Tuesday, January 31, 2012


AM Workout (1000)

Felt a little weak today, but the workout was a lot of stress/overload on the triceps. Perhaps a little too taxing. Anyway, it looked like this:

6 Sets at complete rest:

5 Strict Press (108,115,123,130,135)
50# Weighted Ring Dips (4,3,3,3,1,6 - last set unweighted*)
10 Floor Wipers

This triplet ended up being brutal. The weighted ring dips were absurdly difficult after the strict press.

Rest 10 minutes then...

5 Rounds for time:
10 Pull-ups
15 Push-ups
30 Double-unders
3 Clean and Jerks (205#)

straight into... 400m Farmer's Carry (2 x 53#)

20.23. The jerks were really difficult at first. My triceps/shoulders were fried from the previous strength work. I missed the first one, I tried to push-press it. When I did that I just wanted to give up and do this workout in the afternoon instead. But I carried on, once I started split jerking it the weight went up easy. I really felt it through my hips, it felt good. Overall a solid session. Definitely fried my body.

Rest 10 minutes then....

2 Rounds @ 2 minutes rest:
100 Bicycle crunches
25 Leg Lifts

PM Workout (1730)

7 Rounds for time:
7 Thrusters (95#)
7 Pull-ups

4.50. WOD was a complete sprint. Great effort. This was the first time I've done thrusters since hurting my knee. I love thrusters more than anything, so it made me extremely happy to do them again.

Rest 10 minutes then...

6 Sets of Max Reps of Handstand push-ups @ 60 seconds rest (sets 1 and 2 complete ROM, 3 and 4 to 1 ab mat, 5 and 6 to 2 ab mats)

4,3,6,6,10,8 - These were brutal at the end of the day after two WODs with a lot of overhead work. Overall a solid day of training.

Monday, January 30, 2012


I still felt pretty toasted yesterday, so I upped my calories a bit. It helped a lot. I felt great today. I could just tell while I was warming up I had no aches or tightness. I'm ready for another hardcore week of training. Anyway, today looked like this:

For time:

30 Snatch (135#)

3.13. I went into the workout with 7 unbroken reps. Then 5 more. Then a lot of doubles, triples and some singles toward the end. I didn't go all out on this workout. I would say it was about an 80% effort. First of all I had never done this workout before and secondly I did this workout by myself. I was happy with this time though. I would be interested to see what my time would be if I got with a good athlete and went head to head.

Rest 10 minutes then...

2 Rounds for time:

50 Squats
40 KB Swings (53#)
30 Box Jumps 24"
20 Wall-Balls
10 Burpees onto plate

9.55. My first round was unbroken at 4.15. Second round was in 5.40. Had to break up some of the reps, went hard and felt great. This is the first time I've done box jumps or air squats at high intensity since hurting my knee. Had absolutely no pain at all. I was really happy about that. Overall a decent session.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Still thoroughly sore throughout the body. This last week was a pretty high volume of training considering the less amount of carbs/calories I took in. Was considering some active recovery today, but I'm going to just rest some more.

Saturday, January 28, 2012


Complete rest, slept in with no alarm. It was awesome. My body is tight and I know I need rest.

Friday, January 27, 2012


Today was a great session. I felt overall toasted though, definitely need some rest.

5 Rounds at 3:00 minutes rest:

3 x Bench Press + Max reps weighted strict pull-ups

176 + 9 (25#)
176 + 7 (31#)
185 + 5 (37#)
185 + 4 (43#)
190 + 2 (50#)

Rest 10 minutes then...

6 Rounds at 3:00 minutes rest:

5 Dead-lifts (315#)
25 Double-unders
150m Row

Each round took about 80-85 seconds. Hard effort. Great interval session. I went lighter on the dead-lift than I usually would, but at the end of a hard training week I decided to back off a little. 315 felt heavier than it usually does. Definitely going to take some rest, excited for next week. Practiced hand stand walking for 10 minutes after the WOD.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


AM Workout (1000)

This morning was a great session. Solid strength session and the best metcon I've done in a while.

Push-Press + Push-Jerk (2+1) x 5 - 176, 196, 205, 210, 216 (f) - Failed on the Push-Press at 216, got the jerk easily. 216 is 9 lbs below my 1 RM and after the previous sets I just didn't have the push left in my arms. Solid hard work, felt good.

