AM Workout (0900)
I felt decent today, the rest yesterday was much needed. My metcon felt great, but my left shoulder was bugging me (from the benching on Tuesday), made the one-arm dumbbell snatch really slow. My right arm/shoulder felt really strong and I blew through the reps. I missed at least three reps on my left arm (didn't miss any last time). It was hot out and I didn't have chalk, that 100# dumbbell was really slipping in my hand. Overall a solid effort though.
2012 Regional Event 3
4 Rounds for time:
10 x Dumbbell Snatch (100#) (regional standard)
200 Foot Sprint
10:27. A minute slower than last time. Like I mentioned, the lack of chalk / heat / sweat/ sore shoulders made for a difficult time. I'm really looking to be under the cutoff at regionals, I was last week. My left arm just wasn't having this today.
Rest 10 minutes then...
5 Rounds On a 2 minute clock:
250m Row
-Remaining time AMR Burpees
-Rest 2 minutes
23,20,20,19,19 Burpees. Hard effort. I felt really good. This is the best aerobically/metcon I've felt in a while. The sheer pain of the last 5 burpees of each set of this reminded me why I love crossfit so much. It never gets easy and it's straight pain. I was unhappy with my slow time on Event 3, but overall a solid session.
PM Workout (1745)
I had a great afternoon session. Felt really good on the strength. The metcon got to me, it was a chipper, had to break it up more than I thought I would. I definitely need to do more chipper-style WODs this next year, I could feel this workout, a lot. Anyway, it looked like this:
Behind the Neck Jerk - Heavy Singles - 176, 196, 220, 240, 260# (PR - by 10 lbs)
Rest 10 minutes then...
For time:
25 HSPU (this took me about 3 minutes total, my HSPUs went out hard today)
50 Toes-to-bar
Run 800m
75 Push-Press (75#)
150 Double-unders
17.37. Everything took me longer than I thought, except the run. I felt fast and light on my feet. Had to break up the push-press and double-unders a lot more than I thought I would have to. Overall a great effort. Happy about the PR on the lifting. It went up super easy, could have gone up a bit more, but I'll save it to PR again soon. Good day, excited for Regionals in 7 days!
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