After 3 complete rest days I feel ready to roll, despite my leg. I worked around it and ended up having a great workout today.
Strict Press - Heavy Single - 170 lb (15 lb PR)
-90% for a double - #155
-80% for four triples - #135
Rest 10 minutes then on a 20 minute clock...
10 minute AMR:
7 Pull-ups
7 Burpees (1 legged, these were tricky, didn't put any weight on my left leg)
14 V-ups
Straight into 10 minute AMR:
7 DB Hang Power Clean (2 x #40)
7 DB Push Press (2 x #40)
14 Butterfly Sit-ups
I don't remember my score. I went hard, good workout. It felt awesome to be back in the gym. My leg didn't hurt much, I tried not to put weight on it during the burpees or coming off the pull-up bar. Overall a good day. I was happy about my strict press PR.
Monday, October 31, 2011
10/29 &30
Complete rest. Spent most of the days off my feet, elevating and icing my injury. It's stitched up, no fractures, just lots of bruising and tenderness.
Injuries are very frustrating, I feel kind of useless. I'm excited for this to heal up and be back in business.
Injuries are very frustrating, I feel kind of useless. I'm excited for this to heal up and be back in business.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Today was a good strength session, but I injured myself on the metcon. Missed a box jump while I was very fatigued. I hit the middle of my left shin on the angle of the box. There was a lot of fascia and some bone exposed. Needless to say I stopped the WOD and went to the emergency room. Five stitches later I feel much better. They numbed the area, I don't know how bad it will hurt tomorrow.
Squat Clean - 2 x 5 - 205,215,225,231,240 - each set was touch and go. The last two sets were great. Technically a 1 RM PR for squat clean, even though it was a double. Will go for a single PR soon.
On the metcon I hurt myself. I did do 5 ground to overhead with 205 and ten burpees, then the box jumps where I hurt myself were right after that.
I was extremely upset at first due to the fact that I might not be able to compete next week, or that I would have to take some time off from training. But I think this should heal up quickly and I will be able to continue training and compete. I'm happy about the squat clean, obviously very unhappy about the injury.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Today was a good workout. It was for the most part an upper body workout. Yesterday really taxed my legs. Overall a good strength and the metcon got my heart rate up, but was also a skills session.
Bench Press - Heavy Double - 195,205, 210 (fail, needed spot for 2nd rep)
Close Grip Bench and Dead-lift Superset (triples for both movements) - 165 lb for the bench press, increased weight on the dead-lift each set - 374, 392, 416, 425
Rest 10 minutes then...
For time:
500m Row
500m Row
30 Muscle-ups (2 dips at top)
100 Double-unders
The rows went really fast (1:32, 1:35). The HSPU took me forever, these were brutal. The muscle-ups were challenging but I went about them methodically and didn't miss any reps, the double dip at the top was a rough change. The double-unders hurt my shoulders like hell, but they're just double-unders. I finished in 26:30. Overall a great chest/pressing workout.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Today was a great session. I trained in the afternoon with my most consistent training partner and we went hard. I had a different squat routine written out, but decided to switch it up. It ended up being a great leg workout.
Overhead Squat 5 x 5 - ended up being 5,4,5,4,3 - 175,185,195,205,205 - I reached failure on some of the sets. I really didn't feel good. I was getting up on my toes, losing the bar forward and my right shoulder was giving me trouble on most of the sets. These felt heavy and challenging. This was discouraging. I thought I was going to do crappy for the rest of the workout because I wasn't recovered, but ended up feeling great. I think these were just tough because of my 205 x 3 for a snatch grip push press on Sunday. I don't know, for whatever reason these felt extremely hard, more-so than I thought they would. I'm really glad my training partner was there, he definitely helped motivate me through the session.
Front Squat 5 x 5 - 215,235,245,245,260 - Challenging but 260 was a new 5 rep PR.
Back Squat 5 x 5 - 275,275,285,295,300 - Challenging, but awesome.
Rest 15 minutes then...
With a #20 Vest, for time:
10-8-6-4-2 #135 Thrusters
6-9-12-15-18 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
Followed by an 800m Sand Bag Run at #40.
My time was 15.36. This was a very fast time. I heavily modified the workout, added the vest and the C2B pull-ups. This was a great session, I went very hard. Overall a great day, I love these Tuesday afternoon workouts. Excited for tomorrow.
