Wednesday, November 16, 2011


I felt good on the strength today, but felt horrible doing HSPU (what else is new?). I didn't have much in my shoulders today for HSPUs, but everything else went fine. I felt strong on my lifts and went hard on the WOD. The workout was the most hardcore work capacity I've done in a while, it was good stuff.

Bench Press - Triples - 176,185,196,207 (f), 207 (f) - Needed spots on the last reps of the last two sets, but overall felt decent on these. My bench press is weak, but I'm improving a bit.

Rest 5 minutes then....

For time:

#185 Back Squat

-My time was 17:15. I should be able to this WOD in about 6 minutes. I blew through the squats like they were air squats. I was doing HSPUs as singles by 7 reps into the set of 21. My shoulders didn't feel good. Between the heavy overhead yesterday and the bench press today this was brutal.

Rest 10 minutes then....

With 2 x #40 DB, 3 Rounds for time:

10 Renegade Rows
20 Front Squats
30 Push-Press
100 ft Lunge
200m Farmers Carry

-27.15. This was solid work capacity. I broke up everything but the renegade rows and front squats. The push-press was 3 sets of 10 every time. I would break up the lunge and farmers carry with a rest half-way between each. This was just brutal on the grip. Solid stuff.

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