Tuesday, December 22, 2020


Overall had a decent session today... it was rough to get started... could definitely feel the lack of a rest day between this week's workouts... got everything in and added in a short bout of cardio given that my wife and I have both been craving to get in a bit of conditioning. Overall a good session, looking forward to training again tomorrow, despite the fact I'm extremely sore. 

Supinated Grip Pull-ups or Rack Chins
3 sets x 8-12 reps
You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-3x12 unweighted ... didn't push the loading here, was just too sore/fatigued 
Lat Pulldowns (Narrow Grip)
3 sets x 10-15 reps
You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-3x15 with 115# 

One Arm Dumbbell Row
2 sets x 10-15 reps
10 - 15 reps per side. You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-2x10 with 100# DB
Cable Side Raises
2 sets x 10-15 reps
You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-2x15 with 1 cross over symmetry band 
Dumbbell Bent-Over Side Raises
2 sets x 10-15 reps
You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-2x10 with 2x25# DB
Barbell Curls
2 sets x 6-12 reps
You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-2x10 with 85# fat-bar 
Dumbbell Shrugs
2 sets x 8-15 reps
You can choose the amount of reps as long as it is within the suggested range.

-2x15 with 100# DBs 
Ski 250/200m 
10 Supine Toes-to-Bar (3 sec lowering) 

Rest 3 minutes

Bike 10/8 Cals 
10 Double KB Windshield Wipers (53s/35s) 
10 KB Gorilla Rows (53/35s) 

-Complete ... got between 3-4 rounds on each interval... overall fun/got my HR up 

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