Complete rest. I'm more sore today than I was yesterday. Saturday caught up with me today. I felt like I needed a day off. Took a nap and ate a lot.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
I wasn't too sore today. I was primarily sore in my traps and hamstrings/quads. I felt good enough to train. I really tapered off well for the competition and I wanted to get in a session today. The strength was good and the metcon was a fast sprint.
2 Position Power Snatch (floor, mid-thigh) - 80% (143 lb) x 2 for 5 sets.
Snatch Pulls - 110% (207 lb) - 3 x 2
Snatch Grip Dead-lift - 100% + 10kg (207 lb) - 3 x 2
Snatch Grip Push Press - 4,4,3,3 - 175, 175, 195, 205 - The 205 was the heaviest I've ever gone on these, it felt really easy. Technically a PR.
Rest 10 minutes then...
For time:
Sumo-deadlift High Pull (95#)
My time was 9.38. I maybe could have gone a little faster by transitioning faster, but everything was unbroken and no rest was taken at all. I felt decent and went hard. This was a huge fore-arm burner. The 207 lb snatch pulls were going really high and felt light, going to PR soon for sure. I'm glad I got in the gym and trained, excited for tomorrow.
Today was the 2011 Hostile Takeover. It is a team event (1 male, 1 female). I really lucked out with my partner, she is a great athlete that went to regionals last year. I was excited going into the event. There were 29 teams total, with a lot of familiar faces from the 2011 regionals. More than a couple people were mentioning my partner and I winning this competition. I didn't really think about this when I first registered, I just wanted to go and compete and have fun and get some more experience in a competition environment. I wasn't as nearly as nervous as I've been before/during other competitions, maybe because it was a team event and all the pressure was not on me. Or maybe because I'm getting more confident as an athlete, or a mix of both. Overall today went great. The final results were:
Event 1 - 13th Place
Event 2 - 2nd Place
Event 3 - 6th Place
Overall: 4th Place (1 place away from the podium)
Event 1:
1000m Row (first partner stops after 500m)
800m Buddy Carry
150 KB Swings (#53 male, #35 female)
800m KB Carry (#53 and #35 - one partner carries both at once while the other partner runs 200m around the course before exchanging the KB - minimum of 4 exchanges)
The row went fast, I went about 1:25 the first 350 then slowed to around 1:29. I don't remember my split, but it was fast. My partner rowed really fast as well, she did exactly what we talked about it and I was extremely pleased with her effort. On the buddy carry I went 400m non-stop with my partner, then she did 50m while I did 150m twice - this went well, she is a smaller girl and I was impressed by her ability to carry me. I went as fast as I could, but I need to practice my speed on these, I think this is where we could have gained more time. The swings went super fast, we took turns in 20/20 -ish reps. My partner did a few more than me. The KB carry was a little strange, the way they were judging it. I don't know if we did extra work or what, I was in so much pain I don't know. I think we ran an extra 200m. Overall a good effort, I really don't know how we could have been much faster.
Event 2
On a 16 minute running clock, each partner doing 30 seconds work while the other rests.
4 Minutes each exercise (2 minutes for each partner):
Squats (these were money, I got a ton of reps, 30+ every time)
Push-ups (these were taxing, I missed more than a few reps)
Box Jumps (games standard, missed a few reps because my feet were not all the way on the box)
Burpees (these were money, I went hard)
Our total score was 648 reps, taking 2nd place. I felt surprisingly good on this event. My partner went really hard as well, she was awesome. I think the reason our reps were so high was because she was just so much better at these movements than the other women, whereas I am average with all the other top guys at this. Whatever happened we did well. This workout was great.
Event 3
On a 7 minute clock:
3 Minutes to establish max Ground to Overhead (each partner has own bar)
2 Minutes Max Double-unders (one partner at at time)
2 Minutes Max Muscle-ups (one partner at a time)
I put up 235 lb, a clean and jerk PR. The clean was a power clean, but the jerk was a legit split. I was really happy with this. I missed 220 lbs at the warm-up station. I figured I was too fried to go any heavier than that. When the workout started I hit 215, then 225. I loaded 235 and waited a little longer and then hit it easy. With the spectators, the adrenaline and the environment I could have gotten 245 easy. My partner got 135, which was what we planned and I'm proud she went out there and did that, she was far more nervous about this event than any other. The double-unders went well. She did 50, then I did 50 and then I did two more sets of 30 and 20, respectively. I actually missed two double-unders, I can't believe this happened. If there is anything in the competition I'm pissed about it, it was this. Anyway, she did more than me in the idea that I could get a little of recovery before the muscle-ups. I went right to the rings and got 5 right away, but missed the first rep due to not locking out at the top. My partner really came through here and got a lot of good muscle-ups. We ended up getting 11 reps. We took 6th in the event. If I had a stronger clean and jerk we could have done a lot better. This is something I've been improving on a lot over the last year, but I want a 275 lb soon and eventually 315+.
