Monday, February 13, 2012


AM Workout (0900)

Today was a little different than what I've been doing the last few weeks. I wanted to switch it up.

20" Box Squat - 10,8,5,8,10 - 135, 225, 308, 225, 135 - Knee rehab and I wanted to activate my quads with some heavier weight. Felt fine.

3 Rounds for Time:

10 HSPU (strict)
10 Power Cleans (225#)

Came in at 18.50. I got the first 10 HSPU unbroken. Then the second set was 5/3/1/1 and the last was 3 and then lots of singles. My HSPU gassed out hard. I didn't feel as strong on these as I did last week. The power cleans were all singles, only missed one rep (28th rep). 225 got heavy, but it's supposed to in this workout.

Rest 10 minutes then...

For time:

800m Run
HR Push-ups
400m Run
HR Push-ups
200m RUN
HR Push-ups

16.58. I got all the reps unbroken and felt fast on the runs. Overall a solid session. After this weekend and some cheat food and relaxing I'm exciting to get back into training.

PM Workout (1500)

I felt really good this afternoon. This morning didn't tax me a ton.

For time:
2000m Row
50 Wall-Balls
1000m Row
35 Wall-balls
500m Row
20 Wall-Balls

18.19. I was one second slower than James Hobart on the main-site. I was happy with this. I had a huge transition distance (had to go outside to do wall-balls). If I didn't have that transition time I would have been sub 18. This was a good workout. I PRed on the 2k (7.06) row. I wasn't going 100%, I was definitely pacing this workout. I'm still looking to do a sub 7 soon. The 1k was at 3:30, the 500 at 1:40. I had to break up the wall balls, 25/15/10 and 20/15. I got the last set unbroken. This was a great second workout. I'm excited to train tomorrow!

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