I wanted to get some activity in today, despite the two-a-day yesterday and the fact that I'm extremely sore. I thought about exactly what workout I should do and came up with a nice WOD myself. I wanted to work skills and get some conditioning in; I'm happy with the conclusion I came to.
First for a warm-up I did 'Annie' for time, I got 6:55. I was happy with this time, I'm getting much faster with the DUs but I want to be under 6 minutes.
Then I took a short break for a few minutes and then did 10 x 250m row. In between each set was a 30 second hand-stand lockout and 3 dead-hang pull-ups with a 35 lb kettle-bell. There was no rest. I recorded the 250m times, all of them were between 45-49 seconds. The workout was great. I was really spent by the end of it. I was really happy I got all the lockouts straight through.
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