Overall 4th place, very happy about this. Everyone that beat us was regionally qualified from last year (we beat teams consisting of regionally qualified athletes as well). This is the real victory for me. To go head to head (and team with) athletes that compete at the regional level seemed like an impossibility in the past. Today was such a rewarding and gratifying experience. I love crossfit, competing and pushing myself to new limits. I'm really happy with where my training is at. I'm getting stronger and my conditioning is staying up. I'm excited and optimistic about my future as an athlete.
Everything feels pretty good, the competition is tomorrow. After two days off I'm feeling recovered. I got in the gym this morning and a did a long warm-up with a lot of dynamic stretching and then a short WOD at about 70% intensity, obviously not timing it. The WOD I threw together included some modalities that I'll see tomorrow. I wanted to get my heart rate up and put some light weight overhead. Overall a good session, feeling good about tomorrow.
3 Rounds at a moderate pace:
500m Row (1:49 pace)
6 Pull-ups
8 KB Swings
5 Front Squats (#135)
5 Split Jerks (#135)
Lots of stretching afterward, my hip flexors are still tight.
Complete rest, still extremely sore in my shoulders and hip flexors from the max reps overhead squats on Tuesday.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
My ear infection may be getting worse. I'm no longer congested, but there is a ton of pressure in my ear. Going to see a doctor/hopefully get antibiotics.
Aside from this today is a complete rest day. I'm a little sapped form the workouts yesterday.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
AM Workout (1030)
My time: 5.10. I've done this workout a little faster at 5.02. I missed 4 double-unders today. I still want to complete this workout unbroken in under 4.45. Anyway, this morning was a good session, not super taxing.
This morning was a good session. It was a strength/skill workout. Overall solid. It looked like this:
Longer warm-up: 7 x 7 @ 60 seconds rest - Dead-hang Pull-ups with 3 HSPU after each set. Both of these felt really good, felt strong on both the pulling and pushing.
Bench Press - Medium Heavy Single: 195 lb. Then 2 x 5 @ 90% (175 lb) @ < 60 seconds rest.
Rest 5 minutes then...
5 Rounds for time:
7 Squat Cleans @ #155
14 KB Swings @ #53
My time was 8:50. This workout was killer. I didn't have my lifting shoes and I couldn't drop the weight (due to early morning gym rules). Both of these probably factored in to my time being a little slower than it should have been, but I'm overall happy with my effort.
Rest 10 minutes then...
For time:
My time: 5.10. I've done this workout a little faster at 5.02. I missed 4 double-unders today. I still want to complete this workout unbroken in under 4.45. Anyway, this morning was a good session, not super taxing.
PM Workout (1600)
I felt pretty good considering I went hard this morning. My PM session was with my main training partner. We pushed each other and had a great workout. It looked like this:
Overhead Squat - Max Reps with Body Weight (#185): 9 Reps (failed on the tenth rep).
Rest 5 minutes then do Max Reps at 80% of Body Weight (#145): 14 Reps (failed on fifteenth rep).
-These felt great. They were different because I've been doing most of my strength in the heavy / 1-5 rep range. I'm glad I got these 9 reps. I wish I could have gone to 10, but I literally reached failure. My previous 1 rep max is 200 lbs. If I can get 185 x 9 then I'm sure I'll PR on overhead-squat soon.
Rest 10 minutes then...
