Saturday, November 5, 2011


The second day is over and I'm happy about my performance. The scores are not yet finalized, I will post them tomorrow.

0800 - 5k run. I went out hard and fast. Ended up slowing down a bit after the first mile and then setting into a solid pace for the last mile and half-ish. I was happy with my performance, I was in the 10-15 ish place. The run wasn't timed, it was all by place and I didn't have a watch so I don't know what I ran. It was well under 22 minutes though; probably around 20. I was happy with how this went, it was awesome to run against some great athletes and beat them. I ran in my new shoes, they were murder on my calves. This was a terrible way to break in a new pair of a 'bare-foot' running shoes. I like them a lot for WODs, not so much for a 5k run. I'm fearing that they are going to be totally useless tomorrow, we shall see.

1045 - This workout had two scoring elements: one for max double-unders and one for a metcon for time. On a 9 minute clock: 2 minute AMRAP double unders, then for time: 21-15-9 115 lb shoulder to overhead and bar-facing burpees. I scored only about 120 double-unders. I definitely blame my calves being tight from the 5k with the new shoes and my injury that occurred only 9 days ago. I could have done more had I been 100%, but even if I was fresh double-unders are something I need to work on. I'm definitely going to program in more work on these in the near future. The shoulder to overhead was easy and the burpees were tough. I did decent in the metcon portion of this workout.

1345 - This workout was a little tricky and also had two scoring components. The athletes chose their own weight for a 20 rep max, has to be unbroken, front squat. Only one athlete failed at the front squat. I chose 165 lbs. I blew through it, I should have gone heavier, but then my metcon time would have been slower because both the set of 20 and the metcon were on the same clock. So athletes that chose a light weight could blow through the squats and get to the metcon quickly; whereas choosing heavy weight athletes could score better for the weight portion of the score, but then would lose time on the metcon. It was an interesting WOD, I really liked it. It looked like this:

On a 10 minute clock:
20 Rep Max (athlete choose weight) Front Squat - I chose 165 lb, these went really fast, should have gone heavier.
3 RFT: 20 HR Push-ups, 10 Front Rolls/Tucks - I'd never done a forward roll before, these were fun and dizzying. I was a little nervous about them just because I'd never done them, but was able to get into a fast pace. I did this WOD fast and the majority of athletes did a lot less than 165 lbs.

Overall a great day. The event is run very well and Canadians are the nicest people I've ever met. Today was awesome, I'm extremely excited to see where I sit in the standings and to compete again tomorrow.

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