Tuesday, December 20, 2011


AM Workout (0730)

Today was a little less than satisfying. I didn't set a PR when I was trying to. I got under 262# twice for behind the neck jerks, but then I lost it both times on the recovery. The load didn't feel impossibly heavy on my shoulders. I really just need a little bit more coaching and I could set some huge PRs. Lifting alone blows, especially at the lifts you are worst at. This was upsetting, but I realize I'm not going to PR every session in the gym, it's just not realistically what happens.

On a more positive note, I set a huge PR on 2011 open workout 11.2. This morning looked like this:

Behind the Neck Jerk - Singles - 220, 240 x 2, missed 262 twice (current PR 250)

Rest 10 minutes then...

9 Dead Lifts @ 155#
12 HR Push-ups
15 Box Jumps 24"

I got 12 rounds and 9 dead-lifts. This is a huge improvement over my previous 9 rounds and 9 box jumps. I was happy with my effort today. I got all the dead-lifts and box jumps unbroken and fast. The only thing that slowed down my time was the push-ups, although they were a hell of a lot better than they were in March last time I did this. The box jumps slowed me down in March, today they felt like recovery. My metcon is much better and I'm stronger than I've ever been. This makes me happy about my accomplishments and progress. My new goal on this workout is 14 rounds even. If I wasn't doing this alone I probably could have gotten a few more reps, maybe another entire round. I was pacing the push-ups a bit, I never gassed out and started doing them as singles like in March. I didn't feel as gassed as in March either. Overall a good session, despite the missed PR on the jerk. Excited for this afternoon!

PM Workout (1200)

This morning didn't take a whole lot out of me. I felt great this afternoon. It looked like this:

For time:
50 Power Cleans @ 200#

6.47. Went head to head with a good athlete and went as hard as possible. I did all the reps as singles, but took barely any rest. This was an awesome workout. I want to do this again at 225.

Rest 10 minutes then...

7 x 750m Row @ 3 minutes rest

All the 750s were in the 2:30-35 range. This was a great workout. I felt decent and tried to keep my pace consistent. I didn't really go all out at any point. Solid day, excited for a rest day tomorrow and another two-a-day Thursday.

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