Thursday, May 28, 2020


Rest Day


AM Workout (0900) 

This morning was a solid session, the super-set was very challenging. Got a big pump out of this and enjoyed my time in the gym.

3 Sets:
20 Seconds Down Dog Should Taps 
12 Archer Ring Row Switch Holds (2 seconds per arm) 
10 Side Plank Powell Raise/arm 
*move slow and deliberately



Tall Kneeling Filly Press; 2111; 8-10/arm; rest 60 seconds x 4 sets 

Close Grip Parallette Tricep Push; 3011; 8-10 reps; rest 60 seconds x 4 sets 

Incline DB Bicep Curl: 40x1; 8-10 reps; rest 60 seconds x 4 sets

-53# KB and 50# DB for the filly press for 4 x 10, 8,8,8
-Push-ups went 4 x 10,10,8,8
-2 x 35# DB, Curls went 4 x 10,8,8,8 

3 Sets:
Ski 125/100m 
10 Anchored Sit-ups
Ski 125/100m 
10 Anchored Sit-ups 
Ski 125/100m 
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets

-Complete ... didn't time the intervals, just the rest periods

3 Sets, not for time:
15 Single-Arm Banded Tricep Push Down - Right
15 Single-Arm Banded Tricep Push-Down - Left
Rest 30 seconds
15 DB Shoulder Lateral Raise 
15 DB Shoulder Front Raise
Rest 30 seconds 
10 DB Zottman Curls 
Rest as needed between movements and sets 

-Complete, used a red band for the push-downs, 2 x 15# DBs for the other exercises ... spicy finisher 

PM Workout (1500)

This was probably way too much volume for one day... but got it in. I was feeling decent for most of this, but towards the end I was dragging ass in a huge way. Got through everything, have had a tough week, but I am happy to have gotten everything in.

3 Sets
10 Single Leg BW Hip Thrust + 10 second Single Leg Hold at Top - R 
10 Single Leg BW Hip Thrust + 10 second Single Leg Hold at Top - L
Rest 30 seconds 
10 Split Stance Barbell Good Morning (5 with each foot forward)
Rest 30 seconds 
15 seconds Star Plank - R
15 seconds Star Plank - L



Snatch Grip RDL; 3110; 8-10 reps; rest 60 seconds x 4 sets 

Suitcase Long Step Walking Lunge; 30x0; 14-16 steps; rest 60 seconds x 4 sets

-155# for 4 x 10 on the RDL
-53# for 4 x 16 on the lunges 


Barbell Hip Thrust; 20x2; 8-10 reps; rest 60 seconds x 4 sets 

Goblet 1-1/4 Squat: 2111; 8-10 reps; rest 60 seconds x 4 sets (*2 second lower, 1 second pause at the boot, perform the 1/4 squat and back down and immediately rebound up, 1 second at top)

-175# for 4 x 10 on the thrusts
-53# for 4 x 8 on the squats

Bench Press
1 x 10 @ 120#
1 x 5 @ 170#
3 x 5 @ 200#

-Complete, all easy reps

T-Bar Row
3 x 10-12 reps (155#+)

-Complete, across 3 x 12 at 175# 

EMOM x 12 (4 sets) of: 
Min 1 - 15 Russian KBS (72/53#)
Min 2 - 6-8 DB Burpee Box Steps Ups (50/35# DBs with box a knee height)
Min 3 - 30 seconds Russian Twists (45/25# plate)

-Complete, did 8 DB Burpee Box Step ups one the first round, then switch to 6 for the remaining 3 sets 

3 Sets of:
DB Skull Crushers
3 x 12
Neutral Grip Curls (more than 72#)
3 x 12

-Complete, 2 x 35# DB for the skull crushers, 82# for the curls 


Complete Rest ... was supposed to train today, but I was in court the entire day (left my house at 0600, returned after 2100) and just couldn't get it in. Shifted today's training to tomorrow afternoon.


Today was a very pumpy workout ... overall enjoyed it, got a good workout, overall not too taxing.

