Today was a filled with a disappointment and one of the greatest WODs/efforts I've ever put out. Such is crossfit.
1000 - WOD 5
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
3 KB (2 pood) pulls (attached to a rope and pulley)
6 Thrusters 115#
My score was horrible on this workout. I got 44th out of 51. I speculate the judge posted my rounds incorrectly. I don't know though, I should have checked what he had written down before I walked off the WOD area. I ripped my hand and bled a lot during this workout. The pulley thing I had never seen before or done. It was easy to pull up, but extremely hard on the grip to lower down. It was obvious who had done these before and who hadn't. This was extremely frustrating to place poorly after doing so well in other events. The thrusters went as fast as air squats.
1315 - WOD 6:
With a 135# barbell, 5 RFT:
5 Clean and Jerk
5 Snatch
My time was 7.52, getting 10th place overall. This was an awesome performance. I killed this workout. The men that beat me were either crossfit games athletes or top 10 regional athletes. This was a legit workout and I went crazy hard. The feeling afterward was amazing.
Overall reflecting on this competition I have to say it was awesome. This is my third competition since August and I have to say I was much more confident about this competition than I was about any other I've done. I'm starting to compete with (and beat) world class crossfit athletes. I'm no longer nervous in competition, but I still have a few weaknesses. This competition exposed them further. I need to completely master the HSPU and get comfortable with high-rep double-unders (sets of 100+ unbroken).
Such a great experience, such great people, I love crossfit.
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