For time:
2 Rounds:
9 x #135 PC&J
30 HR Push-ups
3 Rounds:
6 x #135 PC&J
20 HR Push-ups
20 Toes-to-bar
4 Rounds:
3 x #135 PC&J
10 HR Push-ups
10 Toes-to-bar
My time: 29.05. This workout was pretty brutal. My shoulders didn't feel great because of the overhead squats. My chest was fried from the bench press this morning. Overall I was happy with my effort. I went hard. Great day. Excited to finish up this week and compete on Saturday!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Last night I got horrible congestion and ear pain and fullness in my left ear. I couldn't fall asleep because the pain was so intense. I was awake much later than usual because of this. I slept in and trained a little later than usual in attempt to get over this congestion. I trained hard 6 days on, 1 off, then partied hard. This probably wasn't a great idea. I had a perfect training week and then unwound. I haven't partied in a while and I don't plan to anytime soon. I wasn't hungover this morning, but I was just off/congested/in a little pain. I'm glad I got in the gym and went hard though. I just tried not to think about the sickness and get over this sickness quickly. Anyway, today looked like this:
My time was 5.52. This is a PR by a little over a minute. The squat snatches felt way better than they did ~3 months ago when I did this on 7/26. I'm really liking this strength cycle. I'm going to write another soon. This last one has gone really well. I linked a lot of my snatches together, much more so than last time. It'd be awesome to do this workout entirely unbroken someday.
Power Snatch - Heavy Single - 5,3,1,1,1 - #135,155,165,175,175 - The first power snatch at 175 was questionable because there was a little bit of press out on the rep. My last rep was much more legit, although there was a tiny press out. This was a big PR; I don't think I've power snatched more than 135 before.
Rest 5 minutes then....
For time:
#135 Squat Snatches
My time was 5.52. This is a PR by a little over a minute. The squat snatches felt way better than they did ~3 months ago when I did this on 7/26. I'm really liking this strength cycle. I'm going to write another soon. This last one has gone really well. I linked a lot of my snatches together, much more so than last time. It'd be awesome to do this workout entirely unbroken someday.
Rest 10 minutes then...
20 Minute Straight AMRAP, broken into 4 x 5 minute AMRAPs
5 Minutes:
10 Squat Jumps
5 Burpees
10 Box Jumps 24"
5 Minutes:
10 DB Push-Press (#30 x 2)
5 Renegade Row
10 DB Hang Power Clean
5 Minutes:
10 Med Ball Cleans (#20)
5 Wall-balls
10 Overhead Med Ball Sit-ups
5 Minutes:
10 KB Sumo Dead-lift High Pull (#53)
5 Goblet Squats
10 KB Swings
My Score: 17 rounds +7 KB Swings. I was really close to 18 rounds. I was going all out on the last round. Overall a solid session in the gym. I was happy about my effort on everything considering my congestion. I hope I feel a lot better tomorrow.
Complete rest. Slightly hungover. I drank about 3 gallons of water today, a little more than I usually would. I slept a lot today, took 2 naps and then got about 9 hours of sleep.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
I was sore in my calves and just generally a little fatigued in my entire body today. After I warmed up I ended up having a really good workout though. Today looked like this:
Dead-lift: Heavy Singles- #418,439,451 (11 lb PR)
Close Grip Bench (#135) - 10,9,8,7...1 with 3 muscle-ups immediately after each set @ 90 seconds rest. During this time I really emphasized the wrist turn out on every muscle-up. I usually don't do wrist out during my WODs, I need to start to be legit to the Crossfit Games standard. This ended up being a great chest/triceps workout.
Rest 20 minutes then...
Open Workout 11.1
10 Minute AMRAP:
30 Double-unders
15 Ground to Overhead (#75)
6 rounds and 30 double-unders. I power snatched every rep. I remember doing this workout during the open and it being really taxing. Today I didn't go anywhere near 100% or what I did during the open. I also scored better (scoring 28 more double-unders today). It's nice to see an improvement in my performance. This is 6th day in a row I've been training and I set 4 PRs this week and did some great metcons. Considering this higher than usual volume of training and this being my last workout of the week, I didn't go all out. I will do this WOD again the in future. I eventually want to be around 8 rounds. Overall a good day, solid workout.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Today was a good workout. It looked like this:
Squat Clean - 3 x 3 @ 80% (198 lb), 3 x 2 @ 88% (220 lb)
Clean Pulls - 3 x 2 @ 95% (240 lb)
Clean Grip Dead-lifts - 3 x 2 @ 110% (275 lb)
Behind the Neck Jerk - Heavy Single - Singles: 225, 240, 250 (5 lb PR)
-I went for 260 on the jerk, but missed it. I didn't really have my mind around it mentally. I kind of psyched myself out. 250 went up really easy and felt good. Excited to do these again soon.
Rest 10 minutes then...