3 Sets
Mixed KB Rack Overhead March x 20 steps (per arm) 
Scapular Push-ups on Ring x 10 
Single Arm Passive Hang x 15 seconds (per arm)
Ring Face Pull x 10 reps



Wide Grip Bench Press; 31x0; 10-12 reps; rest 60 seconds x 4 sets 

Pendlay Row; 30x1; 10-12 reps; rest 60 seconds x 4 sets

-Bench went 145# for 4 x 10
-Rows went 135# for 4 x 10


Strict Bar Dips: 2020; 10-12 reps; rest 60 seconds x 4 sets 

Body Row: 30x0; 12-14 reps; rest 60 seconds x 4 sets

-Dips went 4 x 10
-Rows went 4 x 12 

10 Minutes, continuous: 
20 Steps Single Arm Farmer's March - right (heavy load) 
5 Strict Pull-ups
20 Steps Single Arm Farmer's March - left (heavy load) 
5 Strict Bar Dips 
10 Leg Tuck Ups holding dip support

-Complete ... 5 rounds + 20 steps 


Complete Rest


AM Workout (0600) 

I felt much better in the gym today... both parts A and B were tough super-sets ... that extra set really sucks ... got a lot of intensity out of these sets, fun stuff.

3 Sets
7 DB Deadlifts 
7 DB Hang Power Cleans
7 DB Push-Press
15 Seconds Ski Acceleration (get a little quicker every 5 seconds)



Segmented Clean Deadlift; 3131 (with straps); 6-8 reps; rest 60 seconds x 4 sets 

Half Kneeling Barbell Press; 20x2; 4-5 reps/knee; rest 60 seconds x 4 sets

-Deadlifts at 235# for 8,8,8,6
-Presses at 125# for 8,8,8,8 


Deficit Landmine Single Leg RDL: 3010; 8-10/leg; rest 60 seconds x 4 sets 

Single Arm DB Push-Press; 30x1; 8-10/arm; rest 60 seconds x 4 sets (*explosive tempo on the way up - slow and controlled lowering to the shoulder in 3 seconds)

-95# for 8,8,8,8 on the RDLS
-50# for 10,10,10,10 on the Push-Press

*100m Ski after each set 

Rest 2 minutes 

*5 Cal Bike after each set

-Complete, didn't time these, only timed the rest interval, but got good intensity out of this, all sets unbroken 

PM Workout (1430) 

Got in my bench accessory in the afternoon, only took about 30 minutes total

Bench Press
1 x 10 @ 120#
1 x 5 @ 170#
1 x 3 @ 200#
3 x 3 @ 225#


Block Bench Press (185#)
3 x 8-10 reps

-Complete, 3 x 10

Seated DB Lateral Rase (2 x 15# DB)
3 x 12-15 reps
'Durante Core'
3 Sets x (10 hollow rocks, 10 v-ups, 10 tuck-ups, :10 hollow hold)


Sunday, May 24, 2020


AM Workout (0600) 

Day 1 of Week 5 - I felt fairly bad this morning in the gym ... didn't have any DOMS, but just felt tired and generally fatigued, which is not normal for me. Pushed through it and got the work in... that 4th set sucked, definitely felt each rep on those extra sets. Hoping to feel better tomorrow.

3 Sets:
8 Half Kneeling Band Pull Aparts (per knee)
12 Lateral Box Step Overs
30 seconds Quadruped Shoulder Taps



Back Rack Split Squat; 2110; 8-10/leg; rest 60 seconds x 4 sets *rear foot on 4-6" plate

Pronated Strict Pull-up; 2011; 8-10 reps; rest 60 seconds x 4 sets

-115# across for the split squats, went 4 x 10,8,8,8 ... rough
-4 x 10,10,10,8 for the pull-ups

Cyclist Front Squat; 31x0; 8-10 reps; rest 60 seconds x 4 sets

Chainsaw Row; 20x2; 8-10/arm; rest 60 seconds x 4 sets

-115# for 4 x 8 for the squats-
4 x 10 reps across with a 50# DB for the rows

3 Sets:
AMRAP 3 Minutes
Ski 20/17 Calories
In remaining time complete AMRAP:
2 Alternating DB Gorilla Row (50/35#)
2 Dual DB Hang Squat Cleans (50/35#)
2 Alternating DB Thrusters (50/35#)
Rest 3 minutes between each set

-Complete, got 4 Rds of the AMRAP on each interval



PM Workout (1630)

I strangely felt better during my afternoon session today... but got in the workout that I missed last week due to subbing in 'Murph.' Overall this was some very simple bodyweight stuff and aerobic conditioning. Fun to get in, got a nice sweat.