Rest 20 minutes then...

4 Rounds for time:

15 Power Snatch (95#)
50 Double-unders
20 Burpees onto plate

15.05. Great metcon. Tried to go as hard as possible. The double-unders were the worst part. The first few sets were unbroken, but the last was far from it. I was missing a lot of reps, had to break up the last set a bunch (10,10,12,18). Overall a great effort though. The power snatches felt great, no knee pain at all today. I love burpees onto a plate.

PM Workout (1730)

I felt awesome this evening. Today is overall the best I've felt in a while. I got back in the gym and did a short metcon, some skill work, lots of mobility and then another short metcon. On an extremely positive note, no knee pain at all even during squats. This is the first time I've done squats in a metcon since the injury (19 days ago). I'm making a great comeback. Anyway, the second work out today looked like this:

5 Rounds for time:
12 Wall-balls
12 Toes-to-bar

4.40. I wanted under 5 minutes. The only thing I really slowed down on was the fact that I was using chalk. I shouldn't have taken the time to chalk up, it's a bad habit. Solid effort.

Rest 10 minutes then....

5 Rounds @ 90 seconds rest:

Hand Stand Walk - 25 feet (had to break these up, I can't walk on my hands well, definite skill practice)
10 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups

Active rest 20 minutes, lots of mobility and dynamic stretching...

4 Minutes at each station: 30/30 seconds of work

100% Row / 50% row
Russian Twist / Push-up Position Plank
100% Row / 50% row
Hand-stand Lockout / Bottom Squat Hold

Overall solid effort. I don't remember my reps for the twists or the calories on the row, but I went really hard on those efforts. Great session. Ended doing some more mobility afterward. Such a great training day.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


My body is overall pretty toasted. Today is complete rest. My flip flexors are extremely sore.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


AM Workout (1030)

Today was a decent session. It wasn't super taxing aside from being hard on the hamstrings.

20" Box Squat - 135 x 6, 225 x 6, 275 x 6, 315 3x3 - Felt good to put 315 on my back!

Hang Power Clean - 3,3,3,3 - 176, 196, 216, 225 - failed hard at 236. This is technically a PR, never gone for a PR on hang power clean.

Rest 15 minutes then...

7 Rounds for time:
7 Dead-lifts (225#)
7 L-Pull-ups

Time: 13:40. I almost never do L-pull-ups, so this was more of a skill session than a WOD.

After the workout I went for a 800m cool-down jog. It didn't exacerbate my knee at all. I'm really happy it's starting to get better. I also stretched and rolled out. I've been using my hamstrings a ton the last few days and I felt like they needed a little extra attention. Overall a solid day in the gym.

PM Workout (2030)

I went to an actual gymnastics gym today. I wish I would have done this years ago. I worked a lot on handstands, handstand push-ups, the hollow position, muscle-ups without a false grip and most importantly, handstand walking. With the help from a gymnast I was able to actually handstand walk today. I was happy about this. I also did kart-wheels and other super basic tumbling within the warm-up; all fun stuff I've never really done before. This was definitely a hugely humbling experience. I take my fitness very seriously and I've definitely got some decent strength and metabolic conditioning going on, but there is always something new to learn and experience and work on. Overall a great evening session, I can't wait to do another session in this gym. My triceps were a little toasted from yesterday so I didn't do a for-time WOD or anything like that. I'm definitely looking to do some more workouts here and more than just skill work. Awesome stuff, I love new experiences.

Monday, January 23, 2012


I felt a hell of a lot better than yesterday. I also bought a knee brace yesterday. I'm thinking this knee issue might just be tendonitis. I had tendonitis in my elbow about a year and a half ago. I wore a brace for a few weeks and it went away and never came back. I wore the knee brace today during the workout and felt absolutely zero discomfort. Really hoping this is some minor tendonitis and I'll be good to go for the open. Anyway, today looked like this:

EMOM for 20 minutes:
2 Muscle-ups (really emphasized turn out, paused at bottom of lock out, all the doubles unbroken)
5 KB Swings (2 pood)

40 muscle-ups and 100 swings, felt really good.

Rest 10 minutes then...

