I had an amazing workout today. I got with a great athlete and we went hard as hell. I had to dig deep throughout this session. There was a lot of going beyond. I feel extremely motivated for the 2013 season. Now that the stress of regionals is over I can thoroughly enjoy training. I love going beyond perceived limits, that's what crossfit is all about for me. This session was not just going through the motions, the EMOM at the end took 100% effort.
Overhead Squat - 3,3,3,3 - 176, 196, 216, 225# (new 3 RM)
Back Squat - 8,8,5,5 - 280, 300, 320, 340# (new 5 RM)
Rest 10 minutes then...
For time:
Front Squats (95#)
6.53. Burner. I had to break up some of the sets. I was trying to go unbroken, but after the squats that just wasn't happening.
Rest 15 minutes then...
EMOM for 14 minutes:
Odd Minutes: 1 Power Clean + 5 Front Squats (200#)
Even Minutes: 5 Pull-ups, 10 HR push-ups, 20 Double-unders
-This EMOM was killer. I was trying to go to 20 minutes, but failed the round at 15 and called it a day. This was an awesome session. I was super stoked about the overhead and back squat PRs. Great day.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
Today was the first day of my 2013 season. I had a great workout. This was the most fun I've had in a while. I was just doing a workout to workout and have fun and push hard. It was awesome! Although I'm not going to games this year, I got this workout off of Spencer Hendel's blog (a games qualified athlete). He qualified this weekend and took two days off and hit this workout today. I figured I'd follow his stuff considering I went to regionals this weekend too. It ended up being a great session.
Close Grip Bench Press - 5 x 5 @ 175#
-Each set super-set with 10 Dead-hang Pull-ups
Rest 10 minutes then...
5 Rounds for time:
50 Double-unders
25 Push-Press (75#)
7.23. I felt awesome on this WOD, I missed two double-unders, the push-press went pretty fast. I only got the first two sets unbroken though.
Rest 10 minutes then...
EMOM for 20 minutes:
-Even minutes: 3 Power Clean and Push-Jerk @ 190#
-Odd minutes: 10 Toes-to-bar
This EMOM ended up being really hard. The last 4 minutes I had only a few seconds left before transitioning to the next movement. Overall an awesome day. I felt great. Excited about this next year of work.
Close Grip Bench Press - 5 x 5 @ 175#
-Each set super-set with 10 Dead-hang Pull-ups
Rest 10 minutes then...
5 Rounds for time:
50 Double-unders
25 Push-Press (75#)
7.23. I felt awesome on this WOD, I missed two double-unders, the push-press went pretty fast. I only got the first two sets unbroken though.
Rest 10 minutes then...
EMOM for 20 minutes:
-Even minutes: 3 Power Clean and Push-Jerk @ 190#
-Odd minutes: 10 Toes-to-bar
This EMOM ended up being really hard. The last 4 minutes I had only a few seconds left before transitioning to the next movement. Overall an awesome day. I felt great. Excited about this next year of work.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
Further complete rest. Body is still thoroughly sore throughout. Slept 10 hours last night and I took a 3 hour nap today.
Monday, May 28, 2012
Complete rest; no I'm not doing Murph today like every other crossfitter in the world. I slept just over 12 hours last night, it was necessary. My body feels better than it did yesterday.
Also, crossfit chicks are just so much hotter than the general population. I didn't realize it this weekend, but now that I'm back around regular Americans and not crossfitters the chicks are a lot less hot. Almost every girl at regionals was hot, now it's back to the regular people and it's just kind of like wow, crossfit is awesome.
Also, crossfit chicks are just so much hotter than the general population. I didn't realize it this weekend, but now that I'm back around regular Americans and not crossfitters the chicks are a lot less hot. Almost every girl at regionals was hot, now it's back to the regular people and it's just kind of like wow, crossfit is awesome.
Sunday, May 27, 2012
Event 5 was awesome. I love snatching. At the end of the Open in 2011 my max snatch was 135# and my max overhead squat was 155#. To be out here snatching 195# and barely missing 205# in a regional competition a year later is mind boggling to me. I didn't miss any double-unders, just stayed calm and got the work done. My back was extremely tight and sore, it was difficult to get into a full depth overhead squat considering how sore/tight/generally exhausted I was. I power snatched every rep, just above parallel because I couldn't get to full depth. I'm really happy with 195#, I was missing it a few times last week when I was giving it a go in the gym. I couldn't have done much more, 205# would have been a PR. I thought I had it, but it got away from me on the way up.
2012 Regionals was an amazing experience. I can't believe how nervous I was. The highs and lows of regionals was a bit of a roller coaster, but I love it all. I learned a lot and I'm ready for this next year of training. The quality of people in the crossfit community is unreal. This next year I will be using these workout as standards of my fitness. I'm a good athlete, I've come a long way. I've got a hell of a long way to go though and I'm stoked to take every step of this journey. I'm also excited to rest and relax for a few days and get back in the gym soon!
2012 Regionals was an amazing experience. I can't believe how nervous I was. The highs and lows of regionals was a bit of a roller coaster, but I love it all. I learned a lot and I'm ready for this next year of training. The quality of people in the crossfit community is unreal. This next year I will be using these workout as standards of my fitness. I'm a good athlete, I've come a long way. I've got a hell of a long way to go though and I'm stoked to take every step of this journey. I'm also excited to rest and relax for a few days and get back in the gym soon!
Day two. I wasn't extremely sore this morning. I was wrecked and asleep by 8 pm though.
Event 3
4 Rounds for time:
10 One-arm Dumbbell Snatch (100#)
200 ft Sprint
I ended up with a time of 7.23. This is so much better than I thought I was capable of; I was ecstatic at the finish of this workout. When I first practiced this workout (with a 200m run instead of ft) it took me 19 minutes. With some technique work on the snatch my best time on the this workout was ~9:30. To PR by two minutes on this workout was great. Between the crowd and the athletes around me that 100# felt really light. I just went for it. It was so great to PR by so much. Warming up for this workout I was nervous as hell. My left arm is not happy about a 1 arm DB Snatch at 100#, but I just kept going for it, I only missed 1 rep. When I first saw this workout I didn't even know if I could get the minimum amount of work done (10 reps). This is a perfect example of just stepping up and performing when given a challenge. I didn't hesitate, I didn't doubt myself, I just went for it. To me, that's what crossfit is all about.
Event 4
For time:
50 Back squats (135 / 95 lbs)
40 Pull-ups
30 Shoulder-to-overhead (135 / 95 lbs)
50 Front squats (85 / 65 lbs)
40 Pull-ups
30 Shoulder-to-overhead (85 / 65 lbs)
50 Overhead squats (65 / 45 lbs)
40 Pull-ups
30 Shoulder-to-overhead (65 / 45 lbs)
This event did not go as well I was hoping. By the time this event came around, my body was toasted. I did not feel recovered at all. About 10 reps into the back squats my legs started hurting. I got the set unbroken as planned, but it was slower than it should have been. What really got me on this workout was the pull-ups. My forearms were shot from all the hang cleans yesterday. It's amazing how taxed I felt on the pull-ups. When I practiced this workout my pull-up sets were 20/10/10 with short breaks. That plan went the hell out the window on the first set. At this point it was just a battle. The shoulder-to-overhead went pretty fast, but the overhead squats killed me. I didn't even get to the last set of pull-ups (I was somewhere in the middle of the last set of pull-ups when I practiced this workout). I was happy simply because I went as hard as I could given the conditions, but I wish I could have done better.
Lessons learned:
-Do more chippers. I was aware of this, I suck at chippers. Also do more chippers as the second workout of the day. I would never program a chipper as the second WOD of the day and I sure as hell felt that fact during this workout.
-Do more chippers with descending weights but uniform rep schemes. I never do workouts like this, I will do more of them this year.
-I was confident coming off of event 2 yesterday and I rode that confidence into event 3. Confidence can go a long way.
