Thursday, October 13, 2011


I was going to rest today. My body is for the most part wasted. My legs are sore and my traps/lats/pecs/shoulders/biceps are all sore. I slept about 7 hours last night, ended up taking a two hour nap. After the nap I felt decent and decided to get out the door for an endurance workout on a track.

6 x 400m. Time trial on the first interval, go 100% every interval. 60 seconds rest each interval.

My first interval was at 61 seconds. My times suffered drastically. My last was at 75 seconds. The rest periods were very short, so the idea is that the times will suffer. This is contradictory to my understanding of more traditional (my high school endurance/track/cross country background) interval training; where hitting the same split every time is the goal. I'm happy with how I felt on my legs and how my lungs felt. Overall a great session.

This workout was brutal. I was completely in oxygen debt at the start of every interval. I can hardly believe I've done 20 x 400m before (4 years ago?). That seems like a long time ago. I was happy with my 61. Considering all I've been focusing on is strength, this is a fast time. I'm excited to run sub 60 in the near future. I'm extremely excited for some heavy weight tomorrow morning.

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