Workout 1 of Week 4 ... modified today a bit ... changed the conditioning piece to 'Murph' ... it was supposed to be two 7 minute AMRAPs of bodyweight stuff... obviously we added a ton of volume, but my wife and I were both interested in giving 'Murph' a go.
3 Sets:
10m Monster Band Walks (forwards and backwards)
12 Banded Goblet Squats
12 Supine Band Lat Pull Over
Front Rack Drop Lunge; 30x0; 16-20 reps, alternating legs, rest 60 seconds x 3 sets
Supinated Strict Pull-ups; 2011; 8-10 reps; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets
-Lunges went 3 x 16 with 105#
-Pull-ups went 3 x 10 unbroken
KB Goblet Squat: 2111; 8-10 reps; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets
Incline Bench Prone Row: 30x1; 8-12 reps; rest 60 seconds x 3 sets
-Squats went 3 x 10, 10, 8 with 72# KB
-Rows across 3 x 10 with 2 x 50# DB
'Murph' (with a 20# vest)
1 Mile Run
100 Pull-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Squats
1 Mile Run
-40:29 ... overall enjoyed this ... mile splits went 8:20 and 9:59 ... had an additional transition from the start/ends of the mile runs to the pull-up bar, but overall probably only added between :30 and :45 seconds to the total time ... this is about a minute (39:17 from May 2017) of off my PR time, but I am happy with this given I haven't been training for this type of thing and focusing on strength. Fun way to start the day, hopefully I recover quickly and this doesn't mess up the rest of my regular training this week.
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