5 Burpees
10 Walking Lunges
5 Renegade Rows (2 x 50# DB)

Rest 3

4 Burpee Strict Pull-ups
8 Jumping Air Squats
12 Sit-ups

Rest 3

Bike Cals

-Complete ... don't remember any of the rounds or reps, I just went for an 80% aerobic effort. Got a sweat.


Complete Rest ... felt pretty beat up today ... took an hour long nap during the day ... took in a lot of carbs throughout the day as well given I cycled down my carbohydrate intake this week.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


AM Workout (0800)

This morning was an okay workout ... I felt like shit ... this was the worst I've felt in the gym in a long time, but I've had extreme life/work stress this week ...  hoping to feel better this next week after some rest tomorrow.

3 Sets
20 Alternating Tall Plank Shoulder Taps
12 Bent Over Reverse DB Fly (light weight)
:30 Ring Row Hold



Farmer's Press: 20x1; 8-10/arm; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

Decline Narrow Grip Bench Press; 2020; 10-12 reps; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets 

Alternating DB Curls: 30x1; 8-10 arm; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

-Press = 2 x 50# DB for 3 x 10, 10, 8
-Bench = 155# for 3 x 12, 10, 8
-Curls = 2 x 25# DB for 3 x 20 

3 Sets @ 90% effort
Assault Bike 14/12 Cals
10 Alternating KB Gorilla Rows (72/53#)
10 KB Sumo Deadlifts (72/53#)
Assault Bike 14/12 Cals
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets

-Complete ... didn't time the intervals, just the rest, but got some good intensity out of this 

3 Sets:
10 Single-Arm DB upright Row; 2010 (per arm)
10-12 Banded Reverse Crunch; 30x0 
10 Single Arm DB Tricep Kick-Back; 20x0 (per arm) 
Rest as needed

-Complete, used a 25# for the upright row, 1 red band for the crunch and a 15# DB for the tricep kick backs 

PM Workout (1430)

Felt surprisingly better this afternoon than I did in the morning. It was nice to get in some reps on the bench and get a pump. 

Bench Press 
1 x 10 @ 120#
1 x 5 @ 170#
1 x 3 @ 200#
1 x 2 @ 225#
4 x 1 @ 240#


Foam Roller Bench Press
3 x 10 
T-Bar Row (more than 135#)
3 x 8-12

-115# across for the foam roller bench, this was a strange accessory lift and difficult
-155# for 3 x 12 on the rows

Neutral Grip Skull Crushers (more than 62#)
3 x 12-15 reps
Neutral Grip Curls (more than 62#)
3 x 12-15
Hollow Rocks
3 x 20



AM Workout (0830) 

Went for a run in Quantico ... total time of 54:11 ... went out 26:35 and came back slightly slower than what I went out at ... there was lots of elevation change, ran through the wooded hills ... it was about 70 degrees and 90% humidity ... very sweaty, but fun run.

PM Workout (1630) 

I definitely felt the run this morning during this afternoon session, but got all the work in ... glad tomorrow will be an upper body day.

3 Sets
10 Single Leg Glute Bridge + 15 seconds hold at top of last rep (right leg)
10 Single Leg Glute Bridge + 15 seconds hold at top of last rep (left leg)
Rest :30
8 Bodyweight Drop Lunge to Knee life/per side



Frog Stance Deadlift: 31x1; 10-12 reps; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

KB Rack Deficit Split Squat: 2100; 8-10/leg; rest 60 sec x 3 sets

-Deadlifts across with 225# for 3 x 10
-KB Split Squats done with 1 35# KB for 3 x 10/leg

BB Goodmorning: 3021; 8-10 reps; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

Goblet Cossack Squat: 30x0; 16-20 reps, alternating legs, rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

-Goodmornings were 3 x 10 with 95#, 115#, 115#
-Goblet Squats went 3 x 16 with 35# KB

Every 10 minutes for 20 (2 sets) of:
250/225m Ski
12 DB Front Squats (50/35#s)
10 Devils Press (50/35#s)
12 DB Front Squats (50/35#s)
250/225m Ski

-Complete ... intervals went 4:57 and 5:10 ... really hit a wall on that second interval during the devil's presses ... good conditioning, but I was a bit smoked from this AM.