For time:
50 Butterfly Sit-ups
1 Mile Run
1000m Row
50 Burpees
25 Ground to Overhead (#40 DB x 2)
25 Burpees
25 Ground to Overhead (#40 DB x 2)
25 Burpees
50 Butterfly Sit-ups
My time was 27:45. This was the fastest time of the day so far. The run was in 6:45, the row in 3:30. I wanted to go a little faster on the run, but my legs were a bit shot after yesterday. Overall happy with my performance. I'm really happy about the 250 lb jerk. I wish I would have gotten 260, I will next time. Overall a good day, excited for tomorrow.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
I was going to rest today. My body is for the most part wasted. My legs are sore and my traps/lats/pecs/shoulders/biceps are all sore. I slept about 7 hours last night, ended up taking a two hour nap. After the nap I felt decent and decided to get out the door for an endurance workout on a track.
6 x 400m. Time trial on the first interval, go 100% every interval. 60 seconds rest each interval.
My first interval was at 61 seconds. My times suffered drastically. My last was at 75 seconds. The rest periods were very short, so the idea is that the times will suffer. This is contradictory to my understanding of more traditional (my high school endurance/track/cross country background) interval training; where hitting the same split every time is the goal. I'm happy with how I felt on my legs and how my lungs felt. Overall a great session.
This workout was brutal. I was completely in oxygen debt at the start of every interval. I can hardly believe I've done 20 x 400m before (4 years ago?). That seems like a long time ago. I was happy with my 61. Considering all I've been focusing on is strength, this is a fast time. I'm excited to run sub 60 in the near future. I'm extremely excited for some heavy weight tomorrow morning.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Today was an active recovery / skill workout. I really focused on my transition time between exercises. My body is for the most part fried from yesterday. I didn't go 100% today on the metcon, tried to keep the short strength session (1 movement) intense.
Bench Press - 5,5,5,5,4 (failed on last rep) - #165,175,185,195,200
Rest 5 minutes then...
Each 4 minute AMRAP started with one 200m run, then a 2 movement AMR. The rep scheme for each AMR was a ladder (1,1,2,2,3,3 etc). There was a 2 minute break between each AMR.
4 Minutes:
200m Run
4 Minutes:
200m Run
KB Swings #53
4 Minutes:
200m Run
Wall Balls
AMR 1: 8 Burpees
AMR2: 9 Pushups
AMR3: 9 Wall-Balls
Easy day, glad I got activity in, excited for some heavier weight soon.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Today was the best session I've had in the gym in a few weeks. I set a PR on back squat that felt easy and set a 5 lb PR on push-press (during a WOD that was supposed to be clean and jerks, the first rep I pushed pressed to see how it felt). I trained in the afternoon instead of the morning, I got a lot of sleep and felt good. I also trained with my training partner for the first time in a couple weeks. Our schedules don't coincide as well as they did this summer. It was great to get together and set some PRs and go hard together. Anyway, today looked like this:
Back Squat - Heavy Single - #374 (12 lb PR)
90% of the single for a double - #336
85% of the single for 3 x 3 - #315
Front Squat - Heavy Single - #275 (30 lbs less than my PR, I was fried after the back squats)
80% of the single for 3 x 5 - #225
Rest 20 minutes then...
4 Rounds for time:
3 x Power Clean and Jerk (#220)
3 Rounds of Cindy (5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Squats)
My time was 19:30. My training partner was 21 seconds slower than me. I thought he was going to school me because his C&J is much better than mine. I had originally planned to do this WOD at 185 or 205, my partner wanted to do 220 so I jumped on board. I push-pressed the first rep of the WOD, because my previous 1 rep push-press was 215, figured I'd set a PR. The push-press went up easy, despite my heavy triple/tight shoulders from yesterday. I split jerked the rest of the reps. In the 'WOD-Fest' competition on 8/21 my 1 rep single in competition was 220 lbs. I was definitely a little nervous about doing this WOD with this heavy of weight. But it ended up not being impossible. The power cleans were really easy. I missed it overhead only twice. Split jerking everything went well. This WOD was challenging mentally and I'm so glad I finished this workout. Today was awesome. I'm so excited for tomorrow.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Today was a really good session in the gym. I was a little sore in my traps and shoulders, but once I got warmed up I felt great.
