ultimately has led to me being much more recovered and feeling good.

On the Minute x 12:
Minute 1 – 4 Touch and Go Deadlifts (75% = 375#)
Minute 2 – 10 Kipping Handstand Push-ups
Minute 3 – 12 Dumbbell Overhead Squats (70/50#, 6 each side)

-Complete ... this was a great warm-up.

27 Calorie Row
27 Wallballs (20/14#)
27 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

rest 4 minutes

21 Calorie Row
21 Wallballs (20/14#)
21 Toes to Bar

rest 4 minutes

15 Calorie Row
15 Wallballs (20/14#)
15 Pull-ups

-Result =
-1 + 10 Wall-Balls
-1 + 5 TTB
-2 + 15 Calories ... all sets unbroken on all parts of this. I was happy with the 27 C2B unbroken. Overall a tough/fun sprint workout.

3 Sets:
GHD Sit-ups x 15 reps
Rest 60-90 seconds




PM Workout (1930)

Had the day off work so I was happy to get to sneak in some extra volume in the evening. Felt great on everything. Feeling fit and prepared for the Open... I'm not sure if I'm the most 'fit' I've ever been going into a crossfit season... but I feel like I am more balanced and without any major weaknesses at this point, which is a good feeling.

Iron Scap


3 Calorie Row + 3 Kipping Handstand Push-ups
6 Calorie Row + 6 Kipping Handstand Push-ups
9 Calorie Row + 9 Kipping Handstand Push-ups
Continue to add (3) repetitions per round until cap.

-21 Calorie Row ... unbroken HSPU through 15 ... set of 18 was 11/7 with a very short break.

Rest 8 minutes then...

Wall-Balls (20/14#)*
*EMOM: 5 Dead-lifts (225/155#)

-150 Wall-Balls ... spilled over into the 8th minute a bit ... finished at about 8:15... but I wanted to finish out the 150 reps. Probably finished around 140-145 reps in 8 minutes. Good lower body conditioning piece.

Rest 8 minutes then...

3 Rounds:
27 Calorie Bike
rest 1 minute between

3 Rounds:
21 Calorie Bike
rest :45 seconds between

3 Rounds:
15 Calorie Bike
rest :30 seconds between

-1:01 ... 1:27 ... 1:31
-:46 ... 1:03 ... 1:08
-:36 ... :46 ... :31
-This was rough... always a good finisher on the bike. Left me totally beat. 


Complete Rest / Travel back to VA

Saturday, February 17, 2018


Dropped into a different crossfit gym in NOLA today... I am pretty sure this is the easiest class-programmed workout I've ever done. Alex and I tried to change some of the movements to make it harder and then we did a little extra work after... I was really sore from yesterday in my hamstrings and stabilizers in my back... high box jumps and DB overhead squats got me. I would consider today more of an active recovery day than a training day... but the class workouts I've been doing over the last week have probably been a good taper leading into the Open.

With a Partner, alternating stations or doing synchro movements:

1 Minute Max Reps Russian KBS (72/53#)
1 Minute Max Reps HSPU
1 Minute Max Reps Russian KBS (72/53#)
1 Minute Max Reps HSPU

1 Minute Rest

5:00 - 8:00
AMRAP Synchro Goblet Squats (72/53#)

1 Minute Rest

9:00 - 14:00
Max Calorie Row, while other partner runs 400m

1 Minute Rest

Max reps Synchro Toes-to-Bar

-Complete ... don't remember all the reps on this shit, was the strangest / least intense class workout I've ever done.

3 Sets:
10 Yard Handstand Walk
10/8 Strict Pull-ups
Rest is Partner's Set


Friday, February 16, 2018


Did the class workout at a gym in New Orleans ... wasn't very taxing.

