Tuesday, October 18, 2011


AM Workout (1030)

This morning was a good session. It was a strength/skill workout. Overall solid. It looked like this:

Longer warm-up: 7 x 7 @ 60 seconds rest - Dead-hang Pull-ups with 3 HSPU after each set. Both of these felt really good, felt strong on both the pulling and pushing.

Bench Press - Medium Heavy Single: 195 lb. Then 2 x 5 @ 90% (175 lb) @ < 60 seconds rest.

Rest 5 minutes then...

5 Rounds for time:
7 Squat Cleans @ #155
14 KB Swings @ #53

My time was 8:50. This workout was killer. I didn't have my lifting shoes and I couldn't drop the weight (due to early morning gym rules). Both of these probably factored in to my time being a little slower than it should have been, but I'm overall happy with my effort.

Rest 10 minutes then...

For time:

My time: 5.10. I've done this workout a little faster at 5.02. I missed 4 double-unders today. I still want to complete this workout unbroken in under 4.45. Anyway, this morning was a good session, not super taxing.

PM Workout (1600)

I felt pretty good considering I went hard this morning. My PM session was with my main training partner. We pushed each other and had a great workout. It looked like this:

Overhead Squat - Max Reps with Body Weight (#185): 9 Reps (failed on the tenth rep).

Rest 5 minutes then do Max Reps at 80% of Body Weight (#145): 14 Reps (failed on fifteenth rep).

-These felt great. They were different because I've been doing most of my strength in the heavy / 1-5 rep range. I'm glad I got these 9 reps. I wish I could have gone to 10, but I literally reached failure. My previous 1 rep max is 200 lbs. If I can get 185 x 9 then I'm sure I'll PR on overhead-squat soon.

Rest 10 minutes then...

For time:

2 Rounds:
9 x #135 PC&J
30 HR Push-ups

3 Rounds:
6 x #135 PC&J
20 HR Push-ups
20 Toes-to-bar

4 Rounds:
3 x #135 PC&J
10 HR Push-ups
10 Toes-to-bar

My time: 29.05. This workout was pretty brutal. My shoulders didn't feel great because of the overhead squats. My chest was fried from the bench press this morning. Overall I was happy with my effort. I went hard. Great day. Excited to finish up this week and compete on Saturday!

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