I did a little extended warm-up with some weighted pull-ups and hand release HSPU. It looked like this:
Weighted Strict Pull-ups - 5,4,3,2,1 - #35,35,45,53,72
-2 Hand Release Hand Stand Push-ups before each set (release hands at bottom of hand-stand). I really need to work these more often, I would do the first rep strict, second with a kip. Failed on the 10th (the last) rep even with a kip. My shoulders are still a little fried, but overall these felt good. HSPU are my number one weakness. Really the only one I have as a crossfit athlete at this point. I have to overcome with deficiency within the next year.
Snatch - 3 x 5 @ 70% (135 lb) - These triples felt great, the weight felt really light.
Snatch Pulls - 3 x 2 @ 100% (185 lb) - These also felt light. Excited to go for a PR soon.
Snatch Grip Dead-lifts - 3 x 2 @ 100% + 10kg (207 lb)
Push Press - 4,4,3,3 - #175,185,195, 205 - 205 For a triple is a 3 rep PR for me. I was a little nervous about this set because my 1 rep PR is 215. 205 went up easy for a triple and I'm really excited to go for a 1 rep on push-press soon.
Rest 15 minutes then...
4 Rounds for time:
30 KB Swings #53
30 Box Jumps 24"
30 Sit-ups
400m Run
My time was 17:45. I felt good and did this entire workout unbroken. My goal was to get all the box jumps unbroken. Going into the workout I didn't think I could get 120 KB swings unbroken, ended up getting them all. I was happy with the lifting and my effort on the metcon. I had a few crappy days in the gym this last week. Considering this I was extremely happy about today. I'm glad where my training is, I'm glad I feel strong and conditioned. Excited for tomorrow!
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Complete Rest. I don't feel too sore today, just a little tight throughout my body. Extremely excited to throw some heavy weights around this week.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Today was great. No strength, just a solid metcon that was extremely challenging. This might be a new favorite of mine. I didn't want to do my gym's WOD off the board, it was a weird WOD involving entirely movements with med-balls. The metcon I ended up doing was off the main site and was awesome.
#95 Squat Clean
#185 Dead-lift
24" Box Jump
-Start each round with a 50 meter bear crawl.
My time was 32:50. The bear crawls to squat cleans were brutal. I think I could do this WOD significantly faster if I were fresh. But I felt alright, it was actually a nice change to do a WOD fresh instead of completely taxed from a strength session. Bear crawls are a great change. I'm really excited to get in the gym Monday.
Friday, October 7, 2011
Today was a decent strength session. The WOD was more skill work than a metcon. It had HSPUs in the WOD and they took me a while. Was doing singles by the last few sets. Doing HSPUs toward the end of the week (like I have the last 2 weeks) is getting very discouraging. The rest of the WOD went fast, unbroken and I felt good on. Anyway, today looked like this:
Power Clean 5,4,3,2,1 - 185,205,225,235,245
Front Jerk with Split, from Rack - 70% x 2 (155 lb), 75% x 1 (165 lb), 80% x 1 (175 lb) - Work up from 2,1,1 then 1,1,2 and back up. Three waves total. This was mostly technical work, felt extremely light. I video taped a couple reps. Good skill session.
Clean Grip Shrugs, from Rack - 100% x 5 (250 lb), 110% x 5 (275 lb), 120% x 5 x 2 (300 lb)
Back Squats - 80% (285 lb) x 4 x 5 - These felt light and went fast.
Rest 10 minutes then for time:
5 Renegade Row (#30)
6 Dumbbell Clean and Jerk (#30)
7 Push-ups
8 Toes-to-Bar
9 KB Swings (#70)
then finish with an 800m run.
Add a new exercise every round.
i.e. round 1 = 4 HSPU, round 2 = 5 RR, 4 HSPU, round 3 = 6 DBCJ, 5 RR, 4 HSPU etc.
My time was 18:51. The handstand push-ups took the vast majority of the time of the metcon. Basically a HSPU skill session. I want to do HSPUS fresh in the near future. Doing them sore and with fried shoulders is rough. Overall a good day, excited for a metcon tomorrow morning.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
I altered my strength session a little today, but it ended up being really good. I was really sore in my upper body today. So much so that I almost took the day off, but I ended up getting in the gym and feeling great. I warmed up a lot and hit the WOD with a really good athlete and ended up beating him. This was the best I've felt in the gym in a few days. It's interesting because I'm sore as hell and this is my third hard day on, but I have cleaned up my food intake a lot since the weekend and it's paying back dividends.