5 RFT:
15 HR Push-ups
15 GHD Sit-ups

5:01. The push-ups felt awesome, the GHDs slowed down a little after the 3rd round. Overall a solid day, excited for some lifting tomorrow. I'm really stoked me knee didn't give me any pain today.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


I felt really solid warming up. My body wasn't tight at all. I hadn't felt like that in a while. I didn't feel great on the WOD though. I gassed out hard and felt pretty weak.


5 RFT @ 155#
12 Dead-lifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push-Jerks

10.40. Rough day. I wanted to go a lot faster than this. I gassed out hard after the third round. I was on a solid pace. 1st round in .45, 2nd done by 2.00, 3rd by 4.00. Then the last two rounds were a whole different workout. On the bright side my previous best in this workout was 13.09 last March. So I improved my time a bit, but not as much as I wanted to. I think if I would have hit this workout a month or two ago I would have done better. This is obviously not a good feeling to have when finishing a workout. This is the first time I've done this workout getting all the push-jerks unbroken. I was doing 8/1 hang power cleans and the dead-lifts were all unbroken. I just took too much rest because of how weak I felt. Maybe I felt weak because I'm losing weight, I don't know. This whole knee thing is not putting me in a positive mental place. I also was training alone. Overall not a good day.

1/20 and 1/21

Complete rest both days. My knee hadn't hurt for four days and then on the 21st I hurt it getting out of bed. I just stepped on it the wrong way and it hurt basically the rest of the day. Periodically iced it and it started to feel better. I definitely made the right decision in not competing this weekend. So frustrating.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Today was a less taxing day. I'm registered for a competition this weekend, but I haven't decided if I'm going to do it. I'm still working around this knee. It hasn't hurt it in a while and I did air squats at 100% intensity today in my warm-up, but I don't want to turn a minor injury into a major one. I'm still undecided, but I'm tapering down anyway just in case I do the competition.

EMOM for 10 Minutes:

135# Power Snatch
6 GHD Sit-ups

-This was a longer warm-up. I tried to bang out the repetitions as fast as possible each minute. This felt really good. I'm thinking of doing his again at 165# and 12 GHDs a minute, that would be a solid workout.

Rest 10 minutes then...

8 x 250m Row @ 120 seconds rest.

The first 6 intervals were in the 39-44 range; the last two were 45/46. This was great, I tried to go all out. Felt good. I don't know what to do about this knee. I'm leaning toward not competing. I really want to compete, but I don't want to ruin my chances at qualifying for regionals by trashing my knee in a local competition.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Complete Rest. A little sore throughout my body, but overall feel decent.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


AM Workout (1030)

I felt really good on the lifting today, but a little spent on the metcon. My knee didn't hurt at all during the ENTIRE day, even when doing air squats in the warm-up. I was really happy about this. I wanted to get some quad activation going on after taking 10 days off of any squatting. I was really careful with it and did some box squats on a 20" box. These felt great, it really got some of my confidence back.

Box Squats (20") - 135 x 10, 135 x 10, 225 x 10, 275 x 5 - Light weight, knee rehab. Glad I was able to do these.

Power Clean + Weighted Ring Dips (1 + max reps) - increasing weight each set. Complete rest between sets.

220 + 12 Ring Dips (25#)
240 + 9 Ring Dips (31#)
251 + 7 Ring Dips (37#)
260 (f) + 5 Ring Dips (43#)
260 (f) + 4 Ring Dips (50#)
260 + 14 Ring Dips (no weight)

251 was my previous power clean max. I missed 260 twice, but then took a good 5 minutes rest sitting down and went back to the bar and nailed it. I was really hungry for a PR. Especially since I've been cutting back my calories I wanted to make sure my previous strength training is paying off. The ring dips felt really solid.

Rest 15 minutes then...

For time:

30 Lateral Barbell Burpees
50 Lunge Steps
8 Hang Power Cleans (135#)
12 Toes-to-bar
40 Lunge Steps
8 Hang Power Cleans (135#)
12 Toes-to-bar
30 Lunge Steps
8 Hang Power Cleans (135#)
12 Toes-to-bar
20 Lunge Steps
8 Hang Power Cleans (135#)
12 Toes-to-bar
10 Lunge Steps
8 Hang Power Cleans (135#)
12 Toes-to-bar
30 Lateral Barbell Burpees

13.34. I tore a little bit on my left hand on the toes-to-bar. Because of this I broke up the last set as not to tear more and gripped the bar only with my fingers. The strength session before this actually took a bit out of me. Overall a solid session though.