Today was an okay workout... had an early morning in the office and a long day in court ... got this workout in after work at home ... got a big upper body pump, overall not too taxing, which was nice after a rough day in court.

3 Sets
5 Bottoms up Single Arm KB Press - R
:20 Bottoms up KB OH March - R 
5 Bottoms up Single Arm KB Press - L
:20 Bottoms up KB OH March - L
8 Single Arm Ring Row/arm

-Complete, used a 15 DB for the above movements 

Incline Close Grip Bench; 31x0; 10-12 reps; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

Single Arm DB Tripod Row; 20x2; 8-10/arm; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

-115# for 3 x 12, 10, 10 for the bench and 72# KB across for the rows 

Single Arm DB Bench Press; 31x0; 8-10/arm; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

Lean Way Strict Pull-up: 40x0; 8-10 reps; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

-50# DB for the bench with 3 x 10 and 3 x 7 reps with closer to a 3 second tempo for the pull-ups... had to break up some of these sets ... this movement is very difficult for me. 

5 Rounds, not for time: 
20 seconds Single Arm Plank R
20 seconds Single Arm Plank L 
12 Body Rows
12 Diamond Push-ups



-Complet e


Complete Rest


AM Workout (0630)

I am sore from 'Murph' ... quads/hamstrings slightly sore, biceps/lats more sore and chest/shoulders very sore ... overall I probably should have just rested today... but we got everything in, just did a bit lower weights on some of the compound lifts. I actually felt pretty good once I started moving through this.

3 Sets
5 Split Stance DB RDL
10 Dual DB Bent Over Row to External Rotation
5 Broad Jumps
15 Seconds Bike Acceleration (increase pace every 5 seconds)


Segmented Snatch Grip Deadlift - 3 Pauses  (use straps) - 3131; 6-8 reps; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets 

Barbell Z Press: 3021; 8-10 reps; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

-175# for 3 x 6 on the DL
-65# for 3 x 8 on the BBZP 

Split Stance DB RDL; 3110; 6-8/leg; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets 

Seated Alternating DB Arnold Press; 2111; 8-10/arm; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

-2 x 50# DB for 3 x 16 on the DB RDL
-2 x 35# DB for 3 x 16 on the Presses 

Single Arm Incline DB Bench Press (50/35#) - R
Single Arm Incline DB Bench Press (50/35#) - L
*1 Turkish Get-up between each set (50/35#) - switch arms each set 

Rest 2 minutes 

Strict Bar Dips 
*5 Cal Bike between sets 

Rest 2 minutes

L-Sit Lift Overs (tap feet on each side = 1 rep) 
*5 Cal Ski between sets

-Complete ... don't remember the scores on the these, just went for some consistent intensity ... was good conditioning 



PM Workout (1400)

Probably shouldn't have done this, but it was a light % day ... got it in anyway and felt surprisingly good throughout this. 

Bench Press
1 x 10 @ 115#
1 x 5 @ 170#
3 x 5 @ 195#


Bent-Over DB Lateral Raises (2 x 15# DB)
3 x 12-15 reps
Supinated Grip T-Bar Row (145#)
3 x 10-12 reps


Single-Arm Supported Side Lateral Raises  (15# DB) 
3 x 8-12 reps (each arm) 
'Durante Core' 
3 sets x (10 hollow rocks, 10 v-ups, 10 tuck ups, :10 hollow hold)



Workout 1 of Week 4 ... modified today a bit ... changed the conditioning piece to 'Murph' ... it was supposed to be two 7 minute AMRAPs of bodyweight stuff... obviously we added a ton of volume, but my wife and I were both interested in giving 'Murph' a go.