3 Sets of:
Behind the Neck Push-Jerk + 3 Overhead Squats
Rest 1-2 minutes

-135#, 185#, 215# ... the coach gave us about 8 minutes to do this part. I had barely warmed up by the time we had to move on to the conditioning piece ... much more there, but hitting some light reps on this opened up my shoulders a lot for the DB Squats in the next part.

10 Box Jumps (36/30")
15 DB Overhead Squats (50/35#)
20 Med-Ball Sit-ups (20/14#)

-8 Rounds + 14 reps ... fun / easier / aerobic workout. I felt great/fast on the tall box jumps, which was a nice surprise given I almost never train this movement.

Thursday, February 15, 2018


In New Orleans for work... didn't have to work too long today, from about 6 am to noon. Had a quick turnaround and got out the door to explore New Orleans ... some cool architecture, but overall tons of trashy people ... but it is the week of Mardi Gras... Bourbon street was underwhelming... but met some really nice folks at the Crossfit gym I dropped into later in the day.

Workout 1 (1300) 

40 Minute Easy Aerobic Run ... ran along the Mississippi and through the French Quarter along Bourbon Street. Nothing crazy, just ran at an easy pace and took in the sights.

Workout 2 (1700) 

Hit the class workout and then jumped on an Airdyne after the class ended to get in some extra work.

3 Sets of:
3 Rope Climbs (15')
Rest :90

-Complete ... nice warm-up / skill work.

4 RFT:
500/400m Row
20 Push-Press (75/55#)
15 C2B Pull-ups

-12:57 unbroken ... nice little aerobic burner. Might have been able to push the row a bit more ... was around 1:45-1:55 each interval. Overall fun/easier workout than I have been doing lately. Goal was to go unbroken and I was happy to do this with confidence.

Airdyne Cals:

50 x 1
Rest :90

40 x 2
Rest :75

30 x 3
Rest :60

20 x 4
Rest :45

10 x 5
Rest :30

-Result =

2:30 / 2:32
1:51 / 1:53 / 1:51
:53 / 1:06 / :59 / 1:05
:15 / :16 / :20 / :19 / :16

-This was great training... wow... total burner on the legs. I really enjoyed getting after this. Really made me wish I had a more time / a big open gym back home where I could get in extra fun stuff like this. Great way to finish out the day.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Shit day in the gym, got in what I could, traveling to New Orleans later today.

Ring Muscle-ups
4 sets of 50% of max reps = 9 reps

-4 sets of 9 across felt good, rested about 1-3 minutes between each set, didn't time the rest, just used this as a warm-up

Squat Snatch
On the Minute x 9 (3 Rounds)
Minute 1 – 3 Repetitions @ 70% (180#)
Minute 2 – 2 Repetitions @ 75% (190#)
Minute 3 – 1 Repetition @ 80% (200#)

-Complete ... got the triples and doubles TnG, singles at 80% felt very easy.

On a 21:00 Clock:

21/15 Calorie Row
21 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Max Overhead Squats (95/65#)

rest 3 minutes

18/13 Calorie Row
18 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Max Overhead Squats (135/95#)

rest 3 minutes

15/11 Calorie Row
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Max Overhead Squats (155/105#)

rest 3 minutes

12/9 Calorie Row
12 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Max Overhead Squats (185/125#)

-Complete, scores were = 1 rep, 10 reps, 15 reps, 10 reps ... did this in a very packed gym where the class was doing some long chipper workout with gear everywhere ... logistically it was a terrible situation. Had huge transitions and it was a bit of a cluster fuck. Could have definitely got more reps under better circumstances, but tried to get as much intensity out of this as I could. 


Complete Rest / travel back to VA from NY

Monday, February 12, 2018


Traveling for work right now ... wasn't planning on training at all, but was looking at near bye gyms and I liked the workout so I dropped in and hit the class. Ended up being a good time.

Pause Front Squat (2 second pause in bottom of each rep)
Rest as needed

-205#, 225#, 245#, 265#, 285#, 300# ... felt good on all of these ... nothing maximal, just got some good reps in.