-Next year I will not watch other events. I will be lying down or foam rolling the entire time I'm not working out or warming up. I was wrecked by the end of the day. And when I say that I mean completely, more-so than I ever get from training.
Event 3
4 Rounds for time:
10 One-arm Dumbbell Snatch (100#)
200 ft Sprint
I ended up with a time of 7.23. This is so much better than I thought I was capable of; I was ecstatic at the finish of this workout. When I first practiced this workout (with a 200m run instead of ft) it took me 19 minutes. With some technique work on the snatch my best time on the this workout was ~9:30. To PR by two minutes on this workout was great. Between the crowd and the athletes around me that 100# felt really light. I just went for it. It was so great to PR by so much. Warming up for this workout I was nervous as hell. My left arm is not happy about a 1 arm DB Snatch at 100#, but I just kept going for it, I only missed 1 rep. When I first saw this workout I didn't even know if I could get the minimum amount of work done (10 reps). This is a perfect example of just stepping up and performing when given a challenge. I didn't hesitate, I didn't doubt myself, I just went for it. To me, that's what crossfit is all about.
Event 4
For time:
50 Back squats (135 / 95 lbs)
40 Pull-ups
30 Shoulder-to-overhead (135 / 95 lbs)
50 Front squats (85 / 65 lbs)
40 Pull-ups
30 Shoulder-to-overhead (85 / 65 lbs)
50 Overhead squats (65 / 45 lbs)
40 Pull-ups
30 Shoulder-to-overhead (65 / 45 lbs)
This event did not go as well I was hoping. By the time this event came around, my body was toasted. I did not feel recovered at all. About 10 reps into the back squats my legs started hurting. I got the set unbroken as planned, but it was slower than it should have been. What really got me on this workout was the pull-ups. My forearms were shot from all the hang cleans yesterday. It's amazing how taxed I felt on the pull-ups. When I practiced this workout my pull-up sets were 20/10/10 with short breaks. That plan went the hell out the window on the first set. At this point it was just a battle. The shoulder-to-overhead went pretty fast, but the overhead squats killed me. I didn't even get to the last set of pull-ups (I was somewhere in the middle of the last set of pull-ups when I practiced this workout). I was happy simply because I went as hard as I could given the conditions, but I wish I could have done better.
Lessons learned:
-Do more chippers. I was aware of this, I suck at chippers. Also do more chippers as the second workout of the day. I would never program a chipper as the second WOD of the day and I sure as hell felt that fact during this workout.
-Do more chippers with descending weights but uniform rep schemes. I never do workouts like this, I will do more of them this year.
-I was confident coming off of event 2 yesterday and I rode that confidence into event 3. Confidence can go a long way.
-Next year I will not watch other events. I will be lying down or foam rolling the entire time I'm not working out or warming up. I was wrecked by the end of the day. And when I say that I mean completely, more-so than I ever get from training.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Today was the first day of my first regional competition. I must say, it was a pretty exciting environment. Warming up with some games athletes and other athletes of similar caliber was intimidating. I've put in a ton of work to get where I am. I've got a long way to go and I'm already excited for next year.
Event 1
Dead-lift (225#)
-This was a rough experience. I definitely had the feeling like 'I'm that guy.' (being the one who qualified for regionals but is awful at HSPU). If there were HPSU in the 2012 Open I would not have qualified; straight up. I'm aware of this and there is a huge possibility that HSPU will be in next year's Open. They are my number one concern for this training year. My set of 21 was 6-5-5-5 and went quickly. I got 3 right out the gate on the set of 15 and then things went south. I was doing doubles and singles and getting a lot of no reps (not that this is an excuse at all for my placing in the WOD) about my hands slipping out of the space. I should have been more careful to begin with and placed my hands closer in, sweaty hands slip. If I didn't get the 6 or so no reps I could have got through my set of 9 dead-lifts. It wouldn't have mattered points wise, I would still have been in last place. So overall I was unhappy I didn't finish within the time cap, but when it comes down to it I did the best I could. I didn't get last place without fighting for every damn HSPU in that workout. What else could I do? So I might sound like the most positive person in the world, but I'm happy with my performance. I was the most nervous I've probably ever been in my life and I went out and went as hard as I could. I've got my work cut out for me... I need a sub 5 minute Diane in the next year. That's my number one priority. A year ago I couldn't do an RxD HSPU. The first year two years I did crossfit I couldn't even kick up into a handstand because my shoulders and/or elbows would give out while bearing my body weight in a lockout. Finishing in last, the other athletes that all finished came and cheered me on. There is nothing like words of encouragement from your fellow competitors to bust out a few more reps. To be out here with some amazing athletes going hard is a wonderful experience. I love crossfit.
Event 2
For time:
2000m Row
50 Pistols
30 Hang Cleans (225#)
This is an insanely awesome workout. I was excited. In the bull-pen with my judge my heart rate was literally elevated. I was making small talk with my judge and the athletes around me just to calm the hell down. Walking out to the rower... the spectators, the cameras, the noise, the lights, it's just like wow, I'm so happy to be here and do my thing. I didn't row the 2k nearly as fast as I had practiced, I rowed about a 7:30. This was 30 seconds slower than I originally planned, but I changed the plan because I didn't want to be too gassed out for the cleans. This workout isn't about the row or the pistols, it's all about the strength of the hang clean. I knew this and paced the row and pistols accordingly to save some steam for the hang cleans. Once I got to that bar I took a solid break, let my heart rate slow and then I banged out 4 reps the first set, then 3 and then a lot of 2s and some sets of 3s mixed in. I ended up with 24 cleans. I thought I had 25 on the judges sheet when I signed it, but whatever, either way this was more than when I practiced (17 reps that were all done as singles). I was ecstatic with this performance. Last year when I left my previous gym (May 2011) my 1 Rep Max Squat Clean (not from the hang) was 215#. To be linking 225# hang power cleans out here in a regional competition a year later makes anything feel possible. Just put in hard work and it will come. I love crossfit. I love the challenge. I love stepping up and attempting what seems impossible. I really surprised myself today.
-Primary goals of the next year:
1) sub 5 'Diane'
2) Bodyweight Strict Press
3) 300# Bench press
4) Make it to the final cut of the 2013 regional.
-Lessons learned today:
- Watch my heat times more closely during competition. This is crossfit and things change on the fly. I warmed up 30 minutes early for the second event because unbeknownst to me the heats changed. I don't know how this affected my performance, but that was 30 minutes more I could have been resting.
-Get a coach. I will never compete at this level again without a coach focused solely on my performance. I get inside my head when warming up with great athletes that I have insane respect for. There are things I can compete with them on and there are things that they can just destroy me on. It gets to me, especially when I have no one but myself to ponder the next workout with. I want a coach that understands me, knows my strengths and weaknesses and how I move and do work. It is how I will take things to another level. Even in 2013 if it's simply a training partner that is a mutual coach/someone to bounce ideas off of; I just need someone there.
-There is a difference between wanting to win and just wanting to survive. In both workouts today I was just surviving. In the future I want to be prepared enough to go in to win, not just survive.
-Nothing is impossible. A few years ago I was just some fat kid. Today I'm doing things I didn't know were possible. Today has really made me want to step up my game for next year. Today has made me shred every ounce of self-doubt I've had (believe me there's been a lot). My abilities/skill/strength may not be where they need to be. But they are better than they ever have been and they will keep getting better.
-Never back down from a challenge and never hesitate. If you ever exhibit self-doubt or hesitation you will never know what you are truly capable of accomplishing.