3 Sets:
10m Monster Band Walks (forwards and backwards)
12 Banded Goblet Squats
12 Supine Band Lat Pull Over


Front Rack Drop Lunge; 30x0; 16-20 reps, alternating legs, rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

Supinated Strict Pull-ups; 2011; 8-10 reps; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

-Lunges went 3 x 16 with 105#
-Pull-ups went 3 x 10 unbroken

KB Goblet Squat: 2111; 8-10 reps; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

Incline Bench Prone Row: 30x1; 8-12 reps; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

-Squats went 3 x 10, 10, 8 with 72# KB
-Rows across 3 x 10 with 2 x 50# DB

'Murph' (with a 20# vest)
1 Mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run

-40:29 ... overall enjoyed this ... mile splits went 8:20 and 9:59 ... had an additional transition from the start/ends of the mile runs to the pull-up bar, but overall probably only added between :30 and :45 seconds to the total time ... this is about a minute (39:17 from May 2017) of off my PR time, but I am happy with this given I haven't been training for this type of thing and focusing on strength. Fun way to start the day, hopefully I recover quickly and this doesn't mess up the rest of my regular training this week.

Friday, May 15, 2020


Complete Rest


AM Workout (0900)

This Saturday workout's have been consistently kicking my ass... always more difficult than I think they are going to be.

3 Sets, slowly and deliberately 
Yoga Push-up x 12 
Scapular Ring Row x 12 
DB Side Plank Rotations x 8-10/side


Tall Kneeling Filly Press: 2111; 8-10/arm; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets 

Close Grip Parallette Tricep Push-ups: 3011; 8-10 reps; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets 

Incline Bench DB Bicep Curl: 40x1; 8-10 reps; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

-Filly press went 3 x 10, 8, 8 with 53# KB and 50# DB
-Push-ups were 3 x10, although I had to break up the second and third sets
-Curls went 3 x 10 with 25# DBs ... looking forward to getting some heavier DBs (35#s) ... they come in the mail this week. 

3 Sets:
Ski 200/150m @ 85%
12-15 Knees-to-Elbows (unbroken)
15-18 Tuck-ups 
Ski 200/150m % 95% 
Rest 2-3 minutes

-Complete ... didn't catch the times on the intervals, but did the higher rep range on all sets... although the last set of knees-to-elbows went 10/5... couldn't get it unbroken ... this was the toughest conditioning I've done in quite a while... surprisingly brutal on the core. 

3 Sets:
20 Banded Push-ups 
10 DB Preacher Curl/arm (use bench) 
20 Banded Upright Rows 
Rest as needed between movements and sets

-Complete, 1 red band for both the banded exercises, 25# DB for the curls... again, looking forward to getting those 35#s for more of a challenge on these. 

PM Workout (1430) 

Got in my bench numbers for the second bench session of the week and made up some pump accessory on the spot. Was fun to get in, only took 45 minutes.

Bench Press
1 x 10 @ 115#
1 x 5 @ 170#
1 x 3 @ 195#
3 x3 @ 220#


T-Bar Row
3 x 8-12
Incline Neutral Grip Skull Crushers
3 x 12-15 reps
Leg Lifts
3 x 20

-T-bar went 3 x 12 for all sets at 115#, 125#, 135#
-Skull Crushers with a 62# neutral grip bar
-Leg lifts 3 x 20

Over-the-Bar Pull-up Hold
3 x :25
DB 'Rock-n-Rolls'
3 x 12-15
Neutral Grip Curls
3 x 10-12

-3 x :25
-3 x 15 with 2 x 25# DB
-3 x 12 with 62# neutral grip bar 


AM Workout (0600) 

Today was a solid workout... lots of posterior chain/glute work and some really solid conditioning. Felt pretty good in the gym today, looking forward to training tomorrow.

