Monday, January 10, 2011


1/7 - 'Badger' - 3 Rounds for time: 30 Cleans @ 95 lbs, 30 Pull-ups, 800m Run. I got just over 30 minutes, my best time on this was a little over 28 when I did it last spring. I was in much better running shape back then. I wanted to PR, but between my aerobic capacity being less conditioned and my arms extremely sore from all the weeks pull-ups/muscle-ups I just didn't have it in me. Great workout though.

After about 10 minute rest I did: 30,25,20,15,10,5 of: Double-unders, GHD Sit-ups, GHD Extensions, and KTE. I didn't time it but I did it as fast as possible. I didn't break up any of the sets and the double-unders came easily. Great core workout.

1/8 - Hero WOD 'Rankel' - AMR in 20 Minutes: 6 x 225 lb deadlifts, 7 Burpee Pull-ups, 10 x 70 lb KB Swing, 200 m run. I got 6 rounds and then through the burpee pull-ups on the 7th round. Great conditioning WOD.

1/9 - Rest

1/10 - 'Grace' (modified) 30 x 135 lb Clean and Jerk for time. I got about 8 minutes. I did all the reps with a full squat clean and split jerks, not push-jerks. I could have gone a way faster had it been the regular 'grace' with power cleans and push-jerks, but I really need to work on and stay disciplined with my form on the split jerks.

After that WOD I did 10 Turkish Get-Ups (5 a side) with a 70 lb KB. These were great, I had never done so many with such a heavy weight, it felt good.

Then the second WOD was AMR in 12 minutes of: 2 rope climbs, 10 burpees. I don't remember how many rounds I got but this workout was intense and good. I had never gotten so exhausted on the rope before. Good day.

I'm looking great in the mirror, I've leaned out since the binge of the time between Christmas Eve and New Years Day. I'm excited to keep my diet in check, diet will start being posted tomorrow.

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