Tuesday, April 3, 2012


AM Workout (1100)

I felt really good today. Had a great athlete to train with and we went hard. The lifting was solid; PR and the best squatting I've done since the knee injury. Did a lot of squatting with zero pain and felt strong. The metcon was rough, high volume HSPU that gassed out hard after the jerks. Overall a solid session though.

Rack Jerk - Singles - 196, 220, 242, 251 (PR)

Back Squat - Work up to 90% for 5 singles (335#)

Rest 10 minutes then...

For time:


Front Squat (155#)
Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

I finished this in just over 17 minutes. This is obviously really slow. I had to break up the HSPU a ton; everything else was unbroken and fast. Half way through the set of 12 HSPU, I was doing singles. Everything else in my fitness is going well, my HSPU are just awful. Overall a solid training session though.

PM Workout (1730)

I felt pretty good this afternoon, had a solid second session.

I didn't time the runs or double-unders, just the rest periods. Went for intensity and everything felt good. This was a really good aerobic/skill session; it's really good practice coming off 100% oxygen debt to the rope. Solid stuff.

800m Run
50 Double-unders
Rest 2 minutes
600m Run
50 Double-unders
Rest 2 minutes
400m Run
50 Double-unders
Rest 2 minutes
200m Run
50 Double-unders

Rest 10 minutes then...

For time:
50 Burpee/Knee-to-elbow/Toe-to-bar (1 rep is a burpee, then a knee-to-elbow, then a toe-to-bar without coming off the pull-up bar).

9.40. I came close to tearing towards the end, so I was at a little less than 100% at the very end of the workout. This was harder than I thought it would be. It was much less lungs and more core than I thought it would be. Overall solid though. Excited to train tomorrow.

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