Friday, March 4, 2011


I ate a lot yesterday and got 9 hours of sleep; I was not quite as sore as I thought I'd be in my legs today. After a thorough warm-up I felt great in the gym.The workout looked like this:

With as little rest as possible, 5 rounds:
1 rope climb, 5 dead-hang pull-ups.


Snatch 3 x3 @ 95 lbs
Clean from Box + 1 Hang Clean 3 x 1+1 @ 165 lb
Snatch Balance 3 x 3 @ 65 lbs
Muscle Snatch 8 x 3 @ 65 lbs


10 Super-sets of:

5 Bench Press @ 165 lb
5 Bent-over Rows @ 185 lb

Then some core work:

3 rounds with as little rest as possible:

20 Hollow-rocks
20 Pikes
20 Bicycles (each side)
20 V sit-ups
50 Prom-queens

I felt pretty terrible on the rope climbs; they were mostly just painful on my extremely sore shoulders. The first part of the lifting, the Olympic work, was really light and just technique work. I was very surprised how good I felt after the large volume of leg work I did yesterday. I felt decent on the bench press. It was pretty light, but very high volume. I kept the rest between 60-90 seconds on the 10 super-sets. The core work was actually the most challenging core circuit I've done in a while; my abs looked good afterward. Overall a great day in the gym. This week was very challenging and I'm looking forward to some rest this weekend.

Meal 1 (pre-workout) - Whey Protein, Flax Oil, 1/2 Banana (Total: 180 Cal, 6.5g F, 14.5g C, 13g P)

Meal 2 (post-workout) - Whey Protein, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter, 2 Slices WW Bread, 1/2 Banana, 1 cup FF Milk (Total: 625 Cal, 19g F, 77g C, 47g P)

Meal 3 - 1 Chicken Breast, 1.5 cups WW Pasta, Mixed Veggies (570 Cal, 8.5g F, 55g C, 56g P)

Meal 4 - 1 Chicken Breast, 1 Slice WW Bread, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter, 1 cup Milk, 1 Banana (710 Cal, 18g F, 66g C, 66g P)

Meal 4
- 2 Cups Broccoli, 1 Chicken Breast, 24 Almonds (560 Cal, 26g F, 24g C, 52g P)

Meal 5 - Whey, Flax, Fiber (100 Cal, 8g F, 0g C, 12g P)

Daily Total (high carb): 2745 Cal, 86g F, 236.5g C, 246g P

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