Tuesday, October 11, 2011


Today was the best session I've had in the gym in a few weeks. I set a PR on back squat that felt easy and set a 5 lb PR on push-press (during a WOD that was supposed to be clean and jerks, the first rep I pushed pressed to see how it felt). I trained in the afternoon instead of the morning, I got a lot of sleep and felt good. I also trained with my training partner for the first time in a couple weeks. Our schedules don't coincide as well as they did this summer. It was great to get together and set some PRs and go hard together. Anyway, today looked like this:

Back Squat - Heavy Single - #374 (12 lb PR)
90% of the single for a double - #336
85% of the single for 3 x 3 - #315

Front Squat - Heavy Single - #275 (30 lbs less than my PR, I was fried after the back squats)
80% of the single for 3 x 5 - #225

Rest 20 minutes then...

4 Rounds for time:

3 x Power Clean and Jerk (#220)
3 Rounds of Cindy (5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Squats)

My time was 19:30. My training partner was 21 seconds slower than me. I thought he was going to school me because his C&J is much better than mine. I had originally planned to do this WOD at 185 or 205, my partner wanted to do 220 so I jumped on board. I push-pressed the first rep of the WOD, because my previous 1 rep push-press was 215, figured I'd set a PR. The push-press went up easy, despite my heavy triple/tight shoulders from yesterday. I split jerked the rest of the reps. In the 'WOD-Fest' competition on 8/21 my 1 rep single in competition was 220 lbs. I was definitely a little nervous about doing this WOD with this heavy of weight. But it ended up not being impossible. The power cleans were really easy. I missed it overhead only twice. Split jerking everything went well. This WOD was challenging mentally and I'm so glad I finished this workout. Today was awesome. I'm so excited for tomorrow.

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