PM Workout (1630)

100-80-60-40-20 - Double-unders
50-40-30-20-10 - KB Swings (53#)

13.18. This workout was terrible. Truly excruciating on the lungs and forearms. I got this off of Nate Schrader's blog. He did this with a 2 pood KB in a little over 10 minutes. He's a hardcore guy, I can't imagine doing that. The 53 lb swings were awful. I didn't think this workout would take me this long. On the bright side, I did get 100 consecutive double-unders for the first time ever. Overall a solid training session. Excited for a rest day tomorrow.

Monday, January 16, 2012


The appointment with the doctor went well. I got an x-ray, but no MRI. After going over everything with the doctor he assumes that I have a little chondromalacia of my patella. Basically an overuse injury (6-8 weeks should be back to normal if I take proper care of this). I was told to RICE and don't partake in any activity that causes pain/inflammation. This is basically what I've been doing. I did some air squats today and there was no pain. There is no pain unless I go ass to calf on the squat. Just below parallel doesn't hurt, but I'm still going to cut out squatting movements for a while. This is really untimely considering the open starts so soon. I'm trying to stay mentally positive and keep my head in the game.

3 Super-sets @ 2 minutes rest:

3 Strict Press @ 135#
8 Dumbbell Bench Press (2 x 65#)
8 Dumbbell Bench Press (2 x 50#)

This was actually decently exhausting. The last set of dumbbell bench with the 50s was excruciating.

Rest 10 minutes then...

500m Row TT

-1:24.8. This was a PR, but I was hoping I'd go a little faster. I went as hard as I could. I put the damper on 6. I think I'd like to do this again with the damper on 9/10 and see where I land.

Rest 10 minutes then...

AMRAP 12 Minutes:

20 KB Swings (53#)
20 Push-ups
50 Sit-ups

4 Rounds + 25 sit-ups. Solid AMRAP, a hell of a lot of sit-ups. There was a set of 40 squats programmed in between the push-ups and sit-ups, but I had to cut them out. Overall a solid session in the gym that wasn't extremely taxing.

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Complete rest. I got an awesome massage today. It really loosened up my back, posterior chain and hamstrings a lot. I've got a knee appointment tomorrow morning. It has been 8 days since I tweaked it. It hasn't been hurting at all lately, but I don't want to mess around with it.

Saturday, January 14, 2012


I weighed in at 198# today.

I was extremely sore when I woke up this morning. I probably wouldn't have worked out today had I not arranged to workout with someone. But it ended up working out well. After a thorough warm-up I actually felt really good. The worse thing about today was the ridiculous tears on my hands. They definitely hurt a ton, every clean I did today was painful on my hands. I tried not to think about it and just do the movement. Overall the workout went really well.

Move 8000# from ground to overhead with 135#, 5 burpees on the minute every minute. (8000/135 = 59 reps).

13.53. This workout was basically double grace with lots of burpees. It was a good effort. I got 10 reps right out the gate then it was mostly 4-5 reps per minute. Overall an exhausting and solid metcon. My knee didn't hurt at all, which I was pretty happy about. Excited for a rest day tomorrow.

Friday, January 13, 2012


My back and hamstrings were super tight today. I felt better after foam rolling and warming up, but still no where near fresh.

Split Jerk - Heavy Singles - 220, 220, 245 (failed 3 times), 240.

240 was a 5 lb PR. The tightness in my back was forcing me on my toes during the dip and the weight was getting way in front of me. I was really upset I missed 245, but I got 240 for a 5 lb PR.

Rest 10 minutes then...

With a 25# Vest:

30 Muscle-ups for time

10.40. This was fairly brutal. I only missed 1 rep (my first attempt at the 29th rep). I was happy that I wasn't wasting energy on failed attempts. Overall a solid metcon. I didn't get my heart rate up much today. It was very technical and strength oriented. Overall a good day aside from the tight back.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


AM Workout (1030)

This morning was a short, but extremely intense workout. The best dead-lifting I've done in a while. My knee was a little agitated, but didn't hurt much.

