Monday, October 17, 2011


Last night I got horrible congestion and ear pain and fullness in my left ear. I couldn't fall asleep because the pain was so intense. I was awake much later than usual because of this. I slept in and trained a little later than usual in attempt to get over this congestion. I trained hard 6 days on, 1 off, then partied hard. This probably wasn't a great idea. I had a perfect training week and then unwound. I haven't partied in a while and I don't plan to anytime soon. I wasn't hungover this morning, but I was just off/congested/in a little pain. I'm glad I got in the gym and went hard though. I just tried not to think about the sickness and get over this sickness quickly. Anyway, today looked like this:

Power Snatch - Heavy Single - 5,3,1,1,1 - #135,155,165,175,175 - The first power snatch at 175 was questionable because there was a little bit of press out on the rep. My last rep was much more legit, although there was a tiny press out. This was a big PR; I don't think I've power snatched more than 135 before.

Rest 5 minutes then....

For time:
#135 Squat Snatches

My time was 5.52. This is a PR by a little over a minute. The squat snatches felt way better than they did ~3 months ago when I did this on 7/26. I'm really liking this strength cycle. I'm going to write another soon. This last one has gone really well. I linked a lot of my snatches together, much more so than last time. It'd be awesome to do this workout entirely unbroken someday.

Rest 10 minutes then...

20 Minute Straight AMRAP, broken into 4 x 5 minute AMRAPs

5 Minutes:
10 Squat Jumps
5 Burpees
10 Box Jumps 24"

5 Minutes:
10 DB Push-Press (#30 x 2)
5 Renegade Row
10 DB Hang Power Clean

5 Minutes:
10 Med Ball Cleans (#20)
5 Wall-balls
10 Overhead Med Ball Sit-ups

5 Minutes:
10 KB Sumo Dead-lift High Pull (#53)
5 Goblet Squats
10 KB Swings

My Score: 17 rounds +7 KB Swings. I was really close to 18 rounds. I was going all out on the last round. Overall a solid session in the gym. I was happy about my effort on everything considering my congestion. I hope I feel a lot better tomorrow.

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