EMOM 18 (6 sets):
Min 1 - 20/15 Calorie Airdyne (this was an actual airdyne, not assault bike)
Min 2 - 20 Double-Unders + 5 Thrusters (155/105#)
Min 3 - KB Goblet Squats (53/35#)

-Complete ... got a good aerobic sweat out of this ... this was the easiest / most stress free workout I've done in a long time. It was a very nice change to get go in the gym and move and not stress about any outcome.

10 Minute ROMWOD


Saturday, February 10, 2018


This morning was some good gymnastics / cardio training. My posterior chain was totally smoked from yesterday, but once I got warmed up and moving my lungs felt good on all this cardio stuff.

18 Minute Clock 

Odd: 50 Double-Unders
Even: :30 Max Strict HSPU

Rest 2:00

Odd: 1 Minute Max Reps Kipping Paralette HPSU (2 x 45# plate + 1 ab-mat) 
Even: 10 Back Squats (45/35#)

-Result = Strict = 14,10,8,7 / Kipping Paralette = 6,5,4,4

Belt Squat
3 Sets of 10
Rest as needed

-53#, 88#, 88# ... not maximal, but wanted to get in a little squatting today without taxing my posterior chain at all ... this was a nice change.

For time:
2000m Row

When the running clock reaches 10:00…

For time:
50/30 Calorie Assault Bike

When the running clock reaches 15:00…

Three rounds for time of:
15 Wall-Balls (30/20#)
15 Toes-to-Bar

When the running clock reaches 22:00…

For time:
50/30 Calorie Assault Bike

When the running clock reaches 28:00…

For time:
Run 1600 Meters

When the clock reaches 38:00...

For time:
50 Bar-Facing Burpees

-Result =
-2000m Row = 7:08
-50 Cals = 3:05
-3:45 (unbroken)
-50 cals = 3:02
-1600m Run = 7:12 (ouch ... this was brutally slow after all the above work)
-Burpees = 3:25

3 Super-Sets:
10 Bench Press
10 Ring Rows
Rest as needed

-135#, 165#, 185# (fail - 7 reps) ... didn't have much left in the tank after all the above work, but always fun to sneak in a few reps on the bench when I can.

Friday, February 9, 2018


This morning was the best workout I've had all week... had an insane work load / schedule and wrapping that up yesterday and having a nice morning to mentally relax and workout without a time crunch was really nice. Overall a very taxing and fun session this morning. Great stuff.

For Time:
100/70 Calorie Row
10 Rope Climbs (15’)
30 Clusters (185/135)*

-17:08 ... splits were 5 minutes for the row / 3 minutes for the rope climbs / 9 minutes for the clusters. Overall really surprised by how tough the clusters were... but overall I was happy with my effort on this.

5 Sets of 2
Rest as needed

-365#, 405#, 425#, 425#, 425# ... felt okay on these... part A was pretty taxing, so I didn't push the loading too much.

Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of:
3 Deadlifts (275/185#)
7 Push Presses (115/75#)

Rest 5 minutes then when the clock reaches 10:00 begin…

7 rounds for time of:
14 Dumbbell Deadlifts (50/35#)
14 Alternating Dumbbell Shoulder Presses (50/35#)

Then when the clock reaches 30:00 begin…

With a partner, one partner working at a time, for time:
100 C2B Pull-ups
100 Double-Unders
100 Kettlebell swings (24/16kg)
100 Double-unders
100 Overhead squats (95/65lbs)

-9 Rounds + 4 Reps ... I felt very good on this, felt like I was moving very well here.
-9:03 ... this was MUCH harder than I thought it would be... the DB presses rocked me.
-13:01 ... fun/easier partner workout, was a good way to finish out the session.


-Complete ... felt amazing after all the pulling off the floor, was totally necessary.

