Today was a very challenging day. It was demoralizing to not do well on the workouts, but it was also good, in a way, to get my ass handed to me by some of these WODs. The workout was:
As many rounds in 4 minutes:
325 lb Dead Lift x 4
4 Muscle-ups
Rest 8 minutes
As many rounds in 6 minutes:
185 lb Cleans x 6
Hand-stand Push-ups x 12
Rest 6 minutes
As many rounds in 8 minutes:
500m row
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-ups
10 Burpees
I got 2 rounds and 4 dead lifts for the first workout; 2 rounds for the second workout; and 2 rounds and 350m on the last workout. Compared to other times I've been looking at I did not do well on these workouts. The muscle-ups really got me on the first workout. I blew through the dead lifts like they were nothing. For the second workout it was definitely the cleans. 185 for a full clean is not easy for me. 6 months ago it was my 1 rep max. The HSPU were challenging, but I went through both sets unbroken. The last workout played more to my strengths. I'm confident with my rowing ability and pull-ups/burpees are literally nothing compared to muscle-ups and 185 lb cleans. Over all it was a challenging day. I want to do this workout again in the near future.
The guy I train with and I are both consistent and solid athletes, these workouts just kicked our ass. I suppose that's the beauty of crossfit, there is always something new and challenging that can be learned and developed. I'm looking forward to resting the rest of today and probably taking a nap. I'm going to start breaking down my diet next week.
Also I just became aware a bunch of the links to pictures I had on here are broken. Sorry about that, they were links from the site of the gym I train at and they took them down. I will try and get my camera in the gym more often in the future.
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