Event 1
Dead-lift (225#)
-This was a rough experience. I definitely had the feeling like 'I'm that guy.' (being the one who qualified for regionals but is awful at HSPU). If there were HPSU in the 2012 Open I would not have qualified; straight up. I'm aware of this and there is a huge possibility that HSPU will be in next year's Open. They are my number one concern for this training year. My set of 21 was 6-5-5-5 and went quickly. I got 3 right out the gate on the set of 15 and then things went south. I was doing doubles and singles and getting a lot of no reps (not that this is an excuse at all for my placing in the WOD) about my hands slipping out of the space. I should have been more careful to begin with and placed my hands closer in, sweaty hands slip. If I didn't get the 6 or so no reps I could have got through my set of 9 dead-lifts. It wouldn't have mattered points wise, I would still have been in last place. So overall I was unhappy I didn't finish within the time cap, but when it comes down to it I did the best I could. I didn't get last place without fighting for every damn HSPU in that workout. What else could I do? So I might sound like the most positive person in the world, but I'm happy with my performance. I was the most nervous I've probably ever been in my life and I went out and went as hard as I could. I've got my work cut out for me... I need a sub 5 minute Diane in the next year. That's my number one priority. A year ago I couldn't do an RxD HSPU. The first year two years I did crossfit I couldn't even kick up into a handstand because my shoulders and/or elbows would give out while bearing my body weight in a lockout. Finishing in last, the other athletes that all finished came and cheered me on. There is nothing like words of encouragement from your fellow competitors to bust out a few more reps. To be out here with some amazing athletes going hard is a wonderful experience. I love crossfit.
Event 2
For time:
2000m Row
50 Pistols
30 Hang Cleans (225#)
This is an insanely awesome workout. I was excited. In the bull-pen with my judge my heart rate was literally elevated. I was making small talk with my judge and the athletes around me just to calm the hell down. Walking out to the rower... the spectators, the cameras, the noise, the lights, it's just like wow, I'm so happy to be here and do my thing. I didn't row the 2k nearly as fast as I had practiced, I rowed about a 7:30. This was 30 seconds slower than I originally planned, but I changed the plan because I didn't want to be too gassed out for the cleans. This workout isn't about the row or the pistols, it's all about the strength of the hang clean. I knew this and paced the row and pistols accordingly to save some steam for the hang cleans. Once I got to that bar I took a solid break, let my heart rate slow and then I banged out 4 reps the first set, then 3 and then a lot of 2s and some sets of 3s mixed in. I ended up with 24 cleans. I thought I had 25 on the judges sheet when I signed it, but whatever, either way this was more than when I practiced (17 reps that were all done as singles). I was ecstatic with this performance. Last year when I left my previous gym (May 2011) my 1 Rep Max Squat Clean (not from the hang) was 215#. To be linking 225# hang power cleans out here in a regional competition a year later makes anything feel possible. Just put in hard work and it will come. I love crossfit. I love the challenge. I love stepping up and attempting what seems impossible. I really surprised myself today.
-Primary goals of the next year:
1) sub 5 'Diane'
2) Bodyweight Strict Press
3) 300# Bench press
4) Make it to the final cut of the 2013 regional.
-Lessons learned today:
- Watch my heat times more closely during competition. This is crossfit and things change on the fly. I warmed up 30 minutes early for the second event because unbeknownst to me the heats changed. I don't know how this affected my performance, but that was 30 minutes more I could have been resting.
-Get a coach. I will never compete at this level again without a coach focused solely on my performance. I get inside my head when warming up with great athletes that I have insane respect for. There are things I can compete with them on and there are things that they can just destroy me on. It gets to me, especially when I have no one but myself to ponder the next workout with. I want a coach that understands me, knows my strengths and weaknesses and how I move and do work. It is how I will take things to another level. Even in 2013 if it's simply a training partner that is a mutual coach/someone to bounce ideas off of; I just need someone there.
-There is a difference between wanting to win and just wanting to survive. In both workouts today I was just surviving. In the future I want to be prepared enough to go in to win, not just survive.
-Nothing is impossible. A few years ago I was just some fat kid. Today I'm doing things I didn't know were possible. Today has really made me want to step up my game for next year. Today has made me shred every ounce of self-doubt I've had (believe me there's been a lot). My abilities/skill/strength may not be where they need to be. But they are better than they ever have been and they will keep getting better.
-Never back down from a challenge and never hesitate. If you ever exhibit self-doubt or hesitation you will never know what you are truly capable of accomplishing.
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Active recovery. I feel good, low back is a little tight, but nothing crazy.
Long roll out/dynamic warm-up session.
Not for time / SUPER easy:
3 Rounds:
500m Row (1:59/500m - 22 SPM)
5 Toe-to-bar
5 Pull-ups
5 Front Squats (135#)
5 Split Jerks (135#)
10 KB Swings (53#)
Went through this methodically as an extended warm-up. It felt great to get some movement in. Rolled out some more and stretched afterward. Excited for this weekend!
Long roll out/dynamic warm-up session.
Not for time / SUPER easy:
3 Rounds:
500m Row (1:59/500m - 22 SPM)
5 Toe-to-bar
5 Pull-ups
5 Front Squats (135#)
5 Split Jerks (135#)
10 KB Swings (53#)
Went through this methodically as an extended warm-up. It felt great to get some movement in. Rolled out some more and stretched afterward. Excited for this weekend!
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Today was my last training session of the 2012 season. It's a been a great year with a lot of progress. Today was not at all taxing; I'm winding things down.
For time:
5.15. Everything went pretty quick. I thought this was going to be my first unbroken 'Annie', but I missed two double-unders during the set of 40. Everything else was unbroken. My heart rate was barely elevated after this, I definitely feel conditioned.
Rest 15 minutes then...
6 Rounds on a 2 minute clock @ 2 minutes rest:
300m Row, in the Remaining Time Max Reps:
Round 1 and 4: Wall Balls
Round 2 and 5: 2 Pood Swings
Round 3 and 6: Burpees
26, 15, 19
21, 12, 17
Rest 5 minutes then...
Tabata Handstand Hold.
Overall I feel fit. My strength is going to take a few more years to develop. I also need to put in further time with my advanced gymnastics skills. Since starting Crossfit I've come farther than I thought possible. It's been unreal. I'm excited to compete at this level and more excited for the years to come!
For time:
5.15. Everything went pretty quick. I thought this was going to be my first unbroken 'Annie', but I missed two double-unders during the set of 40. Everything else was unbroken. My heart rate was barely elevated after this, I definitely feel conditioned.
Rest 15 minutes then...
6 Rounds on a 2 minute clock @ 2 minutes rest:
300m Row, in the Remaining Time Max Reps:
Round 1 and 4: Wall Balls
Round 2 and 5: 2 Pood Swings
Round 3 and 6: Burpees
26, 15, 19
21, 12, 17
Rest 5 minutes then...
Tabata Handstand Hold.
Overall I feel fit. My strength is going to take a few more years to develop. I also need to put in further time with my advanced gymnastics skills. Since starting Crossfit I've come farther than I thought possible. It's been unreal. I'm excited to compete at this level and more excited for the years to come!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Today was a solid session, no heavy lifting, but definitely got my metcon going. Looked like this:
6,4,2,2,2 - Strict HSPU + Rest 30 seconds then max reps Kipping HSPU - 6,4,4,4,3
Rest 10 minutes then...
Squat Snatch (135#)
-I came in just over 7 minutes. My muscle-ups felt pretty weak today, between Saturday and all the HSPUs before this my shoulders gave out fast. On a positive note, I linked 135# squat snatches very well and 135# felt extremely light. If totally fresh I could probably go faster. My time was about a minute slower than my PR, but I think that on that PR the muscle-ups weren't as legit (no turn-out), because the rings were low to the ground. Anyway, I'm happy with my effort and love this workout, I wish it was at regionals this year!
Rest 10 minutes then...
EMOM for 10 minutes:
20 Double-unders
5 Pull-ups
10 HR Push-ups
Rest 1 minute...
For time:
50 Pistols
-2.35. Pistols felt good, just kept a solid pace and went through them. Excited for event 2 on Friday!