Snatch @ 145 lb - EMOM for 10 minutes. This was the heaviest I've gone on a 10 minute EMOM for snatch. I've done 115 and 135 in the last few months. These felt really good despite my sore shoulders.
Snatch Pulls @ 90% (165 lb) x 3, 95% (175 lb) x 2
5 Super-sets of:
75% Front Squat (225 lb) x 5
75% Dead-lift (335 lb) x 5
This super set was challenging. I took 2 minutes rest for first few sets. By the 4th set I took 4 minutes and in between the 4th and 5th set I took about 5 minutes. Overall a good strength session.
Rest 10 minutes then...
2010 Southwest Regional WOD
5 Rounds for time:
5 Muscle-ups
10 Power Cleans #135
200m Run
My time: 11:14. I had a great athlete to train with and I really pushed it. I was able to beat him mainly because my power cleans were super fast. I got them all unbroken except the last set which I broke up in 6/4. I was happy with my performance considering how sore my shoulders and chest are and the fact that it was post-lifting. Today was a great day in the gym. Excited to go hard again soon!
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
I cut out some overhead lifting today because the conditioning workout had so much overhead work. Anyway, today looked like this:
Bench Press - Heavy Single - 205, 215, 220 (fail, needed a small spot)
Rest 5 minutes then...
For time:
Thrusters #110
-50 Double-unders after each round
My time: 23:29. I didn't feel great, but I felt a lot better than yesterday. But I think I felt as good as I could have on this WOD. It was a challenging WOD for anyone. 300 Double unders, and 90 thrusters and 90 burpees is challenging whichever way you do it.
My bench press felt decent this morning. Ever since I tweaked my left pec a few months back I haven't handled weight over 200 lbs very man times. I spent a long time warming up and I'm glad I put up weight with no pains, despite the fact I'm weaker overall on the lift than I've been in the past.
Monday, October 3, 2011
I felt alright today. I ate lot of weird stuff this weekend. This weekend was a bit of a celebration. I'm getting my diet back on lock down. I have two competitions coming up (Oct. 22 and Nov. 5-6). I've been keeping my glycogen stores consistently full. I've been setting PR's a lot, but I definitely feel a little on the heavy side, so I'm going to reduce my calories a little bit and cycle my carbs better. I'm also starting two-a-days everything Tuesday and Thursday.
I felt really horrible after this workout During I wasn't too bad, but after the conditioning I had a throbbing headache and felt like throwing up. This was essentially a sugar hangover from last night. Anyway, today looked like this:
I felt really horrible after this workout During I wasn't too bad, but after the conditioning I had a throbbing headache and felt like throwing up. This was essentially a sugar hangover from last night. Anyway, today looked like this:
Snatch - 85% (156 lb) x 1 x 5
Clean and Jerk 85%-10 lb (180 lb) x 1 x 5
Front Squat - 90 % -10 lb (260 lb) x 1 then... 85%-10 lb (250 lb) x 3 x 3
Rest 5 minutes then...
AMRAP 20 minutes:
21 Jump Squats
15 V-ups
9 Pull-ups
Score: 12 Rounds +9 V-ups: 570 Reps. I probably could have gone a little harder. The only thing that slowed me down were the pull-ups. I didn't go balls out on them because my right hand has two minor tears that I don't want further develop. Overall good, excited to clean up my diet and feel good soon.
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Today was a weird session. I definitely need some rest, going to take two full days off. I felt alright on the lifting, it was difficult. I had to cut it short. I felt awful on the metcon. Not really in my lungs/heart rate, just in my shoulders. They are so fried doing HSPUs felt almost impossible. Anyway, today looked like this:
Snatch Grip Push-Press and Overhead Squats 3+3 x 4 - @ 175 lb. The first few sets of these were fine, sets 3 and 4 were brutal. I went up to a fifth set and bailed on the weight on literally the first rep. 4 Sets was extremely taxing. I'm excited to do these again when I'm more fresh. After this I was supposed to do a heavy single on snatch balance, but I totally cut it out, there was no way that was happening.
Rest 10 minutes then...
20 Minute AMRAP:
2 Muscle-ups
8 KB Swing #72
I don't remember my rounds, I think it was 8 and 2 muscle-ups. I stopped counting after I felt so terrible and was doing my HSPUs as singles around round 4. A little bit of a discouraging day, but I need to take some rest. I'm excited to hit it hard again on Monday.
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