Thursday, February 8, 2018


Complete Rest ... considered training today and I originally wanted to... but due to long work hours (12+ hours each day without a lunch break) I am completely exhausted mentally and physically. Looking forward to catching up on sleep and hitting some more workouts in the coming weeks.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


I was decently sore in my legs and very sore in my front delts/pecs this morning... got in the gym and was sore, but warmed up a bit a gave the workout everything I had... the muscle-ups and snatches were very rough given how much DOMS I was experiencing... felt like ass on the snatches.

Alternating On the Minute x 10
Odd Minutes – 3 Strict Weighted Pull-ups
Even Minutes – 3 Strict Deficit Handstand Push-ups
Build in loading and deficit throughout

-Pull-ups = 53#, 53#, 72#, 72#, 72#
-HSPU = 1 x 10# Bumper, 2 x 10# Bumper, 3 x 10# Bumper, 4 x 10# Bumper, 4 x 10# Bumper (fail - 2 reps)
-Overall felt good on this... was a very good warm-up / skill work.

For Time:
Ring Muscle-ups
Squat Snatch (135/95)

-14:59 ... MU were UB ... 7/4 ... 5/4  ... 5/2 ... UB ... snatches were all singles except a final set of 5 TnG at the end. This workout is WAY worse than regular 'Amanda'. Big effort... left me tossed.

Rest about 10 minutes then...

For Time:
100 Double Unders
10 Bar Muscle Ups
80 Double Unders
8 Bar Muscle Ups
60 Double Unders
6 Bar Muscle Ups
40 Double Unders
4 Bar Muscle Ups
20 Double Unders
2 Bar Muscle Ups

-6:02 ... MU unbroken, few misses here and there on the DU.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018


Short/dirty workout today... very simple but very difficult. Conditioning piece was absolutely terrible. Have crazy working hours this week... got in the gym at 5 and out by 6 am.

Power Clean
On the Minute x 9
3 Power Cleans @ 75% (235#) 
2 Power Cleans @ 78% (245#)
1 Power Cleans @ 81% (255#) 

3 Power Cleans @ 78% (245#)
2 Power Cleans @ 81% (255#)
1 Power Clean @ 84% (265#) 

3 Power Cleans @ 81% (255#)
2 Power Cleans @ 84% (265#)
1 Power Clean @ 87% (275#)

-Didn't really warm-up properly for this, but got all the reps easily. Fun/short lifting session. I always enjoy some power cleans.

For time:

Power Cleans (135/95)
Ring Dips

Directly into…

Deadlift (225/155)
Handstand Pushups

Directly into…

150 Wallballs (20/14)

-22:03 ... splits were 4:42 / 13:02 / 22:03 ... the wall-balls at the end were horrible. I probably went out too fast, I tried to pace the first couplet... but my 'pacing' didn't really work very well. Overall very tough aerobic conditioning. In year's past there is no way I could have done Elizabeth straight into Diane in 13 minutes. 


Further Complete Rest ... definitely felt like I needed two days off between the workouts we have been doing and life stress

Friday, February 2, 2018


Complete Rest


Had a decent workout this morning ... had some other stuff planned, but changed it on the spot as I was feeling pretty beat up and had a lot of weird food and a bit of alcohol yesterday.

Every 2 for 14 (7 sets):
1 Snatch Balance + 1 Overhead Squat (drop bar) + 1 Squat Snatch

-Went really light on these ... focused on speed and position. Didn't feel particularly great, feeling beat up as this is my third day of fairly tough workouts in a row, but got through it. Lifts were: 135#, 135#, 165#, 165#, 185#, 185#, 205#

EMOM 24 (8 sets):
Min 1 - 1 Round of C2B 'Cindy'
Min 2 - 10 Hang Power Snatch (115/80#)
Min 3 - Max Reps Walking Lunges (2 x 50/35# DB) **2017 Open Standard 
Min 4 - Rest

-Complete, lunges went 25/23/22/21/21 ... Unbroken rounds of Cindy and Snatches ... this was some good training, different from a lot of the much higher intensity stuff I've been doing. Was a nice change and challenge.

