Today was decent. I feel almost back to my 'normal' self. Overall a solid session.
Overhead Squat - 5,5,4,3,5 - 155,175,195,215,175
-This was supposed to be 5 x 5 increasing the weight each set. But I missed 195 and 215 for 5. 195 just because I got lazy and got up on my toes at the end of the 4th rep and lost the weight forward. 215 for 3 was a bit of a struggle, felt a little heavy. I went back down to 175 for 5 quality reps, pausing for a second in the hole as deep as possible (ass to calves).
Rest 10 minutes then...
For time:
800m Run
100 Push-ups
10 x 135# Squat Snatch
I finished the run in 2:55. I didn't go all out on it, but went decently hard. The push-ups were rough. Got through them by 7 minutes. The squat snatches were much harder than I thought they would be. Between the overhead squats and the push-ups I had to do them all as singles. I also had some novice crossfitters warming up and getting within a foot of me when I was trying to do these reps. I had to take breaks between reps more than I would have, I didn't want to miss a rep and dump a 135 lb barbell on some old lady. Overall a great WOD. Total time of 10:30. I could do this WOD in around 8 minutes 100% fresh and without people in my way. Excited for tomorrow.
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