3 Sets
20 Bodyweight Hip Thrust + 10 second Single Leg Hip Thrust Isometric Hold at Top/Leg
Rest 30 seconds
10 Super Mans
Rest 30 seconds
30 Second Hollow Body Hold
Rest as needed



Snatch Grip RDL: 3110; 8-10 reps; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

Suitcase Long Step Walking Lunge: 30x0; 14-16 steps; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

-RDLS @ 145# for 3  x 10
-Lunges for @ 53# 3 x 16

Barbell Hip Thrust: 20x2; 8-10 reps; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

Goblet 1 1/4 Squat: 2111; 8-10 reps; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets (*2 second lower, 1 sec pause at bottom, perform the 1/4 squat and back down and immediately rebound up, 1 second pause at top)

-Thrusts at 165# across for 3 x 10
-Goblet Squats across at 54# for 3 x 8

Every 5 minutes for 20 (4 sets) of:
30 Sec Side Plank
18/15 Cal Ski
12 KBS (72/53#)
6 Bupee Box Jumps (24/20")
30 Second Side Plank (opposite side)

-3:20, 3:15, 3:10, 3:10 ... this was fun, short enough that each part was a sprint. Solid conditioning.



PM Workout (1600)

For time: 
30 Burpees 
30 Calorie Bike 
20 Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean (2 x 25#)
30 KB Swings (53#)
40 Overhead Walking Lunge Steps (35# plate)
50 Sit-ups
40 Overhead Walking Lunge Steps (35# plate)
30 KB Swings (53#)
20 Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean (2 x 25#)
30 Calorie Bike 
30 Burpees

-22:04 ... took a variation of a workout I did in early 2012 (added the bike, changed a few movements to accommodate the home gym) and got after it. Planned on this being about 20 minutes of continuous cardio ... had fun doing this, thankful to get this in at my house. Overall felt good and it was nice to throw in some aerobic CrossFit into my training.


Today was a good workout, I really enjoyed it... super sets were tough and got a massive pump from the conditioning piece. Overall felt good in the gym and I am looking forward to training tomorrow.

3 Sets
Single-Arm Bottom-ups KB Rack March x 30 steps (15 each arm)
Scapular Push-ups on Elbows x 10 reps
Active Bar Hang x :30
Banded Face Pull x 12 reps


Wide Grip Bench Press: 31x0; 10-12 reps; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

Pendlay Row: 30x1; 10-12 reps; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

-145# for 10,10,9 on bench
-125# for 3 x 10 on the rows 

Strict Bar Dips: 2020; 10-12 reps; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

Body Row: 30x0; 12-14 reps; rest 60 sec x 3 sets

-3 x 10 on dips
-3 x 12 on rows ... brutal tempos 

AMRAP 15 at a consistent pace:
30 seconds Bent Hollow Hold 
3 Wall-Walks
6 Strict Pull-ups
9 Ring Push-ups
:40 Single-Arm KB Rack March (:20 each arm) w/ 72/53# KB

-Complete, I think I got exactly 4 rounds, I can't remember, just flowed through this and got a good pump/sweat. 


Complete Rest


AM Workout (0800)

3 Sets*
7 Barbell Deadlifts
7 Barbell Hang Power Clean
7 Barbell Strict Press
10 Push-ups
20 Jumping Jacks

*Start with an empty barbell and build to a light load over 3 sets

-Complete, went 45#, 75#, 95# ... solid warm-up

Segmented Clean Deadlift: 3131 (with straps); 6-8 reps; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

Half Kneeling Barbell Press: 20x2; 4-5 reps/knee; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

-Clean DLs went 215# x 8, 225# x 8, 225# x 6 ... rough
-Presses went 115# across for 10, 8, 8 ... really rough

Deficit Landmine Single Leg RDL: 3010; 8-10/leg; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

Single Arm DB Push-Press: 30x1; 8-10/arm; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets (*explosive tempo on the way up - slow and controlled lowering to shoulder in 3 seconds)

-LM RDLs went 95# across for 3 x 10
-Push-Press went 50# across for 3 x 10 ... these were tough too, but not as bad as part A.

At an 85% effort:

Bike Cals
Strict Bar Dips

Rest 3 minutes

Ski Cals
Anchored Sit-ups

-7:43 ... dips went 10/9/8 ... 10/6/5 ... 10/5 ... tried to keep the bike between 65-70 RPM consistently
-6:04 ... this seemed like 6 minutes of sit-ups, but was tough on my core



PM Workout (1430)

Adding in some bench and accessory work ... had a good time in the gym, was done in about 45 minutes total time.