6,4,2,2,2 - Strict HSPU + Rest 30 seconds then max reps Kipping HSPU - 6,4,4,4,3
Rest 10 minutes then...
Squat Snatch (135#)
-I came in just over 7 minutes. My muscle-ups felt pretty weak today, between Saturday and all the HSPUs before this my shoulders gave out fast. On a positive note, I linked 135# squat snatches very well and 135# felt extremely light. If totally fresh I could probably go faster. My time was about a minute slower than my PR, but I think that on that PR the muscle-ups weren't as legit (no turn-out), because the rings were low to the ground. Anyway, I'm happy with my effort and love this workout, I wish it was at regionals this year!
Rest 10 minutes then...
EMOM for 10 minutes:
20 Double-unders
5 Pull-ups
10 HR Push-ups
Rest 1 minute...
For time:
50 Pistols
-2.35. Pistols felt good, just kept a solid pace and went through them. Excited for event 2 on Friday!
Saturday, May 19, 2012
I was a little tight throughout my body today, but not sore. Once I got warmed up I felt awesome. Today was a long and hard day, but I felt great the entire time. This is the last real training session before regionals (6 days away!). I started with a short burner and then did some heavier stuff. It looked like this:
For time:
Wall-ball (20# - 10 ft target)
KB Swing (53#)
4 minutes flat, unbroken. Got my heart rate up good, grip was feeling it. Solid sprint.
Rest 10 minutes then...
Every 2 minutes for 10 Sets:
10 Calorie Row
3 Hang Power Cleans (225#)
-This went well. The first two sets I did three singles, then the next 8 sets were all unbroken. I felt strong today. 225# has never felt so light. Huge confidence boost.
Rest 30 minutes then...
For time:
800m Run
9 Back Squats (275#)
18 Push-Press (135#)
800m Run
7 Back Squats (275#)
14 Push-Press (135#)
800m Run
5 Back Squats (275#)
10 Push-Press (135#)
17.03. This was an awesome metcon. I had to break up the back squats into two sets for the 9/7. The push-press went really fast. I felt good on the running, but by the third 800 I was dragging ass. Great day; the best I've had in a long while. This is what it's all about, stepping up and doing hard work.
For time:
Wall-ball (20# - 10 ft target)
KB Swing (53#)
4 minutes flat, unbroken. Got my heart rate up good, grip was feeling it. Solid sprint.
Rest 10 minutes then...
Every 2 minutes for 10 Sets:
10 Calorie Row
3 Hang Power Cleans (225#)
-This went well. The first two sets I did three singles, then the next 8 sets were all unbroken. I felt strong today. 225# has never felt so light. Huge confidence boost.
Rest 30 minutes then...
For time:
800m Run
9 Back Squats (275#)
18 Push-Press (135#)
800m Run
7 Back Squats (275#)
14 Push-Press (135#)
800m Run
5 Back Squats (275#)
10 Push-Press (135#)
17.03. This was an awesome metcon. I had to break up the back squats into two sets for the 9/7. The push-press went really fast. I felt good on the running, but by the third 800 I was dragging ass. Great day; the best I've had in a long while. This is what it's all about, stepping up and doing hard work.
Friday, May 18, 2012
AM Workout (0900)
I felt decent today, the rest yesterday was much needed. My metcon felt great, but my left shoulder was bugging me (from the benching on Tuesday), made the one-arm dumbbell snatch really slow. My right arm/shoulder felt really strong and I blew through the reps. I missed at least three reps on my left arm (didn't miss any last time). It was hot out and I didn't have chalk, that 100# dumbbell was really slipping in my hand. Overall a solid effort though.
2012 Regional Event 3
4 Rounds for time:
10 x Dumbbell Snatch (100#) (regional standard)
200 Foot Sprint
10:27. A minute slower than last time. Like I mentioned, the lack of chalk / heat / sweat/ sore shoulders made for a difficult time. I'm really looking to be under the cutoff at regionals, I was last week. My left arm just wasn't having this today.
Rest 10 minutes then...
5 Rounds On a 2 minute clock:
250m Row
-Remaining time AMR Burpees
-Rest 2 minutes
23,20,20,19,19 Burpees. Hard effort. I felt really good. This is the best aerobically/metcon I've felt in a while. The sheer pain of the last 5 burpees of each set of this reminded me why I love crossfit so much. It never gets easy and it's straight pain. I was unhappy with my slow time on Event 3, but overall a solid session.
PM Workout (1745)
I had a great afternoon session. Felt really good on the strength. The metcon got to me, it was a chipper, had to break it up more than I thought I would. I definitely need to do more chipper-style WODs this next year, I could feel this workout, a lot. Anyway, it looked like this:
Behind the Neck Jerk - Heavy Singles - 176, 196, 220, 240, 260# (PR - by 10 lbs)
Rest 10 minutes then...
For time:
25 HSPU (this took me about 3 minutes total, my HSPUs went out hard today)
50 Toes-to-bar
Run 800m
75 Push-Press (75#)
150 Double-unders
17.37. Everything took me longer than I thought, except the run. I felt fast and light on my feet. Had to break up the push-press and double-unders a lot more than I thought I would have to. Overall a great effort. Happy about the PR on the lifting. It went up super easy, could have gone up a bit more, but I'll save it to PR again soon. Good day, excited for Regionals in 7 days!
I felt decent today, the rest yesterday was much needed. My metcon felt great, but my left shoulder was bugging me (from the benching on Tuesday), made the one-arm dumbbell snatch really slow. My right arm/shoulder felt really strong and I blew through the reps. I missed at least three reps on my left arm (didn't miss any last time). It was hot out and I didn't have chalk, that 100# dumbbell was really slipping in my hand. Overall a solid effort though.
2012 Regional Event 3
4 Rounds for time:
10 x Dumbbell Snatch (100#) (regional standard)
200 Foot Sprint
10:27. A minute slower than last time. Like I mentioned, the lack of chalk / heat / sweat/ sore shoulders made for a difficult time. I'm really looking to be under the cutoff at regionals, I was last week. My left arm just wasn't having this today.
Rest 10 minutes then...
5 Rounds On a 2 minute clock:
250m Row
-Remaining time AMR Burpees
-Rest 2 minutes
23,20,20,19,19 Burpees. Hard effort. I felt really good. This is the best aerobically/metcon I've felt in a while. The sheer pain of the last 5 burpees of each set of this reminded me why I love crossfit so much. It never gets easy and it's straight pain. I was unhappy with my slow time on Event 3, but overall a solid session.
PM Workout (1745)
I had a great afternoon session. Felt really good on the strength. The metcon got to me, it was a chipper, had to break it up more than I thought I would. I definitely need to do more chipper-style WODs this next year, I could feel this workout, a lot. Anyway, it looked like this:
Behind the Neck Jerk - Heavy Singles - 176, 196, 220, 240, 260# (PR - by 10 lbs)
Rest 10 minutes then...
For time:
25 HSPU (this took me about 3 minutes total, my HSPUs went out hard today)
50 Toes-to-bar
Run 800m
75 Push-Press (75#)
150 Double-unders
17.37. Everything took me longer than I thought, except the run. I felt fast and light on my feet. Had to break up the push-press and double-unders a lot more than I thought I would have to. Overall a great effort. Happy about the PR on the lifting. It went up super easy, could have gone up a bit more, but I'll save it to PR again soon. Good day, excited for Regionals in 7 days!
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Today was a quick session. I usually take Wednesday as rest, but not this week, it was a good session. I barely warmed up, but had a good workout.
3 x 200m Hill Sprint @ walk down hill + 60 seconds as rest
3 x 100m Hill Sprint @ walking down hill + 60 seconds rest
Quick, high intensity. Good stuff for an early morning. Didn't time the intervals, just went as hard as possible on every one.
