Monday, January 9, 2012


AM Workout (0730)

Today was a little upsetting. On Saturday I tweaked my left knee on the 9th set of air squats. Considering all the heavy lifting I do, I find it kind of funny that I potentially damaged my knee on an air squat. The injury was just a jolt of pain for a split second. I was able to to finish the 9th and 10th round and finish the workout. It hurt a little bit later that day, but didn't seem serious. It didn't hurt at all yesterday (Sunday, a rest day). It didn't hurt much today. I warmed up and did some air squats and squats with a blank barbell. It was slightly painful on some of the reps. It doesn't always hurt, I probably could have done squatting today as I had planned, but I don't want to mess with it. I'm going to ice a lot and back off from squats for a little bit. I worked around it and still got a very solid workout in today. I just hate being injured and really want to get over this quickly. I did a longer warm-up today to incorporate some skill work. I felt weak on bench press today. I think my triceps are still trashed from Saturday. Overall felt good, it just messes with your mind when you have an injury, especially one with the knee, such a crucial part of the body for movement. But once the clock started for the WOD I forgot about my knee and went hard as hell.

3 Rounds, not for time at about 70% (extended warm-up):

10 Dead-hang Pull-ups
10 HSPU (1st round to floor, 2nd to 1 ab mat, 3rd to 2 ab mats)

Rest 5 minutes then...

5 Rounds @ 90 seconds rest:

6 Bench Press (155#)
10 Pull-ups

Rest 10 minutes then...

5 Rounds for time:

6 Power Cleans (205#)
15 Toes-to-bar
6 Power Cleans (205#)
15 Lateral Bar Jumping Burpees

26.40. This workout was brutal as hell. 60 power cleans at 205 really took it out of me. The toes-to-bar got really rough as well. I had a very solid pace until the last round. I thought I'd be under 20 minutes for this workout. But I gassed out like crazy on the last round. My power cleans and toes-to-bar were horribly slow. Overall a great day. I'm icing my knee as a write this, hoping this thing heals up within a week.

PM Workout (1630)

I felt decent in the afternoon, so I decided to hit up the gym again. I'm back to my 'normal' self after easing back into training last week after getting the flu. Everything went great this afternoon aside from some nasty tears on my right hand. My knee gave off a little pain when warming up, but didn't hurt at all during the WOD (I modified the WOD to not incorporate any squatting movements).

On a FGB Clock (60 seconds work at each exercise), for 3 rounds (18 minutes work total):

HR Push-ups
Pull-ups (was working on my newly acquired butterfly pull-up, this is how I tore so bad)
GHD Sit-ups
DB Push-Press (2 x 30#)

I don't remember all my reps, they obviously tapered off as the workout went on. Instead of resting for a 60 second break I just went for another plank through the rest. This worked out well. Overall a great conditioning workout. Tearing sucks, but at least I got 30 consecutive butterfly pull-ups coming off a 100% effort on HR push-ups, I'm finally getting confident with the butterfly. It took me a long time to learn it (been crossfitting since March 2008?). Overall a solid day of training; I've got ice on knee and I'm hoping it only gets better as I nurse it through this week of training.

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