This morning was a solid session, the super-set was very challenging. Got a big pump out of this and enjoyed my time in the gym.
3 Sets:
20 Seconds Down Dog Should Taps
12 Archer Ring Row Switch Holds (2 seconds per arm)
10 Side Plank Powell Raise/arm
*move slow and deliberately
Tall Kneeling Filly Press; 2111; 8-10/arm; rest 60 seconds x 4 sets
Close Grip Parallette Tricep Push; 3011; 8-10 reps; rest 60 seconds x 4 sets
Incline DB Bicep Curl: 40x1; 8-10 reps; rest 60 seconds x 4 sets
-53# KB and 50# DB for the filly press for 4 x 10, 8,8,8
-Push-ups went 4 x 10,10,8,8
-2 x 35# DB, Curls went 4 x 10,8,8,8
-53# KB and 50# DB for the filly press for 4 x 10, 8,8,8
-Push-ups went 4 x 10,10,8,8
-2 x 35# DB, Curls went 4 x 10,8,8,8
3 Sets:
Ski 125/100m
10 Anchored Sit-ups
Ski 125/100m
10 Anchored Sit-ups
Ski 125/100m
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets
-Complete ... didn't time the intervals, just the rest periods
-Complete ... didn't time the intervals, just the rest periods
3 Sets, not for time:
15 Single-Arm Banded Tricep Push Down - Right
15 Single-Arm Banded Tricep Push-Down - Left
Rest 30 seconds
15 DB Shoulder Lateral Raise
15 DB Shoulder Front Raise
Rest 30 seconds
10 DB Zottman Curls
Rest as needed between movements and sets
-Complete, used a red band for the push-downs, 2 x 15# DBs for the other exercises ... spicy finisher
PM Workout (1500)
This was probably way too much volume for one day... but got it in. I was feeling decent for most of this, but towards the end I was dragging ass in a huge way. Got through everything, have had a tough week, but I am happy to have gotten everything in.
3 Sets
10 Single Leg BW Hip Thrust + 10 second Single Leg Hold at Top - R
10 Single Leg BW Hip Thrust + 10 second Single Leg Hold at Top - L
Rest 30 seconds
10 Split Stance Barbell Good Morning (5 with each foot forward)
Rest 30 seconds
15 seconds Star Plank - R
15 seconds Star Plank - L
Snatch Grip RDL; 3110; 8-10 reps; rest 60 seconds x 4 sets
Suitcase Long Step Walking Lunge; 30x0; 14-16 steps; rest 60 seconds x 4 sets
-155# for 4 x 10 on the RDL
-53# for 4 x 16 on the lunges
-155# for 4 x 10 on the RDL
-53# for 4 x 16 on the lunges
Barbell Hip Thrust; 20x2; 8-10 reps; rest 60 seconds x 4 sets
Goblet 1-1/4 Squat: 2111; 8-10 reps; rest 60 seconds x 4 sets (*2 second lower, 1 second pause at the boot, perform the 1/4 squat and back down and immediately rebound up, 1 second at top)
-175# for 4 x 10 on the thrusts
-53# for 4 x 8 on the squats
Bench Press
1 x 10 @ 120#
1 x 5 @ 170#
3 x 5 @ 200#
-Complete, all easy reps
T-Bar Row
3 x 10-12 reps (155#+)
-Complete, across 3 x 12 at 175#
-175# for 4 x 10 on the thrusts
-53# for 4 x 8 on the squats
Bench Press
1 x 10 @ 120#
1 x 5 @ 170#
3 x 5 @ 200#
-Complete, all easy reps
T-Bar Row
3 x 10-12 reps (155#+)
-Complete, across 3 x 12 at 175#
EMOM x 12 (4 sets) of:
Min 1 - 15 Russian KBS (72/53#)
Min 2 - 6-8 DB Burpee Box Steps Ups (50/35# DBs with box a knee height)
Min 3 - 30 seconds Russian Twists (45/25# plate)
-Complete, did 8 DB Burpee Box Step ups one the first round, then switch to 6 for the remaining 3 sets
-Complete, did 8 DB Burpee Box Step ups one the first round, then switch to 6 for the remaining 3 sets
3 Sets of:
DB Skull Crushers
3 x 12
Neutral Grip Curls (more than 72#)
3 x 12
-Complete, 2 x 35# DB for the skull crushers, 82# for the curls
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