3 x 200m Hill Sprint @ walk down hill + 60 seconds as rest
3 x 100m Hill Sprint @ walking down hill + 60 seconds rest
Quick, high intensity. Good stuff for an early morning. Didn't time the intervals, just went as hard as possible on every one.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
I had a great session today. It was a little different than usual, but overall awesome. It was kind of an impromptu collaboration with my buddy. He's a solid athlete and we went hard. Looked like this:
3 Rounds @ 2 minutes rest:
On a 2 minute clock:
500m Row
-remaining time complete AMR double-unders
-22, 23, 20 double-unders
Rest 10 minutes then...
Bench Press 3,3,3,3,3 - 176, 185, 190, 198, 205 (f) (2 reps)
Straight into...
3 Rounds @ 4 minutes rest:
1 Minute: Max Reps Bench Press (135#)
1 Minute: Max Reps Strict Pull-ups
21 + 12
18 + 13
13 + 12
Rest 10 minutes then...
On a 10 minute clock:
800m Run into...
10 Squat Cleans (95#)
10 Toe-to-bar
40 Double-unders
3:20 on the 800 (was really slow, as slow as the weighted 800 I ran yesterday, I was gassed) then I got 3 rounds + 10 squat cleans on the AMR. Overall a solid session. Thoroughly toasted after this.
3 Rounds @ 2 minutes rest:
On a 2 minute clock:
500m Row
-remaining time complete AMR double-unders
-22, 23, 20 double-unders
Rest 10 minutes then...
Bench Press 3,3,3,3,3 - 176, 185, 190, 198, 205 (f) (2 reps)
Straight into...
3 Rounds @ 4 minutes rest:
1 Minute: Max Reps Bench Press (135#)
1 Minute: Max Reps Strict Pull-ups
21 + 12
18 + 13
13 + 12
Rest 10 minutes then...
On a 10 minute clock:
800m Run into...
10 Squat Cleans (95#)
10 Toe-to-bar
40 Double-unders
3:20 on the 800 (was really slow, as slow as the weighted 800 I ran yesterday, I was gassed) then I got 3 rounds + 10 squat cleans on the AMR. Overall a solid session. Thoroughly toasted after this.
Monday, May 14, 2012
AM Workout (1030)
I had a decent session this morning. The lifting was overall decent. Interesting metcon, put in some movements I don't usually do. Overall a good day; looked like this:
2 Position Clean (mid-thigh, floor) - 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2 (205,225,235#)
Front Squat - 78% x 3, 83% x 2, 88% x 1 (250, 270, 285#)
-83% x 3, 87% x 2, 92% x 1 (270, 280, 300#)
Back Squat - 75% x 3 x 4 (285#)
Push-Press - 5 x 5 @ 176# - went light and fast with short rest on these.
Rest 10 minutes then...
With a 25# Weighted Vest, For Time:
800m Run
8 Muscle-ups
200 ft Burpee Broad Jump
200 ft Walking Lunge
600m Run
6 Muscle-ups
150 ft Burpee Broad Jump
150 ft Walking Lunge
400m Run
4 Muscle-ups
100 ft Burpee Broad Jump
100 ft Walking Lunge
23.10. Overall a solid metcon. I felt pretty light with the vest on. The muscle-ups took some time, they were all done as singles. Good day, excited to train tomorrow.
PM Workout (1730)
I felt great this afternoon and was able to get in some quality intensity. Second session looked like this:
For time:
Power Clean (155#)
Chest-to-bar Pull-up
5.33. This was a burner on the arms. I gave myself a couple no reps on the pull-ups, had to be legit about it. Ended up doing 9 pull-ups during the last set, only 6 were chest-to-bar. This made my time suffer. Overall an awesome WOD though. Great intensity.
Rest 15 minutes then...
For time:
GHD Sit-ups
HR Push-ups
Unbroken in just over 3 minutes, 3:02. Went as hard as possible, pretty much at 100% speed the entire time. Solid finisher. Overall a great day. It feels good to be fit.
I had a decent session this morning. The lifting was overall decent. Interesting metcon, put in some movements I don't usually do. Overall a good day; looked like this:
2 Position Clean (mid-thigh, floor) - 70% x 2, 75% x 2, 80% x 2 (205,225,235#)
Front Squat - 78% x 3, 83% x 2, 88% x 1 (250, 270, 285#)
-83% x 3, 87% x 2, 92% x 1 (270, 280, 300#)
Back Squat - 75% x 3 x 4 (285#)
Push-Press - 5 x 5 @ 176# - went light and fast with short rest on these.
Rest 10 minutes then...
With a 25# Weighted Vest, For Time:
800m Run
8 Muscle-ups
200 ft Burpee Broad Jump
200 ft Walking Lunge
600m Run
6 Muscle-ups
150 ft Burpee Broad Jump
150 ft Walking Lunge
400m Run
4 Muscle-ups
100 ft Burpee Broad Jump
100 ft Walking Lunge
23.10. Overall a solid metcon. I felt pretty light with the vest on. The muscle-ups took some time, they were all done as singles. Good day, excited to train tomorrow.
PM Workout (1730)
I felt great this afternoon and was able to get in some quality intensity. Second session looked like this:
For time:
Power Clean (155#)
Chest-to-bar Pull-up
5.33. This was a burner on the arms. I gave myself a couple no reps on the pull-ups, had to be legit about it. Ended up doing 9 pull-ups during the last set, only 6 were chest-to-bar. This made my time suffer. Overall an awesome WOD though. Great intensity.
Rest 15 minutes then...
For time:
GHD Sit-ups
HR Push-ups
Unbroken in just over 3 minutes, 3:02. Went as hard as possible, pretty much at 100% speed the entire time. Solid finisher. Overall a great day. It feels good to be fit.
Active recovery. ~5 mile hike, rolling hills. Was great to be out in nature with some great weather.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Today was a solid training session. Squats felt surprisingly great and light. The metcon was good, but schooled me because of the hand-stand push-ups. But they are what I need to work on the most.
Back Squat:
75% x 3 - 285
80% x 2 - 305
85% x 1 - 325
80%x 3 - 305
85% x 2 - 325
90% x 1 - 345
Front Squat:
70% x 3 x 3 - 240
Rest 10 minutes then...
For time:
7 Rounds:
10 Wall-ball (20#)
10 Burpees (onto plate)
10 Knees-to-Elbows
5 HSPU (regional standard)
straight into....
400m Farmer Carry (2 x 53# KB)
26.57. Everything went pretty quick aside from the HSPU. The first 4 sets were unbroken, last 3 were 3/2. The farmer's walk really surprised me as well, it was hard as hell and I had to break it up a lot. Between the heavy hang cleans and 100 pull-ups yesterday my forearms and traps went out fast. This burned bad. Overall a solid session. I wish I was better at HSPU, but there's no way to wish my way there, just hard discouraging work like today.
Back Squat:
75% x 3 - 285
80% x 2 - 305
85% x 1 - 325
80%x 3 - 305
85% x 2 - 325
90% x 1 - 345
Front Squat:
70% x 3 x 3 - 240
Rest 10 minutes then...
For time:
7 Rounds:
10 Wall-ball (20#)
10 Burpees (onto plate)
10 Knees-to-Elbows
5 HSPU (regional standard)
straight into....
400m Farmer Carry (2 x 53# KB)
26.57. Everything went pretty quick aside from the HSPU. The first 4 sets were unbroken, last 3 were 3/2. The farmer's walk really surprised me as well, it was hard as hell and I had to break it up a lot. Between the heavy hang cleans and 100 pull-ups yesterday my forearms and traps went out fast. This burned bad. Overall a solid session. I wish I was better at HSPU, but there's no way to wish my way there, just hard discouraging work like today.
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Today was a great session. The first workout really built up my confidence. The second workout was a little discouraging. But overall it was good training.