Every minute on the minute for 10 minutes:

2-2-2-2-2-1-1-1-1-1 - Dead-lifts @ 400#. I was trying to do doubles the entire way through, but only made it 5 minutes of doubles, then had to switch to singles. Total reps in 10 minutes: 15. This was extremely challenging. I was light headed for a while after this. 400 lbs is about 89% of my 1 RM. This was a bit too much for 10 doubles, but I'm glad I went hard. The last few singles were just awful. My form was probably a little compromised on the last few reps. But overall a solid session. I took about 20 minutes after this and just sat down.

Rest 20 minutes then...

AMRAP 10 Minutes:

20 Russian Twists (20# ball)
20 Overhead Ball Sit-ups (20# ball)
10 GHD Sit-ups

5 Rounds and 7 Overhead Ball Sit-ups (277 reps)

This was a good short WOD. After those dead-lifts I was so taxed I couldn't really do much else aside from core work. I almost did a WOD with some knee movement in it, but I decided not to play with it. I foam rolled after this workout, made my back feel a lot less tense.

PM Workout (1830)

Warm-up, at 70%:

250m row x 4 (first two intervals, no foot straps, second two intervals straight arms) - rest is partner's set, while "resting" you are planking. Great warm-up.


4 x 1000m row. Rest is partner's interval.

3:16, 3:30, 3:30, 3:31. I went hard as hell on these. They were awesome. I was really happy my knee didn't hurt at all. I love interval training. Hamstrings were definitely tight after this.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Worked around the knee again today. It didn't hurt at all today which I was really excited about. I modified the WOD to accommodate not agitating it. I didn't do any heavy lifting today, just a metcon. This knee thing is really messing up my lifting program, hopefully I can get back to it next week. But I'm kind of at ease with this injury. I was freaking out about it but I'm learning that overreacting is of no use and doesn't add anything positive to the situation. I just have to modify my plans to stay congruent with my goals and do what I can to continue working toward my goals. That's it and that's all. There's nothing else I can do. I'm really trying to stay in a positive place mentally.

4 Rounds for time:

10 Ring Dips
20 V-ups
30 Kb Swings (2 pood)

13.21. The swings got rough after a while, especially on my forearms/grip. My ring dips went out toward the end as well. My chest/shoulders are still really sore from Monday.

I'm going to try some heavier weights tomorrow, I'm really happy my knee wasn't hurting at all today.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Knee was a little agitated today. This is really upsetting me. I took the day off.

Monday, January 9, 2012


AM Workout (0730)

Today was a little upsetting. On Saturday I tweaked my left knee on the 9th set of air squats. Considering all the heavy lifting I do, I find it kind of funny that I potentially damaged my knee on an air squat. The injury was just a jolt of pain for a split second. I was able to to finish the 9th and 10th round and finish the workout. It hurt a little bit later that day, but didn't seem serious. It didn't hurt at all yesterday (Sunday, a rest day). It didn't hurt much today. I warmed up and did some air squats and squats with a blank barbell. It was slightly painful on some of the reps. It doesn't always hurt, I probably could have done squatting today as I had planned, but I don't want to mess with it. I'm going to ice a lot and back off from squats for a little bit. I worked around it and still got a very solid workout in today. I just hate being injured and really want to get over this quickly. I did a longer warm-up today to incorporate some skill work. I felt weak on bench press today. I think my triceps are still trashed from Saturday. Overall felt good, it just messes with your mind when you have an injury, especially one with the knee, such a crucial part of the body for movement. But once the clock started for the WOD I forgot about my knee and went hard as hell.

3 Rounds, not for time at about 70% (extended warm-up):

10 Dead-hang Pull-ups
10 HSPU (1st round to floor, 2nd to 1 ab mat, 3rd to 2 ab mats)

Rest 5 minutes then...

5 Rounds @ 90 seconds rest:

6 Bench Press (155#)
10 Pull-ups

Rest 10 minutes then...

