Today was a great session. The first workout really built up my confidence. The second workout was a little discouraging. But overall it was good training.
AM Workout (1045)
2012 Regional Workout 3
4 Rounds for Time:
10 One-Arm Alternating Dumbbell Snatch (100#)
200 Foot Sprint
My time was 9:27. Within the cut-off! I felt a lot stronger on these than last week. It was a world of difference. I really focused on technique. I feel a lot better about this movement now. Looking to do this workout again next week.
Rest 45 minutes then...
For time:
50 Pull-ups
150 Double-unders
30 Hang Cleans (225#)
150 Double-unders
50 Pull-ups
25.10. This was a brutal workout. I got to the hang cleans in 5 minutes. I missed the first two reps and was extremely demoralized. It took me about 15 minutes to complete the hang-cleans. My second set of double-unders was actually faster than my first. The last set of pull-ups was broken up a lot, 10/10/10/9/6/5. Overall an extremely taxing session. Doing these 2012 regional workouts/load varations I feel like I'm restarting crossfit all over again. I guess this is a good thing. It's just drastically different from the mindset/mentality I'm used to. Overall humbling and good. I'm enjoying the journey. Excited to workout again soon.
PM Workout (1830)
I got out to the track in the afternoon. It was a beautiful sunny day, about 60 degrees with a moderate breeze. Definitely some good running weather. This, of all things, was surprisingly the most focused and intense effort I've put out in a long time. It was like I was blacked out off effort and once the workout was over I was back to reality. I used to do this every day; it was an amazing feeling to experience this amount of focus again. I've had a ton of complications out of my control taking place in my life. I am still getting in the gym enough and setting PRs here and there, but overall my training has deteriorated because of external influences. Today was the most 'back to normal' training I've felt. Today I experienced that level of absolute focus, absolute effort, that moment when I'm completely in the moment and at my best. Anyway, the workout was:
4 Rounds:
Max Distance Run in 4 Minutes
Rest 3 minutes
1150, 1100, 1075, 900 (ouch on the last one!)
Total: 4225m in 16:00.
This was brutal, as you can observe from the huge wall I hit on the last interval. I'd never done a workout like this, but going into it I thought in my mind I could go 1200 every round. This plan quickly went out the window. Going for max distance in a time is something new to me, but it's great conditioning! I had a great time today, body is definitely feeling toasted. I'm excited to train tomorrow.
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