AM Workout (1045)
2012 Regional Workout 3
4 Rounds for Time:
10 One-Arm Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (100#)
200 Foot Sprint
My time was 9:27. Within the cut-off! I felt a lot stronger on these than last week. It was a world of difference. I really focused on technique. I feel a lot better about this movement now. Looking to do this workout again next week.
Rest 45 minutes then...
For time:
50 Pull-ups
150 Double-unders
30 Hang Cleans (225#)
150 Double-unders
50 Pull-ups
25.10. This was a brutal workout. I got to the hang cleans in 5 minutes. I missed the first two reps and was extremely demoralized. It took me about 15 minutes to complete the hang-cleans. My second set of double-unders was actually faster than my first. The last set of pull-ups was broken up a lot, 10/10/10/9/6/5. Overall an extremely taxing session. Doing these 2012 regional workouts/load varations I feel like I'm restarting crossfit all over again. I guess this is a good thing. It's just drastically different from the mindset/mentality I'm used to. Overall humbling and good. I'm enjoying the journey. Excited to workout again soon.
PM Workout (1830)
I got out to the track in the afternoon. It was a beautiful sunny day, about 60 degrees with a moderate breeze. Definitely some good running weather. This, of all things, was surprisingly the most focused and intense effort I've put out in a long time. It was like I was blacked out off effort and once the workout was over I was back to reality. I used to do this every day; it was an amazing feeling to experience this amount of focus again. I've had a ton of complications out of my control taking place in my life. I am still getting in the gym enough and setting PRs here and there, but overall my training has deteriorated because of external influences. Today was the most 'back to normal' training I've felt. Today I experienced that level of absolute focus, absolute effort, that moment when I'm completely in the moment and at my best. Anyway, the workout was:
4 Rounds:
Max Distance Run in 4 Minutes
Rest 3 minutes
1150, 1100, 1075, 900 (ouch on the last one!)
Total: 4225m in 16:00.
This was brutal, as you can observe from the huge wall I hit on the last interval. I'd never done a workout like this, but going into it I thought in my mind I could go 1200 every round. This plan quickly went out the window. Going for max distance in a time is something new to me, but it's great conditioning! I had a great time today, body is definitely feeling toasted. I'm excited to train tomorrow.
AM Workout (1045)
2012 Regional Workout 3
4 Rounds for Time:
10 One-Arm Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (100#)
200 Foot Sprint
My time was 9:27. Within the cut-off! I felt a lot stronger on these than last week. It was a world of difference. I really focused on technique. I feel a lot better about this movement now. Looking to do this workout again next week.
Rest 45 minutes then...
For time:
50 Pull-ups
150 Double-unders
30 Hang Cleans (225#)
150 Double-unders
50 Pull-ups
25.10. This was a brutal workout. I got to the hang cleans in 5 minutes. I missed the first two reps and was extremely demoralized. It took me about 15 minutes to complete the hang-cleans. My second set of double-unders was actually faster than my first. The last set of pull-ups was broken up a lot, 10/10/10/9/6/5. Overall an extremely taxing session. Doing these 2012 regional workouts/load varations I feel like I'm restarting crossfit all over again. I guess this is a good thing. It's just drastically different from the mindset/mentality I'm used to. Overall humbling and good. I'm enjoying the journey. Excited to workout again soon.
PM Workout (1830)
I got out to the track in the afternoon. It was a beautiful sunny day, about 60 degrees with a moderate breeze. Definitely some good running weather. This, of all things, was surprisingly the most focused and intense effort I've put out in a long time. It was like I was blacked out off effort and once the workout was over I was back to reality. I used to do this every day; it was an amazing feeling to experience this amount of focus again. I've had a ton of complications out of my control taking place in my life. I am still getting in the gym enough and setting PRs here and there, but overall my training has deteriorated because of external influences. Today was the most 'back to normal' training I've felt. Today I experienced that level of absolute focus, absolute effort, that moment when I'm completely in the moment and at my best. Anyway, the workout was:
4 Rounds:
Max Distance Run in 4 Minutes
Rest 3 minutes
1150, 1100, 1075, 900 (ouch on the last one!)
Total: 4225m in 16:00.
This was brutal, as you can observe from the huge wall I hit on the last interval. I'd never done a workout like this, but going into it I thought in my mind I could go 1200 every round. This plan quickly went out the window. Going for max distance in a time is something new to me, but it's great conditioning! I had a great time today, body is definitely feeling toasted. I'm excited to train tomorrow.
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
I had an overall great workout today. I didn't feel great, but once I got warm everything came together. It looked like this:
Snatch - Work up to a heavy single - 185#
- I missed 196# twice. I got under it both times, but I wasn't able to stand it up. I'm really upset I missed this, I should have nailed it. Next time for sure.
Snatch Grip Push-Press - 5, 3, 3, 2, 1, - 135, 176, 196, 218, 238 (PR#)
-I was happy to set a PR, I probably had more in me. I haven't done these consistently in a long time.
Rest 20 minutes then...
For time:
30 Box Jumps (30" Game Standard)
6 Dead-lifts (315#)
9 Ring-Dips
25 Box Jumps (30" Game Standard)
6 Dead-lifts (315#)
9 Ring-Dips
20 Box Jumps (30" Game Standard)
6 Dead-lifts (315#)
9 Ring-Dips
15 Box Jumps (30" Game Standard)
6 Dead-lifts (315#)
9 Ring-Dips
10 Box Jumps (30" Game Standard)
6 Dead-lifts (315#)
9 Ring-Dips
11:57. All dead-lifts were unbroken. I broke up the ring dips into 6/3 or 5/4 with a very short break every set because I didn't want to burn myself out (but the last set was 5/2/2). The box jumps were a bit of a slog. I tried to just keep a consistent pace, but definitely had to take some breaks. 30" games standard box jumps gas me out quite a bit. Overall a solid metcon.
Rest 5 minutes then...
Tabata Hand-stand Hold - This was rough, great finisher.
Snatch - Work up to a heavy single - 185#
- I missed 196# twice. I got under it both times, but I wasn't able to stand it up. I'm really upset I missed this, I should have nailed it. Next time for sure.
Snatch Grip Push-Press - 5, 3, 3, 2, 1, - 135, 176, 196, 218, 238 (PR#)
-I was happy to set a PR, I probably had more in me. I haven't done these consistently in a long time.
Rest 20 minutes then...
For time:
30 Box Jumps (30" Game Standard)
6 Dead-lifts (315#)
9 Ring-Dips
25 Box Jumps (30" Game Standard)
6 Dead-lifts (315#)
9 Ring-Dips
20 Box Jumps (30" Game Standard)
6 Dead-lifts (315#)
9 Ring-Dips
15 Box Jumps (30" Game Standard)
6 Dead-lifts (315#)
9 Ring-Dips
10 Box Jumps (30" Game Standard)
6 Dead-lifts (315#)
9 Ring-Dips
11:57. All dead-lifts were unbroken. I broke up the ring dips into 6/3 or 5/4 with a very short break every set because I didn't want to burn myself out (but the last set was 5/2/2). The box jumps were a bit of a slog. I tried to just keep a consistent pace, but definitely had to take some breaks. 30" games standard box jumps gas me out quite a bit. Overall a solid metcon.
Rest 5 minutes then...
Tabata Hand-stand Hold - This was rough, great finisher.
Monday, May 7, 2012
Came back after three days and felt awesome. When I stepped in the gym I was ready to rip it up. I got an awesome workout off of Nate Schrader's blog. He's one of my favorite athletes and just took second at the Mid-Atlantic regional (only behind Ben Smith, someone who I literally consider a super hero). Anyway, those athletes really gave me some inspiration this weekend. Today looked like this:
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
4 Muscle-ups
10 Front Squats (95#)
20 Double-unders
Rest 7 Minutes
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
8 Pull-ups
8 Overhead Squats (95#)
200m Run
Rest 5 minutes:
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
5 Shoulder-to-Overhead (135#)
5 Kipping HSPU
5 Bar-facing Burpees
-7 Rounds + 12 Double-unders
-5 Rounds + 8 Overhead-Squats
-3 Rounds + 2 HSPU
-The last AMRAP was brutal. Those kipping HSPU were rough. Overall an awesome session though. It was great to train without thinking about regionals and just go as hard as possible. I love crossfit and today was the most fun I've had working out in a while.