5 Rounds for time:

6 Power Cleans (205#)
15 Toes-to-bar
6 Power Cleans (205#)
15 Lateral Bar Jumping Burpees

26.40. This workout was brutal as hell. 60 power cleans at 205 really took it out of me. The toes-to-bar got really rough as well. I had a very solid pace until the last round. I thought I'd be under 20 minutes for this workout. But I gassed out like crazy on the last round. My power cleans and toes-to-bar were horribly slow. Overall a great day. I'm icing my knee as a write this, hoping this thing heals up within a week.

PM Workout (1630)

I felt decent in the afternoon, so I decided to hit up the gym again. I'm back to my 'normal' self after easing back into training last week after getting the flu. Everything went great this afternoon aside from some nasty tears on my right hand. My knee gave off a little pain when warming up, but didn't hurt at all during the WOD (I modified the WOD to not incorporate any squatting movements).

On a FGB Clock (60 seconds work at each exercise), for 3 rounds (18 minutes work total):

HR Push-ups
Pull-ups (was working on my newly acquired butterfly pull-up, this is how I tore so bad)
GHD Sit-ups
DB Push-Press (2 x 30#)

I don't remember all my reps, they obviously tapered off as the workout went on. Instead of resting for a 60 second break I just went for another plank through the rest. This worked out well. Overall a great conditioning workout. Tearing sucks, but at least I got 30 consecutive butterfly pull-ups coming off a 100% effort on HR push-ups, I'm finally getting confident with the butterfly. It took me a long time to learn it (been crossfitting since March 2008?). Overall a solid day of training; I've got ice on knee and I'm hoping it only gets better as I nurse it through this week of training.

Saturday, January 7, 2012


Much needed complete rest.


Again, no lifting today, just a brutal metcon. After a long warm-up, I set into a pace and got this workout done.

With a 25# vest, 10 rounds for time:

200m Run
5 Thrusters (165#)
1 Round Cindy (5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, 15 squats)

47.02. I got the first 5 rounds of thrusters unbroken, then it was 3/2. Round 9 and 10 were doubles and singles. Thrusters with a weight vest are just horrible. The rounds of Cindy went fast, my push-ups went out toward the end, had to do 5/5 the last few rounds. I ran the first few 200s fast, after that it was almost a jog. The run was definitely the recovery on this workout. Overall an awesome day. Definitely a little more mentally challenging than the average training day. Excited for rest tomorrow and to do some heavy lifting come Monday.

Friday, January 6, 2012


No lifting today. I had some maxes programmed, but cut them out considering I'm just getting over the flu. I'm thoroughly sore from the workout yesterday, but overall felt good on the WOD today. I did a lot of foam rolling and stretching in my warm-up.

For time:

30 Calorie Row
20 Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean (2 x 30#)
30 KB Swings (53#)
40 Overhead Walking Lunge Steps (45#)
50 Sit-ups
40 Overhead Walking Lunge Steps (45#)
30 KB Swings (53#)
20 Dumbbell Hang Squat Clean (2 x 30#)
30 Burpees

15.04. Solid metcon, went hard. Excited for another metcon tomorrow.

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Today was kind of a rough day. I didn't feel very recovered. I've reduced my overall caloric intake a bit and cut out dairy, this might be affecting my recovery a bit. I did a short strength/skill AMRAP and then a decent WOD. I felt a lot better on the second WOD than the first one. My HSPUs felt awful today.

10 Minute AMRAP:

6 Squat Cleans (185#)
4 HSPU (start as wide as possible and narrow hand position each rep)

Score: 3 Rounds and 2 HSPU. The changing of the hand position added a little bit more of a challenge to this WOD. I felt weak against the wall from the first rep. The squat cleans felt light though. Not very happy about my score on this AMRAP.

Rest 15 minutes then...

For time:

5 Rounds:
9 Push-Press (155#)
18 Toes-to-bar
27 Double-unders

Finish with...

400m Farmer's Carry (2 x 53# KB)

Time: 20.21. My first round was in about 80 seconds; the other rounds were a lot slower. After the third round I hit a huge wall on toes-to-bar. The double-unders felt like rest and I got all of them unbroken. 155# was manageable. The farmer's carry was brutal as hell. I need to do more farmer's carries. Overall a solid metcon.


