Tuesday, January 18, 2011


I didn't feel great yesterday during the WODs so I ended up carbing up quite a bit; 350-400 grams yesterday. It helped me recover a lot and I felt decent when I got in the gym today. The workout was:

5 Rounds:

2 Ground to Overhead with 200lb
50,40,30,20,10 DUs (one set each round)

This workout would ideally be done in under 7 minutes. I could barely do singles of the 200 lbs. It was a PR for me overhead (previous PR 195). So it was awesome that I set a PR and got a lot of solid reps of power cleans/push-presses with 200 lbs, but I didn't do it in the time limit. My split-jerk is terrible, I wouldn't even attempt 200 lbs on that lift considering my form is not proper. I need to get with a Olympic weightlifting coach in the near future. I rested about 5 minutes and then did the second WOD.

The second workout was a longer metcon. It was as follows:

50 Wall-balls
40 Pull-ups
30 Ring-dips
20 Power Snatch (115)
10 Burpees
20 Shoulder to Overhead (115) - I did push-presses for every rep
30 70 LB KB Swings
40 Box Jumps (36")
50 Double-Unders

My time was a little over 22 minutes. I felt pretty good on all the things that didn't involve my shoulders. I could have done this workout a lot faster had I not done these two workouts back to back. I still got a great workout and really enjoyed setting a PR.

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