AM Workout (1030)
This morning was a solid snatch session. A large part of my training earlier in the training year (last May to December) I had a session like this basically every day that I was coming off a rest day. It payed off big, my snatch is a lot better than it was a year ago, but I definitely have got a lot of room to improve. Anyway, solid AM strength session; it looked like this:
Snatch - work up to a medium heavy single - 176#.
Back to down to 155#, 1 rep EMOM for 10 minutes.
Snatch Pulls - 3 x 3 @ 100% (196#)
-2 x 2 @ 120% (246#)
Snatch Grip Dead-lift and Shrug - 3 x 3 @ 120% (246#)
Snatch Grip Push-Press - 5,4,2,4 - 135, 176, 196, 176 - backed off toward the end of this, was going to go for a heavy single, but my shoulders were just too fried.
Rest 10 minutes then...
5 Rounds for time:
15 Hand-Release Push-ups
10 Overhead Squats (95#)
6.20. Shoulders were totally ruined after this WOD. It was quite a burner. I had to break up the last two sets of push-ups, everything else unbroken. Solid AM session.
PM Workout (1830)
I felt awesome this afternoon. It was definitely the best I've felt in a while. I felt really fit, everything went well. This was a good conditioning session, looked like this:
For time:
1000m row into...
4 Rounds:
40 Double-unders
30 Russian Twists (10 KG plate)
20 Sumo-Dead-lift-High-Pull (95# barbell)
10 Knee-to-Elbow
800m Sandbag run (40#)
20.26. Solid metcon. I came off the rower in 3:20. Everything unbroken aside from one mistake on the double-unders and the SDHPs, had to break those up due to huge forearm/bicep pump. I was happy with my performance on the double-unders; legs are kinda fried from the last few days and I was able to step it up and only miss one rep. Everything felt good, lungs feel great. Excited to train again tomorrow.
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