Quads, hamstrings and posterior chain sore. Complete rest.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I felt pretty good today. Did press/jerks that felt awesome and I felt a little weaker on the squats and the heavy dead-lifts in the WOD. I went lighter on the squats than usual. I didn't feel great on them. Yesterday took a lot out of my legs, especially the snatches and not having back squatted since having the flu I wanted to ease back into training. Overall a solid day though. Glad to be back doing some high intensity stuff.

Power Clean + Push-press + Push-jerk (1+1+1) @ 80% of Power clean (205#) x 5 sets

Back Squat - Heavy Single @ 90% (340#), 80% (320#) x 2 for 3 sets

Rest 10 minutes then...

For time:

30 Box Jumps 30" (Games standard)
6 Dead-lifts @ 315#
5 Muscle-ups
25 Box Jumps 30" (Games standard)
6 Dead-lifts @ 315#
5 Muscle-ups
20 Box Jumps 30" (Games standard)
6 Dead-lifts @ 315#
5 Muscle-ups
15 Box Jumps 30" (Games standard)
6 Dead-lifts @ 315#
5 Muscle-ups
10 Box Jumps 30" (Games standard)
6 Dead-lifts @ 315#
5 Muscle-ups

16.48. This was a brutal workout. Games standard 30 inch box jump gas me harder than anything. After the back squats these were hard. I actually had to break up some of the sets of 315 I was so gassed. The muscle-ups felt great though. This was a great workout. I want to incorporate more 30" games standard jumps into my skill work. Excited for much needed rest tomorrow and some more heavy lifting toward the end of the week.

Monday, January 2, 2012


Today was decent. I feel almost back to my 'normal' self. Overall a solid session.

Overhead Squat - 5,5,4,3,5 - 155,175,195,215,175

-This was supposed to be 5 x 5 increasing the weight each set. But I missed 195 and 215 for 5. 195 just because I got lazy and got up on my toes at the end of the 4th rep and lost the weight forward. 215 for 3 was a bit of a struggle, felt a little heavy. I went back down to 175 for 5 quality reps, pausing for a second in the hole as deep as possible (ass to calves).

Rest 10 minutes then...

For time:

800m Run
100 Push-ups
10 x 135# Squat Snatch

I finished the run in 2:55. I didn't go all out on it, but went decently hard. The push-ups were rough. Got through them by 7 minutes. The squat snatches were much harder than I thought they would be. Between the overhead squats and the push-ups I had to do them all as singles. I also had some novice crossfitters warming up and getting within a foot of me when I was trying to do these reps. I had to take breaks between reps more than I would have, I didn't want to miss a rep and dump a 135 lb barbell on some old lady. Overall a great WOD. Total time of 10:30. I could do this WOD in around 8 minutes 100% fresh and without people in my way. Excited for tomorrow.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


A new year. I'm not one for resolutions. But I do have a list of about 30 on-going goals. Anyway, today was a rest day. I didn't even drink last night, but took the day off anyway. I'm going to try to get things back to 100% normal tomorrow (6 workouts this week, 4 lifting + metcon, 2 interval sessions (1 rowing, 1 running). I'm feeling better, ate the most food I have since getting sick today. I'm still feeling a little off. I'm hoping after another day's rest and a good night's sleep I'll be ready to rock this upcoming week. This week has turned into an impromptu de-load / rest week. Although it's been a bad one considering I've been eating and sleeping very little. I will skip the de-load week I was going to take in 2 weeks instead and I'm repeating last week's lifting sessions that I missed. Excited for tomorrow and to get back into my normal positive mental state instead of this sickness rut I've been in since Tuesday.


Finally back in the gym. Still don't feel 100%. I definitely don't have my regular appetite back and just generally feel fatigued. But I might go insane if I don't step inside a gym soon. I didn't lift today, I just wanted to get in a metcon. It was a decent conditioning session, looked like this:

AMRAP in 20 Minutes:
20 Squats
20 Push-Press @ 75#
20 Burpees
20 Butterfly Sit-ups

Score: 5 rounds and 10 burpees (450 Reps). I didn't get nearly as many rounds as I thought I would. Everything went really fast aside from the burpees. Like I said before, I felt pretty awful and had some respiratory issues today. I'm glad I went as hard as I could. I really want to get back to normal and lift some heavy weights.