AM Workout (1000)
This morning was a great session. Solid strength session and the best metcon I've done in a while.
Push-Press + Push-Jerk (2+1) x 5 - 176, 196, 205, 210, 216 (f) - Failed on the Push-Press at 216, got the jerk easily. 216 is 9 lbs below my 1 RM and after the previous sets I just didn't have the push left in my arms. Solid hard work, felt good.
Rest 20 minutes then...
4 Rounds for time:
15 Power Snatch (95#)
50 Double-unders
20 Burpees onto plate
15.05. Great metcon. Tried to go as hard as possible. The double-unders were the worst part. The first few sets were unbroken, but the last was far from it. I was missing a lot of reps, had to break up the last set a bunch (10,10,12,18). Overall a great effort though. The power snatches felt great, no knee pain at all today. I love burpees onto a plate.
PM Workout (1730)
I felt awesome this evening. Today is overall the best I've felt in a while. I got back in the gym and did a short metcon, some skill work, lots of mobility and then another short metcon. On an extremely positive note, no knee pain at all even during squats. This is the first time I've done squats in a metcon since the injury (19 days ago). I'm making a great comeback. Anyway, the second work out today looked like this:
5 Rounds for time:
12 Wall-balls
12 Toes-to-bar
4.40. I wanted under 5 minutes. The only thing I really slowed down on was the fact that I was using chalk. I shouldn't have taken the time to chalk up, it's a bad habit. Solid effort.
Rest 10 minutes then....
5 Rounds @ 90 seconds rest:
Hand Stand Walk - 25 feet (had to break these up, I can't walk on my hands well, definite skill practice)
10 Chest-to-bar Pull-ups
Active rest 20 minutes, lots of mobility and dynamic stretching...
4 Minutes at each station: 30/30 seconds of work
100% Row / 50% row
Russian Twist / Push-up Position Plank
100% Row / 50% row
Hand-stand Lockout / Bottom Squat Hold
Overall solid effort. I don't remember my reps for the twists or the calories on the row, but I went really hard on those efforts. Great session. Ended doing some more mobility afterward. Such a great training day.
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