Bench Press
1 x 10 @ 115#
1 x 5 @ 170#
1 x 3 @ 195#
1 x 2 @ 225#
4 x 1 @ 235#


Bent-Over DB Side Raises
3 x 12-15 reps

-Complete, 3 x 15 with 2 x 10# plates

DB Side Raises
3 x 12-15 reps
'Durante Core' x 3 sets
(10 hollow rocks, 10 v-ups, 10 tuck-ups, :10 hollow hold)

-Complete, 3 x 12 with 2 x 25# DB


Today was a rough workout... looked very simple on paper, but it totally kicked my ass... tempo and rest intervals were brutal.

3 Sets:
12 Standing Band Pull-Aparts (1 second pause at top of each rep)
10 Russian Step up (per leg)
:30 Tall Plank Shoulder Taps


Back Rack Split Squat*: 2110; 8-10/leg; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets (*rear foot on 4-6" plates)

Pronate Strict Pull-up: 2011; 8-10 reps; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

-Back Rack Split Squats were 3 x 10 with 115#

-Pull-ups were 3 x 10

Cyclist Front Squat: 31x0; 8-10 reps; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

Chainsaw Row: 20x2; 8-10/arm; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets

-Cyclist Squats were 3 x 10, 8, 8 with 115#

-Rows went 3 x 10 with 50#

AMRAP 5 Minutes:
Alternating KB Gorilla Rows (72/53#)
*5 Cal Bike between each round

rest 2 minutes

AMRAP 5 Minutes:
*5 Burpees between each round

rest 2 minutes

AMRAP 5 Minutes:
Dual DB Hang Squat Clean (50/35#)
*5 Cal Ski between each round

-Complete ... don't remember the exact scores, all of the pieces were at 10 or 12+ rounds/reps ... tough aerobic conditioning



Friday, May 8, 2020


Complete Rest ... slept about 10 hours last night and took another two hour nap today... feeling a bit beat up from workouts/life.


This morning was overall a decent workout, have a bit of life stress going on so it was difficult to enjoy the gym, but got everything in.


3 Sets
Tall Plank Theraband Lateral Walk (10 steps right, 10 steps left)
Single Arm Trap 3 Raise w/ DB isometric x 10/arm (light and slow)
Scapular Ring Rows x 10 reps (pause 1 sec at top)



Farmer's Press; 20x1; 8-10 reps/arm; rest 75 seconds x 3 sets

Decline Narrow Grip Bench Press: 2020; 10-12 reps; rest 75 seconds x 3 sets

Alternating DB Curls; 30x1; 8-10 reps/arm; rest 75 seconds x 3 sets

Press with 2 x 50# DB for 3 x 10 ... decline narrow bench went 3 x 8 with 155# and the curls were done with 3 x 20 with 2 x 25# DB

3 Sets:
10 Rengade Rows (50/35#)
Ski 300/275m @ 90% effort
Rest 3 minutes between sets

-Complete, didn't catch the times, but got some good intensity out of this

3 Sets:
10-12 DB Upright Row @2121
10-12 Ring Body Saw @ 3010
10-12 Lying DB Tricep Extensions @ 30x1
Rest as needed between sets

-Complete ... this was way tougher than it looked, good accessory work.


Today was a good workout... lots of posterior chain / lower body work, but overall a great session. Short/fun CrossFit workout at the end, was fun to get in.


3 Sets
20 Frog Pump + 20 seconds Isometric Contraction at top of last rep 
Rest :30 
8-10 Goblet Curtsy Step Down/leg (box height below knee)
Rest as needed

-Complete, did the curtsy step downs unweighted 


Frog Stance Deadlift: 31x1; 10-reps; rest 75 seconds x 3 sets

KB Goblet Deficit Split Squat: 2110; 8-10/leg; rest 75 seconds x 3 sets

-Deads went 205#, 225#, 225# for sets of 10
-Split Squats across at 35# for 3 x 10 