AMRAP 12 Minutes:
4 Muscle-ups
10 Front Squats (95#)
20 Double-unders
Rest 7 Minutes
AMRAP 10 Minutes:
8 Pull-ups
8 Overhead Squats (95#)
200m Run
Rest 5 minutes:
AMRAP 8 Minutes:
5 Shoulder-to-Overhead (135#)
5 Kipping HSPU
5 Bar-facing Burpees
-7 Rounds + 12 Double-unders
-5 Rounds + 8 Overhead-Squats
-3 Rounds + 2 HSPU
-The last AMRAP was brutal. Those kipping HSPU were rough. Overall an awesome session though. It was great to train without thinking about regionals and just go as hard as possible. I love crossfit and today was the most fun I've had working out in a while.
Further complete rest. I needed it more mentally than physically. I only take 3 consecutive rest days a few times a year. It was needed.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
My lower back is extremely tight and my shoulders are painful to the touch. I planned on doing day 1 of regionals today. Once I got in the gym and I didn't feel recovered I didn't want to do day 1. But my buddy showed up and we went for it.
Workout 1 (1100)
For time:
Dead-lift (225#)
Hand-stand Push-up
My time was just under 12 minutes. This is obviously a terrible time. I got to the 9 minute cutoff with 9 HPSU left. Those last 9 HSPU took me another 3 minutes. My shoulders just gassed out. My HSPU just turn off mid-way through the set of 15. I tried to pace it, 6-5-5-5 for the first set, 5-5-5 second and 3-3-3 for the last. This plan went to hell during the set of 15. I think if I was fresh I could go a little faster. To put things in perspective, a year ago I couldn't even do RxD HSPUs. So despite the fact I'm awful at this workout, I need to put things into a realistic perspective and realize I'm making progress; this was a 2 minute PR. I might not be good at this workout, but it's my weakness and I've got a lot of work to do on these in the coming months/years. Someday I will do this workout in under 4 minutes.
Workout 2 (1400)
I felt pretty awful warming up. I did not want to do this workout. 225# felt really heavy when simply warming up.
2012 Regional Event 2
For time:
2000m Row
50 Pistols (alternating)
30 Hang Cleans (225#)
I came off the rower in 7:11. If I'm rowing a 7:11 I'm obviously not recovered, this 7:11 felt much harder than the other day when I rowed a 7:00 flat. I was just not feeling it today. I got through the pistols quickly, got to the hang cleans at 10:30. I wanted to link them, but that plan went out the window after the first power clean. My back is super tight, even the dead-lift of the 225# felt heavy. I started squat cleaning after about 5 ugly power cleans. I can usually get 225# up to my rack position without any dip, that didn't happen once today. I just didn't feel good or confident, I just got rocked. Ended up with 13 more reps at the 17 minute time cap. This is a lot worse than I wanted to do today. At regionals I really hope I can actually finish this workout in the time cap.
Overall today was a really sobering and discouraging day. I've come extremely far with Crossfit. When I started in 2008 I couldn't do anything RxD for about a year. Then I started going RxD on some workouts and had extremely slow times. By 2010 I started doing RxD everything, except workouts with snatch (had to scale down loads), muscle-ups and hand-stand push-ups. In 2011 I got muscle-ups and HSPU under control, although HSPU are still my weakest movement. Since the end of the 2011 Open I've improved my snatch and overhead squat a lot, put 65# on my snatch and 90# on my overhead squat. I've come a long way. It's been a ton of hard work, consistency and effort. I've learned a lot about myself, life and how to balance things in life (I learned mostly from not balancing things enough). I qualified for regionals in 2012. There is no way around it. I know every rep I did during the Open was legit. The numbers don't lie, I deserve to be there. These workouts are no joke. There is no room for error, hesitation or weakness. In a way at first it was discouraging to get my ass handed to me by these workouts (specifically the time caps). But it's also changed my perspective on Crossfit in a positive way. I've taken my fitness to a level I literally didn't know existed by age 23. What's the point? Why be the best at exercising? I could just do crossfit, whatever is on the board, 5 days a week, be fit and healthy and not get stressed. Although that is tempting, being humbled by these workouts makes me want to redouble my efforts. I'm back to the drawing board, going to get stronger and keep hammering out my weaknesses/skills this next year. 2012 will not be my year to win anything. All the PRs I've set and things I've accomplished are part of my journey. This is not the end. I know everyone (most people) in the crossfit community are positive and supportive, but I'm going to be humiliated at regionals (primarily in my own mind). I am a perfectionist and extremely hard on myself. My constant self-deprecation is something I've been working on for years, it just doesn't seem to get better though. Through this lense I am stressed. I'm stressed for the mental weight I'm going to put on my mind for not being the best. I'm trying to tell myself to just go as hard as I can and learn from the experience; but primarily to have fun. Crossfit should be fun. I have lost sight of that. I've been too stressed and consumed. I am on a journey and will continue to get better. I'm so excited for regionals to be over, to start lifting and to start eating to gain strength again.
So in conclusion, after venting out these ideas in my mind. All I can do is go as hard as I physically can. Where that will put me on some scoreboard in some niche sport that barely anyone will actually look at or understand, doesn't matter this year. I'm just going out there to put as much exertion on my body as possible. I love pushing myself beyond perceived limits, it's why I got into crossfit. The 2012 North West Regional will simply be a venue for me to attempt to push beyond my perceived limits; nothing more, nothing less.
Workout 3 (1830)
I was so upset with my performances today I figured I get another workout in. Nothing like some running to loosen up my mind. I had a couple other athletes to train with, nice session in the Seattle rain.
'Death by 10 Meters'
EMOM - Sprint 10 meters, complete 1 the first minute, 2 the second, etc until failure.
I reached 18 rounds, came through a second late. I sat out the 19th minute. Then did the interval on the 20th. Overall a solid session. I felt a lot better than I thought I would. The change of direction killed me. As a former distance runner I'm more used to just going in one direction very hard, not changing direction. I didn't plan on doing this workout, but I'm shuffling around my rest days this week and ended up sneaking in this workout. It was a solid workout and made me feel a lot better than the first two workouts.
Workout 1 (1100)
For time:
Dead-lift (225#)
Hand-stand Push-up
My time was just under 12 minutes. This is obviously a terrible time. I got to the 9 minute cutoff with 9 HPSU left. Those last 9 HSPU took me another 3 minutes. My shoulders just gassed out. My HSPU just turn off mid-way through the set of 15. I tried to pace it, 6-5-5-5 for the first set, 5-5-5 second and 3-3-3 for the last. This plan went to hell during the set of 15. I think if I was fresh I could go a little faster. To put things in perspective, a year ago I couldn't even do RxD HSPUs. So despite the fact I'm awful at this workout, I need to put things into a realistic perspective and realize I'm making progress; this was a 2 minute PR. I might not be good at this workout, but it's my weakness and I've got a lot of work to do on these in the coming months/years. Someday I will do this workout in under 4 minutes.
Workout 2 (1400)
I felt pretty awful warming up. I did not want to do this workout. 225# felt really heavy when simply warming up.
2012 Regional Event 2
For time:
2000m Row
50 Pistols (alternating)
30 Hang Cleans (225#)
I came off the rower in 7:11. If I'm rowing a 7:11 I'm obviously not recovered, this 7:11 felt much harder than the other day when I rowed a 7:00 flat. I was just not feeling it today. I got through the pistols quickly, got to the hang cleans at 10:30. I wanted to link them, but that plan went out the window after the first power clean. My back is super tight, even the dead-lift of the 225# felt heavy. I started squat cleaning after about 5 ugly power cleans. I can usually get 225# up to my rack position without any dip, that didn't happen once today. I just didn't feel good or confident, I just got rocked. Ended up with 13 more reps at the 17 minute time cap. This is a lot worse than I wanted to do today. At regionals I really hope I can actually finish this workout in the time cap.