3 Sets:
10 Bent Over Dumbbell Rows (each side) @ (70#)
10 Standing Dumbbell Strict Presses @ (2 x 50#) 
Rest as needed

-Complete ... big pump here. 

3 Sets:
20 Weighted Hip Extensions (15#)
10 DB Side Lateral Raises (2 x 15# DB) 
Rest as needed

-Complete ... great accessory work ... made me miss bodybuilding style workouts a lot. 


This morning was a great workout. Had a very solid group for our 'competition' class. Overall a taxing workout, very long and aerobic... that was probably the most handstand walking I have ever done in any given workout (300 feet?).

EMOM 12:
Odd: 30 seconds of Max Strict Deficit HSPU (4/2”) (scale as needed)
Even: 3-3-2-2-1-1 Squat Clean

Rest about 2-3 minutes and hit another single clean

-Result =

HSPU = 6,5,4,3,3,3
Clean = 225#, 245#, 265#, 275#, 285#, 300#
Extra single = 315# ... I added this in because I wanted to get hit 315#. I haven't cleaned this much since before TBS (October 2016).  Needless to say I was happy to throw about 6 plates with ease.

For time
12 Muscle-ups
Rest 1:00
10 Muscle-ups
Rest 1:00
8 Muscle-ups
Rest 1:00
6 Muscle-ups
Rest 1:00
4 Muscle-ups

-6:24 - 4:00 = 2:24 ... all sets unbroken. Hit 30 reps a little after 4 minutes, felt great on these.

‘Alex’s 26th BDAY Workout’
(variation of CF Invictus workout 'Holte')

For time:

1500/1200m Row


3 Rounds:
100-Foot Handstand Walk
10 Front Squats (185/125#)
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20”)
30 Toes-to-Bar


1500/1200m Row

-36:43 ... handstand walking was by far the worst part. Kept the rowing around 1:45 - 1:50 ... front squats unbroken ... BBJO were at a fairly consistent pace ... T2B were 10/10/10 ... 10/5/5/5/5 ... 12/8/4/2/4 ... I had to break up the walking a lot. I didn't really know what to expect on these, my core was shot from the T2B ... overall great aerobic conditioning. Really fun way to spend the morning. 

Thursday, February 1, 2018


In retrospect, I had an okay workout today. I have been under an extreme amount of work stress / work travel that is adding up on me. It makes everything in life, including the gym, far less enjoyable. Got what I could out of this... tomorrow is another day.

'Open Workout 16.3'
10 Power Snatches (75/55#)
3 Bar Muscle-ups

-7 +1 ... I might have gotten 8 rounds +1 ? I don't remember exactly ... tough on the grip, never really got my lungs as much as I thought it would. Overall a lot more there if I were to hit this under the right circumstances.

Rest about 10 minutes then...

AMRAP 5 Minutes:
Snatches @ 80% (200#)

-14 Reps ... this was rough after part A. No misses.

Rest about 10 minutes then...

5 RFT:
20/15 Calorie Row
10 Thrusters (135/95#)

-10:42 ... average round of 2:08 was solid for me. Unbroken thrusters and I attempted to keep the 20 calorie row to around 80 seconds every round. Good aerobic work.

3 Sets of:
Single Arm DB Bench Press - Right  x 10 reps (70#)
Rest :60
Single Arm DB Bench Press - Left x 10 reps (70#)
Rest :60
Strict Weighted Pull-up, on fat bar x 3 reps (53#) @ 2 second descent tempo
Rest :60


3 Sets of:
Barbell Skull Crushers (75#) x 10 reps
Seated Alternating DB Bicep Curls (2 x 30# DB) x 20 reps
Rest 2:00

-Complete ... fun pump finisher, haven't been doing any of this lately and I miss incorporating this stuff.