Barbell Good Morning; 3021; 8-10 reps; rest 75 seconds x 3 sets

Goblet Cossack Squat; 30x0; 16-20 reps; rest 75 seconds x 3 sets

-75#, 95#, 95# for 3 x 10 for the good mornings
-Squats went 35# KB for 3 x 16 

Every 10 minutes for 20 minutes (2 sets) of:
15/12 Cal Ski 
500m Assault Bike 
40 Air Squats
20 Alt DB Power Snatch (50/35#)
10 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20")

-4:45 ... kept an 85% effort aerobic effort on these, pushed the pace a bit on the second set of burpee box jumps ... fun to do a little crossfit




Today was as solid workout, some difficult/new movements (especially the 'lean away' pull-up) ... but overall enjoyed my time in the gym and got a good workout out of this.

3 Sets
5 Single Arm Turkish Sit ups - R
1 Turkish Get up - R
:30 Single Arm KB Overhead March - R
5 Single Arm Turkish Sit ups - L
1 Turkish Get up - L
:30 Single Arm KB Overhead March - L
3-5 Strict Pull-ups
Rest as needed

-Complete, across with a 35# KB, 5 pull-ups each set


Incline Close Grip Bench Press: 31x0; 10-12 reps; rest 75 seconds x 3 sets

Single Arm DB Tripod Row: 20x2; 8-10 reps/arm; rest 75 second x 3 sets

-Complete, across at 135# for 10,10,8 and across with a 50# DB for 3 x 10

Super Set

Single Arm DB Bench Press; 31x0; 8-10/arm; rest 75 seconds x 3 sets

Lean Away Strict Pull-up; 40x0; 8-10 reps; rest 75 seconds x 3 sets

-Complete, across at 3 x10 with a 50# DB and 3 x 8 for the lean away pull-ups ... did not do the 4 second eccentric on this, was realistically doing a 2-3 second tempo at best ... very difficult, had never done these before.

4 Rounds, NOT for time
20 Elbow to Tall Plank
30 second (:15 right, :15 left) Single-Arm KB Farmer's Carry March (70/53s#)
10 Alternating KB Gorilla Row (70/53#)
10 Hand Release Push-ups

-Complete, didn't time this, but it was a fun/less intense conditioning/pump piece.




Active Rest Day

-Easy recovery run ... total running time of 34:20 ... don't know the distance, but likely around 4ish miles. Great morning run ... ran from about 9:30 until 10:00, it was sunny and 55 degrees without any breeze ... great running conditions, really enjoyed myself and checking out downtown Annapolis.


Today was overall a decent workout, but I've been having 10/10 life/work stress right now and it made it impossible to focus enough to enjoy my time in the gym today. Got the work in, hopefully will have better training sessions later in the week.

3 Sets:
5 DB RDL 3030
5 Singe Arm Cuban Press/arm (slow)
5 Burpee High Jump
15sec Ski Acceleration (increase pace every 5 seconds)



Segmented Snatch Grip Deadlift - 3 Pauses - 3131; 6-8 reps, rest 75 seconds x 3 (use straps)

Barbell Z press: 3021; 8-10 reps; rest 75 seconds x 3 sets 

-145#, 165#, 185# for the snatch grip deads ... 65#, 75#, 75# for the Z press.. tempo kicked my ass

Split Stance DB RDL: 3110; 6-8/leg; rest 75 seconds x 3 sets 

Seated Alternating DB Arnold Press: 2111; 8-10/arm, rest 75 seconds x 3 sets

-Complete, did both of these exercises with 2 x 50# DB (the heaviest I have) ... would have done the DB RDL's heavier, but still waiting on my heavier DBs in the mail... overall still got good intensity out of this ... Arnold presses went 8 per arm for two sets and then only got 7 per arm on the final set... went to complete failure... very big pump. 

5 Min AMRAP: 1-2-3-4-5-6... 
DB Bench Press (50/35#)
*5 Cal Ski after each set 

Rest 2 minutes

5 Min AMRAP: 1-2-3-4-5-6... 
Wall Walks 
*5 Cal Assault Bike after each set 

Rest 2 minutes

5 Min AMRAP: 1-2-3-4-5-6... 
Strict Toes-to-Bar 
*5 Burpees after each set

-Complete ... don't remember the rounds, but got a good sweat out of this. 