Overall today was a really sobering and discouraging day. I've come extremely far with Crossfit. When I started in 2008 I couldn't do anything RxD for about a year. Then I started going RxD on some workouts and had extremely slow times. By 2010 I started doing RxD everything, except workouts with snatch (had to scale down loads), muscle-ups and hand-stand push-ups. In 2011 I got muscle-ups and HSPU under control, although HSPU are still my weakest movement. Since the end of the 2011 Open I've improved my snatch and overhead squat a lot, put 65# on my snatch and 90# on my overhead squat. I've come a long way. It's been a ton of hard work, consistency and effort. I've learned a lot about myself, life and how to balance things in life (I learned mostly from not balancing things enough). I qualified for regionals in 2012. There is no way around it. I know every rep I did during the Open was legit. The numbers don't lie, I deserve to be there. These workouts are no joke. There is no room for error, hesitation or weakness. In a way at first it was discouraging to get my ass handed to me by these workouts (specifically the time caps). But it's also changed my perspective on Crossfit in a positive way. I've taken my fitness to a level I literally didn't know existed by age 23. What's the point? Why be the best at exercising? I could just do crossfit, whatever is on the board, 5 days a week, be fit and healthy and not get stressed. Although that is tempting, being humbled by these workouts makes me want to redouble my efforts. I'm back to the drawing board, going to get stronger and keep hammering out my weaknesses/skills this next year. 2012 will not be my year to win anything. All the PRs I've set and things I've accomplished are part of my journey. This is not the end. I know everyone (most people) in the crossfit community are positive and supportive, but I'm going to be humiliated at regionals (primarily in my own mind). I am a perfectionist and extremely hard on myself. My constant self-deprecation is something I've been working on for years, it just doesn't seem to get better though. Through this lense I am stressed. I'm stressed for the mental weight I'm going to put on my mind for not being the best. I'm trying to tell myself to just go as hard as I can and learn from the experience; but primarily to have fun. Crossfit should be fun. I have lost sight of that. I've been too stressed and consumed. I am on a journey and will continue to get better. I'm so excited for regionals to be over, to start lifting and to start eating to gain strength again.
So in conclusion, after venting out these ideas in my mind. All I can do is go as hard as I physically can. Where that will put me on some scoreboard in some niche sport that barely anyone will actually look at or understand, doesn't matter this year. I'm just going out there to put as much exertion on my body as possible. I love pushing myself beyond perceived limits, it's why I got into crossfit. The 2012 North West Regional will simply be a venue for me to attempt to push beyond my perceived limits; nothing more, nothing less.
Workout 3 (1830)
I was so upset with my performances today I figured I get another workout in. Nothing like some running to loosen up my mind. I had a couple other athletes to train with, nice session in the Seattle rain.
'Death by 10 Meters'
EMOM - Sprint 10 meters, complete 1 the first minute, 2 the second, etc until failure.
I reached 18 rounds, came through a second late. I sat out the 19th minute. Then did the interval on the 20th. Overall a solid session. I felt a lot better than I thought I would. The change of direction killed me. As a former distance runner I'm more used to just going in one direction very hard, not changing direction. I didn't plan on doing this workout, but I'm shuffling around my rest days this week and ended up sneaking in this workout. It was a solid workout and made me feel a lot better than the first two workouts.
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
AM Workout (1100)
Felt pretty decent today, was a little tight throughout my posterior chain and body in general. Overall had a great workout though.
3 Rounds:
AMRAP 2 minutes:
Kipping HSPU - regional standard.
AMRAP 2 minutes:
Butterfly Pull-ups
Rest 2 minutes
16, 40, 15, 40, 13, 30 - technical session. Tried to find positions that felt good. HSPU felt really good, but I tweaked my neck a little bit. I'm trying to really get my butterfly under control. I've been neglecting it. It will help me a lot during event 4 if I get it down.
Rest 10 minutes then...
EMOM for 10 minutes:
20 Double-unders, 1 Power Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats
-first 2 minutes @ 135#
-next 8 minutes @ 155#
-I originally planned to go up to 175-185, but 155 felt hard toward the end. The double-unders left little room for rest. Solid work even though I didn't go quite as heavy as planned.
-Protein shake, small apple, rest 45 minutes then...
4 Rounds for time:
10 One-arm Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (100#)
200m Run
-19.43. Ouch. I have probably done dumbbell snatch once or twice in my life prior to the announcement of the 2012 regional workouts. These were tough. I didn't even know if I could do one of these. It was great to do them. I've got to do a lot more of these in the coming weeks. I would have never thought to program these into my training. I missed my first rep on my left arm. But once I got into the workout I got more confident with them. I missed a few more reps, but I had to take a lot of rest between sets. They are not too bad with my right arm, challenging with my left. Going to practice these again soon. I had to go to a different gym (not a crossfit gym) in order to use a 100# dumbbell. I wish my gym actually had one, but the gym I'm currently at isn't known for its heavy weight lifting.
PM Workout (1800)
Had a great PM session. My legs were a little fried, but overall everything felt good. My lungs felt great.
5 x 500m Row @ 2 minutes rest
Rest 5 minutes then...
For time:
1600m Run
All the rowing intervals were between 1:35-39. I was going for consistency on these, training for that 2k at regionals. The run was a little slower than I wanted, I came in at 6:10. Between the workouts this morning and the rowing, my legs were just not having that run. Solid training session, overall a great day of training.
Felt pretty decent today, was a little tight throughout my posterior chain and body in general. Overall had a great workout though.
3 Rounds:
AMRAP 2 minutes:
Kipping HSPU - regional standard.
AMRAP 2 minutes:
Butterfly Pull-ups
Rest 2 minutes
16, 40, 15, 40, 13, 30 - technical session. Tried to find positions that felt good. HSPU felt really good, but I tweaked my neck a little bit. I'm trying to really get my butterfly under control. I've been neglecting it. It will help me a lot during event 4 if I get it down.
Rest 10 minutes then...
EMOM for 10 minutes:
20 Double-unders, 1 Power Snatch + 2 Overhead Squats
-first 2 minutes @ 135#
-next 8 minutes @ 155#
-I originally planned to go up to 175-185, but 155 felt hard toward the end. The double-unders left little room for rest. Solid work even though I didn't go quite as heavy as planned.
-Protein shake, small apple, rest 45 minutes then...
4 Rounds for time:
10 One-arm Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (100#)
200m Run
-19.43. Ouch. I have probably done dumbbell snatch once or twice in my life prior to the announcement of the 2012 regional workouts. These were tough. I didn't even know if I could do one of these. It was great to do them. I've got to do a lot more of these in the coming weeks. I would have never thought to program these into my training. I missed my first rep on my left arm. But once I got into the workout I got more confident with them. I missed a few more reps, but I had to take a lot of rest between sets. They are not too bad with my right arm, challenging with my left. Going to practice these again soon. I had to go to a different gym (not a crossfit gym) in order to use a 100# dumbbell. I wish my gym actually had one, but the gym I'm currently at isn't known for its heavy weight lifting.
PM Workout (1800)
Had a great PM session. My legs were a little fried, but overall everything felt good. My lungs felt great.
5 x 500m Row @ 2 minutes rest
Rest 5 minutes then...
For time:
1600m Run
All the rowing intervals were between 1:35-39. I was going for consistency on these, training for that 2k at regionals. The run was a little slower than I wanted, I came in at 6:10. Between the workouts this morning and the rowing, my legs were just not having that run. Solid training session, overall a great day of training.
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