AM Workout (1030)
20" Box Squat - 135 x 6, 225 x 6, 275 x 6, 315 3x3 - Felt good to put 315 on my back!
Hang Power Clean - 3,3,3,3 - 176, 196, 216, 225 - failed hard at 236. This is technically a PR, never gone for a PR on hang power clean.
Rest 15 minutes then...
7 Rounds for time:
7 Dead-lifts (225#)
7 L-Pull-ups
Time: 13:40. I almost never do L-pull-ups, so this was more of a skill session than a WOD.
After the workout I went for a 800m cool-down jog. It didn't exacerbate my knee at all. I'm really happy it's starting to get better. I also stretched and rolled out. I've been using my hamstrings a ton the last few days and I felt like they needed a little extra attention. Overall a solid day in the gym.
PM Workout (2030)
I went to an actual gymnastics gym today. I wish I would have done this years ago. I worked a lot on handstands, handstand push-ups, the hollow position, muscle-ups without a false grip and most importantly, handstand walking. With the help from a gymnast I was able to actually handstand walk today. I was happy about this. I also did kart-wheels and other super basic tumbling within the warm-up; all fun stuff I've never really done before. This was definitely a hugely humbling experience. I take my fitness very seriously and I've definitely got some decent strength and metabolic conditioning going on, but there is always something new to learn and experience and work on. Overall a great evening session, I can't wait to do another session in this gym. My triceps were a little toasted from yesterday so I didn't do a for-time WOD or anything like that. I'm definitely looking to do some more workouts here and more than just skill work. Awesome stuff, I love new experiences.
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